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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004057

No of Pages: 92

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Title Page                                                                         i

Certification                                                             ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgment                                                     iv

Table of content                                                       v

CHAPTER ONE                                                      

1.1    Introduction

1.2    Statement of the problem

1.3    Purpose/Objective of the study

1.4    Significance of the study

1.5    Scope and limitation of the study

1.6    Organization of the study

1.7    Definition of terms References


2.0      Literature Review                                                                                                 

2.1   Introduction

2.2   Theoretical frame work

2.3   Current trends in thinking

2.4   Summary of the chapter references


3.0       Methodology/Research method

3.1   Introduction

3.2   Sample and population of the study

3.3   Sources of data/data collection instrument

3.4   Method of data analysis

3.5   Research problems.


4.0   Data presentation/analysis and interpretation        finding

4.1   Introduction

4.2   Brief history of the case study

4.3   Presentation of data

4.4   Analysis of data

4.5   Testing of hypothesis references


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1       Summary of finders

5.2       Recommendation

5.3       Conclusion





         An organization to achieve its goal and objective it has put together both human and material resource to achieve efficiency.

Hence motivation at times is only restricted monetary incentive being given to workers. However, workers are to be motivated not only by monetary incentives but also a conducive working environment. Most after working environment when conducive the workers will like to start in the office to enjoy the facilities and equipment provided by the employer.

           A well designed working place is a booste of moral to the employer who will be selling to invite outside to come and transact business with the organization.

Then organization must take the cognizance of these factors and improve on the design layout and facilities provided in office for the employee. It is worth nothing that performance could be linked to conducive or conducive working environment.

        So big men’s business organization move after then not move with the pace of technology in the office automation  and ergonomics, thereby, making network place attractive and conducive to the workers and clients at alike.

        Human behaviour is dynamic and easily adopt and change to what he see around him workers often complain about the type of office environment in which they work. This makes them to spend little time tin the office. Jumping from pillar to past, late coming, long conservation on the wretch office and enjoy a good atmosphere outside the work place, Though, organization are no beginning to understand the fact that workers must be comfortable in the office and even within the work environment and thus ergonomics is being given prominence today due to  certain laws that establish standards for organization  to follow in designing conducive work place.


Visits to certain organization have revealed that workers are made to work under certain unfavourable and un-conducive environment while high performances are expected from them.

This project is therefore to sensitize the important of having to organize a conducive environment for the workers to enhance productivity of workers and the image of the organization to the outside worlds.


1.          To establish the fact that a conducive office environment boost moral of workers and enhance performance.

2.          Pin point those element which can bring this to the fare.

3.          It make researcher to know about the feature and future also structure of  an organization

4.          It increase personal interest, economy consideration

5.          It contributes to the knowledge of the researcher.


The study is designed to highlight the importance of making an office conducive for the employee or workers in order to enhance their performance, the general view by most employers is that employee should be able to work under any given environment provided he or she is paid regularly and given other from of incentives.


This study will be born together to the office environment that contributed to effective and efficient performance by the workers. It allow the worker to know the future vises of the organization  structure  and generalization  which are the ninth chairman was Mallam Suleiman Alfa ECKO 7th may, to may 2007. The tenth chairman of Barutten local government was Alhaji Mohammed Salihu 27th November, 2007 to November 2010. The current chairman of Baruten local government is Alhaji Lafia Aliyu Koral Sabi (Dudu) November 2010 to date.

Legislature arm of local government which is the handled by speaker. He is third person in the local government organ gram.

Next, in the high ranking order is the director of personnel management (DPM) deforesters discipline control transfer of the staff were necessary. The director of personnel management is the link between the chairman and the staff of the local government.

Apart from the Director of personnel management (DPM) the local government treasurer is the send signatory to the local government cheques and accounts.

Under the local government treasurer, there are checking officers, planning officers, accounts internal auditor and the local government cashier. Each department is head by political officer called supervisory councilor under them there are head of department (HOD) in the political arena too, there is the political secretary of the local government as well as four supervisory for the smooth running of the local government.

There are area officers. They include;

1.  Hesha Baruba development area office.

2.  Gwanara development area office.

3.  Okuta development area office.

4.  Yashikira development area office.

There are four districts in the local government. These are where are development area officers is to ensure administrative offictary and convenience in the area development office each universally held governing to a given phenomenal.

The research was faced by a list of problem during the course of the study which posed serious hindrance by the effort of carrying out a through job on the study. Insufficient time was a major problem which was encountered by the researcher in the course of writing the project. The death of some essential text book for reference purpose and lack of sufficient money to conduct a thorough research are bottle necks.

However, this does not affect the credibility of the research in any way.


        This research work is divided into five main chapters and each chapter deals with vital points.

        Chapter one, of this project deals with the introduction statement of the study, purpose or objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study and definition of the terms which both personal interview and questionnaire are used as well as the organization of the study.

        Chapter two of this project research work deals with the full definition of an office, it explains the function to an office, it also explain the future of an office, the environment relation, it emphasize the factor contributing to conducive work environment.

        Chapter three deals with research methodology, this consists of source of data, method of data analysis and research problem.

        Chapter four deals with data presentation and analysis the last chapter being chapter five deals with summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation.


1.     Environment: This is a place where living and non-living live for their survival.              

It could be place where employers and employee meet for office interactions.  

2.     Employee: In an organization, a person that is paid for his or her work done. Other hand employee is a person who paid to work for.

3.     Employee: Is a person or company that pays people to work for them. Employer use to treat the people that work for them well.

4.     Performance Appraisal: This is the systematic evaluation of individuals with respect to other performance on the job and their potential for development.

5.     Productivity: These are the meant to provide incentive for workers and they could be monetary or in kind in the management human resources, that is labour, productivity schemes play a very laudable role.

6.     What is an office: An office is a place where function or activities relating to the office are habitually performed or carried out.

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  • Anonymous

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