The study was carried out to evaluate the growth performance, carcass and haematological characteristics of F1 progenies of local hen (Black and Brown normal feathered) and exotic male breeder (Ross 308 and Abor Acre) strains. Randomised Complete Block Design was used for the experiment. The base population constituted a total of 60 normal feathered local hens, 30 each of Brown and Black phenotype as well as 24 exotic sires comprising 12 each of Arbor Acre and Ross 308 strains were used in this experiment. The base population for the production of the F1 progenies were; Ross 308 x Brown local hen (A1R1), Ross 308 x Black local hen (A2R1), Arbor Acre x brown local hen (A1R2) and Arbor Acre x Black local hen (A2R2). Parameters measured were growth performance characteristics - Initial and final body weight, daily feed intake, average weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and percentage mortality; body weight (BW) and morphometric traits - thigh length (TL),shank length (SL),breast width (BWDT),body length (BL) and wing length (WL),Keel length (L),Drumstick (DS), and Body weight (BW). Haematological parameters were also evaluated. The study lasted for 12 weeks. Measurements and samples were collected according to the proposed experimental design. Phenotypic correlations were also estimated. Results of growth performance traits showed higher (P<0.05) final live weight, improved average weight gain, better FCR in F1 progenies of A1R1, followed by progenies of A1R2. For linear body traits, significant (P<0.05) difference was observed among the four strains for BWDT in weeks 2 and 4, DS in weeks 2 and 4 and BW in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8, KL in weeks 2 and 4, SL in weeks 2 and 4 and WL in week 1. It was observed that F1 progenies of A1R1 recorded higher TL (week 8-10), SL (week 2- 10), KL (week 4), WL (week 8), BL (week 2-12) and weighed heavier (week 2-12). Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the carcass yield of the genotypes, the live weight, dressed weight, dressing percentage and breast cut of A1R1 progenies were significantly different (P<0.05). The gizzard, liver, emptied proventriculus, large and small intestine, pancreas of the progenies of A1R1 were significantly different (P<0.05). The correlations among morphometric traits revealed positive and high correlations (P<0.01) between BW with BL and TL in A1R1 and A1R2 F1 progenies, while in A2R1 F1 progenies, TL and BL (in week 2), BL and SL (in weeks 4 and 6), and BL, KL, TL and BWDT (weeks 8, 10, 12), perfectly (P<0.01) correlated with BW. BL, TL, WL (weeks 2, 6, 8, 12) and BL, WL, KL, SL and BWDT (weeks 4, 10) showed perfect and significant (P<0.01) relationship with BW in A2R2 progenies. Haematological parameters were significantly different (P<0.05) in weeks 6 and 12. MCV, MCH and MCHC of A2R2 progenies were significantly higher (P<0.05) than others in week 6, although they all fall with the normal range. In week 12, Hb of A1R2 and A2Rs were significantly higher (P<0.05).
Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
of Contents vi
of Tables ix
of Figures xii
Abstract xiii
Background of the Study 1
Statement of Problem 7
Objectives of the Study 8
Justification of the
Study 8
2.1 Poultry production in Nigeria 9
2.2 Indigenous
breeds of poultry 12
2.3 Characteristics
of local chicken 12
Genetic background of local chickens in Nigeria 13
2.6 Different
strains of Nigerian indigenous chicken (Ecotypes) 14
2.7 Genetic diversity and potentials 15
2.8 Cross
breeding of local chicken 17
2.8 Cross breeding in
farm animals 18
2.9 Genetic effect of cross breeding 19
2.10 Breed complementarity 21
2.11 Growth characteristics of chickens 22
2.12 Haematological components and functions
2.13 Factors
affecting haematology in chicken 25
3.1 Experimental
site 27
3.2 Breeding
stock and management 27
Experimental procedure 27
Egg Setting 28
3.5 Management
of F1 progenies 29
3.6 Vaccination and medication 29
3.7 Data collection 30
Growth performance traits 30
3.7.2 Body weight and linear body measurements 30
3.7.3 Carcass evaluation 31
3.7.4 Determination of
haematological parameters 32
Experimental design 35
Statistical analysis 35
Analysis of variance 35
3.9.2 Correlation
between traits 35
4.1 Growth performance of f1
progenies of local × exotic chicken crosses 37
4.2 Effect
of genotype on body weight and linear body
of the F1 progenies of local × exotic chicken
at 2 - 6 weeks of age 41
4.3 Effect
of genotype on body weight and linear body 42
of the F1 progenies of local × exotic chicken
at 8 - 12 weeks of age 47
4.4 Carcass characteristics
of the f1 progenies of local
exotic crosses 52
4.5 Internal organ
proportion of the f1 progenies of local
4.6 Haematological characteristics of the f1
progenies of local × exotic
chicken crosses at 2 - 12 weeks of age 57
4.7 Phenotypic
correlation among the morphometric traits in A1R1
genotype birds at 2 -12 weeks of age 70
Conclusion 101
References 103
3.1 Mating procedure of the base
population for the production of
progenies form crosses between local dams and exotic sire lines 28
3.2 Compositions
of experimental diets 29
4.1 Growth
performance characteristics of f1 progenies of local × exotic
crosses at 2, 4 and 6 weeks of age 39
4.2 Effect of genotype on body weight and
linear body parameters of
F1 progenies of local × exotic chicken crosses at 2, 4 and 6 weeks
of age 43
of genotype on body weight and linear body parameters of the f1
progenies of local × exotic chicken crosses at 8, 10 and 12 weeks of age 38
4.4 Carcass yield and
cut-parts of the f1 progenies of local x exotic chickens
at 2 - 12 weeks 54
4.5 Organ
proportions of the f1 progenies of local x exotic chickens at 12 weeks 57
4.6 Haematological indices of the f1
progenies at 2 weeks of age 60
4.7 Haematological indices of the f1
progenies at 4 weeks of age 61
4.8 Haematological indices of the f1
progenies at 6 weeks of age 64
4.9 Haematological indices of the f1
progenies at 8 weeks of age 66
4.10 Haematological indices of the f1
progenies at 10 weeks of age 67
4.11 Haematological indices of the f1
progenies at 12 weeks of age 69
4.12 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in
genotype at 2 weeks of age 72
4.13 Phenotypic
correlation coefficients among morphometric traits in
genotype at 2 weeks of age 73
4.14 Phenotypic
correlation coefficients among morphometric traits in
genotype at 2 weeks of age 74
4.15 phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R2 genotype at 2 weeks of
age 75
4.16 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R1 genotype at 4 weeks of
age 77
4.17 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R2 genotype at 4 weeks of
age 78
4.18 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R1 genotype at 4 weeks of
age 79
4.19 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R2 genotype at 4 weeks of
age 80
4.20 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R1 genotype at 6 weeks of
age 82
4.21 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R2 genotype at 6 weeks of
age 83
4.22 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R1 genotype at 6 weeks of
age 84
4.23 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R2 genotype at 6 weeks of
age 85
4.24 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R1 genotype at 8 weeks of
age 87
4.25 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R2 genotype at 8 weeks of
age 88
4.26 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R1 genotype at 8 weeks of
age 89
4.27 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R2 genotype at 8 weeks of
age 90
4.28 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R1 genotype at 10 weeks of
age 92
4.29 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R2 genotype at 10 weeks of
age 93
4.30 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R1 genotype at 10 weeks of
age 94
4.31 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R2 genotype at 10 weeks of
age 95
4.32 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R1 genotype at 6 weeks of
age 97
4.33 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A1R2 genotype at 8 weeks of
age 98
4.34 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R1 genotype at 10 weeks of
age 99
4.35 Phenotypic correlation coefficients
among morphometric traits in A2R2 genotype at 12 weeks of
age 100
1.0 Total
poultry population by agricultural zone 11
Poultry plays significant role in human economy
through provision of food while also creating wealth through job provision for
our teeming population (Alderset al.,
2019). Egg and meat production are the two major divisions of poultry
production (USDA, 2018) although other divisions exist such as chick
production, point of lay production, feed production, poultry tools and
equipment production in addition to poultry processing and marketing (CIWF,
2019). The domestication of birds such as chicken, ducks, quails, turkey, and
geese with the intent of rearing them for meat, egg production as well as using
their incidental products such as faecal droppings and feathers in industries
as natural unprocessed materials is known as poultry farming (Stiles, 2017).
The rearing of birds dated many years ago, which emanated by collection of
their eggs and young ones from their natural habitat and later resulted into
domesticating them as farm animals with people. Poultry production can be
subdivided into three distinct parts named small, medium and large scale (Heise,
2015). These are also otherwise known as backyard, semi-commercial and commercial
(Ricke, 2017; Rimiet al., 2017).
Although globally, as at 2011 and 2016, over 50
billion birds and 66 billion birds were produced across the world respectively
(Qualman, 2018); these numbers has dropped to 23 billion birds by 2018 due to
the more recent outbreak of avian influenza (H5N1 and mutated strains) in China
which affected 13.6% of the world’s poultry supply during the year 2016 in
addition to the effect of ongoing poultry consumption by the human population
(Chatziprodromidouet al., 2018).
Native broiler chickens have meat quality
characteristics that are often favoured by consumers over those of commercial
breeds. Therefore, native chicken breeds not only contribute to the
conservation of poultry genetic resources, but are also of high economic value.
Amao et al. (2019) reported that
Nigerian indigenous chickens exhibit higher fertility and hatchability under
natural incubation, and adapt better to the prevailing diseases, physical
conditions and indigenous management practices than exotic chickens. In addition, its meat is perceived to have
superior gustatory qualities. It is however less productive (meat and eggs)
than its exotic counterparts (Amao 2017a, b, c). Researchers have shown that
the indigenous fowl possesses great potentials for genetic improvement through
breeding programme such as selection and/or cross breeding (Adedeji et al., 2006, Amao, 2017a).
Indigenous chickens have been acclaimed as reservoirs
of valuable genes for productivity under marginal environments (FAO, 2006).
These genetic endowments include enormous resilience, disease resistance,
thriftiness, reproductive efficiency, and conversion of poor nutritive feed stuffs
to valuable products – meat and egg (FAO, 2006; Reta, 2006, 2009). The Nigerian
local chicken plays very significant roles in the socio-cultural and economic
life of the rural populace in addition to acting as a buffer to scarcity of
poultry and poultry products. Two major factors influence the phenotypic value
of the native chicken. These are the natural endowment of the bird for the
trait(s) of interest and the environment in which the bird exists. The natural
endowments constitute all genetic attributes (the genotype) while the
environment constitutes all non- genetic factors which influence performance.
These include climatic factors, housing, management, nutrition and health.
Rearing condition is an important management input in poultry production (Jin
and Craig, 1994; Gerzilov et al.,
2012; Ojedapo, 2013).
Growth analysis is an important component of many
biological studies. Moharrery and Mirzaei (2014) defined growth as the process
of an animal gaining weight with time until it reaches maturity. A number of
conformation traits are known to be good indicators of body growth and market
value of chickens apart from body weight (Abdel – Latif, 2019). Chick weight
and morphometric traits like chick body length and shank length have great
influence on growth performances of broiler as these parameters positively
affect slaughter yield at market age (Patbandha et al., 2017). The skeleton determines the general shape of the body,
which carries the body and is closely related to the muscles (Ukwu and Okoro,
2014). The relationship existing among linear body parameters provides useful
information on the performance and carcass value of animals (Musah et al., 2015). Relationships between
body weight and linear body measurements are important for predicting body
weight and can also be applied speedily in selection and breeding programmes
(Ukwu and Okoro, 2014).
Correlation is an association between two independent
traits which may be positive or negative. The statistic that measures the
magnitude or strength of a correlation is known as correlation coefficient.
Phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations are common in animal
breeding. Phenotypic correlation is the sum total of genetic and environmental
correlations. According to Ibe (1998), phenotypic correlation between any two
traits is the correlation of their observed values. Estimates of phenotypic
correlation are useful in examining the relationship between measurements of
size and shape in chicken (Ibe 1989; Yakubu et
al. 2009; Habimana et al. 2021).
Haematology refers to the study of the numbers and
morphology of the cellular elements of the blood – the red cells
(erythrocytes), white cells (leucocytes), and the platelets (thrombocytes) and
the use of these results in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases (Merck
Manual, 2012). Haemtological studies are useful in the diagnosis of many
diseases as well as investigation of the extent of damage to blood (Onyeyili, et al., 1992; Togun., 2007).
Haematological studies are of ecological and physiological interest in helping
to understand the relationship of blood characteristics to the environment
(Ovuru and Ekweozor, 2004) and so could be useful in the selection of animals
that are genetically resistant to certain diseases and environmental conditions
(Mmereole, 2008; Isaac et al., 2013).
Haematological parameters are good indicators of the physiological status of
animals (Khan and Zafar, 2005). Haematological parameters are those parameters
that are related to the blood and blood forming organs (Waugh et al., 2001; Bamishaiye et al., 2009). Blood act as a
pathological reflector of the status of exposed animals to toxicant and other
conditions (Olafedehan et al., 2010).
As reported by Isaac et al. (2013)
animals with good bloodcomposition are likely to show good performance.
Blood plays an important role in the transportation of
nutrients, metabolic waste products and gases around the body (Zhou et al. 1999). Moreover, blood represents
a means of assessing clinical and nutritional health status of animals (Olorode
and Longe, 2000). The haemato-biochemical profiles are most commonly used in
nutritional studies for chickens (Adeyemi et
al., 2000). It has been shown that data from blood profiles could be
exploited in the improvement of chicken stocks (Ladokun et al., 2008). In addition, blood parameters help diagnoses of
specific poultry hen pathologies and might serve as basic knowledge for studies
in immunology and comparative avian pathology (Bonadiman, 2009). Other studies
revealed that serum protein may be used as an indirect measurement of dietary
protein quality (Alikwe et al.,
2010), whereas significant reduction in red and white blood corpuscles
indicates haemolytic anaemia and exposes the birds to high risk of infection
(Akporhuarho 2011). Haematological values of birds can be affected by several
factors such as age, gender, hormones and environmental conditions (Sturkie,
protein consumption is still very low in Nigeria. Improving chicken production
in Nigeria is desirable in order to increase animal protein production. Though poultry
production is on the increase in Nigeria, there is still deficiency of animal
protein consumption. Poultry breeders need to establish the relationship that
exists between linear body parameters and body weight and to organize the
breeding programmes so as to achieve an optimum combination of body weight and
good conformation for maximum economic returns. There is every need to produce chickens
that are more disease resistant, healthier and hardier, and this can be
achieved through cross-breeding which will result to heterosis and gene
objectives of the study were to estimate the;
a. Growth
performance of the F1 progenies of local x exotic chicken crosses.
b. Body
weight and linear body parameters of the F1 progenies of local x
exotic chickencrosses.
c. Carcass
characteristics of the F1 progenies of local x exotic chicken crosses.
d. Haematological
characteristics of the F1 progenies of local x exotic chicken crosses.
e. Phenotypic
correlation between body weight and morphometric traits and among the
morphometric traits of the F1 progenies of local x exotic chicken crosses.
The relationships existing among linear body
measurement traits provide useful information on performance, productivity and
carcass characteristics of animals. These traits are less subject to short term
changes as is body weight and allow comparisons of growth in different parts of
the body. Besides, body weight and linear body measurements of meat animals
have been found useful in quantifying body size and shape. Studies of
interrelationships among body measurements also find application in selection
and breeding. There is need to improve the productivity of local chickens in
Nigeria that are mostly traditional and non-commercial, to enable it contribute
to animal protein production and consumption in the country.
Crossing birds of different breeds will enable the
breeder to determine whether non-additive gene effects are important in the
performance of poultry birds. Cross breeding of local chicken with exotic
chicken will combine the advantage of both the exotic and the Indigenous traits
to produce a chicken that has the combined advantages of both parents. Indeed,
performance of a hybrid may also differ according to the direction of crossing.
The indigenous chickens exhibit high genetic variance in their performance, and
therefore have great potential for genetic improvement through cross breeding
and improvement programmes (Adedeji et al., 2008; Adebambo et al.,
2009). There is therefore need to cross-evaluate performance of F1progenies
of crosses between exotic sires and indigenous hens.
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