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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006810

No of Pages: 80

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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In this research study, a mathematical model is developed to optimize the palm-net-fiber reinforced concrete’s compressive and flexural strength using Scheffe’s (5.2) simplex-lattice design, palm – nut – fiber which is an agricultural residue obtained after the processing of palm – oil is utilized as the fifth component in concrete consisting of water, cement, fine and coarse aggregates. Fibers are used to help fresh concrete to keep it from cracking and plastic shrinkage and also for a concrete structure of complicated or complex geometry where obtained for the different componential ratios using Scheffe’s Simplex method and for the control points which will be utilized for the validation of the Scheffe’s model. The model’s adequacy was tested using student’s t-test and ANOVA at 5% critical value. The statistical result indicates a good relationship between the value obtained from developed Scheffe’s model and the control laboratory results. The maximum value of compressive strength of the palm-nut-fiber concrete obtained was 31.53mm2 corresponding to mix ratio of 0.525:1,0,1,45;1.75:0,6 and minimum value of compressive strength obtained was found to be 17.25Nmm2 corresponding to mix ratio of 0.525:1.0:1.8:2.5;12; an optimum compressive strength of 11.40Nmm2 corresponding to mix ratio of 0.6:1.0: for water, cement, fine and coarse aggregate and palm-nut-fiber respectively. Using the developed Scheffe’s Simplex Model, the proportion of the mixture ingredients to a certain prescribed compressive strength value can be estimated with a high degree of accuracy and also providing the solution in less amount of time.   

Front Cover i
Title page ii
Certification iii
Declaration iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Abstract xi

1.1 Statement of Problem 2
1.2 Aim and Objectives of Study 3
1.3 Justification of the Study 3
1.4 Scope of Study 4

2.1 Concrete 6
2.2 Palm Nut Fiber 7
2.3 Fiber Concrete 7
 2.4 Properties of Hardened Concrete 8
2.4.1 Strength 8
2.4.2 Creep 9
2.4.3 Durability 9
2.4.4 Shrinkage 9
2.4.5 Modulus of elasticity 10
2.4.6 Water tightness 10
2.5 Concrete Curing 10
2.5.1 Curing of concrete in necessary due to the following reasons outlined below 11
2.6 Concrete Mix Design 11
2.7 Mix Design Methods 12
2.7.1 Empirical method 12
2.7.2 Statistical experimental method 12
2.7.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 13
2.7.4 The statistical terminologies used in ANOVA, 13
2.7.5 Simplex design 14
2.7.6 Axial design 14
2.7.7 Process variables in mixture experiments 15
2.8 Mixture Inverse Terms Models 17
2.9 K-Models 17

3. 1 Mathematical Modelling and Formulation 19
3.1.1 Introduction to factor space in simplex design 19
3.1.2 Scheffe’s factor space 20
3.1.3 Interaction of compounds in Scheffe’s factor space 21
3.1.4 Number of coefficients 21
3.1.5 Five component factor space 22
3.1.6 Responses 23
3.1.7 Actual components and pseudo components 25
3.2 Mix Ratio Development 26
3.2.1 Flexural strength 26
3.2.2 Mix ratio for compressive strength 30
3.3 Materials 34
3.4 Method 34
3.4.1 Compressive strength test 34
3.4.2 Durability performance determination 35
3.4.3 Flexural strength test 36
3.5 Test of Adequacy of the Model 37

4.1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Test Materials 38
4.1.1 Chemical properties of palm-nut fiber 38
4.1.2 Physical properties of aggregates 38
4.1.3 The Particle size distribution of aggregates in the concrete mix 39
4.1.4 Chemical analysis of Dangote cement 40
4.2 Setting Time of Cement 41
4.3 Compressive Strength Response 41
4.4 Flexural Strength Response 43
4.5 Regression Equation for Compressive Strength 45
4.6 Regression Equation for Flexural Strength 45
4.7       Test Results and Replication Variance 46
4.7.1 Replication variance for compressive strength 52
4.7.2 Replication variance for flexural strength 53
4.8 Scheffe’s Model Test for Adequacy and Validation 53
4.8.1 Student’s t-test for the flexural strength property 55
4.8.2 Analysis of variance for the flexural strength 56
4.8.3 Student’s t-test compressive strength property 58
4.8.4 Analysis of variance for compressive strength property 59
4.8.5    Durability test 60
4.9       Discussion of Result 61



3.1 Matrix table for Scheffe’s (5, 2) - lattice polynomial for flexural strength 29

3.2 Mixture Proportion of Control Points for Flexural Strength 30

3.3 Matrix table for Scheffe’s (5, 2) - lattice polynomial for compressive strength 33

3.4 Mixture proportion of control points for compressive strength 33

4.1 Chemical properties of palm-nut fiber 38

4.2 Physical properties of aggregate materials 39

4.3 Physicochemical properties of cement 40

4.4 The test result and the replication variance for compressive strength 47

4.5 The Test result and the replication variance for flexural strength 50

4.6 Experimental test results and Scheffe’s model test results 53

4.7 T-test for the flexural strength 55

4.8 ANOVA for the flexural strength 56

4.9 ANOVA table 57

4.10 T-test for the compressive strength 58

4.11 ANOVA for the compressive strength 59

4.12 ANOVA table 60

4.13 The reduction in strength and weight loss for the response parameters 61

3.1. A four- dimensional factor space holding five components 22

3.2 Loading configuration: three-point load flexural test (ASTM C78) 36

4.1 Grain size distribution of aggregate materials 39

4.2 The compressive strength (laboratory response) 42

4.3 The compressive strength (laboratory response) for the control points 43

4.4 The flexural strength (laboratory response) 44

4.5 The flexural strength (laboratory response) for the control points 45

4.6 Scheffe’s model results and the experimental control responses 54


It is important to ensure that inputs or investments are at a minimal production level so as to obtain maximum gains or outputs. The method which consists of this maximization and minimization process is termed optimization (Orie et al., 2009). In the optimization process, the quantity or property under study is known as the objective function. The variables are referred to as the quantities or raw materials whose linear interactions will generate the objective function. Often the space of variability of the variables is not universal as some conditions limit them. These conditions are called constraints (Mama et al., 2011). The function is called the objective function and the specified requirements are known as the constraints of the problem. Concrete on its own does not make a good structural material; there are too many sources of tension stresses which it cannot resist by itself so in most situation we add a reinforcement to improve the strength. When the concrete is reinforced, it becomes a composite material in this case the concrete guides against compressive strength while the reinforcement is against tensile stress (Okere et al., 2014).

The failure type in concrete is altered from brittle to ductile failure where we can observe the formation of crack before the total loss of strength.  This action help you to recognize a potential catastrophe and hopefully manage it before it explode. Sometimes we hope to make a concrete structure of complicated or complex geometry where the use of the conventional rebar will not work; in this case the use of fiber reinforced concrete is highly recommended. Fiber are like micro reinforcement and when the FRC beam is loaded, the beam fall apart under failure load, but it will be held together by thin fibers. Fibers make the concrete stronger and also makes it hold the load longer after failure limit is reached. If we look at the cracks developed at the FRC beam, we can see the fibers doing an important job to give the concrete post-cracking strength also known as toughness. In statistics, Scheffe’s method is a technique for evaluating the significant levels to account for multiple comparison in a linear regression analysis. The method is a multiple single-step assessment method which applies to set of estimates among the factor level means of all possible contrast (Scheffé, 1958). Oil palm fiber is an important lignocellulose raw material for the preparation of cost-effective and environment-friendly composite materials.  Nowadays using fibers for composite materials like concrete is gaining popularity in several engineering applications majorly because it avails an environmental and economic advantage in terms of waste management and reuse. The use of palm nut fiber as a fifth component concrete was evaluated in this study using Scheffe’s theory; the optimum and minimum level combination of the mixture components was obtained. 

Structural concrete are made with specified materials for specified strength. Several attempts have been expended in the course to optimize the concrete mixture design using either the empirical/experimental methods or analytical /statistical methods. Empirical/experimental methods involve an extensive series of tests, sometimes conducted on a trial-and-error basis, and the optimization results are often applicable only to a slim range of local materials. In order for the number of exhaustive trials to be reduced before the optimum combination is established, use of analytical and statistical techniques which would enhance the rationalizing of the initial trial mixes into a logical and analytical process. This statistical method is very helpful in tracing of the optimum mixture combination based on a details of specific weight functions of the combination components and basic formula resulting from previous experimental experiences without engaging into laborious, time wasting and expensive works. The construction firms depend on conventional building materials namely; sand, gravel, cement and water for production of concrete. Due to economic instability and inflation, the cost of these conventional materials is very high and increasing; as a result of this, the infrastructural development has been hindered greatly. To tackle this challenge, reuse of solid wastes as a fifth component to the already existing conventional materials. These solid wastes are cheaper to obtain and locally available, this makes it a better option as it will enhance sustainable development.

The aim of this research is to optimize the palm nut fibre reinforced concrete using Scheffe’s methods. The specific objectives are;

i. To assess the addition of palm nut fibre in a five component concrete. 

ii. To ascertain the optimal mixture combination in the palm nut fibre reinforced concrete in terms of flexural and compressive strength properties. 

iii. To evaluate Scheffe's optimization theory applicability in a five-component concrete mix. 

iv. To generate mathematical models to optimize the flexural and compressive strength properties of five component concrete mix. 

The study provide additional needed data on addition of palm nut fibre in concrete production to utilize industrial waste. 

The model developed using Scheffe's second order optimization theory will be of great assistance in mix design, thus eliminating great experimental works and the high cost often associated with such ventures. 

The model developed will be of great help in optimizing constituents of palm nut fiber concrete to meet a desired property. 

Fibers are often the only reinforcement choice for thin members with complex geometry. The cracks generated in reinforced concrete members under failure load extend until a reinforcing bar is encountered so therefore, we need to paper the cracks in order to increase the life of the structure. FRC is a concrete mix that contains minute discrete fibers with uniformly distributed orientation of the fiber in random form. 

This work is limited to the formulation of model equations for the optimization of flexural and compressive strength properties of five component concrete. Namely: water, fine aggregate, cement, coarse aggregate and palm nut fiber using Scheffe's second order optimization theory. In this research, palm nut fiber is used as the fifth component in the concrete mix proportion and not for replacement. The mechanical properties investigated will be limited to flexural and compressive strength and all tests are carried out on hardened specimens

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