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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009297

No of Pages: 165

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Three field experiments were conducted at the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike experimental field (located on longitude 07˚ 33̍ E and latitude 05˚ 29̍ N and at an elevation of 122 m above sea level in the rainforest agro-ecological zone of Nigeria) in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons. The experiments were laid in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Each plot size was 6m x 4m (24m2). Land equivalent ratio (LER) and Gross monetary returns (GMR) and net returns (NR) were used to assess the productivity of the intercropping systems. The first experiment was to determine the effect of eggplant population on growth and yield of component crops in sweetpotato/eggplant intercropping system. It consisted of four eggplant populations (10,000; 20,000; 30,000 and 40,000 plants/ha) and two sweetpotato varieties of Umuspo 1 and TIS 87/0087 at 33,333 plants/ha each. The second experiment was on the effect of time of introduction of eggplant in sweetpotato/eggplant intercrop. There were three different times of introduction such as simultaneous planting of eggplant and sweetpotato; eggplant 2 weeks before planting (WBP) and 2 weeks after planting (WAP) sweetpotato varieties; eggplant 4 WBP and 4 WAP sweetpotato varieties. The third experiment evaluated the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers application on growth and yield of component crops of sweetpotato/eggplant intercrop. The treatments were made up of 3 rates of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer (0, 300 and 600 kg/ha) and 2 levels (5 and 10t/ha) of poultry manure (PM).  In the first experiment, intercropping reduced the growth and yield parameters of eggplant and sweetpotato. Optimum yield was achieved at mixture of 10,000 eggplant + 33,333 sweetpotato (plants/ha). Land equivalent ratio (LER) in the two years of study was mostly above 1.00. Best performance (1.79) was obtained from 10,000 eggplant + 33,333 sweetpotato (plants/ha) in 2014 and (1.60) from 20,000 eggplant + 33,333 sweetpotato (plants/ha) in 2015. The best gross monetary returns (GMR) and net returns (NR) for both years were from a population of 10,000 eggplant + 33,333 sweetpotato (plants/ha).  In the second experiment, the result showed that intercropping decreased growth and yield parameters of eggplant and sweetpotato. Simultaneous planting of eggplant and sweetpotato was the best time of introduction. LER for both years were above unity for all times of introduction but the best productivity in both years was obtained with simultaneous planting of eggplant and sweetpotato. The highest GMR and NR for both years also came from simultaneous planting of eggplant and sweetpotato. The result of the third experiment indicated also that intercropping reduced the growth and yield parameters of eggplant and sweetpotato. LER in all the applications were above unity, with the application of 300kg/ha of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer + 5t/ha PM giving the best result. The same trend was observed with the GMR and NR. In both years of study, intercropping was more productive than sole cropping and gave greater revenue.  The greatest net return in mixture was obtained when NPK fertilizer was applied at 300kg/ha and poultry manure at 5t/ha on average. From the results obtained intercropping sweetpotato and eggplant at mixture of 33,333 sweetpotato + 10,000 eggplant plants/ha; simultaneous planting of sweetpotato and eggplant; and application of 300kg/ha of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer + 5t/ha PM were recommended for maximum crop productivity and income generation.



Title Page                                                                                                                       i                                                                                             

Declaration                                                                                                                   ii

Certification                                                                                                                    iii

Dedication                                                                                                                       iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                     v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                               ix     

Abstract                                                                                                                      xii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                              1



CHAPTER 2:  LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                5

2.1             Intercropping                                                                                            5

2.2             Types of Intercropping                                                                             6

2.2.1          Row intercropping                                                                                    6

2.2.2          Mixed intercropping                                                                                 7

2.2.3          Strip intercropping                                                                                   7

2.2.4          Relay intercropping                                                                                  7

2.2.5          Patch intercropping                                                                                  7

2.2.6          Intercropping practice                                                                              7

 2.3            Advantages of Intercropping                                                                    7

2.3.1          Increase in yield                                                                                       8

2.3.2          Efficient use of environmental resources                                                 8

2.3.3          Reduction of pests, diseases and weeds                                                   9

2.3.4          Stability and uniform yield                                                                       10

2.3.5          Improvement in soil fertility and nitrogen                                               10

2.3.6          Increase income per unit area                                                                   11

2.4             Disadvantages of Intercropping                                                               11

2.5             Resources used in intercropping                                                               12

2.5.1          Sunlight in intercropping systems                                                            12

2.5.2          Soil water or moisture in intercropping systems                                      13

2.5.3          Soil nutrient uptake in intercropping system                                            13

2.5.4          Weed control in intercropping systems                                                    13

2.5.5          Pest and diseases in intercropping systems                                              14

2.6             Spacing in intercropping systems                                                             15

2.6 .1         Plant populations/ Density in Intercropping System                                15

2.6.2          Relative time of Introduction of Component Crops in Intercropping

Systems                                                                                                     16

2.6.3          Fertilizer Requirement in Intercropping                                                   16

2.7             Methods of Assessing Crop Performance and Yield in Intercropping                                Systems                                                                                                     17

2.7.1          Land equivalent ratio (LER)                                                                     18

2.7.2          Land equivalent coefficient (LEC)                                                           19 

2.7.3          Area x time equivalent ratio (ATER).                                                                  19

2.7.4          Competitive ratio (CR)                                                                             20

2.7.5          Relative yield total (RYT)                                                                        21

2.7.6          Economic evaluation of production in intercropping systems                 21


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                    22

3.0             Study Area and Location                                                                          22

3.1             Experiment 1: Effect of Eggplant Population on Growth and Yield of

                  Component Crops in Sweetpotato/Eggplant Intercropping System                  22

3.1.1          Land preparation                                                                                      22

3.1.2          Planting materials                                                                                     23

3.1.3          Experimental design and field lay out                                                      23

3.1.4          Experimental treatments                                                                          23

3.1.5          Planting and cultural operations                                                               25

3.1.6          Data collection                                                                                         25

3.1.7          Data analysis                                                                                             27

3.1.7 (1)    Land Equivalent Ration (LER)                                                                 28

3.1.7 (2)    Gross Monetary Return (GMR)                                                                28

3.1.7 (3)    Net Returns                                                                                               28

3.2             Experiment 2: Effect of relative time of introduction of

eggplants in sweetpotato/eggplant intercropping system                                    28

3.2.1          Land preparation                                                                                       28

3.2.2          Planting material                                                                                      29

3.2.3          Experimental design and field lay out                                                      29

3.2.4          Experiment treatment                                                                               29

3.2.5          Planting and cultural operations                                                               30

3.2.6          Data collection                                                                                          31

3.2.7          Data analysis                                                                                             33

3.2.7 (a)     Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)                                                                   33

3.2.7 (b)    Gross Monetary Ration (GMR)                                                                34

3.3.0          Experiment 3: Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth

                  and yield of component crops of Sweetpotato/Eggplant intercrop               34

3.3.1          Land preparation                                                                                      34

3.3.2          Planting materials                                                                                     34

3.3.3          Experimental design and field lay out                                                      35

3.3.4          Experimental treatment (organic and inorganic fertilizers)                              35

3.3.5          Treatment combinations                                                                           35

3.3.6          Planting and cultural operations                                                               37

3.3.7          Data collection                                                                                         37

3.3.8          Data analysis                                                                                             39



4.1             Results                                                                                                      40

4.1.1          Soil Physico-chemical Properties and Meteorological Data of

                  Experimental Sites                                                                                    40

4.2             Experiment 1: Effect of Eggplant Population on Growth and Yield of

                  Components Crops in Sweetpotato/Eggplant Intercropping System      43

4.2.1          Eggplant growth parameters                                                                     43

4.2.2               Eggplant yield and yield components                                                      44

4.2.3          Sweetpotato growth parameters                                                               44

4.2.4          Sweetpotato yield and yield components                                                 54

4.2.5          Weed dry matter                                                                                       54

4.2.6          Productivity of the intercropping systems                                                55

4.2.7               Discussion experiment 1                                                                           65

4.3             Experiment 2: Effect of Time of Introduction of Eggplant in

                  Sweetpotato/Eggplant Intercropping System                                           67

4.3.1          Eggplant growth parameters                                                                    67

4.3.2          Eggplant yield and yield components                                                      68

4.3.3:         Sweetpotato growth attributes                                                                              68

4.3.4:         Sweetpotato yield and yield components                                                 69

4.3.5          Weed dry matter                                                                                       69

4.3.6          Productivity of the intercropping systems                                                70

4.3.7          Discussion experiment 2                                                                           82

4.4             Experiment 3: Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on

                  Growth and Yield of Component Crops of Sweetpotato/Eggplant Intercrop   84

4.4.1          Growth attributes of eggplant                                                                   84

4.4.2          Eggplant yield and yield components                                                      84

4.4.3:         Sweetpotato growth attributes                                                                              85

4.4.4:         Sweetpotato yield and yield components                                                 89

4.4.5          Weed dry matter                                                                                       92

4.4.6          Productivity of the intercropping systems                                                92

4.4.7          Discussion experiment 3                                                                           100



5.1             Conclusion                                                                                                102

5.2             Recommendations                                                                                    102


                 References                                                                                                 104                                                                                    

                Appendices                                                                                                   116  



4.1:      Physical and chemical properties of the experimental site in 2014 and                              2015 cropping seasons                                                                                                41

4.2:      Monthly total rainfall (mm), rainy days, sunshine (hr), maximum and                              minimum temperature in 2014 and 2015                                                                   42

4.3:      Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on growth and growth                                     parameters of eggplant at 8 WAP and 10 WAP in 2014 cropping season                       45

4.4:      Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on growth and growth                                     parameters of eggplant at 8 WAP and 10 WAP in 2015 cropping season                       46

4.5:      Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on yield and yield                            components of eggplant in 2014 and 2015                                                                         47                           

4.6:      Effect of interaction cropping system and sweetpotato varieties on fruit girth                of eggplant in 2014 and 2015                                                                                     48

4.7:      Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on growth and growth                                     parameters of sweetpotato varieties in 2014 cropping season                                  49

4.8:      Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on growth and growth                                     parameters of sweetpotato in 2015 cropping season                                                          50

4.9:      Interaction effects of cropping system and sweetpotato varieties on growth                    parameters of sweetpotato in 2014                                                                             51

4.10:    Interaction effect for cropping system and sweetpotato varieties on growth and                         growth parameters of sweetpotato in 2015                                                                        52

4.11:    Interaction effect of sweetpotato varieties and eggplant population on vine                              length of sweetpotato in 2014 and 2015                                                                53

4.12:    Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on yield and yield                            components of sweetpotato varieties in 2014                                                             57

4.13:    Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on yield and yield                            components of sweetpotato in 2015 cropping season                                                 58

4.14:    Interaction effects for cropping system and sweetpotato varieties on yield and                yield components of sweetpotato varieties in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons     59

4.15:    Interaction effect of sweetpotato varieties and eggplant population on some                 yield components of sweetpotato in 2015                                                                        60

4.16:    Effect of cropping system and eggplant population on weed dry weight at 8                  WAP and 10 WAP in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons                                                61

4.17:    Effect of component population of eggplant/sweetpotato intercropping on land              equivalent ratio (LER) and gross monetary returns (GMR) in 2014 cropping                    season                                                                                                                         62

4.18:    Effect of component population of eggplant/sweetpotato intercropping on land              equivalent ratio (LER) and gross monetary returns (GMR) in 2015                                               cropping season                                                                                                            63

4.19:    Gross monetary returns (₦/ha), total revenue variable cost and net returns (₦/ha) as         effected by eggplant population on sweetpotato/eggplant on 2014 and 2015                    cropping seasons                                                                                                            64

4.20:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction of eggplant on growth and                  growth parameters of eggplant in 2014                                                                      71

4:21:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction of eggplants on growth                    parameters of eggplants in 2015                                                                                 72

4.22:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction of eggplant on yield and                     yield components of eggplant in 2014 and 2015                                                            73

4.23:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction of eggplant on growth                                     parameters of sweetpotato in 2014                                                                             74

4.24:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction of eggplant on growth                                     parameters of sweetpotato in 2015                                                                             75

4.25:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction of eggplant on yield and                     yield components of sweetpotato in 2014                                                                  76

4.26:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction on yield and yield                            components of sweetpotato in 2015                                                                           77

4.27:    Effect of cropping system and time of introduction on weed dry matter of                                  sweetpotato in 2014 and 2015                                                                                                78

4.28:    Effect of time of introduction of eggplant in sweetpotato/eggplant                                                 intercropping system on land equivalent ratio (LER) and gross monetary                                 returns (GMR) in 2014                                                                                        79

4.29:    Effect of time of introduction of eggplant in sweetpotato/eggplant                                                 intercropping system on land equivalent ratio (LER) and gross monetary                                 returns (GMR) in 2015                                                                                        80

4.30:    Gross monetary returns (₦/ha), total revenue variable cost and net returns (₦/ha) as         effected by time of introduction of eggplant in sweetpotato/ eggplant                                     intercropping system in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons                                            81

4.31:    Effect of cropping system, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and poultry manure on                               growth parameters of eggplant in 2014                                                                        86

4.32:    Effect of cropping system, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and poultry manure on                               growth parameters of eggplant in 2015                                                                        87

4.33:    Effect of cropping system, NPK fertilizer and poultry manure on yield and                     yield components of eggplant in 2014 and 2015                                                            88

4.34:    Effect of cropping system, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and poultry manure on                               growth and growth parameters sweetpotato in 2014                                                            90

4.35:    Effect of cropping system, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and poultry manure on                               growth and growth parameters of sweetpotato in 2015                                        91

4.36:    Effect of cropping system, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and poultry manure on                               yield and yield components of sweetpotato in 2014                                                            93

4.37:    Effect of cropping system, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and poultry manure on                   yield and yield components of sweetpotato in 2015                                                            94

4.38:    Effect of cropping system, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and poultry manure on                               weed dry matter (WDM) of sweetpotato and eggplant in 2014 and 2015                       95

4.39:    Effect of poultry manure and NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer on eggplant/sweetpotato              intercropping on land equivalent ratio (LER) and gross monetary returns                             (GMR) in 2014                                                                                                                  97

4.40:    Effect of poultry manure and NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer on eggplant/sweetpotato              intercropping on land equivalent ratio (LER) and gross monetary returns                             (GMR) in 2015                                                                                                                  98

4.41:  Gross monetary returns (₦/ha), total revenue variable cost and net returns (₦/ha) as         effected by poultry manure and NPK 15:115:15 fertilizer sweetpotato eggplant                       intercropping in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons                                                            99



Sweetpotato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is one of the world’s most widely grown and variable crops, and farmers in more than 100 countries rely on its ability to produce high yield in marginal soils and with little investment (Horton et al., 1989). It is an important root crop widely grown in sub Saharan Africa. It is used for poverty alleviation and food security due to its productivity per unit land area and time which makes it a crop for the survival of resource poor farmers in Nigeria (NRCRI, 2005). It is a high calories food for its roots as a source of carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, feed and agro industrial raw materials (Wolfe. 1992). Thirty  percent of sweetpotato produced is used food for man, 63% livestock feed and 7% for other purposes (Onunka and Onwunali, 2008). It is food for all because of its low sugar content and its richness in pro-vitamin. It is also an important food crop that provides high energy and protein per unit of cultivated area and time as well as important vitamins and minerals and agro industrial raw materials (CIP, 1991).

 Eggplant (Solanum gilo) L.) is a small-size dessert fruit type, fruit vegetable that belongs to the Solanaceae family of flowering plants.  In Nigeria it has cultural, social and economic importance.  It is almost as important as tomatoes in many West African Countries. As a popular salad item, it is cherished as snack. The fruits are eaten fresh, boiled or fried for culinary use. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals e.g. vitamin B, C, and Fe (Udo et al., 2005). It also contains phyto-nutrients such as nasunin and chlorogenic acid (Sabo and Dia, 2009). Eggplant is profitable crop grown in many agricultural zones of Nigeria and also brings diversity in cropping systems.

Intercropping is an agricultural practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same field during a growing season in definite pattern or arrangements (Filho, 2000). It is a scientific application of mixed cropping in terms of crop spacing, time of planting and quantity and quality of fertilizer application. It can be defined as a multiple cropping system where two or more crops are planted in field during a growing season. It dominates early agriculture and is still practised today in many areas of the world (Anders et al., 1996). Generally resource poor farmers practice intercropping systems due to its enormous advantages. It provides additional crop yield per unit area of land use, efficient utilization of crop growth resources and increased productivity, controls weeds and soil erosion, provides insurance against crop failure, and assures even distribution of farm labour, reduces insect pests and disease infestation more than mono cropping (Trenbath, 1976; Okpara 2000; Earles, 2005; Muoneke and Mbah, 2007; Hector, 2010; Eskandari, 2012a).

Optimum plant population ensures better crop growth, development and yield. Maximum productivity in intercropping could be obtained when inter and intra specific crop competition are minimal for growth limiting factors and the density of each crop adjusted to minimize competition (Okpara et al., 2004). Over population results in excessive plant competition for growth and development which could reduce the overall productivity of the crop and under populations reduce potential crop yield per unit area (Hector, 2010). When crops are introduced very early in the season, they may grow vegetatively and yield is reduced; and when crops are planted late in the season, they may not complete their life cycle early and yield may also reduced. Appropriate time of introduction plays a vital role in order to have optimum and sustainable yield. In intercropping system, small scale farmers who adopt this system may decide to plant at same time or introduce them over time. Muoneke et al., (1997) reported that farmers may chose to plant component crops at the same time or stagger them.

 Due to the world’s high population density, continuous cropping has replaced bush fallow which is a means of nutrient addition to the soil. In areas where continuous cropping is already practised, this has lead decline soil fertility which is one of the production constraints.  The ultisols of south eastern Nigeria are characterized by low organic matter, low nutrient status, low pH, low buffering capacity, low cation exchange and low activity clay (Lal and Kang, 1986). Chemical and organic fertilizers are now a means of improving nutrient status of the soil in order to enhance crop’s growth, quantity, quality and yields (Muoneke, 2017). Integration of organic and inorganic fertilizer enhances crop yield (Nottidge, et al., 2005).

Both sweetpotato and eggplant feature prominently in the farming systems of south eastern  Nigeria mixed cropping (Tijani-Eniola, 1997; Kintomo, 2001; Odeleye et al., 2004; Ekwere et al., 2009).  They may be grown as monocrops or intercrops but mixed cropping or intercropping is the predominant cropping system (Ekwere et al., 2009).  The ecological problems such as increasing urbanization, soil erosion and land fragmentation have decreased the amount of arable land available to the farmers (Chukwu and Ifenkwe 1996).  Intercropping is the only way to increasing diversity of crops in agricultural ecosystem. However, there is dearth of scientific information on intercrop of sweetpotato and eggplant in the south east agro-ecological zone.

Therefore, the objectives of this study are:

(1)  To determine the effect of eggplant population on growth and yield of component crops in sweetpotato/ eggplant intercropping system.

 (2)   To determine the effect of sweetpotato varieties and time of introduction of eggplant on growth and yield of sweetpotato/eggplant intercrop.

(3)   To determine the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of sweetpotato and eggplant in intercropping system.

(4)       To determine the economics and productivity of the systems using land equivalent ratio (LER), gross monetary returns (GMR) and net returns (NR).

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