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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008859

No of Pages: 39

No of Chapters: 5

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Teenage pregnancy is an important public health issue in many developing countries including Nigeria. Unwanted or unplanned pregnancies among adolescent girls less than 18 years of age have been the major problems of most developing countries including Nigeria. The aim of this study is to investigate the perception of women of childbearing age to factors influencing teenage pregnancy and its implications on adolescent health and education in Oda community, Akure South Local Government, Ondo State. Descriptive design was used for this study as well as simple random technique with the administration of 120 questionnaires which was analysed, using frequency table and simple percentage. This study revealed that 96% of the respondents are knowledgeable about teenage pregnancy. From the study, it have been discovered that peer pressure (43%); Poverty (18%); Socialisation (14%); Bad parental upbringing (13%); Family background (12%) are factors influencing teenage pregnancy.  It was also revealed that teenage pregnancy mostly led to infertility (64%) and school dropout (84%). Recommendations were made to the parents to make adequate provision for the needs of their teenagers and be a good role model; the health workers should encourage sexually active youth on family planning with more emphasis on condom usage correctly; the government should establish youth friendly services within the community with appropriate policies and intervention to meet the needs of teenagers.


Title page                                            i

Declaration                                                                                                ii

Certification                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgment                                                                                                    v-vi

Table of content                                                                                                 vii-ix

List of tables                                                                                                              x

List of figures                                                                                                          xi

Abstract                                                                                                                     xii


Introduction                                                                                                            1-2

Background of the study                                                                                         1-2

Statement of the problem                                                                                          2

Aim of the study                                                                                                         2

Objectives of the study                                                                                               3

Significance of the study                                                                                             3

Research Questions                                                                                                     3

Assumption                                                                                                                   3

Definition of terms                                                                                                 3-4


Literature Review                                                                                                   5-20

The concept of a teenager                                                                                       5

Global issues of teenage pregnancy                                                                     5-7

Adolescent development                                                                                         7

Age development                                                                                                    7

Physical development                                                                                7-8

Stages of adolescence development                                                                    9-10

Key features of adolescent development                                                          10-12

Behaviour problem in teenagers                                                                      12-13

Factors that cause teenage pregnancy                                                              13-14

Factors associated with teenage pregnancy                                                        14-15

Problems associated with teenage pregnancy                                                    15

Effects and consequences of teenage pregnancy                                                15-16

Factors contributing to teenage pregnancy                                                         17

Higher risk following teenage pregnancy                                                          17-18

Disadvantages of teenage pregnancy                                                                   18-19

Prevention of teenage pregnancy                                                                        19

Theoretical framework of teenage pregnancy                                                    19-20


Research methodology                                                                                        21

Study design                                                                                                      21

Study Area                                                                                                      21-22

Study population                                                                                              22

Sample size                                                                                                       22

Sampling Technique                                                                                         22

Study instrument                                                                                               22

Method of data collection                                                                                  22

Data Analysis                                                                                                     22

Ethical consideration                                                                                          23


Data presentation and analysis                                                                        24-36


Discussion of findings, conclusion and recommendations                                   37

Discussion of findings                                                                                    37-39

Conclusion                                                                                                         39

Recommendations                                                                                            39-40

Limitations of the study                                                                                    40

REFERENCES                                                                                                 41-43

APPENDIX                                                                                                           44










Table I: Age distribution of the respondents                                                      24

Table ii: Marital status of the respondents                                                         25     

Table iii: Educational status of the respondents                                                25     

Table iv: Occupational status of the respondents                                               26     

Table v: Religion of the respondents                                                                 26     

Table vi: Tribe of the respondents                                                                     27     

Table vii: Have you heard about teenage pregnancy before?                           27     

Table viii: What is teenage pregnancy?                                                             28     

Table ix: What are factors influencing teenage pregnancy?                                28     

Table x: What are the causes of teenage pregnancy?                                         29     

Table xi: Have you heard a child before?                                                          29     

Table xii: At what age did you have your first child?                                        30     

Table xiii:Do you agree that early sexual intercourse by a girl promote her growth?30

Tablexiv:Do you believe that early sexual initiation prevent painful menstruation?31

Table xv: Do you agree that orphans are vulnerable to teenage pregnancy?    31

Table xvi:Do you agree that children from a single parent are vulnerable to teenage pregnancy?                            32

Table xvii: Do you agree that culture contribute to teenage pregnancy? 32     

Table xviii: Do you agree that lack of parental sex education leads to teenage pregnancy?                                   33     

Table xix: What are implications of teenage pregnancy on adolescent health? 33    

Table xx: Do you agree that teenage pregnancy cause dropout in school?    34     

Table xxi: Do you agree that teenage pregnancy bring shame to the family    34     

Table xxii: Does your community appreciate teenage pregnancy?            35     

Table xxiii: Does your community stigmatise teenage pregnancy?            35     

Table xxiv: How can teenage pregnancy be prevented?                                    36









FIGURE 1: Key features of adolescent development            12                                              








Background of the Study

Teenage pregnancy is an important public health issue in many developing countries including Nigeria. According to Aderibigbe et al. (2014), Abiodun et al. (2013), Ameh et al. (2019), and Anochie et al. (2015) unwanted or unplanned pregnancies among adolescent girls less than 18years of age have been the major problems of most developing countries including Nigeria. Adolescent is a phase of maturation. It is a transitional period of physical psychological human development between childhood and adulthood, the cultural purpose of which involves preparation to assume older roles. Classically, adolescent occur from 12 to 22 years old. Adolescent is a period of preparation for culturally adequate social adult roles such as being a worker or a romantic partner.

Adolescent is defined as the development phase in the human life cycle that is situated between childhood and adulthood (Gouws et al; 2018). Adolescent is characterized by rapid physical growth and development with notable emotional and social changes (Gouws et al; 2018). Various social and biological factors influence the odds of teenage pregnancy; these include exposure to adversity during childhood and adolescent, a family history of teenage pregnancy, conduct and attention problems, family instability and low educational achievement (wood work et al; 2013; east et al; 2016). About 12 million adolescent girls aged 15-19 undergo unsafe abortion every year. In low and middle income countries, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are a leading cause of death among girls of 15-19 years. Stillbirths and newborn causes of death are 50% higher among infants of women aged 20-29 years. Infant of adolescent mothers are more likely to have low birth weight. Adolescent fertility has declined from 56 births per 1000 adolescent women in 2000 to 45 births in 2015 and 44 births in 2019 (World health organization [WHO] ,2016). Teenage pregnancy according to Williams (2010) is therefore, a major concern to world communities with the United States at the top with almost 1,000,000 teenage pregnancies each year.

Adolescent pregnancy is not the result of deliberate choices. These girls often have little say over decision affecting their lives. Rather, early pregnancy Is a consequence of little or no access to school, information or health care (united nation fund for population activities (UNFPA, 2015). Every year, an estimated 21million girls aged 15-19 years in developing region become pregnant and approximately 12 million of them give birth. At least 777,000 births occur to adolescent girls younger than 15 years in developing countries. The estimated global adolescent specific fertility rate has declined by 11.6% over the past 20 years. There are, however big difference in rate across the regions. The adolescent fertility rate in east Asia, for example is 7.1 whereas the corresponding rate in central Africa is 129.5 (WHO, 2020).

      Adolescent pregnancy is defined as the occurrence of pregnancy in girls aged 10 to 19 years. Adolescent pregnancy has become a major public health problem, particularly in Africa. Consequently, the region is known for the high rate of maternal and child morbidity and mortality. According to WHO, about 17 million adolescent girls give birth every year and most of these births occur in low and middle income countries (WHO; 2014). Adolescent health and development are of global concern. The need to prevent early pregnancy among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa has been recognized increasingly over recent years (Philips et al; 2016).



Most adolescent when faced with unwanted pregnancy result to unsafe abortion because of restrictions such as parental permission for legal procedures. Those  who keep  their pregnancy encounter problems associated with early child bearing such as curtailing of education and a reduction in economic opportunities.

 It was observed during my last rural-urban posting that there was a high rate of teenage pregnancy in Oda community. The existing record of teenage pregnancy in Oda basic health centre include ; thirteen (13) in 2019,eleven (11) in 2020, ten (10) in 2021. It was discovered that teenage pregnancies were not registered in the facility, hence the essence of the study in Oda.


The general objective of this study is to investigate the perception of women of childbearing age to factors influencing teenage pregnancy and it's implications on adolescent health and education.

1.    To find out the factors that contribute towards teenage pregnancy in Oda community.

2.    To identify the consequences of teenage pregnancies in Oda community.

3.    To find out the preventive measures to teenage pregnancy in Oda community.


This study is set out to ascertain the factor influencing teenage pregnancy in Oda community. The findings of this study will help to create awareness on the consequences of child marriage which include obstetric fistula, infectious HIV/AIDs, infertility, limited social support and high infant mortality and morbidity rate. This research will also serve as a useful piece for future researcher on teenage pregnancy.


1.    What are the factors that contribute towards teenage pregnancy in Oda community?

2.    what are the consequences of teenage pregnancies?

3.    What are the preventive measures to teenage pregnancy in Oda community?


1.    It is believed that the earlier a girl start having intercourse the better for her growth.

2.    Young females are encouraged to prove their fertility potential before marriage in some societies

3.    Some young girls see sex as a means of economic gain

4.    A girl that is not involved in early sexual intercourse is seen as not sociable

5.    It is believed that early sexual intercourse will prevent painful menstruation.


TEENAGE PREGNANCY: this is a pregnancy occurring between the age range of 13-19 years.

PREGNANCY  : this can be define as a state of being with child in the womb.

ADOLESCENT: a young person who is between the age range of 10-19 years.

TEENAGE MOTHER : a nursing mother between the age of 10 and 19 years.

TEENAGER: someone who is between the age of 10 and 19 years old.


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