This study was conducted to estimate the genetic parameters for growth, egg quality, and haematological characteristics of crossbred Japanese quails in humid tropical environment. A total of three hundred and sixty (360) day old chicks comprising of ninety (90) crossbred for each genotype were used for the study. Each genotype was replicated three (3) times with 30 birds per replicate, the mating ratio was 1:3. Data on fertility and hatchability, body weight and linear body traits, external and internal egg quality traits and haematological parameters were measured for each genotype. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and correlation analyses in a randomized complete blocked design and significant means were separated using Duncan new multiple range test. They were also subjected to regression analysis and estimation of repeatability and heritability as appropriate. Results indicate that fertility and hatchability parameters were statistically (P>0.05) similar among the four strains. PWxCB progenies had the heaviest BWT (169.40 g) in week 9. They also recorded highest values in the following linear body parameters in cm; shank length (SL) 3.55, thigh length (TL) 4.57, body length (BL) 14.14, wing length (WL) 8.96, breast length (BRT) 7.88, and keel length (KL) 4.94 at week 9. A rapid increase in the egg weight (EWT), was found from week 6 of age to week 14 (8.28-12.06) g in PWxCB progenies. Significant and non significant differences existed in external and internal egg quality as well as in haematological characteristics measured. Age at first egg was 42 days in all the genotypes except PWxPW progenies (56) day. At weeks 6 and 8, CBxPW progenies showed positive and significantly strong phenotypic correlations (P<0.01) between BWT and SL (0.518), BWT and TL (0.720). Phenotypic correlations among the external egg quality traits of PWxPW progenies at week 10 showed positive and significant correlations (P<0.05, P<0.01) between EWT and EL (0.462), and EWT and SW (0.415).Genetic correlations between body weight and breast length ranged from 0.135- 0.944 while that of egg weight and shell weight ranged from 0.194 -0.334 in CBxPW strain. The best predictor of body weight were; KL, WL, and BRL with coefficient of regression (R2) of 92.40, this was found in PWxCB at week 6. The four strains evaluated showed high repeatability for body weight across the weeks. The heritability for body weight at week 2 for the progenies were: PWxPW (0.90), PWxCB (0.99), CBxPW (0.98), and CBxCB (0.70). Estimates of heritability for mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were high in PWxPW (0.62, 0.67) and PWxCB (0.61, 0.40) respectively. Finally at week 14, heritability for EWT for the progenies were: PWxPW (0.65), PWxCB (0.65), CBxPW (0.99), and CBxCB (0.98). This indicates huge influence of addictive genes. Therefore, selection effectiveness will be high at these weeks. It can then be concluded that PWxCB strain performed best in most of the parameters measured and therefore should be selected for enhanced breeding program for both egg and meat production in the humid tropic of Nigeria.
page PAGE
page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of
Contents vi
List of
Tables x
List of
Plates xiii
Abstract xiv
Statement of Problem 3
Objectives of Study 3
Justification of Study 4
2.1 Brief
history of Japanese Quail 5
2.2 Species
of Quail 5
2.3 Housing
of Japanese Quail
2.4 Factors
affecting Fertility and Hatchability performance of Japanese Quail 7
2.5 Incubation
Procedures of Japanese Quail 8
of Quail Eggs 8
2.7 Hatching
Time of Japanese Quail 9
2.8 Ventilation,
Position, Temperature and humidity requirement during
incubation of Japanese Quail 9
2.9 Body weight and Linear Body
Parameters of Japanese Quail 9
2.10 Internal Egg Quality Traits 11
2.11 External
Egg Quality Traits 12
2.12 Body weight and Egg Quality Parameters of
Japanese Quail 13
2.13 Genetic and Environmental Influences on
Live Weight of Japanese Quail 16
2.14 Nutrient Requirements for Optimum
Performance in Quail 17
2.15 Genetic Parameters of Feed Utilization in
Japanese Quail 18
2.16 Effect of Maternal Body weight of Quails on
Progeny Performance 18
2.17 Heritability of Japanese Quail 19
2.18 Genetic Parameters for Egg
Quality Traits 20
2.19 Haematological Traits of Japanese Quail 22
2.20 Repeatability Estimates of Egg Quality
Traits of Japanese Quail 24
2.21 Potentials of Japanese Quail Production in
Nigeria 25
2.22 Challenges of Japanese Quail Production in
Nigeria 26
3.1 Experimental
Location 27
3.2 Breeding
Stock 27
3.3 Experimental Diets, Egg setting, Breeding Stock
and Chick Management 28
3.4 Parameters Measured 32
3.4.1 Percentage Fertility of Eggs 32
3.4.2 Percentage hatchability 32
3.4.3 Percentage dead in germ 32
3.4.4 Percentage dead in shell 32
3.4.5 Number of chicks emerge 32
3.4.6 Number of chicks piped 32
3.4.7 Mortality 32
3.4.8 Growth parameters 33 Body weight 33 Linear body traits 33 Shank length 33 Thigh length 33 Breast width 33 Keel length 33 Wing length 33 Body length 33
Growth performance traits 33
Feed intake 33
Weight gain 34
Feed conversion ratio 34
Egg quality parameters measured 34
Egg weight 34
Egg length 34
Shell thickness 34
Shell weight 34
Egg width 34
Yolk height 34
Yolk weight 35
Albumen weight 35
Yolk index 35
Albumen height 35
Albumen diameter 35
Yolk width 35
yolk length 35
Haugh unit 35
Haematological parameters 36
Experimental Design 36
3.6 Data
Analysis 37
Phenotypic correlation and genetic correlation between traits 37
Multiple linear regression traits 38
Analysis of variance and estimation of heritability 38
Estimation of repeatability 39
Conclusion 123
Recommendations 125
3.1: Nutrient
composition of Japanese quaildiet fed at Starter phase 1-3
Weeks of age 30
3.2: Nutrient composition of
Japanese quail diet fed at Layer phase6-14
Weeks of age 31
4.1: Fertility and hatchability traits of four
strains of Japanese quail 41
4.2: Growth performance characteristics during the growing and laying
Phases of four strains of Japanese
quail from 1-14 weeks of age 43
4.3: Reproductive
performance of four strains of Japanese quail 45
4.4: Body weight and linear body traits of four
strains of Japanese quail
from 2-9 weeks of age 46
4.5: External
egg quality traits of four strains of Japanese quail from
6-14 weeks of age 50
4.6: Internal egg quality traits of four strains of Japanese quail from
6-14 weeks of age 53
4.7: Haematological values of four strains of
Japanese quail at
3 and 6 weeks of
age 57
4.8 Phenotypic
correlations among the body measurements in PWxPW
strain of Japanese
quail from 2-8 weeks of age 61
4.9: Phenotypic correlationsamong the body
measurements in PWxCB
strain of Japanese
quail from 2-8 weeks of age 63
4.10: Phenotypic correlationsamong the body
measurements in CBxPW
strain of Japanese quail from 2-8 weeks of age 66
4.11: Phenotypic correlationsamong the body
measurements in CBxCB
strain of Japanese quail from 2-8 weeks of age 68
4.12: Phenotypic correlations among
external egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail at 10 and 14 weeks of age 70
4.13: Phenotypic correlations among
external egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail at 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age 71
4.14: Phenotypic correlations among
external egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age 73
4.15: Phenotypic correlations among
external egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail a 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age 75
4.16: Phenotypic correlations among
internal egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail from 6 – 14 weeks of age 77
4.17: Phenotypic correlations among
internal egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail from 6 -14 weeks of age 79
4.18: Phenotypic correlations among
internal egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail from 6 -14 weeks of age 82
4.19: Phenotypic correlations among
internal egg quality traits in
strain of Japanese quail week 6 – 14 weeks of age 85
4.20: Genetic correlation between
body weight and body linear traits in
strain of Japanese quail from 2-8 weeks of age 87
4.21: Genetic
correlation between body weight and body linear traits in
strain of Japanese quail from 2- 8 weeks of age 89
4.22: Genetic
correlation between body weight and body linear traits in
strain of Japanese quail from 2- 8 weeks of age 91
4.23: Genetic
correlation between body weight and body linear traits in
strain of Japanese quail from 2 -8 weeks of age 93
4.24: Genetic
correlations between egg weight and some external egg
traits in PW×PW strain of Japanese quail at 10 and 14
of age 95
4.25: Genetic
correlations between egg weight and some external egg
traits in PW×CB strain of Japanese quail at 6, 10 and 14
of age 97
4.26: Genetic
correlations between egg weight and some external egg
traits in CBxPWstrain of Japanese quail at6, 10 and 14
of age 99
4.27: Genetic
correlations between egg weight and some external egg
traits in CBxCB strain of Japanese quail at week 6, 10 and 14
of age 101
4.28: Stepwise
multiple linear regression of body weight on linear body traits of
four strains of Japanese quail from 2- 8 weeks of age 103
4.29: Stepwise
multiple linear regression of egg weight on external egg
quality traits of
four strains of Japanese quail from 6- 14 weeks
of age 106
4.30: Repeatability
estimates of body weight and linear body parameters of
strains of Japanese quail from 2-8 weeks of age 108
4.31: Repeatability
estimates for external egg quality parameters of
strains of Japanese quail from 6-14 weeks of age 110
4.32: Repeatability
estimates for internal egg quality parameters of
strains of Japanese quail from 6 -14 weeks of age. 112
4.33: Heritability
estimates for body weight and linear body traits of
strains of Japanese quail from 2- 8 weeks of age. 114
estimates for haematological parameters of four
of Japanese quail at 3 and 6 weeks of age.
estimates for internal egg quality parameters of
strains of Japanese quail from 6-14 weeks of age. 118
4.36: Heritability estimates for external egg quality
parameters of four
strains of Japanese quails from 6-
14 weeks of age.
1: Brooding of PWxPW Progenies 137
2: CBxPW Progenies 137
3: CBxCB Progenies 138
4: PWxCB Progenies 138
5: Determination
of initial body weight of Japanese quail using
scale 139
6: Determination
of egg length using venier caliper 140
7: Local
cabinet incubator 140
the wild, Japanese quail is a small bird originating from the far East where
the birds were first raised in cages in Japan and China around the 15th
century due to its singing ability. Japanese quail was brought to Nigeria in
1992 (NVRI, 1994). The newly hatched weighs 6-8 grams but grow rapidly and
fully feathered at 4 weeks of age. Mizutani (2003) reported that adult male
quail weighs about 100-130 grams. Males also have cloacal glands (a bulbous
structure located at the upper edge of the vent which secrets a white foamy
material). This unique material is used to ascertain the reproductive fitness
of the males. The young male starts to crow at 5-6 weeks old. The adult females
are slightly heavier when compared to the males weighing 120-160 grams
(Ortlieb, 2013).
rearing for egg and meat production has become an economically important
activity in Nigeria and it is increasingly being developed due to increasing
interest in the products for food and medicine. As a suitable alternative to
chicken, its improvement will help to provide a suitable animal protein to
Nigerians particularly among rural populace. Improvement of poultry birds by
genetic principle is one of the vital ways in developing the poultry industry. In meat producing animals and birds,
growth is the most important trait for evaluating different livestock species.
Growth parameters such as bodyweight and bodyweight gain are affected by
genetic and non-genetic factors and the phenomenon of growth is usually
determined by observing differences in bodyweight recorded at different ages or
bodyweight gain obtained during different growth periods (Chambers, 1993).
of conformation variables in chickens such as shank length, thigh length,
breast girth and body length is important if any breeding programme would be
meaningful and successful. This is applicable to Japanese quail. Some of these
conformation traits are good indicators of body weight and linear body
measurements,and are very suitable because of their economic importance. Since
these traits vary from time to time, knowledge of repeatability estimates will
enable the breeder in designing an appropriate breeding plan for their improvement.
Falconer (1989) stated that repeatability estimates indicate gain in accuracy
expected from multiple measurements. Heritability indicates the amount of
improvement that can be achieved by selection. Ude (2010) reported that effect
of these breeding programmes is the increase in the proportion of additive
genetic variance and improvement of selection response. Linear regression of
traits enable us predict efficiently the body weight of the birds especially in
rural areas where weighing balance or scale may not be readily available.
Haematological analysis is undertaken to evaluate the health status of bird
along with diagnosis and clinical monitoring of any disease (Kenneth, 2010). Haematological
analysis is one method that contributes to detection of some changes in health
status which may not be apparent during physical examination, but which affect
the fitness of the birds. Both haematological
and biochemical blood values serve as indicators of the physiological state of
birds (Driver, 1981). Egg quality is
the characteristics of an egg that affect its acceptability by the consumers.
Egg quality is the more important price contributing factor in table and
hatching egg production. Therefore, the economic success of a laying flock
solely depends on the total number of quality eggs produced (Monira et al., 2003).
on crosses of Japanese quails relating to heritability, regression,
repeatability, phenotypic and genetic correlations in Nigeria is comparatively
scanty in literature, hence need for the study.
1.1 Statement of Problem
quails in humid tropical environment of Nigeria is generally poor performing
and small body size, hence have remained unproductive over the years. This is
as a result of their poor genetic profile and lack of improved production
environment. This problem has led to inadequate animal production and
concomitant low animal protein consumption in Nigeria. The approach towards
solving this problem is to improve the genetic-make-up of the quails. A
plausible approach to genetic improvement is selection of individuals based on
presence or absence of genetic and physiological characters of individuals as a
result, hybrid animals will be produced.
1.2 Objectives of Study
1. To
determine the following:
a. Growth
and some reproductive performance of crossbred Japanese quails.
b. Fertility
and hatchability of Japanese quails.
c. Egg
quality of crossbred Japanese quails.
d. Haematological
characteristics of crossbred Japanese quails.
2. To
estimate the phenotypic and genetic parameters of growth, egg quality, and
haematological characteristics of crossbred Japanese quails.
1.3 Justification of Study
of the performance of animals constitutes an essential part of successful
breeding plans for sustainable genetic improvement. Tropical quails have low
growth efficiency and small body size. This has brought about increased clamor
for improving these quails by adopting proper breeding programme. This will
ensure the selection of improved strains which have high reproductive and high
growth potential. For crossing to be effective, the selected parents must be of
proven performance under prevailing environmental conditions. This will go a
long way towards increasing and
improving quail production, thereby helping to improve the deplorable animal
production and consumption situation in tropical developing countries
specifically Nigeria.
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