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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009308

No of Pages: 122

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :


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A two-year field experiment was conducted at the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike situated in a rain forest agro-ecology in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons to evaluate the effect of NPK-enriched rice mill waste forms for commercial root production of orange-fleshed sweet potato. Studies in both years were factorial and laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The experiment involved the application of four levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer at 0 kg/ha, 200 kg/ha, 400 kg/ha and 600 kg/ha, respectively. Rice mill waste involved its carbonized form at 0 t/ha and 5 t/ha and un-carbonized form at 0 t/ha and 10 t/ha respectively. On the average, rice mill waste forms increased the vine length, number of leaves per plant, number of branches per plant, stem girth, but had no significant effects on root yield components. The use of combined application of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer at 400 kg/ha + 5 t/ha CRMW + 10 t/ha URMW proved satisfactory as total root yield (t/ha) seemed best in both 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons and therefore is recommended for orange-fleshed sweet potato production in Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.


Title page                                                                                                  i

Declaration                                                                                               ii

Certification                                                                                             iii

Dedication                                                                                                iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                     vi

List of Tables





1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                      1

1.2 Statement of Problem                                                                                           2

1.3 Objectives of the Study                                                                                        4

1.4 Justification of the Study                                                                                      5

CHAPTER   2     


2.1 Origin and Distribution of Sweet Potato                                                              6

2.2 Botany of Sweet Potato                                                                                        6

2.2.1 Production and production regions                                                                    8

2.2.2 Soil and climatic requirement                                                                           9

2.2.3 Propagation                                                                                                        10

2.3 Economic Importance of Sweet Potato                                                                11

2.4 Concept of Integrated Nutrient Management                                                       12

2.5 Effects of Integrated Nutrient Management on Soil Properties.                          14

2.6 Effects of Integrated Nutrient Management on Crop Yield                                 16

2.7 Effects of Integrated Nutrient Management on Yield of Sweet Potato                        17

2.8 Effects of Mineral Fertilizer on Soil Chemical Properties                                   18

2.9 Effects of Mineral Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Sweet Potato                  18

2.10 Effects of Organic Manure on Soil Chemical Properties                                   21

2.11 Effects of Organic Manure on Growth and Yield of Sweet Potato                  22

2.12 Nutrient Requirements of Sweet Potato                                                             24



3.1 Description of the Experimental Site                                                                   25

3.1.1 Location of the experiment                                                                               25

3.1.2 Rainfall                                                                                                                                      25

3.1.3 Temperature                                                                                                      26

3.1.4 Relative humidity                                                                                              26

3.1.5 Sunshine                                                                                                            26

3.1.6 Soils of the study area                                                                                       26

3.2 Field Experiment                                                                                                  29

3.2.1 Land preparation                                                                                               29       

3.2.2 Experimental design/treatment                                                                         29

3.2.3 Planting material                                                                                                                                               29

3.2.4 Field maintenance                                                                                             30

3.3 Data Collection                                                                                                     30

3.4 Yield Parameters                                                                                                  30

3.5 Soil Analysis                                                                                                         31

3.6 Statistical Analysis                                                                                               32

CHAPTER   4     


4.1 Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soil at the Experimental Site                         34

4.2 Effect of NPK-enriched Rice Mill Waste Forms on the Growth and Yield of           38

Orange-fleshed Sweet Potato

4.2.1 Vine length                                                                                                        38       

4.2.2 Number of leaves                                                                                              44

4.2.3 Number of branches                                                                                          49

4.2.4 Stem girth                                                                                                          54

4.3 Effect of NPK-enriched Rice Mill Waste Forms on the Root Yield of Orange-           59

fleshed Sweet Potato

4.3.1 Total roots yield weight                                                                                     59

4.3.2 Marketable roots yield                                                                                       60

4.3.3 Unmarketable roots yield                                                                                  60

4.3.4 Number of marketable roots                                                                              61

4.3.5 Number of unmarketable roots                                                                          61

4.4 Discussion                                                                                                             75

CHAPTER   5     


5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                            78

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                78

REFERENCES                                                                                                     80

APPENDICES                                                                                                      91








3.1       Agro-meteorological data of the study area in 2020 and 2021                              28 

4.1       Physical and chemical properties of soils of the experiment area                               36 

4.2       Chemical properties of the rice mill waste used in the experiment                             37 

4.3       Effect of NPK-enriched rice mill waste forms on the vine length                                 40 

of orange-fleshed sweet potato in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.4       Interaction of NPK fertilizer × carbonized rice mill waste × un-carbonized  43       

rice mill waste effect on vine length of orange-fleshed sweet potato in

2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.5       Effect of NPK-enriched rice mill waste forms on the number of leaves per  45

plant of orange-fleshed sweet potato in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.6       Interaction of NPK fertilizer × carbonized rice mill waste × un-carbonized    48

rice mill  waste effect on number of leaves per plant of orange-fleshed

sweet potato in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.7       Effect of NPK-enriched rice mill waste forms on number of branches of       50

orange-fleshed sweet potato in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.8       Interaction of NPK fertilizer × carbonized rice mill waste × un-carbonized      53

rice mill waste effect on number of branches of orange-fleshed sweet potato

in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.9       Effect of NPK-enriched rice mill waste forms on stem girth of orange-                      55

           fleshed sweet potato in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.10     Interaction of NPK fertilizer × carbonized rice mill waste × un-carbonized      58

rice mill waste effect on stem girth of orange-fleshed sweet potato in

2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.11     Effect of NPK-enriched rice mill waste forms on root yield attributes                62

of orange-fleshed sweet potato in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.12     Interaction of NPK fertilizer × carbonized rice mill waste × un-carbonized    65

rice mill waste effects on yield and yield components of orange-fleshed

sweet potato in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons

4.13     Combined analysis of variance of yield and yield attributes of orange-fleshed      68

sweet potato across the two years

4.14     Combined analysis of variance of interaction of NPK fertilizer × carbonized        71

 rice mill waste × un-carbonized rice mill waste effects on yield and yield components of orange-fleshed sweet potato across the two years

4.15    Correlation matrix of growth and yield components of sweet potato in 2020         74

and 2021 cropping seasons













Root and tuber crops are important sources of carbohydrate for millions of people throughout the tropics. Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam), a trailing perennial plant of the family Convolvulaceae (morning glory family), and the only member of the genus Ipomoea whose roots are edible, is undeniably one of the world’s most important food crops due to its high nutritive value (Data and Eronico, 1987). It is believed to have originated from either Central America or within the tropical region of North Western parts of Central America (Onwueme, 1978; Hahn and Hozyo, 1984). It is one of the major root crops that had suffered neglect in the past but now appears to be gaining a prime position as a source of food and industrial raw materials. Globally, sweet potato ranks third among root and tuber crops after potato (281 million tonnes) and cassava (164 million tonnes), with a production of about 122 million tonnes (FAO, 1996). China accounts for the highest production of sweet potato (2,883,408 tonnes) making Asia the world’s leading producer of sweet potato (FAO, 2012), followed by Uganda and then Nigeria in that order (FAO, 2004). In Nigeria, it is one of the four major root and tuber crops coming after cassava, yam and cocoyam (APMEU, 1996). These crops play important roles in both social and economic development of the country.

Sweet potato is widely adapted to most agro-ecological regions of Nigeria with low input requirements and shorter growing periods of 3-6 months, depending on the altitude. High root yield can be obtained in sweet potato, especially under fertile soil conditions than other root crops (Kozai et al, 1996). Sweetpotato produces more edible energy, protein and dry matter on a per hectare per day basis than any other crop. The root of sweet potato is rich in vitamins A, B2, B5, B6, B9 and C, and as well as copper (Abd El-Baky et al., 2009). The roots possess great food qualities and are excellent source of antioxidants and carotenes (Woolfe, 1992). The roots and shoots are consumed as fresh or processed food and also serve as animal feed. The potentials of this crop as a major source of raw material for industrial uses and medicinal purposes; use for treating diabetes, hookworms, ulcer and internal bleeding (Kozai et al, 1991; Woolfe, 1992; Berberich et al., 2005) have increased its importance. The Food and Agriculture Organization (1991, 1998 and 2004) indicated that the production increased from 260,000 to 2.2 million tonnes in Nigeria under a period of 15 years.


The potential contribution of this crop towards food security in Nigeria is underestimated as a huge gap exists between its potential yield of 20 - 40t/ha and actual yield of 3 - 5t/ha in farmers’ fields (Akoroda and Egeonu, 2008). Unamma et al (1984), reported that the constraints responsible for farmer’s low yields could be as a result of weed competition, poor soil management and very little attention given to its research.

Apart from diseases and other biotic stresses which affect the plant (Terry and Oyekan, 1976), the soil environment is an important yield determinant. Unfortunately, research into the soil nutrient conditions for sweet potato production has not been extensive. This may have been due to the notion that sweet potato is adapted to soil acidity and it is deep-rooting, with the ability to produce fairly good yield from poor soils. While the bulk of reported findings on soil nutrient studies dwelt largely on the type, time and methods of application of chemical fertilizers, studies on soil nutrient amendment through the use of organic fertilizer sources under the weathered soils of the high rainforest belt of the South-east Nigeria have been very scanty.

As sweet potato breeding focus has shifted from only yield improvement to include nutrient bio-fortification, a sweet potato type called the orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) has been developed and released to farmers. The OFSP is a pro-vitamin A fortified sweet potato that is rich in Beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. These newly bred sweet potato types have been developed under high nutrient environment (Afuape, S.O., personal communication). To maximize the yield potential of these newly developed varieties, there is the need to formulate nutrient composition to enhance the OFSP root and nutrient production.

The soils of the South-east geopolitical region of Nigeria are characterized by low organic matter content, low nutrient status, low cation exchange capacity and low clay content (Lal and Kang, 1986). The soils are strongly weathered and highly acidic (FAO, 1989), causing low crop response to fertilizer application unless the soil is substituted with organic manure (Asiegbu, 1989). The high rainfall of South east Nigeria causes leaching and reduces the soil nutrient content (Onunka and Ugbaja, 1995).

Sweet potato plant has been shown to require relatively large amounts of soil nutrients (IITA, 1995). In the past decades, intensive use of inorganic fertilizers was advocated for crop production in the tropics in order to alleviate these nutrient deficiencies (Anonymous, 2000). Presently, the use of inorganic fertilizers as soil amendment has become cost-intensive and beyond the reach of peasant farmers. Isola (1998), reported that application of chemicals or inorganic fertilizers on highly weathered, low organic matter and nutrient-poor soil without compensating organic fertilizer under intensive farming system and shortened fallow periods, could lead to nutrient imbalance and soil acidity with an attendant poor crop yield.

In view of these problems, there is a surge of interest in exploring organic residues alone or in combination with inorganic fertilizer as a means of enhancing soil fertility. These organic materials have been observed to contain plant nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and iron (Adebowale, 1985), are high in pH and in improving water and nutrient-holding capacity of soils (Nyobe, 1998). Hundreds of tons of rice mill waste are produced daily in Nigeria, especially in the South-east. The current revolution in the production of rice by the Federal government which has led to a sporadic rise in rice production in South-east Nigeria has made rice mill waste abundant. In fact, in many areas, rice mill wastes could constitute a very serious environmental problem if not handled and adequately removed as it stands to pollute the environment. Though presently considered as an environmental nuisance, interestingly, this organic material can be carbonized through the use of a carbonator machine. Carbonize rice mill waste has the potential of being used to improve soil pH and fertility especially when complemented with NPK fertilizer. It is also an energy source for bacteria, fungi and earthworm in the soil. The integrated application of organic and inorganic nutrient sources rather than total dependence on any of the sources is expected to ensure reduction in expenditure on chemical fertilizer, a more balanced plant nutrition and control of soil acidity.

Therefore, an attempt to study the Response of Orange-fleshed sweet potato to NPK-enriched rice mill waste (bran) forms on South-eastern soils of Nigeria is to be made as there is lack of information in this regard.


The main objective of the study is to determine the response of orange-fleshed sweet potato to NPK-enriched rice mill waste (bran) forms for commercial sweet potato production.

The specific objectives of the study are to:

      I.         To determine the optimum level of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer for the commercial production of orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) varieties;

    II.         To determine the best level of soil nutrient amendment combination for commercial root yield of OFSP.


Yield stands to be the most desirable trait by sweet potato farmers. Despite its high agronomic and food security potentials of sweet potato, being a short duration crop (3-4 months) that could be cropped more than once in the year, its production is limited due to a number of production factors (Laurie et al., 1999) chief of which is poor soil management (Unamma, 1984). Poor soil nutrient and condition could be addressed through the application of inorganic and organic fertilizers. Determining the optimum levels of combination of both organic and inorganic fertilizers in sweet potato storage root production will be a critical step in the ploy to enhance the yield of the crop and increase farmers’ income. The quest to identify the optimum rate at which both NPK fertilizer and rice mill waste can be combined to enhance the productivity of the new OFSP varieties and improve the soil nutrient condition justifies this study.

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