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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008863

No of Pages: 60

No of Chapters: 5

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This research work was carried out to investigate the prevalence of malnutrition on pregnant women in basic health centre Odode Idanre Ondo State, Akure. This research work expatiated on the effect of malnutrition on pregnant women in connection with improper nutrition. The data for this supply was obtained through simple random techniques with the distribution of questionnaires, oral interview and reviewing of existing health records at basic health centre in Ododo Idanre. one hundred and ten (110) questionnaires were administered and analysis was based on the one hundred (100) questionnaires recovered. After the analysis of this work, it was discovered that some of the pregnant women had a very sound knowledge of malnutrition and food but the fact is that some also are still ignorance, are not fully inform on the important of nutrition. After carried out the research, the pregnant women are now informed about the important of taking adequate balanced diet to prevent malnutrition so that subsequently whenever they are pregnant, they will know why they should be eating adequate diet always to protect them to stay healthy. At the end of the project recommendation the were made to government the farmers, mother/pregnant women and the health workers on how to also prevent malnutrition in the community among pregnant women by informing them on proper way to live healthy or by eating adequate balance diets always in order to make them stay healthy for both mother and the unborn baby.



Title                                                                                  Page

Declaration                                                                                                              ii

Certification                                                                                                             iii 

Dedication                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledge                                                                                                      v-vii

Abstract                                                                                                                  viii                                                 

Table of contents                                                                                                  ix-xii

List of tables                                                                                                           x           


Introduction                                                                                                                   1-2

Background of the study                                                                                      2-3

Statement of the problem                                                                                     3

Objectives of the study                                                                                         3-4

Significance of the study                                                                                     4

Assumption                                                                                                           4

Definition of terms                                                                                               5


Literature                                                                                                            6-7

Knowledge and beliefs of optimal diet during pregnancy and lactation                 7       

Illustrative cultural belief of food preference and cravings during pregnancy 7-8

Importance of nutrition in pregnancy and lactation                                           9

Pregnancy, Lactation and Nutrition                                                                   9

Keypoints regarding nutrition for pregnant and lactating women                               10     

Issue that require special attention during pregnancy and lactation period.     10

Ways to meet the nutritional during pregnancy and lactation                          10-11

Additional care required during pregnancy and lactation                                  11-12

Importance of eating iron- rich foods                                                                12

Importance of eating folate rich foods                                                       12

Nutrition status in Nigeria                                                                          12-13

Nutrition counseling during pregnancy                                                      13

Factors associated with malnutrition                                                         13

Social factors that can increase the risk of malnutrition                                    14

Physical factors can also increase the risk of malnutrition                                14     

The malnutrition carousel                                                                                  15

What are the consequences of malnutrition                                                   15

Symptoms of malnutrition                                                                             16

Causes of malnutrition                                                                                   16

Risk factor for mother                                                                                                  17

Risk factors for the baby                                                                                              17

Types of malnutrition                                                                                                   18

Different types of undernutrition                                                                                 19

Micronutrient malnutrition                                                                                           19

Growth Failure                                                                                                             19

Prevention of malnutrition                                                                             20-21



Research methodology                                                                                      22

Study design                                                                                                       22

Study population                                                                                                22

Study area                                                                                                           22

Sampling technique                                                                                            23

Sampling size                                                                                                     23

Method of data collection                                                                                  24

Ethical consideration                                                                                           24


4.0     Data presentation and analysis                                                              25-37


Discussion, conclusion and recommendation

Summary                                                                                                            38

Discussion of findings                                                                                       38-41

Conclusion                                                                                                         41

Recommendation                                                                                               41-42

REFERENCE                                                                                                   43-44

APPENDIX                                                                                                       45





Table 1: Age distribution of the respondents                                                     25

Table 2: Religion of the respondents                                                                 26

Table 3: Marital status of the respondents                                                         26

Table 4: Tribe of the respondents                                                                      27

Table 5: Occupational status of the respondents                                              27

Table 6: Educational status of the respondents                                                  28

Table 7: Income of the respondents                                                                   28

Table 8: Respondents’ knowledge about malnutrition                                      29

Table 9: Number of pregnancy respondents’ have ever had                            29

Table 10: places where respondents’ attends antenatal care                             30

Table 11: How often do you attends antenatal clinic.                                        30

Table 12: Respondents who have heard about malnutrition during the health talks at antenatal clinic.                                                                                                   31

Table 13: Malnutrition causes complication during pregnancy                                31

Table 14: Causes of malnutrition in pregnancy.                                                32

Table 15: People that are at risk of malnutrition.                                               32

Table 16: signs and symptoms of malnutrition in pregnancy.                          33

Table 17: Malnutrition in pregnancy can be diagnosed                                     33

Table 18: Malnutrition can be treated                                                                34

Table 19: Whether malnutrition in pregnancy can be prevented                               34

Table 20: Means by which malnutrition in pregnancy can be prevented     35

Table 21: Response of the non-literate orally interview                                    35-37

Table 22: Existing records of malnutrition in pregnancy cases from January 2019 to December 2021 collected from basic health centre Odode Idanre.                  37








Malnutrition is inadequate intake of nourishing food or consumption of a particular type of food items that has little or no nutritional value (Jancita, 2011). Malnutrition has been a number one problem of Nigeria child bearing mothers. This is due to some people who are of low-income class who find it difficult to meet their needs. What matters to them is something to their stomach and not about the value of the food. The people that suffer most are the pregnant mothers and children. Pregnant mothers need adequate nourishing food for the foetus to develop well if not ,the result will lead to low birth weight. Malnutrition refer to cellular imbalance between the supply of nutrients and energy and the body's demand for them to ensure growth, maintenance and specific functions (WHO,2019). Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excess, or imbalances in a person's intake of energy and/nutrients.(WHO, 2020).

Marshall and buffington stated that sometimes, a pregnant woman does not know that she needs to eat a greater supplies of micronutrients which are essential both for the mother and the growing baby. Modern research has proven that from the very start, having the right balance of key micronutrient is the best way to ensure the long term health of mother and their infants. Malnutrition according to (Adekola, 2011) is a condition where nutrition is defective in quantity or quality. This condition is a world wide problem especially in the developing countries where starchy tubers and cereals from the staple food. (Udoh, 2020) stated that malnutrition is the shortage of a nutrient which leads to malnutrition of one form or another. On the other hands the excessive consumption of some nutrients may also be harmful to the body and could lead to metabolic disorders or as in case if excessive consumption of fat as carbohydrate lead to obesity.

Women who are undernourished at the time of conception are unlikely to improve their nutritional status during pregnancy when they have additional demands due to the growing foetus (Karger, 2013), malnutrition increase the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes including obstructed labour, premature or low birth weight babies and postpartum, hemorrhage severe anaemia during pregnancy is linked to increased mortality at labour (Karan, 2019). Malnutrition in pregnancy generally had negative effect on health outcomes. Interventions such as omega -3, vitamin D and weight loss surgery are effective in addressing some of maternal outcomes. Malnutrition is one of the major problem in which the physical function of an individual is impaired bro the point that it can no longer maintain adequate body process such as growth, physical work and resistance to or recovery from disease, malnutrition is associated with a low economic situation and poor personal and environmental hygiene. Recent studies found that the centre of the problem bus the backwards socio economic development of the country (Marshal et Serbesal, 2019).


Globally, malnutrition in pregnant women is wide spread across regions and is estimated that approximately 34 millions pregnant woman are anaemic worldwide,20 millions suffer from vitamin A deficiency, and millions suffer from insufficient iron, folate, zinc or iodine stores. Vitamin and minerals deficiency have been associated with pregnancy complications  and poor birth and infant outcomes. It is calculated that approximately 20 millions babies are born weighing less than 2500g at birth (low birth weight) about 15 millions are premature and many more are born small for their gestational age, increasing their risk of morbidity and mortality during childhood (WHO, 2018).

In Nigeria for example, maternal mortality rate has been reported to be 630 deaths per 100,000 live births, thus ranking Nigeria 11th century in the world with highest MMR among 184 countries (Oluwole, 2018).

In Ethiopia about 400,000 children faced severe malnutrition in 2016, and another 1 millions children and 700,000 pregnant women had to face moderate malnutrition.


The recent increase in number of pregnant women suffering from malnutrition is giving a concern to those in adult education, women leaders health care services and others.the case of malnutrition is so high that about 55-70o/o of pregnant mothers are suffering from malnutrition to some people, it is difficult to afford three square meals a day, take constant of food that they eat everyday. They may be eating carbohydrate food in the morning and night everyday without knowing the consequences especially among pregnant mothers

Malnutrition has caused a lot of problem during pregnancy especially during the first period of pregnancy. This prompts mine picking up this topic as the research topic to Carry out a study on prevalence of malnutrition on pregnant women in Odode Idanre basic health centre.


1.    To find out some of the factors associated with causing of malnutrition among pregnant women in Odode Idanre community

2.    To create awareness through health education on how to combine the locally available food items together for proper nourishment and to lesson the degrees of malnutrition

3.    To examine implementation experience of micronutrient supplementation interventions in pregnant women, their lessons learnt and best practices.


The study will help to create awareness on the general prevalence of malnutrition and to make use of the local foods around them which are affordable and sensitize women of child bearing age on the great concern for their health. Also, to make the women aware of the different functions of each foods items and as to know how to combine them.

Furthermore, to make pregnant women know how to reduce cost on food consumed that has no nutritional value to their health during will make them to be self-reliant.


1.    Most people see pregnancy as a disease and also a time of relaxation, so they tend to neglect their health and feeding pattern

2.    It is believed that poverty status determines the nutritional status of the women

3.    Taboos, cultural, belief e.g not eating of snail during pregnancy because the child will salivate when born. Again, not taking beverages for it is believed that the baby will be too big during and after delivery or that the child will steal later in life.



Feotus: a fetus is the unborn offspring of a human or an animal that develops from an embryo 

Food: is any substance either solid or liquid which enables it to be digested when consumed to perform one or more functions (Bankole,2019).

Malnutrition: refers to deficiencies, excess or imbalance in a person's intake of energy and / or low nutrients (WHO,2018)

Nutrition: is the process of nourishing ot being nourished, especially the process by which living organism assimilate food and uses it for growth and for replacement of tissues.(American heritage dictionary,2020).

Pregnancy: also know as gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman's womb/ uterus typically occurs around 40 weeks from the start of the last menstrual period (LMP) 

Prevalence: Is the proportion of a population with a disease or a particular condition at a specific point in time (Point prevalent) or over a specific period of a time (period prevalence).

Woman: woman is an adult female person



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