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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007058

No of Pages: 113

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study examined the accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in selected University libraries in Imo state. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. A sample of 317 lecturers comprising of 160 and 157 lecturers from Federal University of Technology and Imo State University, Owerri in Imo State respectively were used for the study. The sample was determined using Taro Yamane sampling formula with multi-stage sampling procedure. The instrument for data collection for this study was questionnaire titled: Accessibility and Utilization of Serials Questionnaire (AUSQ) which is a developed 101 item questionnaire divided into seven clusters (clusters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7). The face validation of the instrument was carried out by three experts: two in Library and Information Science and one in Measurement and Evaluation, all from the College of Education, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The test of the reliability of the instrument was determined by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient statistic which yielded an overall index of 0.83. The questionnaire instrument has seven clusters with 4-point response scales of Very High Extent, High Extent, Low Extent, and Very Low   Extent for clusters 1-3, while clusters 4-7 had response scales of Strongly Agreed, Agreed, Disagreed and Strongly Disagreed. The questionnaire was administered to the respondents by the researcher and was collected back the next day by the researcher with the help of three research assistants in order to ensure that the completed questionnaire was returned. Out of the 317 copies of the questionnaire administered, 304 representing 96% were returned and used for data analysis. Data collected were analyzed with mean and standard deviations to answer the seven research questions raised for the study while t- test statistic was used to analyze the seven null hypotheses that guided the study at 0.05 level of significance. The mean responses from 2.50 and above were considered as agreed while those below were regarded as disagreed. Mean and standard deviations were used to answer the research questions while t-test statistic was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Results revealed that serials are available to a high extent, accessible to a low extent and are utilized to a low extent by lecturers in selected University Libraries. It was concluded that serials are available to a high extent to lecturers in selected University Libraries, serials are accessible to lecturers in selected University Libraries to a low extent, and serials are utilized to a low extent by lecturers in selected University Libraries. It was recommended among others that non-governmental organization and other stakeholders should collaborate with government in funding university libraries so as to ensure adequate provision and availability of serials in university libraries.



Declaration                                                                                                                  i

Certification                                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                       v

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

Abstract                                                                                                                      viii



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           3

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                      4                   

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         5

1.5       Null Hypotheses                                                                                             5

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                           6

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         7



2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   8

2.1.1    University libraries                                                                                         8

2.1.2    History of university libraries in Nigeria                                                        10

2.1.3    Philosophy of university libraries                                                                   10

2.1.4    Functions of university libraries                                                                     11

2.1.5    Serials                                                                                                             12

2.1.6    Accessibility of information materials                                                           13

2.1.7    Utilization of information materials                                                               15

2.1.8    Purpose of accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in selected

universities                                                                                                      16

2.1.9    Extent of accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in selected

universities                                                                                                      18


2.1.10  Constraints to accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in

            selected universities                                                                                        20


2.1.11  Strategies for enhancing accessibility and utilization of serials by

            lecturers in selected universities                                                                      21


2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   24

2.2.1    Information utilization capacity theory by Emilia Curras                               24

2.2.2    Five laws of librarianship                                                                                25

2.3       Review of Empirical Studies                                                                          28

2.4       Summary of Literature Review                                                                      44


CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHOD                                                                                   

3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                        45

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           45

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                  48

3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                    48

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       48

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                          49

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                           49

3.8       Method for Data Collection                                                                           50

3.9       Method for Data Analysis                                                                              50



4.1       Results and Discussions                                                                                  51

4.2       Summary of the Findings                                                                               67       

4.3       Discussion of the Findings                                                                             68



5.1       Summary                                                                                                         74

5.2       conclusion                                                                                                       75

5.3       Implication of the Study to Librarianship                                                      76

5.4       Recommendations                                                                                          78

5.5       Limitations of the Study                                                                                 79

5.6       Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                     79


            References                                                                                                      80

            Appendices                                                                                                    87         



4.1:      Mean and Standard Deviation scores on the extent of availability of

            serials to lecturers in selected University Libraries in Imo State                                51

4.2:      t-test Analysis of the mean ratings of lecturers on the extent of availability

            of serials in selected University Libraries in Imo State                                              52              


4.3:      Mean and Standard Deviation scores on the extent of accessibility of serials

to lecturers in selected University Libraries in Imo State.                                          53


4.4:      t-test   Analysis of the mean ratings of lecturers on the extent of accessibility

of serials in selected University Libraries in Imo State                                              55


4.5:      Mean and Standard Deviation scores on the extent of utilization of

            serials by lecturers in selected University Libraries in Imo State.                              56


4.6:      t-test   Analysis of the mean ratings of lecturers on the extent of utilization of

serials in selected University Libraries in Imo State                                                   58


4.7:      Mean score and standard deviation on the problems that militate against the

 accessibility of serials by lecturers in selected university libraries in Imo State        59


4.8:      t-test   Analysis of the mean ratings of lecturers on the problems that militate

against the accessibility of serials in selected University Libraries in Imo State        60                          

4.9:      Mean and Standard Deviation scores on the problems that  militate against the

utilization of serials by lecturers in selected University  in Imo State                        61


4:10      t-test   Analysis of the mean ratings of lecturers on the problems that militate

            against the utilization of serials in selected University Libraries in Imo State           62


4.11:    Mean and standard deviation scores on the strategies to enhance the

accessibility of serials by lecturers in selected University Libraries in Imo State       63


4.12:    t-test Analysis of the mean ratings of lecturers on the strategies to enhance

            the accessibility of serials by lecturers in selected University Libraries

            in Imo State                                                                                                                64



4.13:    Mean and Standard Deviation scores on the strategies to enhance the utilization

of serials by lecturers in selected University Libraries  in Imo State                          65



4.14:    t-test Analysis of the mean ratings of lecturers on the strategies to enhance

            the utilization of serials by lecturers in selected University Libraries

            in Imo State                                                                                                                67











Libraries are information centers that are primarily charged with the responsibilities of location, collection, selection, organization, processing, preservation, storage, accessibility, utilization, retrieval and dissemination of information materials to their various clienteles. University libraries are those libraries that are located in the universities. These libraries are referred to as the engine rooms of knowledge. The effectiveness of institutions depends much on the services of their libraries. University libraries play very crucial roles towards the attainment of the overall objectives of their institutions. However, qualitative education is always difficult to achieve in the absence of good libraries.  In other words, without good libraries, educational institutions will be considered moribund in terms of knowledge acquisition, retrieval and dissemination. Therefore, libraries are prerequisites in the setting up of tertiary institutions.

University libraries in this regard help in the provision, organization and preservation of information resources in order to enhance easy accessibility and utilization. University libraries are valued for their expertise in the provision of current information resources, such as serials to complement teaching, learning and research (Blackwell, 2014). The Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition (AACR2), revised in 1978, defined serials as publications that are issued in successive parts, bearing numeric or chronological designations and are intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials must not be misplaced with series which are books that consist of volumes, published successively with a common title and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials are publications that are numbered and have all expectations to continue either regularly or irregularly (Brown, 2012).

University libraries acquire, organize, store, retrieve and disseminate information contained in serials to enable researchers, educators, students and other library clienteles to excel in their individual disciplines. Serial publications are exemplified by newspapers, magazines, journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions of professional associations and others. They vary in formats and in frequencies of publications, such as daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, biannually, annually or biennially. Serials can also assume the format of papers, microfiches, or CD-ROMs.

Importantly, serials are sources of current information and have several contributions towards enhancing education because; they contain the most up-to-date information on research and knowledge. Serials have distinctive advantages over books (Adefidiya, 2015). According to Edoka (2010), majority of textbooks produced for knowledge have their contents derived from serial articles. Apart from enhancing scientific discoveries and serving as avenues for the publication of scientific researches, they are information resources to researchers, where currency of information is of prime consideration.  The time frame for publication of serials is usually shorter.  It takes only a few weeks or months to publish these serials, whereas, it takes a much longer duration and in some cases, years to publish a book. The events discussed in magazines seldom occur more than a week before the date of publications. Articles that appear in scholarly journals are often written a few weeks before publication.

 It is also acknowledged that serials play important roles in research. They are valuable information materials for academic work. According to Akinbode (2011) nearly all the disciplines of study make use of serials particularly, the scholarly journals, as primary means of conducting research. Serials will continue to have special impact on the scholarly community as they contain the most current and vital information on various disciplines (Wiser, 2014). Serial publications also play a fundamental role in scholarly communication. They are principal avenues for reporting research findings because of the wide publicity they give to the author. Information in journals is a product of research and may never appear again in any other form (Nwalo, 2013).  It is for this reason that academic libraries commit a substantial percentage of their annual budgets to serials subscription and acquisitions, despite the fact that this process is usually expensive, both in terms of subscription and maintenance. University libraries enable lecturers and other library users to have adequate access for utilization of serials in all their academic activities.

It is a common knowledge that the career advancement of lecturers is determined by the qualities and quantities of their publications. The publication output of every lecturer, to a large extent determines his or her promotion, based on the policy of “publish or perish syndrome” in universities. To achieve this, lecturers in most institutions of higher learning require current information from serials in order to successfully conduct their research. Serial publications carry most recent research works that aid academic activities. This therefore places high demand on librarians to ensure availability, accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in order to achieve their research needs. Additionally, when serials are properly accessed and utilized, it will enhance administrative evaluation of serials services in university libraries.


University libraries are valued for their expertise in providing current information resources like serials to their various clientele, especially lecturers in order to compliment teaching, learning and research. Serials by their nature are very useful information resources for lecturers. This is because they contain current information on different fields of knowledge. Serials are known to provide accurate information for teaching, learning and research. If the needed serials are not readily available in a library, their absence will affect the level of accessibility and utilization by lecturers, because they will not get the information necessary to enrich their work. But the extent to which these serials are accessed and utilized by lecturers remains unknown. It is against this backdrop that the researcher decided to study "accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in selected university libraries in Imo State”.


The purpose of this study was to determine accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in selected university libraries in Imo State. The specific objectives of this study are to:

        i.            determine the extent of availability of serials to lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries.

      ii.            find out the extent of accessibility of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries.

    iii.            ascertain the extent of utilization of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries

    iv.            find out the problems that militate against accessibility of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries.

      v.            identify the problems that militate against utilization of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries.

    vi.            determine strategies to enhance accessibility of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries.

  vii.            identify strategies to enhance utilization of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries.

1.4            RESEARCH QUESTION

The study sought to answer the following research questions:

        i.            To what extent are serials available to lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries?

      ii.            To what extent are serials accessible by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries?

    iii.            To what extent are serials utilized by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries?

    iv.            What are the problems that militate against accessibility of serials by lecturers FUTO and IMSU Libraries?

      v.            What are the problems that militate against utilization of serials by lecturers FUTO and IMSU Libraries?

    vi.            What are the strategies to enhance accessibility of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries?

  vii.            What are the strategies to enhance utilization of serials by lecturers in FUTO and IMSU Libraries?



Ho1:     There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of lecturers in federal and state universities on the extent of availability of serials in selected universities under studies.

Ho2:     There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of lecturers in federal and state universities on the extent of accessibility of serials in selected universities under studies.

Ho3:     There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of lecturers in federal and state universities on the extent of utilization of serials in selected universities under studies.

Ho4:     There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of lecturers in federal and state universities on the problems that militate against accessibility of serials in selected universities under studies.

Ho5:     There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of lecturers in federal and state universities on the problems that militate against utilization of serials in selected universities under studies.

Ho6:     There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of lecturers in federal and state universities on the strategies to enhance accessibility of serials in selected universities under studies.

Ho7:     There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of lecturers in federal and state universities on the strategies to enhance utilization of serials in selected universities under studies.


It is envisaged that the findings of this study will be useful to librarians, library management, lecturers, university administration and other researchers. The findings of this study will enable librarians to ascertain the extent to which serials are accessed and utilized by lecturers. It will help librarians to identify the areas of dissatisfaction of lecturers in the accessibility and utilization of serials and enable them to adjust their services. It will help the library management and university administration to understand the areas where they are not meeting up the demands of lecturers and find out possible ways of bridging this gap. It will help librarians to intensify efforts in providing information service delivery to lecturers in university libraries. The findings of this study will help lecturers to effectively access and utilize serials contained in academic libraries for their daily teachings and research. It will help the lecturers and librarians to also intensify efforts in supplying more current serials to the library. Finally, it will serve as background knowledge for further research. To achieve this, the researcher will publish the findings of the study in reputable professional journals and deposit copies of the publications in MOUAU library. This will contribute to the serials collections of the library.




The study is generally focused on the accessibility and utilization of serials by lecturers in Federal University of Technology (FUTO) and Imo State University (IMSU) libraries, Owerri in Imo State. The study was limited to Federal University of Technology and Imo State University libraries, Owerri in Imo state. These libraries are considered to have substantial collection of serials and lecturers as the study covers the extent of availability, accessibility, utilization, problems that militate against accessibility, problems that militate against utilization, strategies to enhance accessibility and strategies to enhance utilization of serials by lecturers.

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