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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009281

No of Pages: 193

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Assessment of genetic diversity is an essential component in germplasm characterization and utilization. Therefore, a study was undertaken to investigate the morphological and molecular characterization for assessment of genetic diversity of some sweetpotato accessions in Nigeria. Evaluation of the sweetpotato germplasm was carried out under rain-fed conditions using Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with three replications at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) and at the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI) Potato Programme, Kuru, Jos, Plateau State, North Central Nigeria during the 2018 cropping season. The molecular characterization was carried out at the Molecular laboratory of the Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu State in 2019. Thirty sweetpotato seeds were obtained from International Potato Center, Kumasi, Ghana, Mozambique and local germplasm of the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State in Nigeria as well as sweetpotato vines from local farmers’ fields in Jos, Plateau State and Bauchi, in Bauchi State, Nigeria. These were investigated using Morphological and Molecular characterization approaches. The attributes for morphological, agronomic and nutritional characters were used to identify variations among the accessions. The results revealed that significant differences existed among the accessions (P<0.05) for the morphological and agronomic characters investigated. The first ten principal components with coefficient values greater than 1.0 together accounted for 97.68% of the total variation. Significant positive correlation was found between predominant flesh colour and storage root shape (r=0.722**, p<0.01), and also between predominant skin colour and mature leaf colour (r=0.831**, p<0.01). Total storage root yield had positive correlation with number of marketable roots, (r=0.788**, p<0.01), marketable weight/ha (r=0.99**, p<0.01) and unmarketable weight/ha (r=0.241*, p<0.05) but negative correlation with number of unmarketable roots, (r=-0.282, p<0.01). Cluster analysis based on the Unweighted Paired Grouped Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) grouped the accessions into three clusters for the morphological characters and four clusters for the molecular characters. Five Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) primers used for the study detected polymorphism among the sweetpotato accessions. The primers detected a total of 18 alleles and the number of alleles per locus was 4 for IBR-19, IBR-286, IBR-297 and 3 for IBR-16 and IBR-242 with an average of 3.67 alleles per locus. The polymorphic information content (PIC) of the markers varied from 0.35 to 0.72 with an average of 0.497. Marker IBR-19 revealed the highest PIC of 0.72, while marker IBR-297 had the lowest PIC of 0.35. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.32 to 0.89 with a mean of 0.675 across the five SSR loci. Based on the genetic distances resulting from the analysis of the dendrogram for the combined morphological and molecular characters and also from the agronomic and nutritional characterization, twenty accessions were selected for in vitro and ex situ conservation and as core collection for future breeding and other agronomic programmes.


Title Page                                                                                                                                           i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                                  vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vii

List of Tables                                                                                                                          xiii

List of Figures                                                                                                                         xv

List of Plates                                                                                                                           xvi

List of Abbreviations and Symbols                                                                                        xvii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xxi      

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                        1

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                           7

2.1   Origin, Distribution, Botany, and Evolution of Sweetpotato                                         7

2.1.1 Origin                                                                                                                             7

2.1.2 Distribution                                                                                                                    8

2.1.3 Botany                                                                                                                           8

2.1.4 Evolution                                                                                                                       10

2.2   Biology and Morphology of Sweetpotato                                                                      11

2.2.1 Growth habit                                                                                                                  11

2.2.2 The Stem                                                                                                                        11

2.2.3 The leaves and petiole                                                                                                   11

2.2.4 The Flowers                                                                                                                   12

2.2.5 The Fruit and seed                                                                                                         13

2.2.6 The Storage roots                                                                                                           13

2.3   Agronomy of Sweetpotato                                                                                              14

2.3.1 Climatic and Soil requirements                                                                                     14

2.3.2 Propagation                                                                                                                    14

2.3.3 Weeding and Earthing up                                                                                              15

2.3.4   Mulching                                                                                                                     15

2.3.5   Manure and Fertilizer application                                                                               16

2.3.6   Irrigation                                                                                                                      16

2.3.7   Harvesting                                                                                                                   17

2.3.8   Yield                                                                                                                            18

2.3.9   Pest and Disease control                                                                                              18

2.4    Trend in Global Production of Sweetpotato                                                                  19

2.5    Sweetpotato Virus Disease (SPVD)                                                                              21

2.6    Types of Sweetpotato Viruses                                                                                       22

2.7    Methods of Detection for Sweetpotato Viruses                                                             22

2.8    Control of Sweetpotato Virus Disease (SPDV)                                                             23

2.9    Uses and Health Benefits of Sweetpotato                                                                     24

2.9.1   Human Food                                                                                                                24

2.9.2   Animal Feed                                                                                                                25

2.9.3   Industrial Uses                                                                                                             26

2.9.4   Health Benefits                                                                                                                        26

2.10   Nutritional Composition of Sweetpotato                                                                      27

2.11    End-User Traits of Sweetpotato                                                                                  28

2.11.1 Beta-Carotene Content                                                                                                29

2.11.2 Dry Matter Content                                                                                                     30

2.11.3 Sugar Content                                                                                                              31

2.12    Genetic Diversity/Variation in Sweetpotato                                                             32

2.13    Determination of Genetic Variation                                                                            34

2.14   Diversity Measurement                                                                                                35

2.14.1 Morphological Characterization                                                                                 35

2.14.2 Molecular Characterization                                                                                         35

2.15     Genetic Distance                                                                                                        37

2.16     Calculation of Genetic Distances                                                                               37

2.17     Core Collections                                                                                                         38

2.18     Sweetpotato Studies Using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers                       39

2.19     Sweetpotato Breeding                                                                                                 39  

2.20     Germplasm Characterization for Quality Traits                                                          41

2.21     Application of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Rapid

Screening of Quality Traits                                                                                        42

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                44

3.1       Experimental Site                                                                                                       44

3.2       Sources of planting materials                                                                                     45

3.3       Method of Collection of Accessions                                                                          45

3.4       Field Experimentation                                                                                                47

3.4.1    Nursery Management                                                                                                 47

3.4.2    Seed Treatment                                                                                                          47

3.4.3    Soil Sampling                                                                                                             47

3.4.4    Land Preparation                                                                                                        47

3.4.5    Planting and Fertilizer Application                                                                            48

3.4.6    Experimental Design                                                                                                  48

3.5      Evaluation of the Morphological Traits                                                                      48

3.5.1   Foliar Morphology Attributes                                                                                     49

3.5.2    Storage Root Characters                                                                                             50


3.6       Harvesting                                                                                                                   53

3.7       Data Collection on Yield and Yield Components                                                       53

3.8       Laboratory Experiment                                                                                              54

3.8.1    Determination of Nutritional Quality Traits                                                               54

3.9     Molecular Characterization Using SSR Markers                                                         55

3.9.1   Sample Collection                                                                                                       55

3.9.2   DNA Extraction                                                                                                          56

3.9.3   Preparation of Agarose Gel                                                                                         57

3.9.4   Determination of DNA Concentration                                                                        57

3.9.5   Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of the PCR Products                                                     58

3.9.6   Amplification of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)                                                  59

3.9.7   Scoring and Statistical Analysis                                                                                  60

3.10     Data Analysis                                                                                                              62

3.11     Estimation of Genetic Variability                                                                               64

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                  66

4.1       Soil and Agrometeorological Data                                                                             66

4.2       Morphological Variations of the Sweetpotato Accessions Evaluated

            in Jos and Owerri Locations                                                                                       69

4.3       Analysis of Variance for Morpho-agronomic Characters of Sweetpotato

Accessions Evaluated in Owerri and Jos Locations                                                   77

4.4       Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the Morphological

            Characters of Thirty Sweetpotato Accessions                                                           83

4.4.1   Principal component analysis of morphological characters

            of the Sweetpotato accessions from Jos.                                                                  83

4.4.2 Principal component analysis of morphological characters

         of the Sweetpotato accessions from Owerri                                                               86

4.4.3    Performance of the selected accessions from Jos                                                       88

4.4.4    Principal Coordinate analysis of the Sweetpotato accessions                                                90

4.5       Estimation of Useful Genetic Parameters                                                                  92

4.5.1   Estimate of genetic variation for the agronomic and

            nutritional traits of the sweetpotato accessions for Jos and Owerri                                    92

4.5.2   Variability, heritability and expected genetic advance for the

           traits of the sweetpotato accessions for Jos and Owerri                                              95

4.6      Correlation Coefficient for the Sweetpotato Accessions                                            98

4.6.1    Correlation coefficients for the morphological characters of the

           thirty Sweetpotato accessions in Owerri, Imo State                                                   98

4.6.2    Correlation coefficients for the morphological characters of the

           thirty Sweetpotato accessions in Jos location                                                            100

4.6.3 Correlation coefficients for the storage root characters of the Sweetpotato

          accessions in Owerri, Imo State                                                                                  102

4.6.4   Correlation coefficients for the storage root characters of the Sweetpotato

            accessions in Jos location                                                                                          104

4.7      Selection of highest performing Sweetpotato accessions based on  

            mean yield (t/ha)                                                                                                       106

4.8       Cluster analysis of the Sweetpotato accessions based on morphological

            Characters                                                                                                                   108

4.8.1    Cluster analysis of morphological characters of sweetpotato accessions

            for Jos and Owerri.                                                                                                     108

4.8.2    Molecular cluster analysis (Dendrogram) based on molecular data                                    110

4.8.3    Comparison of morphological and molecular characterization (SSR DATA) 112

4.9       Molecular Characterization                                                                                        114

4.9.1   Polymorphism of microsatellites used for the characterization

             of the Sweetpotato accessions                                                                                   114

4.10     Core Collection Determination and Mode of Selection                                             120

4.10.1   Selection based on clusters                                                                                        120

4.10.2    Selection based on agronomic and nutritional characters                                        120

4.11       Discussion                                                                                                                 123

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                     131

5.1       Conclusions                                                                                                                131

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      133

References                                                                                                                              134

Appendices                                                                                                                             171








The world production of Sweetpotato (tons)



Sites of collection of the Sweetpotato accessions used in the study



Morphological traits measured among sweetpotato accessions



Sweetpotato microsatellite (SSR) primers used in the study



Format of analysis of variance for the study



Soil physical and chemical properties of the experimental sites in Jos and Owerri during the 2018 cropping season




Agro-meteorological data of the experimental site for Jos and Owerri in 2018 cropping season




Morphological characteristics of Sweetpotato accessions used in the study




Mean values of the morpho-agronomic characters of Sweetpotato accessions in Jos




Mean values of the morpho-agronomic characters of Sweetpotato accessions in Owerri




Eigen values and loading from principal component analysis of morphological characters in the Sweetpotato accessions from Jos




Eigen values and loading from principal component analysis of the agronomic and  nutritional characters in the Sweetpotato accessions

from Owerri                                                                                                                                                              





Performance of the selected accessions for beta-carotene, dry matter and sugar content.





Components of variance for agronomic and nutritional traits of the sweetpotato accessions in Jos




Components of variance for the agronomic and nutritional characters of the sweetpotato accessions in Owerri.







Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and  genetic advance for the traits of Sweetpotato accessions from Jos

Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and  genetic advance for the traits of Sweetpotato accessions from Owerri






Correlation Coefficients (r) for the morphological characters of the thirty sweetpotato accessions in Jos location




Correlation Coefficients (r) for the morphological characters of the thirty sweetpotato accessions in Jos location




Correlation Coefficients (r) for the storage root characters of the thirty Sweetpotato accessions in Owerri location




Correlation Coefficients (r) for the storage root characters of the thirty Sweetpotato accessions in Jos location




Mean yield (t/ha) of the highest performing Sweetpotato accessions for Jos and Owerri locations




Characteristics of amplified fragments in the sweetpotato accessions using five SSR markers




List of core collections of Sweetpotato accessions considered for conservation










Principal coordinate analysis of the thirty sweetpotato accessions from Jos and Owerri



Dendrogram of  morphological characters of  sweetpotato accessions in two locations (Owerri and Jos) based on Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity index using UPGMA




Dendrogram of sweetpotato accessions based on molecular character using Jaccard’s index genetic dissimilarity matrix




Dendrogram of the combined morphological and molecular data of the

Sweetpotato accessions using Jaccard’s index genetic dissimilarity matrix










1A       Hastate leaf shape and yellowish-green leaf colour                                                         71


1B       Lobed leaf shape and green with purple edge colour                                                      71


1C       Lobed leaf shape and yellowish- green colour at immature stage,

green leaf at mature stage and green vine at mature stage                                         72


1D     Hastate leaf shape with green leaf colour at mature stage and

          purple leaf colour at immature stage                                                                           72


1E       Triangular leaf shape with green leaf colour at mature stage                                     73


1F        Cordate leaf shape, green leaf and green petiole colour at maturity stage             73


2A       Cream colour of root flesh                                                                                          74


2B       Dark cream colour with pink spots scattered in the root flesh                                    74


2C       Dark orange flesh colour with white spots scattered in the flesh                               75


2D       Orange root flesh colour                                                                                             75


2E        Long oblong root shape and cream root skin colour                                                          76


2F        Elliptic root shape and purple root skin colour                                                          76


3A       Simple Sequence Repeats Primer IBR- 19 image on visual gel                                         117

3B       Simple Sequence Repeats Primer IBR-16 image on visual gel                                    117


3C       Simple Sequence Repeats Primer IBR- 242 image on visual gel                                    118


3D       Simple Sequence Repeats Primer IBR- 286 image on visual gel                                    118


3E        Simple Sequence Repeats Primer IBR-297 image on visual gel                                    119






AFLP       -

A              -


Amplified fragment length polymorphism


Analysis of Variance

bp             -

Base pair(s)

BCIP       -

BSA         -


5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate

Bovine Serum Albumin

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

CIAT       -

International Center for Tropical Agriculture

CIP          -

International Potato Center

CTAB      -

C             -

oC          -

CV        -

cm         -    

Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide


Degree Celsius

Coefficient of variation


DNA      -

Deoxyribonucleic acid

dNTP     -

dATP     -

dCTP     -

dGTP      -

dTTP      -

DW        -

deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate

deoxyadenosine triphosphate

deoxycytidine triphosphate

deoxyguanosine triphosphate

deoxythymidine triphosphate

Dry weight

EDTA     -

Ethylendiamine tetra-acetic acid


ECEC   -

EMS      -

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

Exchangeable cation exchange capacity

Expected mean square

FAO       -

Food and Agriculture Organization

G           -

GA        -

GCV      -

s2e        -         

g           -

s2g       -


Genetic advance

Genetic coefficient of variability

Environmental variance


Genotypic variance

ha          -

h2b         -


    Broad sense heritability

IBPGR   -      International Board for Plant Genetic Resources

IITA      -  

LSD      -

Kg         -

K           -

m            -

Mbp       -

mg          -

min        -

ml           -     

mm       -

MS       -

nM       -       

ng         -

NARS       -

   International Institute for Tropical Agriculture

   Least significant difference


Selection intensity


Mega (or million) base pairs





   Mean square



     National Agricultural Research Systems



Numerical taxonomy multivariate analysis system


OFSP       -      

Orange fleshed sweetpotatoes


PCA        -

Principal Component Analysis


PCR       -

PC          -

PCV  -

Polymerase chain reaction

Principal coordinate

Phenotypic coefficient of variability


PVP     -



pH      -

s2p     -

%       -          

Hydrogen proton

Phenotypic variance




RAPD    -RCBD    -

Random amplified polymorphic DNA

     Randomized complete block design


RFLP     -

Restriction fragment length polymorphism


RNA       -

Ribonucleic acid


RNAse   -



Rpm      -

r             -

SED      -

Revolutions per minute

Correlation coefficient

Standard error of deviation


SSR      -

SNP      -          

Simple sequence repeats

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism


Taq       -

Thermophilus aquaticus


TBE      -

Tris borate EDTA


Tris      -

Tm       -

SPVD   -

T          -

t            -

T-TBS   -

U           -


UV          - 

WAP       -

µ l          -

X           -


Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane

Annealing temperature

Sweet potato virus disease



Tris buffered saline supplemented with tween 20


   Unweighted pair group method of arithmetic average


  Weeks after planting


  Sample mean






Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) is an important crop that is cultivated in 119 countries of the world for food, feed and industrial raw material (Scott and Ewell, 1993; FAOSTAT, 2013). The annual global production of sweetpotato is estimated at 110.7 million tones with about 15% from east and Central Africa (FAOSTAT, 2013).

The annual global production of sweetpotato is estimated at 110.7 million tons of which 15% is from East and Central Africa (FAOSTAT, 2013). It is a tropical American crop belonging to the family Convolvulaceae and a hexaploid, with chromosome number (2n=6x=90) and is considered the only species of Ipomoea that is of great economic importance (Austin, 1977).  It originated in the tropics and has crossed the Pacific through Polynesia before the new world was discovered (Huaman, 1999; Zhang et al., 2000).It was introduced to Africa by explorers from Spain and Portugal during the 16th (Zhang et al., 2004). East Africa is the area that is considered as the secondary center of diversity based on the presence of large number of varieties (Gichuki et al., 2003). Sweetpotato is considered to be the seventh most important crop after wheat, maize, rice, potato, barley and cassava (FAO, 2011).

Sweetpotato is the seventh most important food crop after wheat, rice, maize, potato, barley and cassava (FAO, 2011).  The crop is grown in all agro-ecologies, across all states in Nigeria and has been identified to be the fourth most important crop after Cassava, Yam and Cocoyam, (Okonkwo et al., 2009). In developing countries, it ranks fifth in terms of the economic value of production (Thottappilly and Loebenstein, 2009). In sub-Saharan Africa where the crop is grown on some 13.37 million hectares of land, it is the third most important root crop after cassava and yam (FAOSTAT, 2012).  Despite the high production figures, yield has remained low in farmers’ fields with estimated average root yield of 3.0 tonnes/ha (FAOSTAT, 2015). In Nigeria, the production, marketing and utilization of sweetpotato have expanded to almost all the ecological zones within the past decade (NRCRI, 2009), and about 400,000 hectares of land are under sweetpotato cultivation.

Sweetpotato is one of the valuable crops that produce the highest quantity of root dry matter content which is used for human consumption. Starch is the major component which constitutes about 70% of the dry weight of sweetpotato, (Woolfe, 1992). According to Slafer and Savin (1994) and Mwanga et al., (2007), high dry matter is considered to be an important characteristic of a good sweetpotato variety. Storage root that contain high starch and low hexose contents are very important qualities that sweetpotato industry prefers (Slafer and Savin, 1994).

High starch and low soluble sugar contents has led to the reduction in the cost of sweetpotato processing which has been attributed to the absence of oxidation reactions, (McKibbin et al, 2006).

Sweetpotato has many positive attributes. It produces more carbohydrate per unit area per unit time than other root crops, has short production cycle, grows well in many agro ecologies, requires low inputs, and is fairly tolerant to production stresses such as high temperature, water deficits, insects, diseases and low soil fertility (Woolfe, 1992).

Nutritionally, its high levels of proteins, minerals and dietary fiber make it superior to most staples (Jaarsveld et al., 2005). Sweetpotato is an inexpensive source of β-carotene, anthocyanin, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. The orange-fleshed sweetpotato varieties are important sources of β-carotene which is the major precursor of vitamin A (Chassy et al., 2008), while the purple fleshed sweetpotato varieties  contains a high content of anthocyanins and other polyphenolic components (Teowal et al., 2007; Steed and Truong, 2008). The quantity of β-carotene and anthocyanin in sweetpotato is as high as in carrot, pumpkin, Vaccinium species such as blueberry, cranberry, bilberry or red cabbage (Woolfe, 1992; Steed and Truong, 2008). Low et al., (2007) and Mcharo and La Bonte, (2007) reported that regular intake of one hundred grams of orange-fleshed  sweetpotato varieties containing about 3 mg/100 g β-carotene on a fresh weight basis is adequate to meet the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, and prevent deficiency of  vitamin A  in pregnant mothers, and also prevent blindness in children. Sweetpotato is known to have a low glycemic index, in that, the slow rate of digestion of its complex carbohydrate, lowers the rate of absorption of sugars into the blood stream. It is therefore, a suitable source of food for the diabetics (Willcox et al., 2009).

Sweetpotato has many industrial applications (Lin et al., 2007). It is an industrial source of starch and alcohol (Rahman et al., 2003), yielding 30–50 % more starch than rice, corn and wheat sources measured under the same conditions (Wang, 1984). Its high grade starch is suitable for food and pharmaceutical industries, and has been used in textile, paper, cosmetics, insulating and adhesive industries (Rahman et al., 2003; Veeraragavathatham et al., 2007) and has great potential for bio fuel production (Mays et al., 1990).

Systematic plant breeding and the efficient use of agricultural inputs has generally led to the increase in crop productivity during the last century (Warburton et al., 2002).  However, increase in productivity has led to the decrease in genetic diversity within gene pools (Fernie et al., 2006) due to a compounding factor such as inbreeding.

This trend is particularly difficult among vegetatively propagated crops like sweetpotato and in particular landraces which have a diverse genetic base but are rarely integrated into the plant breeding programs due to their low production.

A large number of sweetpotato cultivars exist varying in taste, food value, root size and shape (Bashaasha et al., 1995). This has mainly arisen through natural hybridization and selection. Farmers usually identify varieties by their local names and prefer to grow more than one cultivar for various reasons such as varietal preference, lack of enough planting materials of any one cultivar, food security, spreading of yield over time, and guarding against losses from storage and pests or diseases (Kapinga et al., 1995). The identification and characterization of these landraces is important for purposes of conservation of genetic diversity.

Morphological characterization is an important step in the assessment of sweetpotato diversity, but has certain limitations due to morphological plasticity and parallel evolution (Prakash and He, 1996). Therefore, genetic differences exhibited as presence/absence of polymorphisms that exist among accessions can be combined with phenotypic analyses to augment germplasm characterization. Morphological characterization has been used extensively on various crop plants in the assessment of genetic diversity in many places of the world (Lacroix et al., 2005; and K’Opondo, 2011). Despite the environmental influences on plant morphology, this direct inexpensive and easy to use method of estimation was perceived as the strongest determinant of the agronomic value and taxonomic classification of plants (Li et al., 2009) and the first step in the assessment of genetic diversity. On sweetpotato, this tool has been used successfully to analyze genetic diversity necessary for the germplasm conservation, to reduce accession number by identification and elimination of duplicates and to enhance crop breeding (Huaman, 1992 and Yada et al., 2010a).

Sweetpotato morphological descriptors have been variously used (Mbithe et al. 2016 and Su et al., 2016) and proven useful for preliminary evaluation of accessions due to their considerable discriminatory power, but the present trend is to use molecular marker based characterization as a complementary tool to validate morphological characterization findings (Changadeya et al., 2012a and  Malviya et al., 2012).

Molecular markers have increasingly been employed to investigate sweetpotato genetic diversity for germplasm conservation and genetic enhancement (Ochieng et al., 2015 and Naidoo et al., 2016). Simple sequence repeats (SSR) are considered to be the most efficient markers for genetic diversity studies in many plants (Rakoczy-Trojanowska and Bolibok, 2004) including sweetpotato (Zhang et al., 2000). This is because of their high levels of allelic variation and their co-dominant character, which means that they deliver more information per unit assay than any other marker system (Rakoczy-Trojanowska and Bolibok, 2004). These markers are highly polymorphic, co-dominant, and can easily be detected on high-resolution gels.

Successful conservation of any given gene pool is largely dependent on understanding the diversity and its distribution in a given region (Zhang et al., 1999). Studying the diversity of important crops enables identification of land marks for in situ germplasm conservation, the creation of core genotypes for genetic analysis and the extension of knowledge, useful for breeding programs, therefore, an accurate assessment of the levels of genetic diversity in sweetpotato is invaluable for various purposes including identification of diverse parental combinations to develop segregating progenies with maximum genetic variability for further selection (Barrette and Kidwell, 1998).

The objectives of the study are to:

1.     Evaluate the extent of morphological diversity among sweetpotato accessions from different areas of collection in Nigeria.

2.     Ascertain the level of genetic diversity among the sweetpotato accessions using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) molecular markers.

3.     Determine the nutritional components of sweetpotato accessions.

4.     Assess the correlation between genetic distance estimates of sweetpotato accessions based on morphological traits and molecular markers selection.

5.     Select core collection of sweetpotato accessions for conservation and future breeding work.

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