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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00001856

No of Pages: 78

No of Chapters: 5

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          This global modern technologies in the nineties had been such a glaring and widely exciting experience.  This leaves no body even a Thomas in doubt of what situation and trend will look like even as we are now in the 21st century.

          Expectedly, there will be an era of complete and total information revolutionary Age.  This period which is entire world finds themselves how is a peculiar and highly sophisticated communication age that is characterized  by a “Net-compact technology”.

          In this topic of study , the role of modern technologies in achieving communication efficiency, its very unfortunate and most painful that as the rest of the world are now in the modern information technology, Nigeria and in fact the whole of African continent is still so abysmally bondaged and far from this information paradise  and communication age.  This study aims at assessing critically the function of modern technologies in the course  of acheving efficiency in communication in Nigeria.


One  can therefore review that the contention was that instead of moving ahead with others, we had decided to go backwards and abysmally into the remote ancestral enclave of our fore fathers.


The statistical instrument used in deriving the sample size is the questionnaire which was distributed randomly to some students in tertiary institutions, civil servants and also some communication executives.

          Nigeria needs to be in line with modern technologies in the race towards achieving efficiency in communication.  And therefore, it recommended that Nigeria government should start to support some information and communication programmes and projects which will be capable of turning round the communication culture turning round the communication culture to the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians.   


TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………        I

DEDICATION………………………………………………….         ii


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………        iv

TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………...        v

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………….        Vi




1.1  BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY………………………        1


1.3  OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY…………………………         7

1.4  SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY………………………         9

1.5  RESEARCH QUESTIONS……………………………… 10

1.6  RESEARCH HYPOTHESES…………………………….         11

1.7  DEFINITION OF TERMS………………………………. 12

1.8  ASSUMPTIONS…………………………………………. 14


          REFERENCES………………………………………     16




2.1  SOURCES OF LITERATURE……………………….     17


THE FINANCIAL MARKET…………………………..   21


THE MODERN TECHNOLOGY………………………….       27



3.1  RESEARCH METHOD…………………………………  31

3.2  RESEARCH DESIGN…………………………………..  32


3.4  SAMPLING TECHNIQUES…………………………….. 34

3.5  MEASURING INSTRUMENT……………………………        35

3.6  METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION……………………         35

3.7  METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS……………………… 36

3.8  EXPECTED RESULTS…………………………………. 36

                   REFERENCES………………………………….  38




4.2  DISCUSSION ON RESULTS………………………..      53



5.1  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS…………………………      56

5.2  CONCLUSION………………………………………       59

5.3  RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………                 61

BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………...       74

APPENDIX  I ……………………………………………                  66

APPENDIX  II …………………………………………..                  68







          The key to success in the global technology  is to celebrate technology the global technology  is to celebrate technology rather than hide it away and to really start developing it where nothing has been done “Masayuki Kukokowa (Japanese).

          This new or modern information technology I networked or webbed information.  This metamorphic transformation points increasingly to practical terms, a global information technology.

          It is best described as a new millennium.  It is compact, sophisticated, revolutionary, goal-oriented and to sum up, a complex but cherishable culture of the new society.  BILL GATE as a giant in the present information technology ushered in the webbed  information global phenomena.  The west as well as the North have  shown tremendously a growing wave and crave for information revolution.

          Nigeria has  remained in an abysmal trance and has steadily watched the rest   of the world being ahead of her in the present dispensation.  Improvement takes two things, creativity and experience.  What this study emphasize is the place of modern technologies in achieving communication efficiency and argument for our critigue is not whether Nigeria has shown any interest in modern technologies  but the  extent  to which  these modern technologies have helped in achieving communication efficiency in the new millennium.  When a retrospect  is made, I easily recall that communication  got its name from the Latin name “Communis” meaning show commonness.  This further implies an exchange of ideas, values, thinking and orientations among people from different geographical, political, economic, social, cultural, religious and then lingual expressions.


          The history  of communications and information technology dates back to Shakespearean “ACTADIURA” and plausible information invention.  Successively and very  glaring, society is dynamic and so is the communication word.  The parries primitive Egyptian technologist become the “IN THING” crude  as it was, it served the same purpose any other model can serve today.


          Gutenberg came and endowed the world with  letter and printing presses.  It was an era of a  blood based catalytic information outreached and development.  As society continued to grow, move and move horizons were exposed and humanity (technologists) availed themselves of the opportunity and then as far   back as 1859, a Reverend gentleman by name Henry Townsend after looking for a better way to reach the illiterate interior Nigeria societies established the first Newspaper, “IWE-IROHIN’.  A paper for the Egbe and Yorubas.  The transformation continued through the electronic media channels; Television, Radio and others.  Thus, the present millennium where the internet operations, digital phones, keeping compact systems, cellular mobile systems, computerized data-base information inventions, e-mails, Fax-technologies which  take the domain of the global information is to only exciting but interesting.  T.W. Kang-a Tokoyo based business consultant noted that “The real purpose of the new information technology is to increase efficiency and competitiveness.


          Not only that the entire national technological culture  is in a sorry state, communication is suffering an even deadlier scourge.  There is no opportunity for creativity, skill and experience, research and other things capable of engendering positivism in the information environment are lacking.


          Strange is the problem in Nigerian that this study faces one singular problem of finding out the rate of communication efficiency in the face of the  modern information technology.  The information technology being referred to have will not only serve to  educate, socialize, entertain and crystallize ideas but the  type that will bring us nearer to the rest of the world in the minute lapse of time within unimaginable distance.



          “The world is dynamic and so is every thing inside it” Professor

Rosecoe Pound.

          With the above excerpt, it is primarily clear that the global information culture is changing and never static.  This change has created a venue for improvement and sophistication of man’s efforts towards technology prowess.  Good enough, it is true though a bitter fact that this technological success has equally been unfriendly in some considerations.  The race forward id such that no one individual, group or society can readily afford to  miss it.  The understanding of this promise and its appreciation brings the problems of this study into focus.


          This study has the first and most obvious problems of X-raying the role  of modern technology in achieving communication efficiency.  Nigeria is at the vantage point and hence the task of evaluating and critically assessing the country, that is, its readiness, prepardness or other problems which will be a challenge for this study.  The journey into the 21st century is gradual but steady.  It cannot be changed and with it is the climax  of revolution in all aspects of life of the society ie its culture, language politics, philosophy, economy, science, religion, technology vis-à-vis the social dynamics.


          I have a strong problem in this study.  The problem is investigating  the global communication technology in the new millennium marrying it with a critical review, a Nigerian experience.  Communication and infact our information culture,

mediocrity has replaced education and excellence cum professionalism in our media, instead of moving to the “net” and “web” system, Nigeria is heading back to the primitive days of oral communication.  The status quo is further made sick by the draconia laws put together by heinous politicians in  an attempt to muzzle communication efficiency.  In this earnest search for a way out, I ask and present it as and among the problems of this study  the question of who  becomes the BILL GATE and JAMES BACKDALE in Nigeria.




          The decision to carry out a study, be it academic qualification

study, case study. and other  various forms of study calls to the mind a

purpose for which such study is originally intended.


          Empirically therefore this study has its primary purpose to

critically assess the Role of modern technologies in achieving

communication efficiency as it concerns Nigeria.  Happily, what we

have today with respect to communication has been a remarkable

improvement and total manifestation mankind’s strong spirit  in the

race into the twenty first (21st) century.


          This study therefore concentrated on these notable and

ndispensable successes of the past and present and use it as a yardstick

to determine the status quo in the nearest further.  Thus information

will be laid  on the  internet, E-mail, digital phones, computer data

base, information super high way, to mention but a few.  Interestingly,

the need and role all these play in our overall business, political life,

freedom of expressions and disseminating of information and also the

place  of the modern information technology on the question of test of

validation of potency and strength of God in the face of internet “ever

dynamic web” that had webbed the world.


          The  research will additionally buttress the discussion on how only Nigerian has remained clumoving in this all important global race.  The “Net” has become more and more opportunity to shoot out  information from most restrictive areas and zones.


          Should this be the reason why the development of internet communication is not given a chance of motivation by the government? The purpose  of this study once move is to analyse all these discoveries strickly coordination without prejudice, make decision, conclusions and recommendations for the future.





The significance of this study is without doubt enormous.  It is

better described as a revolutionary study into an entirely new age of information technology  and dissemination which has also been known as “communication revolution” infact a millennium .


          To the students and future researchers in the same area, this study will serve as a harvest of knowledge and a discovery of some hidden and silent ideas about the modern communication and culture.  It is axiomatic to posit here that to the researcher personally, this study assures him of not only knowledge but the inspirations, aspirations, zeal and will to explore more horizons in this virgin but glaring area of communication research.


          Furthermore, the study will be beneficial to the society, organizations and her agencies will not only see the need to imbibe the modern communication culture into their environment but equally give support, incentive and motivation towards the sustainability of this eventful ideas and communication agenda.


          Moreover, to  beginners in the communication industry, the successes of BILL GATE and JAME BACKDALE at Microsoft America will serve as an impetus to their concerted efforts towards recognition.  This study will help them in this direction by not only laying down the golden rule that ‘success can only come where determination breeds” but their determination complemented by eludiluted dedications is a hallmark of a reasonable and rational success.  The discussion on the significance of this study will not be completed if mention is not made on the  role it will play in  finding the solution to Nigeria’s sick movement of his tory.



Some questions which this study will try to provide answers to



i.                   Have you heard of the modern information technology.

ii.                 Have you ever used digital system in your office

iii.              Which do you prefer most in your business, the present digital information technology, or the crude postal communication.

iv.              Do you think that  Nigeria is prepares for the modern information technology.




H1 present digital information technology is  preferable to the crude postal communication in most business organizations.

Ho present  digital information technology is not preferable to the crude postal communication in most business organization.

H2 The rate of Nigeria’s preparedness for the new information technology is at a slow pace.

H0  The rate  of Nigerian’s preparedness for the  new information

technology is not at a slow pace.

H3 The use of digital system as a modern technology is in vogue in

most offices in Nigeria



          In the process of conducting and final presentation of this study, there are so many words so technical that they need to be  defined for more understanding on the part of the audience of this study.  Such words are:


TECHNOLOGY: This is an act of transmitting information and

technical method of achieving a practical purpose.


INTERNET:         Are computers equipped with and connected to

telephone and television networks.


GLOBAL VILLAGE:     It means bringing the entire world to our

door via digital and other electronic

hypersensitive means.


PROBLEMS:       A question raised for enquiring consideration or



COMMUNICATION:    The activity or process of expressing ideas

and feelings or of giving people information.     



PROSPECT:        Something that is extended to the view ie looked

forward to.



TECHNOLOGY: This is a process by which information is

exchanged between individual through a common

system of symbols and the totality of the means

employed to provide objects necessary for human



INTERNET:         Worldwide system for sending and receiving

electronic mail known as E-mail.


GLOBAL VILLAGE:     Embracing the whole of a group of items

especially in a place smaller than a town.


PROBLEMS:       Dealing with a question concerning human

conduct and social relationship.


PROSPECT:        This means something that is awaited or expected

to happen.




1.8            ASSUMPTION

The researcher assumes that modern information technologies

are very power and influential in achieving communication efficiency that every body will purchase and make use of them.


All the people within the Nigerian society should  be exposed to the full knowledge of modern information technologies.  It is assumed finally that the result got from this research work will help to create some awareness to the society and thereby bring in full societal development.



The researcher limited the study within Nigerian society.  The

study  is limited to know the extent of what modern information technologies have done in achieving communication efficiency in Nigeria.

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