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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009287

No of Pages: 144

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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A research was conducted in Umudike to know the inter and intra family variations that exist between sweetpotato progenies raised from half and full-sib families developed in  sweetpotato Research Centre Mozambique (CIP Mozambique). Six hundred and twenty nine (629) progenies raised from both half and full-sib families were used for the experimental layout. The result obtained showed that there were significant differences in the proximate composition analysis carried out on twenty five(25)  selected promising progenies in 2015. A highly significant relationship (P<0.05) was observed among the root descriptor traits measured in 2014 between the half and full-sib families. From the result obtained on the half-sib progenies in 2014, the number of marketable roots had a strong positive correlation with the number of unmarketable roots (r=0.402**), marketable roots weight (r=0.316*), total number of roots (r=0.757**) and total root weight (r=0.750**). Also from the result obtained from the full-sib families in 2014, the number of marketable root had a strong positive association with the marketable roots weight (r=0.756) total number of roots (r=0.625**) and total roots weight (r=0.426**). Half-sib progenies like A017 (6.91t/ha), BO17 (7.18t/ha) C029 (4.03t/ha), DO57 (4.88t/ha) all had better performance in yield in tons per hectare. They also had better marketable weight (kg/ha) and marketable root number than other half-sib progenies considered. Also from the result, the progenies of the full-sib families like F010, G007, I017, ZD003, M004, M002, Z15003 where all better than other full-sib families in terms of yield in tons per hectare (t/ha), marketable weight (kg/ha)  and marketable root number. High heritability and genetic advance was observed in dry matter, (86%, 150.94) crude protein (96%; 6.96) moisture content (96%; 104.85) and starch content (88%; 122.16) for proximate analysis of the selected sweetpotato progenies in 2015. Also highly significant variance ratios (P<0.05) were observed in Dry matter moisture content and starch content  in the proximate analysis of the selected promising genotypes in 2015. From the study it was observed that both the progenies of half and full-sib families have the potential of becoming varieties. This assertion was due to their root descriptor performances.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                                   v

Table of contents                                                                                                                    vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                    x


CHAPTER   1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                     


2.1       Taxonomy and Origin of Sweetpotato                                                                       4

2.2       Biology and Morphology of Sweetpotato                                                                  4

2.2.1    Growth habit                                                                                                               5

2.2.2    Storage hoot                                                                                                                5

2.2.3    Stem                                                                                                                            6

2.2.4    Leaves and petioles                                                                                                    6

2.3       Economic Importance and Distribution of Sweetpotato                                            7

2.4       Cultivation of Sweetpotato                                                                                         8

2.4.1    Climatic and soil requirements                                                                                   8

2.4.2    Planting                                                                                                                       9 Weeding                                                                                                                     9 Fertilization                                                                                                                10 Nitrogen                                                                                                                      10 Phosphorus                                                                                                                  11 Potassium                                                                                                                    11                                                                                                                    11

2.4.3 Production constraints                                                                                                   12

2.4.4 Sweetpotato virus diseases                                                                                            14

2.4.5 Symptoms of sweetpotato virus infection                                                                     15

2.4.6    Control of sweetpotato virus disease                                                                          16 Pathogen free planting material                                                                                 16

2.5       Characterization of Sweetpotato                                                                                17

2.5.1    Morphological characterization                                                                                 18

2.5.2    Molecular characterization                                                                                        19 Simple sequence repeats (SSRs)                                                                                 20

2.6       Yield Stability                                                                                                             21

2.6.1    Mega – environment identification                                                                            21

2.6.2    Stability methods                                                                                                       22

2.7       Genotype by Environment (GxE) Interaction and Yield Stability                                     24       

2.7.1    Methods of evaluating (GxE) and yield stability                                                      25

2.7.2    GxE interaction and yield stability in sweetpotato                                                    25

2.7.3    Breeding of sweetpotato                                                                                             28

2.8       Achievements in Sweetpotato Breeding                                                                    30

2.8.1    Breeding for resistance                                                                                               31



3.1 Experimental Site                                                                                                                35

3.2 Soil Sampling and Analysis                                                                                                35

3.3 Planting Materials                                                                                                                35

3.4 Experimental Design                                                                                                           51

3.4 Agronomic Practices                                                                                                           51

3.5 Data Collection                                                                                                                    52

3.6 Method of Data Collection                                                                                                  53

3.7 Data Analysis                                                                                                                       54    



4.0     Soil Physico-chemical Properties and Agrometeorological

 Data of Experimental Sites                                                                                               55

4.1     Variation (Existing) Among The Progenies of the Half

 And Full – Sib Families                                                                                          58

4.2.1    Root yield of sweetpotato half-sib progenies in 2014.                                          58

4.2.2:   Root yield of sweetpotato full-sib progenies in 2014                                                                                                                                61

4.2.3:   Root performance, virus incidence and severity of some selected

   half-sib progenies in 2014                                                        63

4.2.4:   Root performance, virus incidence and severity of some selected

            full-sib progenies in 2014                                                                                      65

4.2.5:   Performance of selected half–sib progenies and check varieties in 2014.                       66

4.2.6:   Performance of selected full-sib progenies and check varieties in 2014                        69

4.3:     Variations Between The Half-and Full-Sib Progenies                                            71

4.3.1:  Storage root size and number of  unmarketable roots.                                            73

4.3.2:  Total number of roots, total roots weight and yield per hectare of half,

  full sib and check varieties.                                                                                      71

4.3.4:  Correlation analysis of half – sib progenies in 2014                                    74

4.3.5: Correlation analysis of full-sib progenies in 2014                                                    77

4.4     Identification Of Superior Progenies In the Whole  Population                             79


4.5    Proximate Composition Of Selected Promising Progenies

In Both half and Full-Sib Families                                                                             88

4.5.1: Correlation analysis of proximate composition of  sweetpotato                                      89                                                                                              

CHAPTER  5:  CONCLUSION   AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                           96







 2.1:     Main breeding goals by region after assessment of constraints and                                                             opportunities in sweetpotato.                                                                                         34

3.1       List of genotypes used for the study                                                                              37    

3.2       List of materials used for the study                                                                               37

4. 1:     Soil properties of the experimental site (Umudike)                                                      56

4.2       Agrometeorological data of the Experimental sites 2014 and                                                             2015 Cropping Seasons                                                                                                  57

4.3:      Mean performance of half-sib progenies in 2014.                                                         60

4.4:      Mean Performance of Selected Full-Sib families in 2014                                             62

4.5:      Root Performance, virus incidence and severity of                                                                            Half-Sib progenies in 2014                                                                                             64


4.6:     Root Performance and virus incidence and severity in selected progenies of

                        Full-Sib Families in 2014                                                                                   67


4.7:    Mean Performance of selected Half – Sib Progenies and Some check        

   varieties in 2014                                                                                                          68


4.8:      Mean Performance of selected Full – Sib Progenies and                                                      check varieties in 2014                                                                                                   70

4.9:      Half and full-sib families showing total number of roots, virus incidence

 and severity in 2014.                                                                                          72            

4.10     Number of unmarketable roots and size of storage roots of              

selected half- and full-sib progenies in 2014                                                       74                       

4.11     Total number roots, Total roots weight and  yield in tons/hectare of selected

Half, Full –Sib Progenies and Check varieties in 2014                                    75

4. 12:   Correlation coefficient of selected half-sib progenies in 2014                                        78

4.13:    Correlation Coefficients of selected full-sib progenies in 2014                                         80

4.14:    Yield of selected promising genotypes and check varieties in 2014                                                  and 2015 cropping seasons                                                                                             83

4.15:    Grand Mean, Mean Squares and Variance ratios of the  root descriptor

attributes measured in Selected Promising Progenies in 2014.                           85


4.16:    Phenotypic(vp ), Genetic (vg), error variances, phenotypic coefficient of

            variance (PCV), Genotypic Coefficient of Variance (GCV), Broad

            sense heritability (hB) and Genetic Advance for sweetpotato Root Descriptors

            of Seleced Promising genotypes in 2015.                                                                       87                                   

17:      Root Descriptor Performance of Selected Promising Sweetpotato Progenies

from Both half and full-sib families                                                                               89  

4.18:    Means effect of the proximate composition of selected promising

progenies in 2015.                                                                                                       91


4.19:    Correlation coefficients of proximate composition of sweetpotato progenies                    in Umudike in   2015                                                                                                 93

4.20:   Grand Mean, Mean squares and variance rations of the attributes measured

 in the proximate analysis of the selected promising genotypes in 2015.              95  


4.21:    Phenotypic (VP), genotypic (VG) and Error (VE) variances, phenotypic

coefficient of variance (PCV), Genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV),           

broad sense heritability (h2B) and genetic advance for proximate                       

composition of selected promising genotypes in 2015                                             97                                              








Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam) is a tropical American crop belonging to the family Convolvulaceae. It is a hexaploid (2n = 6x = 90) (Austin and Human, 1996) and is an important food crop in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is a herbaceous dicotyledonous plant widely grown throughout the tropics and warm temperate regions of the world (Shukla,1976; Halm, 1977; Burke, 1982; Jane 1982). Worldwide, sweetpotato is the seventh most important food crop after rice, wheat, potatoes, maize, yam and cassava (Loebenstein, 2009). It is grown on about 8.2 million hectares worldwide, yielding about 102 million tons, with an average yield of about 12.1 tons/ ha (FAOSTAT, 2010). The crop is mainly grown in developing countries, which account for over 95% of world production. Sweetpotato has low input requirements, it is easy to cultivate and able to produce under adverse weather and soil conditions. Sweetpotato root is an excellent source of vitamin A, the orange fleshed genotypes are noted for their high accumulation of beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A, Vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin, copper, pantothenic acid and folic acid are also contained in sweetpotato (Woolfe, 1992). Awareness of sweetpotato as a healthy food crop is increasing, especially the orange – fleshed sweetpotato which is rich in pro-vitamin A carotenoids (Woolfe, 1992). It is one of the most important food crops due to its high yield and nutritive value (Data Franico, 1987). The utilization of sweetpotato as a food security crop and source of protein, vitamin A for malnourished children has greatly enhanced the production of the crop in diverse locations. In sub-Saharan Africa, sweetpotato is the third most important root crop after cassava (Manihot esculenta) and yam (Dioscorea spp) (Well and Muturu, 1994). Nigeria produces about 3.46 million tonnes of sweetpotato annually (FAOSTAT, 2010). Sweetpotato cultivars have variation in botanical characteristics and are readily distinguished on the basis of morphological traits. Most varieties of this crop are self-incompatible, and because of the obligate outcrossing nature of the crop, have high levels of heterozygosity. Sweetpotato varieties vary considerably in horticultural and morphological characteristics with a wide range of yield potential, size, shape, flesh and skin colour of roots, as well as size, colours and shapes of leaves and branches. The highest diversity of sweetpotato was found in Central America based on the use of molecular markers which support the hypothesis that Central America is the centre of origin of this crop (Zhang et al., 2000). Clonal plants such as sweetpotato produce ramets (genetically identical offsprings) that have the potential to become independent of the parent plant. (Hosaka et al., 2005; Araki et al., 2009). The use of descriptors in the characterization of sweetpotato is very necessary because they generally correspond to characteristics whose expressions are easy to measure, record or evaluate. They therefore permit relatively easy discrimination between phenotypes. Descriptors related to phenotypic appearance  mostly correspond to the morphological descriptor of the plant and its architecture (CIAT, 2007). Phenotypic characterization has been used for identification of duplicates, studies of genetic diversity patterns and correlation with characters of agronomic importance among other uses (CIAT, 2007).It is an important first step in the assessment of sweetpotato and it is done by assessing variation in vine, leaf, flower and storage root characteristics (CIP et al., 1991). In addition to morphological and agronomic characters, reaction to pests, diseases and other stresses have been used to characterize sweetpotato. Sweetpotato is considered an autohexaploid with hexasomic inheritance (Kumagai et al., 1990; Anwar et al., 2009). The segregation pattern of traits in sweetpotato is more complex because there are more than two homologous chromosomes that can pair during meiosis (Kumagai et al., 2009). Transgene present in just one parent is expected to segregate in a 1:1 ratio if present as a single copy (simplex) or a 4:1 ratio if present as a double copy (duplex).

Crosses between commercial sweetpotato cultivars would theoretically produce a high diversity for many characters. Each F1 progeny has the potential to become a new variety. Therefore the objectives of this study include.

To determine the extent of variation existing among the progenies of the half and full – sib families using root descriptors.

To determine the extent of variation existing between the half and full-sib families using root descriptors.

To identify superior progenies existing in the whole population.

To determine the proximate composition of selected promising progenies in both half and full sib- families.


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