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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008409

No of Pages: 74

No of Chapters: 5

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Table of contents


Title page       

Declaration -   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           i

Certification -  -           -           -           -           -                       -           -           -           ii

Dedication -    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iii

Acknowledgement -    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iv

Abstract -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           v

Table of content -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           vi

List of tables - -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           vii

List of Figure -            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           viii


1.1       Background to the study -       -           -           -           -           -           -           1

1.2       Statement of the research Problem     -           -           -           -           -           2

1.3       Research Question      -           -           -           -                       -           -           2

1.4       Objectives of the study -         -           -           -           -           -           -           3

1.5       Statement of Research Hypothesis     -           -           -           -           -           4

1.6       Significance of the Study -     -           -           -           -           -           -           4

1.6.1    Theoretical Significance -       -           -           -           -           -           -           4

1.6.2    Practical Significance -           -           -           -           -           -           -           4

1.7       Scope of the study -    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           5

1.7.1    Geographical Organizational scope - -           -           -           -           -           5

1.7.2    Time scope -   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           5

1.8       Definition of Terms    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           5

1.9       Background of the Case Study -         -           -           -           -           -           7

1.10     Plan/organization of the study            -           -           -           -           -           8

1.11     Summary         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           8


2.0       Introduction    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           9

2.1       Definition and impotence of balance of payment -    -           -           -           9

2.1.1 Theory of balance of payment               -           -           -           -           -           10

2.2 Concept and structure of balance of payment      -           -           -           -           11

2.3 Balance of payment accounts       -           -           -           -           -           -           12

2.4 Balance Of Trade and Balance of Payment -              -    -           -           -           14

2.5 Foreign trade        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           1

2.6 Terms of trade      -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           17

2.7 Balance of Payment Equilibrium  -           -           -           -           -           -           18

2.8 Balance of payment Disequilibrium -       -           -           -           -           -           18

2.9 Balance of payment problem -     -           -           -           -           -           -           22

2.10 Measures for correct deficit in balance of payment       -           -           -           23

2.11 Ways of achieving of favorable balance of payment -   -           -           -           25

2.11.1 Boosts of production   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           26

2.11.2 Import restriction         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           26

2.11.3 Balance control            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           26

2.11.4 Stimulating export -     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           26

2.11.5 Devaluation -   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           27

2.11.6 Quantitative measure-  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           27

2.11.7 Exportation promotion -          -           -           -           -           -           -           27

2.11.9 Tariffs  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           27

2.11.10 direct control -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           27

2.11.11 Improve balance of payment -           -           -           -           -           -           28

2.11.12 Subsides -       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           28

2.11.13 Self Sufficiency argument -   -           -           -           -           -           -           28

2.11.10 Protection of in fact Industries          -           -           -           -           -           28

2.12 Impact of Nigeria balance of payment on the economy -          -           -           28

2.13 Import and export -         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           39

2.14 The role of central bank of Nigeria on import and export          -           -           29

2.15 Summary -          -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           31

CHAPTER THREE: Research methodology

3.1       Introduction -  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           32

3.2       Research design -       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           32

3.3       Population of the study -        -           -           -           -           -           -           33

3.4       sample and sampling technique          -           -           -           -           -           33

3.4.1    Sample size     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           33

3.4.2    Sampling techniques   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           34

3.5       Method of data collection       -           -           -           -           -           -           34

3.5.1    Primary Data -            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           34

3.5.2    Instrument for data collection -          -           -           -           -           -           34

3.5.3    Administration of Instruments -         -           -           -           -           -           35

3.5.4    Description of Questionnaire  -           -           -           -           -           -           35

3.5.5    Secondary Data -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           35

3.6       Variable and measurement -   -           -           -           -           -           -           36

3.7       Method of data analysis -        -           -           -           -           -           -           36

3.7.1    No inferential Techniques -    -           -           -           -           -           -           36

3.7.2    Inferential technique - -           -           -           -           -           -           -           37

3.8       Summary -      -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           37

CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation

4.1 Introduction -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           38

4.2 Response from Questionnaire -    -           -           -           -           -           -           38

4.3 Demographic profile of the Respondents -           -           -           -           -           39

4.4 Descriptive statistics -       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           40

4.5 Test of Hypothesis            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           47

4.6 Discussion of Results       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           52

4.7 Summary - -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           53




5.1 Introduction -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           54

5.2 Summary of Findings -     -                       -           -           -           -           -           54

5.3 Conclusion -          -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           55

5.4 Recommendation -            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           55

5.5 Limitation -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           56

5.6 Suggestion for further study         -           -           -           -           -           -           56


List of Tables

Table 4.2.1 Questionnaires Administered and Returned -     -           -           -           38

Table 4.3.1: Sex -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           39

Table 4.3.2: Age range -         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           39

Table 4.3.3: Category of staff -          -           -           -           -           -           -           40

Table 4.3.4 Department -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           40

Table 4.4.1 There is favorable balance of payment in the Nigeria economy -           40

Table 4.4.2: Effective measures have been put in place to correct unfavorable balance of payment. -        -            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           41

Table 4.4.3:  The rate of inflation in Nigeria economy has affected the balance of payment position -       -            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           41

Table 4:4:4 Excessive importations of goods and services leads to unfavorable balance of payment position in the Nigeria economy - -           -           -           42

Table 4:4:5: the balance of payment position on the Nigeria economy is effective -42

Table 4.4.6: there is balance of payment dis-equilibrium on the Nigeria economy - 43

Table 4.4.7: Balance of payment has a Negative impact on the Nigeria Economy - 43

Table 4.4.8: The excessive exportation of goods and services ensures favorable balance of payment -       -            -           -           -           -           -           -           --          43

Table 4.4.9 favorable balance of payment position contributes to the development of the Nigerian economy -            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           44

Table 4.4.10 The Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) has made an effort towards the achievement of favorable balance of payment in the Nigeria economy  -           44

Table 4.4.11: Monetary policy is a tool used by Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) to correct unfavorable balance of Payment. -   -           -           -           -           -           45

Table 4.4.12 there is deficit balance of payment on the Nigeria economy as a result of a countries increase in National income.         -           -           -           -           -           45

Table 4.4.13: The balance of payment equilibrium arise when the credit and debit side totals of the balance of payment balance         -           -           -           -           -           46

Table 4.4.14 Devaluation is an effective means for solving balance of payment problem.   -           -           -            -           -           -           -           -           -           46

Table 4.4.15 an economy has s surplus in the balance of payment position due to adequate patronage of homemade goals. -                  -           -           --          -           47

Table 4.5.1 Observed frequency -      -           -           -           -           -           -           48

Table 4.5.2: Expected frequency table -         -           -           -           -           -           49

Table 4.5.3      Computation of Chi-square -  -           -           -           -           -           49

Table 4.5.4: Observed frequency table of Question 2, question 7 and question 11. -50

Table 4.5.5: expected frequency table -                      -           -           -           -           51










    1.1            Background to the study

No nation is self-sufficient with goods and services, so there is need for exchange of goods and services between countries. A balance of payment is a comprehensive statement of income and expenditure involved in foreign trade.

Balance of payment is the method by which countries, monitors all international monetary transactions at a specific period of time. All trades conducted by both the private and public sectors are accounted for in the balance of payment in order to determine how much money is going in and out of the country.

The balance of payment accounts of a country records the receipts and payments of the residents of the country in their transactions with the residents of other countries.

There are three (3) components of balance of payments which are current, capital and monetary movement (financial) account. Capital account is made up of short term. It shows the actual transfers of capital or money to other countries, in the form of investment, loans and grant. On the other hand, current account covers both the transaction relating exchange of goods and services and receipts and payment for visible and invisible trade. The financial account records how a deficit in current account and capital account is settled or how the surplus in these two accounts is exhausted for countries to achieve favorable balance of payment between imports and exports, when the value of export exceed that of import, the country is said to have a favorable balance of payment. But when import exceeds exports, the country is said to have unfavorable balance of payment.

Government use favorable balance of payment for improving and re-adjusting the countries standard of living, most developing countries are struggling to maintain a favorable balance of payment position so as to ensure good economic growth and development in the country.

     1.2            Statement of the Research Problem

The balances of payment position of a country are faced with some problems which lead to unfavorable balance of payment. Some of the problems could be as a result of economic, political and social factors. The economic factor could be as a result of developmental activities, because developing countries depend on developed nations for supply of machines, technology and other equipment. This leads to increased levels of impacts another one is high rate of inflation, when there is inflation in the domestic economy, foreign goods becomes relatively cheaper as compared to domestic goods, others are import of services, change in demand etc political instability, political instability may lead to large capital outflows and reduce the inflows of foreign funds then, creating disequilibrium in the balance of payment, social factor, causes changes in tastes, preferences, fashionand trends, an unfavorable change for the domestic goods leads to defeat in the BOP. Also, they are faced with problems of appropriate measures to achieve a favorable balance of payment in the economy.

     1.3            Research Question

This work is guided by the following research questions:

1.      To what extent does the Nigerian balance of payment import on the economy?

2.      How does the impact of the Nigerian balance of payment affects the Nigeria economy?

3.      What is the position considered favorable to the Nigeria to assess balance of payment?

     1.4            Objectives of the Study

The general objectives of the study have examined the impact of the Nigeria balance of payment position in the economic: these specific objectives are:

1.      To correct unfavorable balance of payment

2.      To know how to increase export and access to the import of balance of payment in the economic

3.      To correct deficit balance of payment

     1.5            Statement of Research Hypothesis

For the purpose of this research work, the following hypothesis were formulated to aid the researcher:

i.                    HO: There is no balance of payment dis-equilibrium in the Nigeria economy.

ii.                  HO: There is no significant measures of reducing unfavorable balance of payment

     1.6            Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to examine the impact of the Nigeria balance of payment position on the Nigeria economy. The question here is that of what importance is the balance of payment is to inform the government authorities about the international economic position of decisions on monetary and fiscal policies, foreign exchange phenomena.

According to MC Seth; balance of payment position is an important index which reflects the true economic position of a country and whether its currency is rising or falling in its extend value.

     1.6.1        Theoretical Significance

To the researcher, the researcher, the research is a result of the need of findout the impact of balance of payment position on the Nigeria economy. Hence, the study will helpto ascertain the impact of the Nigeria balance of payment position on the Nigeria economy, it will also contribute to existing literature on the topic, it will also be of use to prospective researchers.


     1.6.2        Practical Significance

This study is imperative as it well create great awareness to the apex bank as well as the management of the economy. Practical significance is measured by effect size, effect size is about the extent which the research hypothesis is true or the degree to which the findings here Is practical significance in context of the study population, reducing inflation, import of payment. The study will help to identify home effective the use of such those measures can help in the coordination and implementation of economic policies to achieve maximum efficiency.

     1.7            Scope of the study

The study is limited to the impact of the balance of payment position on the Nigeria economy. The researcher intends to study data by the central bank of Nigeria and other source such as journal, new magazines.

     1.7.1        Geographical/Organizational Scope

The organizational scope of the study is limited to central bank of Nigeria, Bauchi Branch

     1.7.2        Time scope

The time of this project is cross section which is meant to be for a short period of time. The researcher will restrict himself/herself to information provided from 2011 to 2016. 

     1.8            Definition of terms

Terms used in this context/text is well simplified for easy understanding to all categories of users. The following are some of the terms mentioned:

i.                    Balance of payment: Balance of payment is a systematic statistical record of the economic transactions between residents of one country and those of the rest of the world during a given period of time usually one year.

ii.                  Capital account: These account records transactions related to movements of long term and short term capital.

iii.                Equilibrium: this is a situation whereby market supply and demand balance each other and as a result, prices become stable.

iv.                Disequilibrium: This is a situation in which things are not stable or certain, prevent market equilibrium from being reached or cause the market to fall out of balance. This can be a short term by product of a change in variable factors or a result of long term structured imbalances.

v.                  Balance of trade: The balance of trade is the difference between a country’s imports and exports.

vi.                Trade deficit: A trade deficit occurs when a country’s buys or imports more goods from other countries then it sells or exports.

vii.              Trade surplus: A trade surplus occurs when a country sells more than it buys from foreign markets.

viii.            Import: refers to an item coming inside a country from any other country. Import means expenses to a country.

ix.                Exports: refers to an item going out of the country to any other country of the word. Exports earn money for a country.

x.                  Central bank of Nigeria (CBN): The central Bank of Nigeria formulates and implements different monetary policy towards ensuring monetary stability of the economy. It is also the supreme monetary authority in Nigeria. It is also the lender of last resort, it issues the Nigeria naira and also maintains foreign currency reserves and is charged with maintaining monetary stability.

     1.9            Background of the case study

The central Bank of Nigeria is the apex bank regulating the entire financial system of the nation. It was established by the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) act 1958 and commercial operation on 12thJuly, 1959 among its primary functions:

-          The bank promotes monetary stability and a sound financial system

-          The bank act as banker and financial adviser to the federal government.

-          The bank also acts as lender of last resort to the bank

-          The bank also encourages the growth and development of financial institution

-          The bank also maintains external reserves of the country

-          Also, insurance of currency which serve as the country legal tender. Central Bank of Nigeria is the only institution that can issue currency in Nigeria. No other bank or legal entity can print bank notes. The bank also sets the bank notes into nominal values. To print nominal values, it uses top security devices to print bank notes and create design difficult to copy.

The central bank of Nigeria is responsible for the promotion of the financial markets. These money market can be mobilize short-term and long-term funds. The financial market are also very controversial in Nigeria.

The Central bank of Nigeria serve as a judge between Nigeria banks and their clients. The bank has a public complaints desk in the head office and its every branch. If banks are found to be unfair with customers, the CBN can start investigations towards, this bank. If the investigations find that the complaints are reasonable, the CBN can impose sanctions.

     1.10        Plan/Organization of the case study

This is to show the structure, outlooks and pattern of the research study. However, the study contains or consists of five chapters and are as follows:

Chapter one consist of the background of the study, the statement of the research problems, the objectives of the study, the research question, the scope of the study, definition of terms and significance of the study etc.

Chapter two shall present the literature review of the subject matter.

Chapter three is the methodology. The chapter contains research design, population of the study sample and sampling techniques, sample size, sample techniques, method of data collection and method of data analysis etc.

Chapter four is the data presentation and interpretation and analysis it consists of response from questionnaire, demographic profile of respondents, descriptive statistic, testing of hypothesis and discussion of result and summary. 

Chapter five is the final chapter of the research study which contain recommendation, summary of finding and conclusion.

1.11        Summary 

The research work is carried out in order to outline the contribution and the importance of favorable balance of payment on the Nigeria economy.

The research approach in chapter one consist of comprehensive attempt towards elaborating on the research topic in which to cover the subject matter.

However, the researcher identify the research problem which is the favorable balance of payment and come up with a goal he wanted to achieve on his research study, in line with study, the researcher discovered balance of payment is beneficial the appropriate authority who are the policy makers. Balance of payment is important to importers to importers and exporters by creating favorable market condition.

In addition, it shows the revenue and payment of the country from international economic transaction within a specific period usually one year.


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