Sexual abuse, which may take
different forms, has become a major factor causing multiple problems ranging
from social, physical, emotional to health related conditions. Many victims
have died in the process while others had developed impaired social relationship.
Upon this backdrop, this study investigated the factors responsible for sexual
abuse as expressed by students of Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun
The simple random sampling technique
was employed in selecting the 300 respondents that participated in the study.
The instrument used to gather information for the study was a questionnaire
tagged “Factors Responsible for Sexual Abuse Questionnaire (FRSAQ)”. It
consisted of two sections. (A and B) Section A contains items on personal
information of respondents while Section B has 20 items on factors responsible
for sexual Abuse.
Four null hypotheses were formulated
for the study while the data collected were analysed using frequency counts
percentages, test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistics, all hypotheses
were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained revealed that
sexual abuse occurs because of indiscriminate view of pornographic video and
print materials. Indecent dressing is the highest categorized factor that
causes sexual abuse. Out of the four hypotheses only one was rejected; thus,
gender, religion and age did not influence the expression of the respondents.
However, students from different levels are significantly different in their
on the findings of the study, it was recommended that emphasis should be placed
on sex education. Also, various agencies professional bodies, civil society
organizations, religions groups and government should actively participate in
the campaign against sexual abuse. Counsellors, especially, should also be
fully engaged in the strategies to eradicate sexual abuse.
Title page i
Approval ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables x
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 9
Research Questions 12
Research Hypotheses 14
Purpose of the Study 15
Significance of the Study 15
Scope of the Study 17
Operational Definition of Terms 18
Preamble 20
Concept of Adolescent 22
History and Concept of Sexual Abuse 28
Factors Responsible for Perpetration
of Sexual Abuse 35
Effect of Sexual Abuse 42
Management of Sexual Abuse 52
Summary of the Review of Literature 67
Preamble 69
Research Design 69
Sample and Sampling Procedure/Technique
Instrumentation 71
Psychometric Property of the
Instrument 73
Reliability of the Instrument 74
Procedure for Data Administration and
Collection 75
Method of Data Analysis 77
Preamble 78
Demographic Data 78
Hypotheses Testing 85
Summary of Findings 89
Preamble 91
Discussion 92
Conclusion 97
Recommendation 99
Suggestions for Further Research 102
References 104
Appendix 108
Table 1: Distribution of Respondents by Gender 78
Table 2: Distribution of Respondents by Religion 79
Table 3: Distribution of Respondents by Study Level 80
Table 4: Distribution of Respondents by Study Level 80
Table 5: Item ranking of responses on factors
responsible for sexual abuse 82
6: Respondents Perception According to
Table 7: Mean Standard Deviations and t-values of
Respondents expression of the Factors
Responsible for Sexual Abuse on the basis
of Gender 85
Table 8: Mean, Standard Deviation
and t-values of
Respondents expression of the factors
Responsible for Sexual Abuse on the
Basis of
Religion 86
Table 9: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Comparing
Responses on the basis of Class Level 87
Table 10: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Comparing
Responses on the basis of age 88
Background to the Study
The role of women is crucial to the
growth and development of any nation and the world in general. Considering the
importance of women as mothers’ breadwinners, teachers, guardians and
motherhood in the family, the one will agreed that they deserve respect,
recognition and better treatment. However, the opposite is usually the case.
Women are enslaved in a rentless circle of poverty and suffer from neglect,
discrimination and exploitation. They are also subjected to different forms of
violence by their male counter-parts (Davies, 1989).
(1996) defined violence as the use of force or subtle pressure and unrestrained
action in the pursuance of an objective. He noted that the Nigerian newspapers
are replete with news of violence has not excluded women in the smallest
various forms of violence against women include wife bothering, rape, denial of
self expression, female child labour, childhood marriage, female circumcision,
sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and exploitation, violence by law enforcement
agents, negative cultural attitude and degrading traditional practice. The
widow rites and nutritional taboos and denial of female education are also form
of violence against women.
to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for children
and families (1998), most Americans understand, but not condone, how some forms
of sexual abuse occur, it appears almost impossible for them to consent to the
idea of sexual abuse. This is particularly true when the abuser is a parent or
family member. Sexual abuse fuses those areas in which most people still
experience discomfort, sexuality, power, gender domination and the horrific
exploitation of an innocent child. Sexual molestation, like so many forms of
abuse, wound, not only its victim but the significant others around her. It cuts-through
families and communities, destroying trusts and the belief that some things
simply do not happen in an enlightened society.
a general view, one in every four women may experience sexual violence or rape
by an intimate partner. According to Dickson (1998), close to one-third of
adolescent girls reported their first sexual experience as being forced; result
of sexual abuse. Rape is an unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman or girl
without her consent or by force or with consent by means of threats or
intimidation of any kind; it could be by fear of harm or false and fraudulent
representation (Esen, 1989).
to Ndagunu (2002), rape is an attempt to lure, coerce or force the opposite sex
into sexual relationship through the use of threats. Therefore, rape is most
commonly understood to mean forcing a woman to have sex against her wishes by
using physical or psychological force, threat or force, drugs deception, or any
combination of these. Human are naturally endowed with sexual instinct, thus,
they want to exhibit sexual behaviour in different ways if not controlled.
According to Esen (1989), rape is one
of the violence crimes which subject its victims to physical, emotional and
psychological trauma. It is associated with an increased risk of large range of
sexual and reproductive health problems, with both immediate and long–term consequences.
In Nigerian context, rape is viewed under the criminal justice and public order
Act 1994 as a sexual intercourse with a man or a woman without his or her
consent. Rape can also affect the social well-being of victims because
individuals may be ostracized and stigmatized by their families or other as
and large, irrespective of gender, age, social class, ethnic background, sexual
orientation, there was a general consensus as to what constitute a general
definition of rape. This definition was
firmly focused around the question of consent and applied irrespective of
whether subject was female rape or male rape. The only perceived difference
between men and women as victim was that it was assumed that man stood a better
chance of depending themselves against an assailant.
current sentencing guidelines for rape states that when an adult commits rape
without any aggravating or mitigating features is not less than five years
imprisonment. Where rape is committed by two men acting together, or by a man
who has broken into or otherwise gained access to a place where the victim is
living, or by a person who is in a position of responsibility towards the
victim, or by a person who abducts the victims and holds her captive, the
appropriate sentence is not less than eight years imprisonment. But if such
crime is committed a number of times on different women or girls, a sentence of
15 years imprisonment or more may be appropriate sexual abuse is a form of
violence, which is most rampart to woman and children, is an attempt to coerce
an unwilling person to unwanted sexual attention (Brande Burg, 1982). It is the
behaviour of individuals who use their powers and position in an organization
to exert sexual gratification from their subordinates.
The Australian Institute of Health
and welfare provides a useful national definition of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse
is any act which exposes a person to or involves an individual in sexual
processes beyond his or her understanding or contrary to accepted community
standards. (Augus and Woodward, 1995).
abuse is a sexual act imposed on a victim who lacks emotional, maturational and
cognitive development. Authority and power enable the perpetrator, implicitly
or directly, to coerce the child into sexual compliance. The ability to lure a
woman into sexual relationship is based upon
the all
powerful and dominant position of the men or older adolescent perpetrator,
which is sharp contrast to the victims age, dependency and subordinate position
.The abuse can be intra-familial, between a woman close family friends or
extra-familial and some one out side the close family unit (Unitarian-Universalist
Association, 2005 ).
and Bathrope (1982) noted that male harassment of female is the most common
type of sexual abuse because in most organizational setting majority of the
bosses are men and they lure their subordinates which most times leads to rape
and this therefore, result in physical and psychological periods to the
victims. Danes (1989) observed that sexual abuse is a global problem that can
no longer be ignored or permitted to remain hidden. He noted that victims do
not acknowledge such violence when it occurs to them. They also perpetuate such
violence by remaining silent, excusing violence or blaming them selves.
women and men may experience sexual harassment, but most targets are women. It
is important to under stand that there is a pervasive belief that woman create
their own sexual problems, because “blaming the victim” is a very strong part
of our culture’s gender–role ideology. Also, perpetrators often don’t believe
that the target reaction is extreme. Most women and men try to deal with sexual
harassment by ignoring it, (Powell, 1991).
But this is seldom effective and can lead to an escalation. Women with
higher self-esteem deal with the assertively.
against women also depletes women’s energy and their self-esteem. It is a risk
for all children especially girls who grow up with a sense of such
vulnerability (Davies, 1989). Sexual abuse has its effect not holy on the
negative but also on the children. In view of the negative impact of sexual
abuse on the physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing of woman children
and individuals in general.
researcher therefore set out to investigate the factors responsible for sexual
abuse as perceived by students of Federal College of Education, Ogun State. The
study is based on the assumption that majority of the students from federal
college of Education, Ogun State are young adolescents whose expressions may
adequately represent the most vulnerable group. These students could have
experienced sexual abuse, either directly or otherwise. This therefore
qualifies them to be able to give useful information (expression) on the
factors responsible for sexual abuse. Livingstone (1982) noted that the
effectiveness of any remedial action depends on the extent to which the causal
factors of the problem are identified. Hence it is within the purfew of this
study that solution will be recommended in order to reduce the menace.
Statement of the Problem
According to Fontana (1981), sexual
abuse appears to be increasing and has become a major health problem sexual
abuse is a problem in our society today because it has caused a lot of harm to
the victims both young and old. It has psychological effect on the victims. It
has also become a problem in the sense that victims suffer serious physical
injuries which are inflicted upon them by the perpetrators. In recent years tertiary
institutions could not so much play their traditional roles as citadel of
knowledge but only a place of evil deeds, of crimes and crises that have
bedeviled the campuses especially the act of sexual abuse (Nosike, 1990).
abuse has been further classified by practitioners as sexual exploitation,
which involves touching the victim and or compelling him/her to observe or be
involved in other sexual activity (for example watching pornographic videos,
sexual assault, molestation, victimization and rape.
(1984) underscored that women become victims of sexual abuse as a result of
their fragility and relationship with abuser. He further estimated that the
proportion of persons in the United States that were exposed to some form of
sexual abuse was between 9 and 52 percent for females and between 3 and 9
percent for male. Sexual abuse has been documented as a menace involving women
of all ages and status but it is also clear that majority of perpetrators of
sexual abuse are men and that the victims are predominantly female (Fonkellor,
multi-centre study, led by Trowell and Kolvin (1999), from the Tavistock clinic
London, was set up to evaluate the use of psychotherapy with girls aged 65 – 14
years who had been sexually abused. The key findings were as follows: sexually
abused girls who had problems were more affected psychologically, socially and
educationally than previously recognized. There was evidence of post traumatic
stress disorder, depression and separation anxiety. Many of the older women had
experienced physical or sexual abuse in their own childhood. Sexual abuse has
some long term implications for mental health and this include; psychological
symptoms, guilt, low self-esteem, sleep disturbance. Problem behaviour such as
self harm and drug abuse, relationship and sexual problems are resultant
effects of sexual abuse.
available, police data for instance, are often in complete and limited. Many
women do not report incidences of sexual abuse to the police because they are
ashamed, or fear or being blamed, not believed, or otherwise mistreated. The
question that often agitates minds of many educationists, school authorities,
sociologists, psychological parents is that, why do people commit sexual abuse?
What are the factors responsible for sexual abuse?
present research therefore was interested in finding out the factors that are
responsible for the act of sexual abuse. This study becomes imperative because.
To the best of the researcher’s knowledge, no previous study has considered the
issue, especially in relation to students of Federal College of Education, Ogun
Research Questions
research work intends to investigate the factors responsible for sexual abuse
as expressed by students of Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State.
Therefore, the following research questions will be answered in this study:
are the factors responsible for sexual abuse as expressed by students of
Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State?
there any difference in the expression of the factors responsible for sexual
abuse among male and female respondents?
there any difference in the expression of factors responsible for sexual abuse
among respondents on the basis of religion?
there any difference in the expression of the factors responsible for sexual
abuse among respondents on the basis of study level?
there any difference in the expression of the factors responsible for sexual
abuse among respondents on the basis of age?
Research Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses are
formulated for testing in the study:
is no significant difference in the expression of the factors responsible for
sexual abuse among male and female students of College of Education, Abeokuta.
is no significant difference in the expression of the factors responsible for
sexual abuse among students who are Christians and their Muslim counterparts.
is no significant difference in the expression of the factors responsible for
sexual abuse among respondents on the basis of study level.
is no significant difference in the expression of the factors responsible for
sexual abuse among respondents on the basis of age.
Purpose of the Study
main purpose of this study was to find out the factors responsible for sexual
abuse as expressed students of Federal College of Education, Ogun State.
was done by using a questionnaire titled “Factors responsible for sexual abuse
questionnaire”. It was administered to 200 respondents (students) of College of
Education, Ogun State. The questionnaire is geared towards gathering relevant
data that will help the investigation to get an idea of the analysis. The study
equally provided suggestions that would help to significantly reduce sexual
Significance of the Study
of the most popular social problems plaguing the Nigerian society today is
sexual abuse. This problem has become public focus because of the seriousness
and the seemingly wide spread nature of the problem as well as the increased
attention given to it by the media. This problem therefore, calls for urgent
solution since a society succeeds or fails in direct proportion to the way it
enhances or impedes the development of its women.
study therefore could be of help to the government, social welfare, workers,
parents, educationists, legal practitioners, counsellors and the medical
personnel in doing their various jobs. The study could serve as an eye opener
to parents who are ignorant of their parental role towards their children.
study could help the government to be aware of the factors that could be
responsible for the problem of sexual abuse. The knowledge of this will help
the government in setting up more centers and social welfare where the
personnel can under go training so that they can be of assistance to both
parents and children alike.
study could also help the counsellor in the school to understand the child’s
problem with regards to their relationship with their parents and to be able to
allow the counsellors organize for individual or group counseling with those
that have similar problems. Counsellors can also organize seminars specifically
on factors responsible for the social ill. The study is also significant for
the purpose of information dissemination, it would provide educational
planners, teachers, parents and students in general about how sexual abuse can
be minimized and at the same time male recommendations about how abusive and
non-abusive parent would help their children, thereby brightening the future of
the little ones on whom the future progress of the country lies.
Scope of the Study
scope of this study was limited to finding out factors responsible for sexual
abuse as expressed by students of College of Education, Ogun State. The researchers
choose the respondents because they are mostly youths who know much about
social issues. Therefore, their expression of the factors responsible for
sexual abuse is very important. The study considered variables such as gender,
age, religion, and study level.
Operational Definition of Terms
following terms are the operational definition of some terms as they are used
in this research.
Consequences: This refers to as the adverse effect
or inconvenient result of a particular action or situation.
Perception: This is the ability to see, hear,
understand or a way an individual’s interprets what he/she feels, have insight
into or aware of concerning sexual abuse.
Perpetrator: A perpetrator is someone who has
committed a crime, or a violent or harmful act (such as rape or sexual abuse).
Rape: It is an act of have sex within unwilling
partner that is, using violence or threat.
Sexual Abuse: It is an act of having sex with a
child or old person or someone who is mentally ill, against their wishes or
without their agreement.
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