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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006257

No of Pages: 217

No of Chapters: 5

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Poverty is a major problem that affects millions of people around the world. Islam has a number of strategies for alleviating poverty, including: Zakat: Zakat is a mandatory religious tax that is paid by Muslims on their wealth. Zakat is used to help the poor and needy, and it is one of the most important pillars of Islam Qard al-Hasan: Qard al-Hasan is a charitable loan that is given to the poor and needy without interest. Qard al-Hasan can help people to start businesses or to cover their basic needs. Sadaqah: Sadaqah is voluntary charity that is given to the poor and needy. Sadaqah can be given in the form of money, food, clothing, or other necessities.
Waqf: Waqf is a charitable endowment that is used to provide for the needs of the poor and needy. Waqf can be used to fund schools, hospitals, or other social services.
Education: Islam emphasizes the importance of education, and it is believed that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Islam provides free education for all Muslims, and it also encourages Muslims to help the poor and needy to get an education.
These are just some of the strategies stipulated by Islam for the alleviation of poverty. These strategies have been effective in helping to reduce poverty in many Muslim countries, and they can be used to help to alleviate poverty in other countries as well. In addition to these strategies, Islam also emphasizes the importance of social justice and compassion for the poor. Muslims are encouraged to help the poor and needy, and they are also encouraged to speak out against injustice. These principles can help to create a more just and equitable society, and they can also help to alleviate poverty.

Table of Contents
1.1 Background to the Study 6
1.2 Statement of the Problem 9
1.3 Objectives of the Study 12
1. 4 Research Questions 13
1.5 Significance of the Study 13
1.6 Justification of the Study 14
1.7 Basic Assumptions of the Study 15
1.8 Scope/Delimitation of the Study 16

Review of Related Literature
2.0 Introduction 18
2.1 An Overview of the North-West Geo-Political States 18
2.1.1 Jigawa State 18
2.1.3   Kano State 20
2.1.5 Kebbi States 21
2.1.6 Sokoto State 22
2.1.7 Zamfara State 22
2.2 The Concept of Poverty 24
2.3      Measurement of Poverty in Nigeria 32
2.8 Islamic views on Poverty 65

Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction 80
3.1 Research Methodology 80
3.1.1 Descriptive Research Method 82
3.1.2 Experimental Research Method 82
3.1.3 Historical Research Method 83
3.2 Methodology of Research in the Field of Islamic Studies 84
3.3 Instrumentation and Procedure for Data Collection 86

Islamic Strategies for Poverty Alleviation
4.0 Introduction 89
4.1   Alleviation of poverty through Alms Giving (Zakah) 90
4.4 Alleviation of Poverty through Participation in trade 113
4.5 Islamic Strategy for Poverty Alleviation through Charity 117
4.6    Poverty Alleviation through Prohibitive Strategies 123
4.7   Alleviation of Poverty through the Prohibition of Usury (Riba) 123
4.8 Alleviation of Poverty through the Prohibition of Miserliness/ Niggardliness 130
4.9   Alleviation of Poverty through the Prohibition of extravagance 133
4.11    Alleviation of Poverty through the Prohibition of Unlawful (Haram) Earning 140
4.12   Alleviation of Poverty through the Prohibition of Hoarding 141
4.16.1   Jigawa State 155
4.16.2 Kaduna State 162
4.16.3 Kano State 164
Kano State Zakah and Hubsi Committee 164
Kano State Community Re-Orientation Council (CRC) 174
4.16.5 Kebbi State 181
Kebbi State Zakah and Sadaqah Board 181
Analysis: 183
Sokoto State Zakah and Endowment Committee 184
Analysis: 188
Sokoto State Poverty Reduction Agency (SPORA) 189
Transport Empowerment: 189
Youth Empowerment: 190
Women Empowerment: 192
Farmers Empowerment: 192
Co-operative Society Programme: 192
Micro-Finance Empowerment Programme: 193
Analysis: 193
Zamfara State Zakah and Endowment Board 194
Sources of Income: 195
Analysis: 205

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1   Summary 206
5.2    Major findings 208
5.3   Conclusion 210
5.4 Recommendations 211


1.1 Background to the Study
Poverty has from time immemorial been a universal problem. That is why religions and various schools of thought paid great attention to it, and tried for ages, to tackle it and soften the suffering of the poor through different strategies. Combating the problem of poverty has remained the top priority of virtually all governments. It is a complex phenomenon that has persisted in various degrees in societies and communities around the world, since recorded history, regardless of resource endowment, the state of development, level of technology, and social structure or culture. The United Nation Human Poverty Index in 1999 placed Nigeria the 25th poorest nation in the world (Garba, 2006). According to this report, two-third (⅔) of people in Nigeria are said to live below poverty level.

Similarly, available statistics indicate that poverty has become endemic in Nigeria and is on the increase. For example, it increased from 18 million people in 1980 to 35 million people in 1985, 39 million people in 1992; 67 million people in 1996; and 74 million people in 1999.  Human Development Programme indicates that 70.7 and 72.4 percent of Nigerian population live below one U.S dollar respectively. That is why Nigeria is ranked among the world’s least developed nations. (U.N.D.P, 2007).

Nigeria represents one of the many paradoxes of development. It is a rich nation and one of the largest exporters of crude oil in the world. Yet its people are rated among the poorest in the world. Recent studies indicate that Nigeria is the 37th largest economy in the world, and 11th in terms of labour force (about 48 million according to 2010 estimates).  However, El-Rufai (2011) reported that about half of Nigerian citizens live on $2 a day and two-third of the population live below $1.25 a day, which shows an extreme level of poverty. This is because the economic growth of Nigeria since independence had little impact on the poor.

Nigeria’s rank in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index has dropped from 95 out of the 131 countries in 2007, to 15 at the bottom. Nigeria is now ranked 127 out of 142 countries.  In terms of competitiveness within West Africa, in 2007, Senegal, Ghana, Benin, Gambia and Cameroon were worse off than Nigeria, but they are now ranked well ahead of Nigeria. (El- Rufai, 2011). It is in the light of this, that the Government has shown keen interest in poverty alleviation; thus numerous policies and programmes have, over the years, been designed. But these policies and programmes are yet to yield positive results. The reason for this is that man has the tendency of becoming a slave to his petty passion which in turn leads him astray. Ahmed (1977) states:

It is the natural weakness of man that in most of his affairs concerning his life takes into consideration only some aspects of reality and loses sight of other aspects. His judgments are usually one-sided and he is swayed by emotions and desires to such an extent that rarely, if ever, can he judge important matters with impartiality and objectivity.

Moreover, the Glorious Qur’an makes it clear that man has no fixed pattern and rigidly determined behaviour. That is why Allah has absolute right of legislation. Man is weak. Allah (SWT) says:
ﭽﭟﭠﭡﭢﭣﭤﭥﭦﭧﭼالنساء: ٢٨
Allah doth wish to lighten your (difficulties) for man was created weak (in flesh).  (an-Nisa’:28).

Allah (SWT) also says:
ﭽﭺﭻﭼﭽﭾﭿﮀﮁﮂﭼالإسراء: ١١
The prayer that man should make for good, he maketh for evil; for man is given to hasty (deeds). (al-Isra’:11).

The above verses make it clear that man  in his ignorance or haste, mistakes evil for good, and desires what he should not have desired. At the very beginning, man was created by Allah innocent, pure, true, free, inclined to right virtue; and endowed him with a true understanding of Allah’s goodness, wisdom and power. But man is caught in the mashes of customs, superstitions, selfish desires and false teachings. This in turn makes him unclean, false and selfish; seeking what is wrong and prohibited, and deflecting from the love of his fellow men and pure worship of Allah (SWT). The result of this is starvation, destitution or poverty. Allah (SWT) says:
ﭽﯾﯿﰀﰁﰂﰃﰄﰅﰆﰇﰈﰉﰊﰋﰌﭼالروم: ٤١

Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned, that Allah may give them taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from evil). (ar-Rum: 41)

The above verse, justifies the reason behind the failure of the past policies and programmes is largely due to the insincerity of the implementation and corruption. Those responsible for the implementing the programmes and policies were after achieving material benefits. That is why the policies of the government, cannot stand the test of time, let alone solve the economic problem of man. The Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah provide the best solutions to the problem of human poverty in Nigeria. The poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria failed woefully or yielded very little results because apart from missing some essential elements that are already in the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah, they were riddled with politics, corruption and de-tasteful lootings. Alternative reference to the unbiased rulings of the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) would be of great advantage to Nigeria. This is because most Nigerians are Muslims who have great respect for the injunctions of the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah. There are also Christians who have most of their laws in conformity with that of the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah

Islam propounds several economic stipulations to eradicate poverty in human society. This is because Islam aims at providing every opportunity for good living, both at the individual and societal levels. Islam has its own unique philosophy of human welfare which is comprehensive and consistent with human realities. This unique philosophy of human welfare package requires in-depth elucidation in order to bring both Muslims and non Muslims into harmonious coexistence and economic prosperity. However, this cannot be achieved through programmes that disregard the value of man such as the ones designed by the Federal Government of Nigeria. What is required is guidance that promotes correct human values, and which could serves as the basis for the establishment of sound economic policies with consciousness of Allah and human sympathy, that free people from destitution and suffering.

That notwithstanding, there were several efforts made by different Nigerian governments to eradicate poverty. But the efforts proved abortive. This therefore explains the need to seek for alternative programmes and strategies that would address the situation and this could be found in Islam which is just to all mankind regardless of their religion and social status. Islam has various provisions or strategies that seek to alleviate poverty. The effectiveness of these strategies depends on educating people about the Islamic stipulations, so that Muslims would practice and implement them correctly by acquainting themselves with Islamic teachings that are geared towards rooting out poverty at all levels.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
According to a report presented by the United Nations in 1980, only an estimated 27% of Nigerians lived in poverty.  By 1990, it had grown to 70%. As at 2010, over 58% of the Nigerian population lived on the new poverty threshold of $1.25 a day.  Though unevenly distributed across Nigeria, it is higher in North-East, according to (El-Rufai, 2011).  However, other sources revealed that the rate of poverty is higher in North-West Geo-political Zone, especially the one reported by the National Planning Commission in 2005.

 Furthermore, according to a report presented by the National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) in 2005, the phenomenon of poverty in Nigeria has indicated that the North-West Geo-political Zone has the highest percentage of 70.1% in 1996. At the moment, the problem of poverty and how to solve it is an issue of concern to most people who reside in this part of the country. But surprisingly when one listens to the interpretations made by people on the issue of poverty and how it can be alleviated, one would understand that the greater majority of Muslims are unaware of the Islamic injunctions on the issue.

Whatever is the level of poverty in any segment of the country, an analysis of the happenings explains why the North- West Geo- political Zone of Nigeria is an area that is rife with electoral abnormalities and cases of insecurity.  Indeed, most of the apparent ethnic and religious crises in the North-West Geo-political Zone are to some extent, linked with the increasing poverty rate in the sub-region.

Similarly, the majority of the people in the North-West Geo-political Zone are Muslims. It has been observed that most of them are ignorant of Islamic teachings, particularly the strategies designed by the Shari’ah on poverty alleviation.  Thus, the consequences of the severity of poverty in the region are responsible for most religious deviations and the careless attitude to the provisions of Islam. Thus, poverty is more pronounced in the region compared to the other five Geo-political Zones in the country.  That is why it is necessary for everyone who has the knowledge about Islam to try and elucidate to the Muslims the reality of Allah’s (SWT) guidance and mercy with which the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent to solve the problems of man in the society, in such a way that nobody goes without being sheltered or without a job or food to eat.

The most pathetic feature of the people residing in this part of the country is that a good majority of the people live in a state of destitution, while the remaining relatively insignificant minority swims in affluence. These skewed economic relations do not reflect the spread of resource endowment; but rather are products of classical greed, injustice and selfishness, that overshadow economic practice of the people. 

Certainly, the rate of begging and destitution increases almost on a daily basis. This situation if allowed to continue will hinder Muslims from comprehending and practicing Islam correctly in the region. Someone who is ignorant about Islamic teachings might assume that begging is part of the teachings of Islam. This is so because the rate at which it is practiced makes many people lazy. It will also make it easy for the people of the region to be influenced negatively which inturn might affect the faith of the people in the region who to some extent are ignorant about Islamic teachings on poverty. Most youth are not willing to adopt lawful professions for earning a living; instead they take to election rigging and thurggery.  

Furthermore, usury is becoming rampant especially among civil servants. It is a common practice among civil servants to collect bank loan with interest. Many people collect loan with the intention of either buying a motorcycle, a car or building a house and in some cases the bank purchases such items and sells them to interested clients with high interest. In most cases, before the liquidation of the received loans, the items are nowhere to be found thereby leaving the recipients’ families and relatives in destitution. Many debtors found themselves in serious economic crisis because of the bank loan they received. The most pathetic aspect of it is that the received loan must be liquidated with all the cumulative interest even after the death of the recipients. Similarly, at individual level, most people do not bother to know the Islamic injunctions on interest or usury. That is why some well to do people take the undue advantage of the poor and charge them high interest rate which is against the teachings of the Glorious Quran and Sunnah. The practice of usury placed many families in serious economic crisis.

Some ignorant and self aggrandized Muslims indulge themselves in the evil act of bribery and corruption. The attitude of some Muslims toward bribery and corruption causes high level destitution. Added to that, unlawful practices such as misappropriation extravagance, miserliness and hoarding increase on a daily basis.     

When such issues are carefully studied in the context of Islamic methodology of research, a balanced overview can be presented that would enhance the economic condition of the people in the region. Islam has answers to man’s problems for which he has no answer. But, man has been left to search for answers in wrong philosophies and thoughts, whereas the concrete answers or solutions to poverty alleviation are in the Glorious Quran and Sunnah . The policies and programmes implemented by different regimes in Nigeria, have failed to make concrete effort in presenting to the Nigerians a viable system that accommodates man’s socio- economic problems.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objectives of this work include the following:
1. To enlighten Muslims on the concept of poverty from Islamic perspective.
2. To examine the various strategies stipulated by Islam for the alleviation of poverty among people.
3. To acquaint Muslims with the Islamic stipulations on poverty alleviation;
4. To show in clear terms the relevance of adopting Islamic strategies for the alleviation of poverty in the North-West geopolitical zone.
5. To find out the extent of application of Islamic Strategies for poverty alleviation in the North-West geopolitical zone.
6. Suggest ways of coming up with a sustainable programme for poverty alleviation in North-West Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria.

1. 4 Research Questions
This research seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the Islamic concept of poverty?
2. What are the strategies employed by Islam to alleviate poverty?
3. What are the Islamic stipulations on poverty alleviation? 
4. Of what relevance are the Islamic strategies for the alleviation of poverty    to the people of the North-West Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria?
5. To what extent do the states of the North-West Geo -Political Zone of Nigeria apply Islamic strategies for poverty alleviation?
6. How can the North-West Geo-Political States of Nigeria enhance their poverty alleviation programmes? 

1.5 Significance of the Study
This study is significant in the sense that it will acquaint the readers with the Islamic strategies for the alleviation of poverty, especially in the North-West Geo-political Zone, where poverty is very glaring. Muslims will be motivated to improve their acts in their daily activities with the hope of alleviating poverty and seeking Allah’s (SWT) blessings in this world and Hereafter. 

The study will also enhance Muslim’s comprehension on some of the causes and remedies of poverty from Islamic perspective, so as to avoid falling into the confusions of philosophies and thoughts that are destructive. The research will also be valuable to State Governments of the North West- Political Zone. For, it will equip them with the necessary Islamic moral and ethical teachings that are geared towards alleviating poverty.

The study will acquaint the Muslims with the Islamic practical economic principles/ethics that are geared towards solving the problem of poverty in the North-West Geo-political Zone. The economic policy makers would stand to benefit from this research when they initiate policies geared towards poverty alleviation, as this is an opportunity for them to create conducive environment for the proper implementation of the Islamic strategies for the alleviation of poverty.

Furthermore, the research will be of tremendous significance to people in general, for they will be better informed about the value of putting in practice the Islamic teachings for the alleviation of poverty. It is significant in the sense that it will acquaint the readers with the Islamic strategies for the alleviation of poverty, especially in the North-West Geo-political Zone.

Added to the above, the research will be of tremendous significance to people in general for they will be better informed about the value of putting in practice the Islamic strategies for the alleviation of poverty. Therefore, the research is going to be a catalyst for the socio-economic enhancement of the entire people of North-West Geo-political Zone of Nigeria. The research will come up with a proposal for a sustainable programme for poverty alleviation for implementation by various states of the zone.
1.6 Justification of the Study
A close study of the different policies and programmes implemented by the different regimes in Nigeria reveals that most of them were not fully guided by religious teachings that discourage materialism, greed and selfishness. They lacked the necessary moral guidance because they were politically motivated and designed to popularize those in power. The real concern for the poor and destitute was only in theory.

Islam provides Muslims with balanced teachings that harmonize materialism and spiritualism in such a way that no individual would suffer unnecessary hardship as a result of the selfishness of other members of the society. Muslims need to be enlightened about the legal, prohibitive and incentive strategies designed by Allah (SWT) to alleviate poverty, at both individual and societal levels. Therefore, there is the need to educate Muslims on implementing Islamic strategies in order to root out poverty from the North-West Geo-political Zone- where the rate of poverty is higher. The Glorious Qur’an and prophetic teachings provide the Muslims with concrete answers at hand to alleviate poverty. When such strategies are carefully studied and practiced, solutions to the problem of poverty would be controlled in the region.

1.7 Basic Assumptions of the Study
This research has three basic assumptions, derived from the teachings of the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). It has been understood that remarkable economic achievements were recorded in the history of Islam. This is not devoid of following the injunctions of the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah, which help those in power to make tremendous achievements in rooting out poverty. The assumptions are:
1. Little attention is given to the direct/legal strategies stipulated by the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah to alleviate poverty.
2. Muslims of the North-West Geo-political Zone do not strictly adhere to the Islamic stipulations designed to alleviate poverty.
3. Necessary motivations were not provided by the stakeholder of North-West Geo-political Zone to encourage citizens to practice the strategies designed by Islam to alleviate poverty.

1.8 Scope/Delimitation of the Study
The work generally deals with the economic teachings of Islam, with particular reference to some legal, prohibitive and incentive strategies, designed by Islam to alleviate poverty.  Qur’anic and prophetic injunctions on penury and affluence, as well as other legal strategies designed by Islam to alleviate poverty such as necessity of work for self-sustenance (Amal), charitable endowment (Waqf), Islamic Law of inheritance (Mirath), alms giving (Zakah), and the encouragement to participate in trade, are analyzed.  Similarly, prohibitive strategies designed by Islam to alleviate poverty are studied; the prohibition of extravagance (Tabdhir), usury (Riba), hoarding (Ikhtikar/Idhdikar), unlawful earning (Haram) and other fraudulent practices, are also analyzed in relation to the area of studies. How some of these strategies especially alms giving (Zakah), endowment (Waqf) and working for self sustenance (Amal) are apply in North – West Geo-Political Zone is also examined.   

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