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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005163

No of Pages: 66

No of Chapters: 5

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This study considered comparative study of different methods of curing on compressive strength of concrete using palm kenel shell. Concrete cube specimens of mix 1:1:2 were prepared with water-cement ratio of 0.55. The cubes were cured using four methods (Ponding curing, Sprinkling curing, Wet-curing (Saw dust) and Open-Air curing) for testing ages of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days when their compressive strengths were determined. The results showed that Ponding curing method has the highest compressive strength at 28days curing of 17.07N/mm2, followed by Sprinkling curing of 15.78N/mm2. Wet-curing method has compressive strength of 14.48N/mm2 and Open-air curing has compressive strength of 13.11N/mm2. This shows that there is significant difference in the curing methods.


Title Page

Certification                                                                                                               i

Dedication                                                                                                                ii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                    iii

Abstract                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Content                                                                                                       v


1.0     Introduction                                                                                                    1

1.1     Problem Statement                                                                                          3

1.2     Aim of the stud                                                                                               3

1.3     Objectives of the study                                                                                    3

1.4     Justification of the Study                                                                                  3

1.5     Scope                                                                                                             4


2.0     Literature Review                                                                                            5

2.1     Palm Kernel Shell                                                                                             6

2.2     Species of Palm Kernel Shell                                                                             7

2.3     Make-up of Palm Kernel Shell       9 


3.1     Material used                                                                                                11

                 3.1.1 Cement                                                                                               11

                 3.1.2 Water                                                                                                  11

                 3.1.3 Fine aggregate                                                                                     12

3.2     Methods curing                                                                                              12

                 3.1.1 Ponding Curing                                                                                    12

                 3.1.2 Sprinkling Curing                                                                                  13

                 3.1.3 Wet-covering curing                                                                              14

                 3.1.4 Totally uncured (Open-air curing)                                                           15

3.3     Mix design of concrete                                                                                   16


4.0     Results and Discussion                                                                                   17

4.1     Particle Size Distribution                                                                                 17

4.2     Water Absorption                                                                                          19

4.3     Specific Gravity                                                                                             20

4.4     Slump test                                                                                                    21

4.5     Compressive strength                                                                                     22

4.6     Statistical Analysis of Compressive Strength                                                     33


5.0     Conclusion                                                                                                    34

5.1     Recommendation                                                                                           34

References                                                                                                              35



Table 4.1 Particle size distribution of fine aggregate                                                                                     17

Table 4.2 Particle size distribution of Palm Kernel Shell                                                                              18

Table 4.3 Physical Properties of Aggregates                                                                                                        20

Table 4.4 Compressive Strength of PKS at 7days                                                                                             22

Table 4.5 Compressive Strength of PKS at 14days                                                                                          23

Table 4.6 Compressive Strength of PKS at 21days                                                                                          24

Table 4.7 Compressive Strength of PKS at 28days                                                                                          25




Figure 2.1     Layers of palm kernel fruits                                                                     7

Figure 2.2     Palm Kernel                                                                                           8

Figure 2.3     Palm kernel nuts                                                                                    9

Figure 4.1     Graph of particle size distribution of fine aggregate                                  18

Figure 4.2     Graph of particle size distribution of PKS                                                19

Figure 4.3     Graph of compressive strength at 7days curing                                       22

Figure 4.4     Graph of compressive strength at 14days curing                                      23

Figure 4.5     Graph of compressive strength at 21days curing                                      24

Figure 4.6     Graph of compressive strength at 21days curing                                      25


Plate 1         Ponding curing method                                                                         13

Plate 2         Sprinkling curing method                                                                      14

Plate 3          Wet-covering curing (saw dust)                                                             15

Plate 4         Open-Air curing                                                                                   15

Plate 5         Specific gravity test                                                                              20

Plate 6         Slump test                                                                                           21



To cure Concrete is to provide concrete with adequate moisture and temperature to foster cement hydration for a period of time. Proper curing of concrete is crucial to obtaining design strength and maximum durability, especially for concrete exposed to extreme environmental conditions at an early age (James et al., 2002). (Teo et al., 2006) defined curing as the process of controlling the rate and extent of moisture loss from concrete during

cement hydration. High curing temperature (up to 212ºF or 100ºC) generally accelerates cement hydration and concrete strength gain at early age. Curing temperature below 50ºF (10ºC) are not desirable for early age strength development. When the curing temperature is below 14ºF (-10ºC) the cement hydration process may cease. Concrete needs to be kept for a longer time in formwork when cast in cold weather condition (ACI Committee 308, 2000).

On the whole, the strength of concrete, its durability and other physical properties are affected by curing and application of the various types as it relates to the prevailing weather condition in a particular locality, as curing is only one of many requirements for concrete production, it is important to study the curing method of palm kernel shell concrete which best adapts to each individual casting process.

The construction industry relies heavily on conventional materials which include cement, crushed rock aggregate and sand or quarry dust for the production of concrete. In the United Kingdom alone, almost 146 million tonnes of sand, gravel and crushed rock aggregates were reportedly mined for construction in 2011 (Department for Communities and Local Government, 2013).

In the light of the above, large quantities of cracked palm kernel shells (PKS) are therefore generated by the producers. Palm kernel shells are obtained after extraction of the palm oil, the nuts are broken and the kernels are removed with the shells mostly left as waste. Palm kernel shells are hard stony endocarps that surround the kernel and the shells come in different shapes and sizes (Alangaram et al., 2008). These shells are mainly of two types the “Dura” and “Tenera”. The Tenera is a hybrid which has specially been developed to yield high oil content and it has a thin shell thickness compared to Dura type (Dagwa and Ibhadode, 2008). The use of materials such as rice husk, bagasse, palm kernel shell powder, etc. as fillers and/ or reinforcement agents in polymers and composite materials manufacture

such as in brake pads have been reported by several authors (Aigbodion et al., 2010).

Natural sand and crushed gravels have been used for many years as aggregates for concrete production due to their availability across the country. However, the high demand for normal weight concrete for construction continues to drastically reduce the natural stone deposits and consequently damage the environment. The introduction of artificial and natural lightweight aggregates (LWA) to replace conventional aggregates for the production of concrete in many developed countries, has brought immense benefits in the development of infrastructure, especially, high rise structures using lightweight concrete (Mahmud et al., 2009).

The high cost of building materials in the developing countries of the world can be reduced to a minimum by the use of alternative materials that are cheap, locally available in most countries and which bring about a reduction in the overall dead weight of the building. Some industrial and agricultural bye-products that have little or no economic benefit could gainfully be used as building materials.


Many problems are associated with concrete with inadequate curing practices. Typically, the most common curing-related distress of concrete is plastic shrinkage cracking. Fresh concrete exposed to hot, windy and arid environment are most easily to show such kind of distress at the surface area.  Particularly, when the moisture evaporation rate at the top surface of concrete exceeds the rate at which the moisture is supplied through the concrete bleeding process (the process where excessive mixing water are forced to go upward due to the settlement of aggregate and cement particles), plastic shrinkage cracking is easily formed from the failure to resist the stresses induced by the volumetric contraction of concrete due to moisture loss before enough strength has been developed.


The aim of this research work is to carry out a comparative study on the compressive strength of palm kernel shell concrete using different curing methods


The specific objectives of this research work are:

1.    To determine the workability of fresh concrete made from palm kernel shell.

2.    To determine the physical properties of concrete produce with palm kernel shell using four (4) different curing methods.

3.    To carry out statistical analysis on the results of compressive strength of concrete

from the four (4) different types of curing methods for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days.


This research will help to discover how curing types affect the compressive strengths of palm kernel shell concrete.


The scope of this research work is limited to the comparative study of the compressive strength of palm kernel shell concrete using four (4) different curing methods

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