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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007057

No of Pages: 77

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study examined public relations and utilization of information resources in university libraries in Imo State. The study adopted correlation research design. Four research questions and four null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The study was carried out in Federal University of Technology, Owerri and Imo State University, Owerri. A questionnaire captioned ‘Public Relations and Utilization of Information Resources Questionnaire (PRUIRQ)’ was used for data collection. The population comprised 9414 registered undergraduate students of the two university libraries. Proportionate sampling technique was adopted to select 377 undergraduate students for the study. The data were analyzed using Pearson (r) statistic while the null hypotheses were tested using t-test statistical technique. The research findings showed that there is a moderate, positive and significant relationship between current awareness services provided in the public university libraries in Imo State and the utilization of the information resources. It was also found that the use of library exhibitions and user education has contributed to students’ effective utilization of the information resources in Federal University of Technology, Owerri library and Imo State University library respectively. It was however, recommended that library exhibition method which is not being used in the two university libraries be adopted as another promotional strategy to enhance utilization. It was also recommended that the university libraries should step up the provision of telephone and e-mail reference services to compliment other methods of reference services for enhanced utilization of information resources.  



Title Page                                                                                                        i

Certification                                                                                                    ii

Declaration                                                                                                      iii

Dedication                                                                                                      iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                        v

Table of Contents                                                                                           vi

List of Tables                                                                                                  viii

Abstract                                                                                                          ix



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                   1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                   6

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                          7

1.4       Research Questions                                                                             7

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                         8

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                   8

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                             9

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                  10

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                       10

2.1.1    Public relations                                                                                    10

2.1.2    Library public relations                                                                      15

2.1.3    Concept of university libraries                                                            17

2.1.4    Information resources                                                                         18

2.1.5     Utilization                                                                                          23

2.1.6    Contemporary awareness services and utilization of

information resources in university libraries                                       26



2.1.7    Library exhibition and utilization of information

resources in university libraries                                                           31


2.1.8    User education and utilization of information

resources in university libraries                                                           36


2.1.9    Reference services and utilization of information

resources in university libraries                                                           41                               


2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                       45

2.2.1    Feedback theory by Claude Shannon (1948)                                     45

2.2.2    The information utilization theory by Curres (1986)                          46

2.3       Review of Empirical Studies                                                              49

2.4       Summary of Literature Review                                                          56


CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                              58

3.1       Design of the Study                                                                            58

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                               58

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                      59

3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                        59

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                           60

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                              61

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                               61

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                 62

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                   62

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                        63

4.1       Result                                                                                                  63

4.2       Discussion of Findings                                                                       63


5.1       Summary of the Findings                                                                   73

5.2       Implications of the Study                                                                  73

5.3       Conclusion                                                                                          74

5.4       Recommendations                                                                              75

5.5       Limitations of the Study                                 `                                   76

5.6       Suggestions for Further Studies                                                         77
















1:         Result of Pearson r correlation coefficient between

current awareness services and the utilization of

information resources in university libraries in

Imo State                                                                                            63


2:         Result of t-test significance of correlation analysis

for the relationship betweencurrent awareness

services and the utilization of information resources

in university libraries in Imo State                                                      64


3:         Result of Pearson r correlation coefficient

between library exhibition andthe utilization of

information resources in university libraries in

Imo State                                                                                            65


4:         Result of t-test significance of correlation analysis

for the relationship betweenlibrary exhibition and the

utilization of information resources in university

libraries inImo State                                                                            65



5:         Result of pearson r correlation coefficient between user

education and theutilization of information resources

in university libraries in Imo State                                                      66


 6:        Result of t-test significance of correlation analysis

for therelationshipbetween user education and the

utilization of information resources in university

libraries in Imo State                                                                           67                                                       


7:         Result of pearson r correlation coefficient between

reference servicesand the utilization of information

resources in university libraries in Imo State                                      68


8:         Result of t-test significance of correlation analysis

for the relationship betweenreference services and

the utilization of information resources in

university libraries in Imo State                                                          69                                                             










All over the world, libraries are established to provide information resources and services to their users. The library is also one of the organizations that require public relations to pursue and achieve its objectives. Public relations is a method used by various organizations especially libraries to communicate ideas so as to promote their services. It is a management function of continuous effort through which public and private organizations such as libraries seek to win and retain the understanding, sympathy, and support of those concerned (Aitufe, 2011).  Opara (2013), maintains that public relations must be a co-ordinated and continuous effort to communicate a positive image of the library. A well rounded public relations programme will promote the availability of the library’s resources, and services to the public.   Library public relations is a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between the library and the public (users). Public relations activities help to provide a coordinated effort to communicate a positive image of the library and promote the availability of the library’s materials, programmes and services (Dodsworth, 2014). The importance of public relations activities cannot be overlooked in any library, especially in University libraries. According to Dodsworth, university libraries assist the universities in the discharge of their functions by acquiring all relevant information resources necessary for sustaining the teaching, learning, research and public services functions of their universities. This is to say that the objectives of any university institution cannot be achieved without public relations. It is the library’s responsibility to provide better services to its client, to make sure that information sources and services are well utilized for users’ benefit. Hence, public relation activities in university libraries are very crucial for effective utilization of information resources by the users.

 University libraries help the universities in the discharge of their statuary functions by acquiring all relevant information resources necessary for sustaining the teaching, learning, research and public services functions of their institutions (Dodsworth, 2014). This implies that the objectives of any university institution cannot be achieved in isolation without public relations. To enhance proper and effective utilization of information resources by users, University libraries must develop public relation promotional strategies such as; Library Exhibition, Current Awareness Services, User Education, Reference Services; Notice Board, Library Publication, Library Extension Services, Branding of Library/Information Services, Advocacy and Lobbing for Libraries/Information Agencies etc, but the study will focus only on the first four PR strategies.

Utilization is the act of making practical and effective use of something. Uhegbu (2010) noted that utilization is the actual putting into appropriate use of something. It is the process of making use of something that is available. According to him, utilization is governed by several principles such as: goal identification and availability. All university libraries have a variety of information resources (print and non-print materials) which are utilized by the patrons. Information resources can be effectively utilized if there is a healthy user understanding, goal identification, efficient communication channel and user satisfaction. According to Kantumoya as cited by Uhegbu (2010) utilization of information resources is governed by their availability. Availability of information is meaningless when those who want to make use of it cannot have access to it.

University libraries have a variety of information resources (print and non-print materials) which are utilized by their patrons. Onwubiko and Uzoigwe (2012), see information resources as the totality of information material that forms a library collection. The print materials are in the form of books (monographs) and serials, where as the non-print materials are in the form of audio-visual materials (multi-media resources). Effective library services are only possible when there is qualitative and quantitative adequacy of relevant information resources. Anyanwu, Zander and Amadi (2016) agree that information resources of the university library should among others include print and non- print materials. The print materials include books, textbooks, monographs, treatise, encyclopedia, dictionaries, yearbooks, handbooks, and manuals, biographies, bibliographies, periodical indexes, abstracts, map and atlases, gazetteers, government publication and periodicals as well as library publications such as annual reports, library bulletin and magazines.  The non-print materials include contents that are born digital and those that have been digitized. They include library mobile collection and databases for e-books and e-journals, online public access catalogue, CD-ROM databases, still pictures, moving images, sound recordings, etc.


To enhance adequate and effective utilization of information resources by users, university libraries must develop promotional strategies to reach out to current and potential users (Schmidt, 2015). University libraries need to do more to publicize their services and collections in order to enhance their utilization. One of the major ways of doing such is through exhibitions. Exhibitions are tools that enable the libraries to sensitize the public on the need for services provided, forming a crucial element of a librarian’s publicity campaign. Exhibitions play advocacy role in library services and developing a community of users (Dent, 2010). Whittaker (2016) suggests that for libraries, particularly in the higher education sector, special collections are a way of a library offering something unique and individual to the customer. Exhibiting these collections is another way of saying that uniqueness is increasing use of a collection and of the library services (Whittaker, 2016). Furthermore, university libraries should explore other means of creating awareness and communicating the existence of available information resources to their users. In this regard, the reference librarian has a role to play in informing the public about the various services of the library through user education and the provision of current awareness services. User education as an element of public relations is described by Fleming (2010) “as various programs of academic instruction, education and exploration provided by libraries to users to enable them make more effective, efficient and independent use of information resources as provided. On the contrary, current awareness service is the provision of information on recently acquired materials to library users to enhance the utilization of the information resources.

No matter how efficient university libraries respond to the needs of their users, their information resources cannot be fully utilized without an aggressive, systematic and determined programme of publicity to stimulate, inform and attract the library users. University libraries must convey signals and project their images to their users via public relations to reflect what they are and what they do. Against this backdrop, this study sets out to find the relationship between public relations and utilization of information resources in university libraries.


            Over the years, university libraries, particularly those in Nigeria have adopted public relations practices in their libraries with the aim of enhancing the utilization of information resources by library users. These public relations activities range from current awareness services/selective dissemination of information, exhibitions and reference services, among others. There may be also certain promotional strategies and publicity campaigns (public relations activities) not being adopted by university libraries in promoting the utilization of information resources in their libraries. This might have contributed to low level utilization of information resources in the library. According to Schmidt (2015), university libraries are not doing enough to project their images to their users through the type of public relations practices that accurately reflect what they are and what they do for enhanced utilization of information resources. This is manifested in the low level of utilization of library information resources such as books, monographs, encyclopedia, handbooks, and manuals, biographies, bibliographies, indexes, abstracts, periodicals, annual reports, library bulletins and magazines, online-journals, e-books, etc. The underutilization of these information resources could be as a result of the type of library public relation activities which might not have inculcated the required reading culture and skills in the library users for effective utilization of information resources as well as providing adequate awareness on the importance of library information resources to their studies. Therefore, it is imperative to ascertain the relationship between public relation activities in university libraries and utilization of information resources by library users. 



            The general purpose of the study was to ascertain the relationship between public relations and the utilization of information resources in University libraries in Imo State. Specifically, the objectives sought to:

1.         determine the relationship between  current awareness services and the utilization of information resources in university  libraries.

2.         ascertain the relationship between library exhibitions and utilization of information resources in university libraries.

3.         examine the relationship between user education and the utilization of information resources in university libraries.

4.         determine the relationship between reference services and the utilization of information resources in university libraries.


            The following research questions guided the study.

1.         What is the relationship between current awareness services and the utilization of information resources in university libraries?

2.         What is the relationship between library exhibitions and the utilization of information resources in university libraries?

3.         What is the relationship between user education and the utilization of information resources in university libraries?

4.         What is the relationship between reference services and the utilization of information resources in university libraries?


            The following null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

H01:     There is no significant relationship between current awareness services and utilization of information resources in university libraries.

H02:     There is no significant relationship between library exhibitions and utilization of information resources in university libraries.

H03:     There is no significant relationship between user education and utilization of information resources in university libraries.

H04:     There is no significant relationship between reference services and utilization of information resources in university libraries.


            The results of this study will be of benefit to the library managements, librarians/library staff, library schools and researchers.         

            The findings of the study would enable library management to adopt effective public relations techniques indicated by the findings such as; current awareness services, library exhibition, user education and reference service in other to deliver more efficient and effective library services to their users that will promote library collection, increase awareness and enhance  the education of student.

            With regard to the librarians/library staff, the result of this study would enable them to know that, the information resources of the library will not be fully utilized without an aggressive and determined programme of publicity that can stimulate, inform and attract the library users.

 The findings of the study would enable the library schools/library science educators to understand the need to place much emphasis on the teaching of public relations (use of library, current awareness services, reference service, etc.), bearing in mind its importance in creating awareness of available library materials and promoting utilization of information resources.

            The researchers and other scholars, this study would contribute to both literature and empirical evidence in the field so that they can have a robust literature base to consult in the course of doing research in this area.


            This research was aimed at ascertaining the relationship between library public relations and the utilization of information resources. It was limited to two public universities in Imo state, namely; Imo State University and Federal University of Technology, Owerri. It covered library information resources such as books, monographs, encyclopedia, handbooks, and manuals, biographies, bibliographies, indexes, abstracts, periodicals, annual reports, library bulletins and magazines, online-journals, e-books, etc. Library public relation activities such as current awareness services, library exhibitions, user education as well as reference services were also covered in this study.







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