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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009290

No of Pages: 60

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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A two year field experiment was conducted during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016 at National Root Crops Research Institute, (NRCRI) Umudike, South eastern Nigeria to evaluate the response of sweetpotato variety (UMUSPO 1kj) to four rates (0 ,200, 400 and 600kgha-1) of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and four levels of plant spacing (15,20,25 and 30cm). The experiment was laid out as a factorial in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Result showed that fertilizer significantly (P < 0.05) increased vine length at 4 and 16 weeks after planting in 2015 when 400kgha-1 of fertilizer was applied with the longest vine length observed at 30cm plant spacing at 8 and 12 WAP in 2015 while in 2016, it ranged from 43.6 to 59.2 respectively with 15cm that gave the longest vine length. Fertilizer had no significant (P>0.05) effect on yield of sweetpotato in both years but the yield obtained in wet season was higher than that of dry season when 400kgha-1 of fertilizer was applied across the both years.



Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

Abstract                                                                                                                      viii



1.1       Introduction                                                                                                    1

1.2       Justification of Study                                                                                      4

1.3      Objectives of the work                                                                                     5         


2.1  Importance of sweetpotato                                                                                  6

2.2 Distribution of SweetPotato                                                                                 7

2.3. Spacing and Optimum Population                                                                       8

2.4 Nutrient Requirements of SweetPotato                                                                9

2.5 Nitrogen                                                                                                                9

2.6 Phosphorous                                                                                                          10

2.7 Potassium                                                                                                              10

2.8 Responses of Sweetpotato to NPK Fertilizer                                                       10

2.9 Effect of Planting Density on root Production in sweetpotato                             11



3.1 Experimental site                                                                                                  14

3.2 Soil sampling                                                                                                        14

3.3 Land preparation                                                                                                  14

3.4 Planting Materials                                                                                                15

3.5 Experimental Design                                                                                            15

3.6 Agronomic practices                                                                                            15

3.7 Data Collection                                                                                                     15

3.8 Statistical Analysis                                                                                               17



4.1      Result                                                                                              18

4.2        Discussion                                                                                                      42


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      44

5.2        Recommendation                                                                                           44                                                                                                                                          

REFERENCES                                                                                                         45



4.1.                  Meteorological data of the experimental site                                     19


4.2:                  Soil Physico-chemical properties of the experimental site in 2015

and 2016 cropping season                                                                  20


4.3:                  Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on vine length (cm) of

sweet potato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping

seasons                                                                                                21


4.4:                  Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on number of leaves/plant

Of sweet potato at different ages in 2015 and2016 cropping

seasons.                                                                                               23


4.5:                  Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on shoot dry weight (g)/

Plants of sweet potato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping

season                                                                                                 27


4.6:                  Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on leaf dry weight/plant (g) of

sweetpotato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons            28


4.7:                  Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on crop growth rate (CGR) of

sweetpotato  at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons                        29


4.8:                  Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on relative growth rate (RGR) of

sweet potato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons                        30


4.9:                  Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on Absolute growth rate (AGR) of

sweetpotato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons                        31


4.10:                Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing and leave weight

ratio of sweetpotato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping

seasons                                                                                                32


4.11:                Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on bulking rate (BR) of

sweetpotato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons            33


4.12:                Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on number of fresh roots/ha

of sweetpotato at different ages in 2015 and 2016 cropping

season                                                                                                 35


4.13                 Effect of fertilizer and plant spacing on fresh root yield (t/ha) of

sweet potato at different ages                                                             36


4.14                 Analysis of variance of the combined analysis of fresh root yield

across two cropping seasons (wet and dry) indicating the least

significant difference                                                                          37



4.15                 Analysis of variance of the combined analysis of fresh root yield

across two cropping seasons (wet and dry) indicating the least

significant difference                                                                          38


4.16:                Effect of season on root yield of sweetpotato                                    38       


4.17                 Correlation matrix of growth and yield attributes of sweet potato

as influenced by fertilizer rate and plant spacing in 2015

cropping season                                                                                  40


4.18:                Correlation matrix of growth and yield attributes of sweet potato as

influenced by fertilizer rate and plant spacing in 2016 cropping

season                                                                                                 41



Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam), which is of the family Convolvulaceae is a perennial crop commonly cultivated as yearly and a starchy staple food crop in the hot, sub-tropical and frost-free temperate climatic zones of the world (Onwueme & Sinha, 1991).  It is thought to have originated in Central America but also has a secondary centre of range in the Southwest pacific Islands (Loebesian et al., 2009). According to Som (2007), sweetpotato grades fifth as the greatest and vital food crop next to rice, wheat, maize and cassava in most growing countries whereas by worlds standard in line with CIP (2000) it grades seventh next after wheat, rice, maize, potato, barley and cassava. It is grown on about 8.2 million hectares worldwide, with an annual yield of about 102 million tons, with a normal yield of about 12.1 tha-1. (FAOSTAT, 2010).The crop is famous as extremely tolerant tuberous root crop to great temperatures, low quality soils, floods and shows certain opposition to pests and infections (Uwah et al., 2013).  Sweetpotato is commonly cultivated alone or mix-cultivated with other staples such as maize, cassava, yam or okra in West African countries where it is active in overpowering weed growing in such fields (Eneji et al., 1995). In Africa, most of sweetpotato cultivars have white or cream-fleshed storage roots but those with orange flesh are now being upgraded for their high ß- carotene content, a precussor of vitamin A (Sreekanth, 2008).  The prospective of sweetpotato to assure food security is under-estimated as its use is frequently restricted to alternative food in African countries. Sweetpotato is appreciated for its roots, vines and leaves. The roots are boiled, fried, baked or roasted for humans or boiled and fed to livestock for vigor. They can also be made into flour for bread making, starch for noodles as well as used as raw material for industrial starch and alcohol (Ukom et al., 2009).


The flour is used also in sweetening native beverages like Kunu-zaki, burukutu, and for invigorating baby foods and foo-foo/pounded yam in Nigeria (Tewe et al., 2003). The leaves are used as vegetables in yam and cocoyam porridge and are great source of protein, vitamins and several minerals. The vines and leaves of sweetpotato are greatly used as livestock feed.  Sweetpotato roots are rich in vitamins A, B, and C; and minerals such as K, Na, Cl, P and Ca (Onwueme & Sinha, 1991). It can hence be a great value-added food mainly for children and expectant women who are more frequently prone to vitamin A shortage in Sub-Saharan Africa (Degras, 2003). Food and Agricultural Organization (2012) reported that 115 countries produced 108,274,685 tons of sweetpotato in 2010 with China producing the largest, (82,474,410 tons), followed by Indonesia, (2,083,623 tons). Far behind, is Africa with its contribution of about 14% of global production put at 14,441,099 tons in 2010 but ranked second in the world after Asia. Nigeria grades second in Africa after Uganda with the production figure of 2,883,408 tons which has shown a growing trend over the years (FAOSTAT, 2012). However sweetpotato crop can be cultivated easily, it has certain production and economic restrictions. The cost of labour are exorbitant in some areas; harvests are poor resulting from low fertility standard of the over-cropped soils, while post-harvest shortages and low purchase values have abridged production and discouraged investment. Onunka et al. (2012) established that produces of sweetpotato is currently limited by several causes amongst which are unfertile soils, choice of variety, date of planting, weather condition, soil type, weed, insect and infection pressure and crop control measures among others. The crop flourishes in marginal soils but enhanced soil fertility intensifies its development and yield performance.


In Nigeria, very little information exist on the appropriate combination rates of inorganic fertilizers for sweetpotato production. However, it has been reported that the response of the crop to varying regimes of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers has been positive (Dapaah et al., 2004). Several hypotheses have been formulated concerning possible positive interaction between inorganic and organic inputs when applied simultaneously (Giller et al., 1995) resulting in added benefits in terms of improved crop yields, soil fertility or both, and lower cost of production (Palm et al., 1990). There is need to explore the huge and rich potential of sweetpotato for commercial and industrial utilization. The identification and selection of an appropriate combination rate of inorganic and inorganic fertilizers will increase the production level of sweetpotato in the country to improve food security, reduce poverty, improve nutrition as well as contribute significantly to reduce the importation of wheat flour and other products meant for the food industry. Sweetpotato, sugarcane, Irish potato and cassava are crops that need high quantity of potassium (K) because leaves, vines, stems and tubers frequently take up considerable amount of (K) from the soil. Potassium is shown to be the most vital nutrient in the production of sweetpotato as it application increases yield by the creation of bigger sized tubers.  Potassium also affects the amount, size, value and the unit weight of tuberous roots produced, while the lowest levels of K proposed for healthy development and yield are twice those suggested for N, though three times as much may be applied and rarely even more (Degras, 2003). In Japan, it was estimated that a tuber yield of 13 t/ha, removes about 70kg N/ha, 20kg P2O5/ha and 110kg K2O/ha from the soil reliant on the diversity, crop period and agro-climatic area (Degras, 2003). Comparisons of this kind are occasional for tropical zones but figures given by IFA (1991) portrayed the specific significance of both K particularly in the root and N in the leaves. Common approval in most countries is 35-65kg N, 50-100kg P2O5 and 80-170kg K2O per hectare (IFA, 1991). Mohammed (1982), reported that most farmers usually do not apply any fertilizer or just apply a small measure of urea or organic manure of indefinite degree.

This may be one of the purpose why yields gotten by local farmers are lower than yields found elsewhere. Patricia and Bansal (1999) stated that potato crop has strict necessity for a balanced fertilization management, without which development and expansion of the crop are poor and both yield and value of tubers are reduced. Plant populace is one of the most vital elements  to great yield of sweetpotato (Sarkar, 1985). Farooque et al. (1983) and Tallyrand (1981) reported that increase in sweetpotato plant populace augmented total yield per unit area.


Nevertheless, Baker (1981) stated that intra-row gapping had no consequence on entire root yield or yield of marketable tuber. Thus, proper inervals in sweetpotato is still a contentious issue amongst the growers. There are a number of restrictions that hamper the production and productivity of sweet potato under farmers' circumstances. Among these, lack of appropriate agronomic practices has been a limiting factor and farmers are complaining of difficulty in management activities for different varieties (like those having long vine and horizontal root growth system and the other short vine and roots developing vertically downward). Therefore, evaluation and selection of different inter and intra row spacing by participating farmers will improve production and productivity of the crop, which has great contribution for increment of the national average yield.



To contribute towards the solution of low root and vine yield obtained by farmers in Nigeria, studies must be conducted on improved varieties of sweetpotato crops which normally do require higher quantities of fertilizer with appropriate plant spacing thereby leading to higher yield likened to the local varieties. Fertilizer application and plant spacing information on the newly released sweetpotato varieties for the south eastern zone of Nigeria by the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike is infrequent and not well documented requiring this field trial.


    The objectives of the study were to determine:

      i.         the effect of compound fertilizer rates on growth and root yield of sweetpotato,

     ii.         the effect of plant spacing on growth and root yield of sweetpotato,

   iii.         the interactive effects of compound fertilizer rates and plant intervals on growth and root yield of sweetpotato,




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