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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005998

No of Pages: 50

No of Chapters: 5

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 This study is a descriptive research that examined carefully the pattern of problems and prospect of local government intervention in community development, The significance of the study is to motivate the local government as per say its tier of government which more are closely to the people. Since its needs good understanding and to know the limitation of its function and the way that the local government exercises its function and the problems that denied the local government in performing its duties. people within the rural area to understand the activities that may raise the level of their. Maslow hierarchy of need theory of motivation was adopted as the theoretical framework basis of the analysis 60 questionnaires were administered of which 50 were retuned and used for analysis.  The primary is the method of data collection, and also the main aims of this research are to evaluate and analyzed the significance of community development in Nigeria with Kafin Hausa local government areas as a case study.  In view of functions, the researcher wishes to make the following recommendation ; The local government must improve on its internal revenue generation, as the local government cannot survive without federal sub-venation; Management and administration of the local government must be improve, particularly in the area of record management and compliance with procedures and organizational  policies; Provision of basic amenities such as hospital, pipe borne of water, road net working, jointly by the federal and state government tits indispensable; Monitoring and implementation team on local government administration must be constituted by both the federal and state; Regularly seminars on rural development and local   government administration for key officials of the local government are indispensable.


Title page                                                                                                    i

Approval page                                                                                           ii

Declaration                                                                                                           iii

Citification                                                                                                  iv

Dedication                                                                                                  v

Acknowledgments                                                                                      vi

Table of contents                                                                                        vii

List of table of content                                                                                viii

Abstract                                                                                                      ix


1.0            .  Introduction                                                                                             1

1.1         Background of the study area                                                           2

1.2         Statement of the research problems                                                  4

1.3         Research Hypothesis                                                                                  4

1.4         Aims and objectives                                                                                    4

1.5         Significance of the study and purpose of its                                               5

1.6         Scope and limitation of the study                                                               5

1.7         Definition of key terms                                                                     6

1.8 Plane of the study                                                                                7


2.0 Literature review                                                                                  8

2.1 Conceptual framework                                                                         8

2.2 Structure of local government                                                              14

2.3 Local government and rural development                                            14

2.4 Promotion of economic development                                                   16     

2.5 Theoretical framework                                                                         17

2.6 Theory                                                                                                  17




3.0 Research methodology                                                                         20

3.1Introduction                                                                                           20

3.2Population of the study                                                                         20

3.3Sample Size                                                                                           20

3.4Sampling and sampling techniques                                                       21

3.5Method of data collection                                                                      21

3.6Research Instrument                                                                                       22

3.7Method of data analysis                                                                        22


4.0 Data presentation, interpretation and analysis                                              23

4.1 Introduction                                                                                          23

4.2 Data presentation                                                                                 23

4.3 Data analysis and interpretation                                                          23


5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendations                                       32

5.1 Summary                                                                                              32

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                           33

5.3 Recommendation                                                                                  33

Bibliography                                                                                              35







1.0            INTRODUCTION

The local government administration was designed as a result of some broad of national objectives that the government seeks to achieve. Some of that broad objective as follows: the desired to involve local citizens in the local management of local affairs.  Secondly to ensure that the basic needs of the people is meeting speedily and efficiently as possible. The third reason is to provide a frame work within which local resources, both human and material are effectively mobilized. Lastly the forth aim is to enable local participation of the local people in the entire ceremonies at administration. As an eye opener let us try and define the local government. Local government may be defined a government established through an act at the local and to deals with specific matters as its affect them.

Under the 1963, republican constitution, local government authorities ware created mainly to deals with matter of local concern, e.g. market federal roads, and motor parks E.t.c. the essence of local government creation is to involve local participation in the affairs of their country.

Not only that to bring them in to realms of politics at the grass root, Most modern state and government embraced three or two tiers of government, for examples, central, state and local government as we have in Nigeria. The power of government and administration are therefore, made relevant at the local level.

Local government are created through documents called “instrument; they are created like corporate bodies because they had legal existence, that could sue and be sued.

Local government as government at the local level exercised through the representative council established to exercised specific purposed with occupied area. A local government is an academic course which has been taught in schools, polytechnics, and college of education, universities and other institution for learning.

This is the government that exist at the remotest part of state, where people don`t really enjoy all the social amenities that   are found in the urban setting. Government at the local level exercise through representative established by law to exercised specific power within defines area. Thus power should give the council substantial control our local affairs as well as staff institutional and financial powers to initiate and the provision of service and to determined and implement project so as to compliment the federal government and state effort. This is to ensure a total devolution of function to this council and through the active participation of the people and their traditional institutional institution.

In Nigeria for example, The bulk of local government finance is provided Through  statutory allocation, becomes the other sources of fund is not too reliable and contribute a negligible percentage of the total revenue of local authority.


The area of the study is Kafin-Hausa local government. Kafin-Hausa local government is within the territorial jurisdiction of Jigawa state and located at south eastern part of the state. The Local government boarded with Bauchi state respectively.

The local government has approximately total area of 1,380 kilo meters. The local government is bless with fertile land and the area recorded an average rainfall at 12,48mm annually. From the 2006 census Kafin-Hausa local government have a total population of 271,058, with male population stand act 138,119 while the female population 132,939, and the total number of village is 65, and eleven (11) political words, in the local government with 8 distracts. The type of language spoken in the area which includes Hausa, Fulani, are predominant tribes groups in the local government authority, these are also the Kanuri speaking people through in small number. Isla is the religion of indigenous population with every one being a Muslim. The local government are traditional filled by village heads, and word heads the major occupational of the people of Kafin-Hausa local government include, mix-farming, fishing and cattle rearing, since the local government has abundant grass land and  availability of drinking water over a million cattle road. Auyo, Hadejia and Kafin-Hausa dams promote fishing reflex ties in the area.

Kafin-Hausa local government is blessed with natural and mineral resources. The main trees found in the area (Dorawa). Fish are abundantly is existence white quart and black clay which is vital material in making pats are the main cash crops in the area are groundnut, beans, and beans seeds, while foods crops such as millet, maize, guinea corns, rice, and beans are abundant.

Area of tourism are located in Kafin-Hausa local governments, Jahun, Auyo Sarawa, and Ruba, also Kafin-Hausa local government is not left behind in the field of education.

The local government has a total of 173 primary schools, with annual environment of 10,376, pupils, there are also a nomadic primary school build and located at Afarake. The school was the first types build in Kafin Hausa local government with annual environment of 143 pupils. There are three (3) senior secondary school located in kafin hausa such as science secondary school, government day senior secondary school, and Imam Hassan Arabic secondary school Kafin-Hausa. There is also a university Sule Lamido University (S.L.U) located at Kafin-Hausa.


The Kafin-Hausa local government is the case study of this research. Kafin-Hausa local government as other local government have problem that the denies it to exercise its activities. Most important problem of local government are mostly publically know. But Kafin-Hausa local government has some problems.

Thus I observed that there is a problem of poor staffing lack of good leadership, mismanagement and lack of office equipment’s.

Most of the staff are not professionals, majority of them have no qualification they were just picked through political process. That is why the moment they assumed power they hardly contribute or achieve anything meaningful because of poor leadership. There is a need to investigate and suggest solutions to solve the identified problems.


My working hypotheses are as follows:

H0. It is the problem of local government that affects local authority in exercising its functions.

Hi. There is no relation between problem of local government and exercising its functions.


The aims and objectives of this study:

1-    To verify and identify the problems of local government.

2-    To review the function of the leadership of  the l local government

3-    To glance in to the goals archived by the local government in exercising its functions.



The local government as per say its tier of government which more are closely to the people. Since its needs good understanding and to know the limitation of its function and the way that the local government exercises its function and the problems that denied the local government in performing its duties.

These are the reason interested me to investigated these problems and contribute the project to the success full way that way carried out goods relations between people and local authorities.


The problems are recognized to my work given and to any society or any association. In this project work the problem must arise, since as a work going to be done.

The problems are many but the most important are as follows:

-         The financial problem: this particular problem is the most serious which researcher faces during project work. The finance control, transport, percentage of the project and binding

-         Another problem is time: the researcher spent most of his time in making his report. It may take the researcher more longer time before completing his research work. The last and most important in project work is distribution and collection of Data’s and materials like test books e.t.c. and accounting of observation to do none availability of journal and others.

Those three major problems may be satisfied becaused the finance include any motion used money to move or to drive any problems araised which includes transport and binding of project. Before the binding the completing of the work is another problem and most serious one distribution questionnaire according to age status and others. In other hand and in the literature review which the chapter need verification to the different words of scholars and other people in high rank of education qualification. The compliment of these various words is another problem since the researcher may not get all the words at one time.



1.     Local government: may be defining as government at the local level established by law to perform specific function within defines areas.

A local government is an administrative units with a define territory, administrative authority, power and relative autonomy.

2.     CHALLENGE: an invitation or a suggestion to that they should enter a computation, tight, e.t.c.  To accept take up a challenge. To mount a challenge.

3.     PROSPECT: the act of looking forward foresight anticipation. Or

Prospect: the potential things that may pass often favorable.

4.     TIER: one of the several in an organization or system. Two tiers of management.

-         A levels or grade within a hierarchy.



These research has contain a five chapters, the chapter one contain, introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, arms and objectives, hypothesis, significance of the study and purpose of it scope and limitation of the study and definition of key terms, plan of the study.

-         Then the chapters two contain literature review, theoretical frame work and introduction.

-         The chapter three it contain, research methodology, introduction, types of sources of data and instrument of data collection.

-         The chapter four has contained data presentation interpretation and analysis.

-         This chapter five contains summary, recommendation and conclusion.

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