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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006296

No of Pages: 49

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research is centered towards the motivation and staff performance in an organization in Buji Local Government Area This research study explores the crucial relationship between motivation and staff performance in an organizational setting. Employee performance is a critical factor that directly influences the overall success and competitiveness of an organization. Understanding the drivers of employee motivation and its impact on their performance can significantly contribute to the development of effective human resource management strategies. The research study seeks to identify and analyze various motivational factors that influence employees' attitudes, behaviors, and job satisfaction, ultimately affecting their productivity and performance. The study employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to collect comprehensive data from employees across various departments and levels in the organization. Statistical analyses are performed to identify correlations between motivational factors and staff performance. The qualitative interviews provide valuable insights into employees' perceptions and experiences related to motivation and its impact on their performance. The findings of the research reveal the significance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors in fostering a high-performance culture within the organization. Intrinsic factors, such as job satisfaction, recognition, and opportunities for personal growth, are found to be powerful drivers of employee engagement and commitment. Additionally, extrinsic factors, including competitive compensation, benefits, and a conducive work environment, are shown to play a crucial role in sustaining motivation and enhancing performance. Based on the research findings, the study proposes practical recommendations for organizational leaders and managers to enhance staff motivation and, consequently, improve overall staff performance. These recommendations include developing tailored motivation strategies, fostering a positive work culture, providing growth opportunities, recognizing employee achievements, and strengthening leadership capabilities.



Title Page - - - - - - - - - i

 Certification - - - - - - - - - ii

Approval Page - - - - - - - - - iii

Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iv

 Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - v

Abstracts - - - - - - - - - - vi

Table of Content - - - - - - - - - vii


1.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 1

1.1 Statement of the research problems - - - - - 3

1.Reserach objective  - - - - - - - 4

1.3 5 Research hypothesis - - - - - - - 4

1.4 Scope and limitation of the study - - - - - - - 5

1.5 Research methodology- - - - - - - 6

1.6 Historical background of the research area  - - - - 7

1.7 Definition of concepts  - - - - - - - 8

1.8 Significance of the study - - - - - - - 9


2.0 literature review - - - - -- - - 10

2.1 introduction - - - - - - - - 10

2.2 The Manufacturing Supervisor Unfavorable 14

2.3 Douglas Mogregor Theory X And Y- - - - - 19

2.4 The assumption of the theory y - - - - - 20

2.5 Relationship between motivation job performance and job satisfaction


3.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 23

3.2 Data presentation and analysis  -- - - - - 23

3.3 Questionnaire  - - - - - - 24


4.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 25

4.2 Presentation and analysis of data  -. - - - - 25


5.0 Summary conclusion and recommendation - - - 34

5.1 Summary- - - - - - -- -- - 34

5.2 Conclusion- -- - - - - - - - 35

 5.3 Recommendations - - - - - - - - 36

5.4  Facilities (Imported Working Conditions - - - 36

5.5 Rewards - - - - - - - 36

5.6 Training - - - - - - - - - 37

References - - - - - - - - - 38

Appendix (Questionnaire) _ - - - - - -- 43





An organization has goal with can only be achieved by the effort of people who work in the organization. Individual also have their own goals in life, and these who are likely to be different from those of the organization to supervisor of management is the problem of getting the employees to goals. In another way, employee must be motivated one of the major problems confronting management is that of motivating workers to perform assigned tasks to meet or support predetermined standard. Motivating is the way of energizing the effort that indicates or compels and maintain behavior. Human behavior is the human satisfaction since behavior is defends on some basic needs of life. Motivation is a very important element to every worker in a private or public sector. Motivation all can be referred to as an incentives given to an employee to enable him to carry out it assigned duties effectively and efficiently. Abraham Maslow (1908) postulated in his theory of hierarchy of human needs identifies of these need are:

1. The psychological needs 

2. Safety needs 

3. The need for the longing and love 4. Eastern needs (Ego) 

5. Self actualization need or fulfillment. 

Motivation on other the hand refers to the ways or aspiration desire and the need for human being to control or explain their behavioral it as anything that can make people to change their behavioral part ten toward the performances of their duties. Herzberg research stands to find a two factors explanations of motivation which seek explain what cause people to acts as they do, the factors indicates in their responses were either as motivators or a hygiene factors which are primarily related to the environment in which work is performed their (pay), policy working conditions, inter personnel relation with superior, co-workers and subordinators good supervision. All these are in first group classification. In these classification Herzberg listed certain “satisfies” which are primary related to the nature of the work itself. The existence: of these factors yield feeling to satisfaction they give high positive attitude towards the job which in the cause of first group called maintenances ‘or hygiene factors, than their presence Will not motivate people in an organization their lack will only produces classification. Hence, motivation will not be effective if hygiene are missing. It relate to job contact rather than job content. Motivation plays a vital orals in effective performance of staff it is well known face that workers perform better if they are adequately motivated every organization output and profit therefore if this is the goals to achieved, the existing staff must be motivated to enable them to carry out their duties competently and efficiently, an adequate motivated employee even performs above the standard However, motivation has been apparent since the early work of industrial psychologist and their investigation of the common sense believed that nobody can stimulate anyone else to work except he know how that person is motivated and to that incentives he will respond. What are the reason why man work? 

Burlin Ghame: Wrote in seventeenth century work is the source of mans most basic satisfaction it is this social catalyst that purveyor per excellence of this statutory presenting among his follows: 

In Sam, these pacts are important to a manager for the longer indicate that as become satisfied they may be set higher, and as they rise there must be folder awareness of employees reaction against drudgery and routine and their demands instead for jobs which offers, intend for job which offer interesting work and a change to get on. 


No organization can accept high and efficient performances from its workers without good package of motivation. 

Motivation there access play on important role in the progress and survival of any organization. The problems to be stated in any organization or government parastatal are lack of incentive and encouragement from the executive hand of that particular organization.

Therefore the main problems that the researcher investigates here is that of motivation a key which the researcher will.


 The main primary objective of this study is intended to find out why staffs are not motivated and the result of such motivation. Also that the researcher intended to find the relationships between the worker and motivation, how it affected the staff on their official duties? 

It is aimed of finding to what extend staff are motivated and how they are motivated is important in an organization there are some debates as to what is the actual effect of improve organization system, are motivation efficiency or quality? 


Hypothesis is one of the way by which the broad problem is reduced to a testable form. It provides a framework by interpreting research, finding in shape and meaningful “manner. 

Hypothesis is classified in to two which are alternative and a null hypothesis. An alternative hypothesis is usually referred to as research hypothesis, it state the nature of the relationship between variables. A null hypothesis is usually referred to as the testable hypothesis; it states that there is no relationship between variables. 


(1) Motivation is a necessary tool for the achievement of an organization goals and objective.

 (2) Unfavorable conditions of service nil lead to negative effect on employees performance.  

(3) The level of efficiency and worker in an organization is determine by the magnitude of motivation provide by the management. 

(4) Motivation and staff performance in organization Will help 1in restoration of sanity in the out coming of efficient and quality performance of the employees in general. 


The researcher intended to limit his research work on the government 

organization or parastatal within the domain of Jigawa state. The research work is going to be conducted well-known organization named Buji Local Government. The major limitation of the research are including time constrain and financials problems which has not permit the extension of the research. As a student, it might have been problem for me why because I may spend life time doing the research perhaps might not be completed at right time. 

Buji Local Government as an organization within the state have been in air to achieve work and this could done through the effort of the peoples working in the organization. The workers in the particular organization could use as a sample in training their behavioral pattern towards the performance of their duties and those could be representatives efforts to the others wards in difference organization. Even though different peoples ,have difference motivational process likewise organization. the research would used only primary method of data collection, that is the use of questionnaire and conducting interview to employees. 


This aspect will be based on the condition of an interview With the implores and the use of questionnaires, the essence of the distributing the questionnaires is to know individuals view on the nature organization motivate them and are satisfied about the data collections from the respondents will serves as a tool for depend. To the research hypothesis which will further interpret and analyzed to what extend could the hypothesis be accepted or rejected and this will be drown up at conclusion. 


The major things the history are as follows:

FARMING: Situated savannah region majority of the people in Buji are deeply involved In farming, moderate rainfall and land dry season and the resourcefulness of the farmers again the most important crops grown are maize, beans, sorghum, maize and others cereals crops large quantity of grains production in a year is the secret behind the population of Buji market, the market feeds grains to such neighboring, state as Kano. 

INDUSTRIAL POTENTIALS: Buji Local Government has a high industrial potentials capable of serving the need at book its people and Nigeria. As it geography for quarry industries, would find it profitable and economically wish to exploit the raw materials resources, the local government offers the large deposit of time stone are at a good example, as historical potentials of the local government to provide the required raw materials for the contraction of industries. 

LIMITATION: However, due to constrain non-availability of sufficient literature and lack of enough co-operation form manager in discussing, on some important factors that are important to the researcher work is limitation through finding. 


1. MOTIVATION: This refers to the energizing forces that indicated or compel and maintain human behavior. It also means eager and willingness to do it by an individual. 

2. STAFF: This mean to provide the workers for an organization to run the activities of an organization which depend upon organization to run the activities of an organization which depend upon qualification and specialization of an employee. 

3. ORGANIZATION: Means any organized body of person with common goals or effect to achieve. 

a. Buji is a local government council and also the local government of Jigawa State, structure surrounded by farming and fishing. . 

b. PERFORMANCE. The act or process of performing a tasks, or an action. 

c. EFFICIENCY: The quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money. 

d. EMPLOYEE: A person who is paid to work for somebody or organization. 

e. Personnel: The people who work for an organization the 

Employees of an organization are the personnel of that particular organization. 


The research findings will be of most benefit to anybody who need to know how motivation is vital towards effective and efficient performance of staff in any goal oriented organization. 

It could be of important to student who needs to know more on motivation, however, this project will also be useful to workers, in both public and private sectors who are not aware of the importance of motivation, which is the catalyst in stimulating human behavior at work. 

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