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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009340

No of Pages: 63

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between quantitative traits and biologic markers in two commercial meat type chickens in a humid tropical environment. A total number of 60 each of Marshal and Anak broiler chicken strains were used for the experiment which lasted for 56 days (8 weeks). The experiment was carried out at the Poultry Unit of the Teaching and Research farm of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, where the birds were raised in separate deep litter pens. Each strain was replicated 3 times with 20 birds per replicate. Data collected include body weight and linear body traits (keel length, shank length, thigh length, wing length and neck length) at weekly interval beginning from 3rd week and haematological parameters or biologic markers including packed cell volume, haemoglobin, red blood cell, white blood cell, total protein and cholesterol. Data were analyzed using independent student’s t-test statistic and Pearson’s product moment correlations were done to establish associations between biologic markers and growth traits and among the growth traits.  Results showed that Marshal strain had significantly(p<0.05) higher performances in growth traits including body weight, wing length and keel length and in haematology parameters including packed cell volume, haemoglobin and white blood cell across the weeks studied Eg  week3-4;A-b and body weight=0.841, WBC and body weight=0.678,WBC and neck length=0.977,TPand neck length=0.643; for week 5-6:Hb and body weight=0.647, TP and body weight=0.884, cholesterol and keel length=0.653; for week 7-8:PCV and body weight =0.773.. Based on the association among the conformation traits, strain differences were noticed in the strong association between body weight and shank length as 0.720 and between body weight and wing length as 0.670 in the Anak broiler strain. Important associations were established between the growth traits and biologic markers which could be used in place of pure genetic markers. Thus, the following associations may be generally recommended for breed selection purposes: PCV with shank length, body weight; Hb with body weight, wing length; WBC with body weight, neck length, RBC with body weight; total protein with neck length, body weight; and cholesterol with wing length, thigh length, keel length, shank length and neck length. In conclusion, the Marshal strain performed higher than the Anak strain in terms of conformation traits and biologic marker characteristics across the ages studied which though reduced with advancement in age, and is thus recommended for farmers who prefer breeds with better conformation traits for economic reasons.



Title page                                                                                                                                            i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  v

Table of contents                                                                                                                    vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix

CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION                

1.1     Background of the Study                                                                                        1

1.2     Objectives of the Study                                                                                          2

1.3     Statement of Problem                                                                                             2

1.4     Justification                                                                                                            3

CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW                              

2.1       Meat- Type Chicken                                                                                                   4

2.2       Genetic Marker and Its Application                                                                           5

2.3       Biologic Markers                                                                                                        6

2.3.1    Erythrocytes                                                                                                               6

2.3.2    Leucocytes                                                                                                                  7

2.3.3    Thrombocytes [plates]                                                                                               8

2.3.4    The plasma                                                                                                                 9

2.3.5    Packed cell volume [PCV]                                                                                        9

2.3.6    Total protein [TP]                                                                                                       10

2.3.7    Serum cholesterol                                                                                                      10

2.3.8    Haemoglobin [Hb]                                                                                                     11

2.4        Functional Importance of Blood                                                                                11

2.5       Linear Body Measurement and its Importance in Poultry                                        12


CHAPTER THREE- MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                        

3.1       Experimental Site                                                                                                       13

3.2       Experimental Animal                                                                                                 13

3.3       Experimental Procedures                                                                                            13

3.4       Parameters measured                                                                                                  15

3.4.1    Quantitative parameters                                                                                             15

3.4.2    Haematological parameters [Biologic markers]                                                        15 Determination of Packed cell volume [PCV]                                                             16 Determination of haemoglobin [HB]                                                                          16 Determination of total protein [TP]                                                                            17 Determination of white blood cell [WBC]                                                                 17 Determination of red blood cell                                                                                 17 Determination of cholesterol [CHL]                                                                           17

CHAPTER 4 – RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.                                                                   19

4.1       Performance Of Body Weight And Linear Traits Of Anak and

             Marshell Broiler Chickens                                                                                         19

4.2       Performance of Biologic Markers Of Anak And Marshall Broiler Chickens         23

4.3       Phenotypic Correlations of Body Weights and Linear Traits in Anak and

Marshal Broiler   Chickens Strains                                                                        28

4.4       Correlation between Growth Parameters and Biologic Markers in Anak and

Marshall Broiler Chickens                                                                                   32


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  37

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      39

References                                                                                                                              40


4.1       Mean body weight and linear traits of Anak and Marshal broiler chickens                       20        

4.2       Mean biologic markers of Anak and Marshal broiler chickens                                  24 

4.3       Phenotypic correlations among linear traits in Anak and Marshal

broiler chicken strain                                                                                      29

4.4       Phenotypic correlations between growth parameters and biologic

Markers in Anak and Marshal broiler chickens                                             33











The greatest potential for poultry consumption remains in the tropics, where per capita egg and meat consumption levels are increasing (Aggrey et al., 2003). In many developing countries of the world including Nigeria, the broiler industry plays a major role in supplying the population with meat which is highly nutritious and popularly consumed (Ukwu, 2004).

The broiler parents are usually imported from the temperate region of the world (Ude et al., 2015). The performance of these birds is affected by their genotype as well as the rearing environment. The use of unsuitable genotypes in hot regions result in decreased growth rate, reduced protein gain, high mortality and may cause loss of fitness traits for those strains that are not suited in a particular environment; thus, broiler producers’ needs to select those strains that are best suited in a particular environment for rearing (Obike et al., 2016; Yalcinet al., 1997).

Evaluation of performance of broiler strains is carried out using various indices, such as growth traits (body weight and body linear measurement) for correct evaluation and comparison. Udeh (2015) and Razuki et al. (2011) reported significant strain differences in body weight and linear body traits at various ages among broiler chickens.

The linear body traits are known to be good estimators of body weight and thus they show strong genetic associations (Sanda et al., 2014; Udeh and Ogbu, 2011).

Genetic variation within families, and species, and between populations is assessed by genetic markers. Thus, genetic markers are one of the basic tool for geneticists. Genetic marker may be operationally defined as a phenotypically recognizable genetic trait that can be used to identify a genetic locus, a linkage group or a recombination event (Sanda et al., 2014).

According to Makka (2011), a broader perspective of improved and efficient genetic study has emerged because, selection, breeding and genetic improvement have a marked effect on characteristics of the blood biochemistry; as researchers utilize the biochemical parameters of the blood as markers in livestock species to enhance productivity and reproductive performance (Nguyen and Tran, 2003; Abdi-Hachesoo et al., 2011).


The objectives of this study were;

Ø  to identify biologic markers that may be associated with important quantitative traits in two commercial meat-type chickens (Anak and Marshal).

Ø  to determine the level of association among the linear body traits (quantitative traits) in these broilers.



Poor performance of some meat-type chickens within the tropical humid environment has made this work necessary. Low productivity by these birds are seldom noticed in terms of poor body weight gain and poor growth rate thereby making broiler production business not profitable. Apart from poor performance, there is also the problem of inadequate protein intake and insufficient broiler chicken meat availability. The use of biologic markers to associate with important economic traits in order to enhance marker assisted selection and genetic improvement is still a young area of research. Thus, findings in this area are not yet exhaustive.



The need to increase the productivity of these broilers in terms of fast attainment of body weight in order to enable the farmer to maximise profit in the business makes this investigation necessary. More importantly, there is need to establish permanent biologic markers, whose manipulation could help in improving linear traits and body weight of broiler chickens. A positive result from this study will help in marker assisted selection with strong precision, which is capable of attracting increased broiler meat production resulting to more profit for the farmer and possibly enhance higher protein intake of the populace.



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