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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004993

No of Pages: 59

No of Chapters: 5

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This study examines the influence of environmental factors on punctuality behaviour and class attendance in Primary Schools in some selected Schools in Education District Five, Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. In order to validate this perception, a self – construction questionnaire was adopted to provide answer to the four research hypothesis with a population sample of two Hundred (200) students. The main findings of the study show that the present study established a positive relationship. It was review that there was a significant relationship between punctuality behavior and class attendance of students and their parents’ home influence. It is therefore recommended that parents should minimize the kind of work given to their children in order for them not to come late to school and other recommendations should be implemented. 










Cover page                                                                                        i

Certification                                                                                                ii

Declaration                                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                      iv

Table of contents                                                                              v

Abstract                                                                                            ix


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION                                              1

1.1   Background to the Study                                                            1

1.2. Statement of the Problem                                                           4

1.3. Purpose of the Study                                                                           5

1.4. Research Questions                                                                    5

1.5 Research Hypotheses                                                                           6

1.6. Signification of the Study                                                          6

1.7. Scope of the Study                                                                     6

1.8. Operational Definition of Key Terms                                        7



2.1. Theoretical Literature                                                                8

2.1.1 Concept of Lateness                                                                 8

2.1.2 Causes of Lateness                                                                            8

2.1.3 Effects of Lateness to School                                                   11

2.1.4. Remedies to Lateness                                                              13

2.2 Empirical Literature                                                                    14

2.2.1 Introduction                                                                             14

2.2.2. Overview of Literature                                                            15

2.2.3 Dealing Strategies with Lateness Behavior                              17

2.2.4 Parenting Styles                                                                       19

2.3 Theoretical Models                                                                     23

2.4 Appraisal of Literature                                                               24


CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY                                       26

3.0     Introduction                                                                                      26

3.1 Research Design                                                                          26

3.2 Population of the Study                                                              26

3.2.1 Sample Size Determination                                                      27

3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                        27

3.4 Instrumentation                                                                          28

3.5 Procedures (Method of Data Collection)                                              28

3.6 Method of Data Analysis                                                            29



4.0     Introduction                                                                                      30

4.1 Data Analysis of Respondents                                                    30

4.2 Discussion of Findings                                                                42

4.2.1 Discussion on Research Questions                                          46



AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                                       48

5.0 Introduction                                                                                48

5.1 Summary                                                                                    48

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                  49

5.3 Recommendations                                                                       49

5.4 Limitations of the Study                                                             50

5.5 Proposal for Further Studies References                                              50

References                                                                                         51

Appendix                                                                                          54











1.1     Background to the Study

Several studies have suggested that directly or indirectly, the environment play a part in keeping children from school and attending class regularly (kinder, Wakefield & Wilkin, 1996; Kinder, Harland, Wilkin and Wakefield, 1995; Hallam & Raf, 1997). Educators believe that family and community factors, such as parentally condoned absence, parenting economic deprivation and lack of self-esteem, were contributing factors (kinder et al, 1995).


The menace of class attendance, punctuality to school, absenteeism and school failure among the primary school graduate has both stared the government and stakeholders in the face. Most students in primary schools experience academic problem that manifest itself in the form of student learning and academic poor performance due to late coming which are being resulted from environment or family oppressions. Many researchers have sought to find out the reason for the downward trend in the class attendance and regularity behaviour of primary school student. Adeshinwa (2013) reported effect of family and poor funding of students’ attending class regularly for student aged 7-8 years old. Ogbemudia and Aiasa (2013) reported lack of good environmental factors and peer group influence are causes of pupils not attending class regularly which could result in poor performance by students Achieng (2012) found heavily that environmental factors, students factors and Institutional capacity as the causes while Adeshinwa and Aremu (2010) posited that factors resident in child, environment, family, society, government and the school may be composite causative effects for these downtrend; they, however concluded that there is a need for each of these variables to be considered extensively, hence the focus of this study is to critically consider influence of environmental factors on regularity behaviour and class attendance among primary school students. Others studied showed that the level of family cohesion (Caplan et al, 2002 cited in Diaz, 2004) and the environment (Boute, 2001) proved themselves capable of predicting class attendance which will aid in student performance and student learning.


Hence, many other uncontrollable variables can be responsible for class attendance and punctuality to school which in general could aid academic performance of students generally, primary school students inclusive. Schiefelbaum and Simmons (2000) cited by Adell, (2002) consider parent background the most importance and most weighty factor in determining the student attendance in class and being punctual to school. And most family factors of greatest influence are social larger variables and the educational and family environment. Emeke (1984) stressed that the environmental condition and the nature of social interaction that goes on in the family may have a positive and negative influence on student class attendance and regularity behaviour to aid academic achievement of a child.


Education at one hand, in its broadest sense is a process designed to inculcate knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to enable individual to cope effectively with their environment. Its promote the fullest individual self-realization for all people. It is indispensable to normal living, without education the ' individual would be unqualified for group life (Dzever, 2015).


In addition, one of the tasks of Education is to train young people to become useful members of the society and his training begins at home in the informal way. The home of the child is the first place he/she enters when born into the world by parents. A home is a place where pupils live with their parents or guardian and it is the place where they are groomed. It is a place where pupils begin to learn the norms and values of the society in which they find themselves. The family is a social unit in any society and it is the source of early stimulation and experience the student will exhibit in other to project their future academic excellence. The home influences the child at the most earliest possible time of his life at a time when his mind is most receptive. It provides the first impression which' may last through the whole life of the child. The child often sees the parents to be most significant and they are capable "of promoting or diminishing him or her in self-worth, student learning, attending class early, coming to school early which in turn to aid his/her academic performance (Ekanem, 2004).


Class attendance which is so paramount to student, in which it stimulates the students, allow the students to be prepared, concentrated, preparation of their minds towards the lesson to be learnt which in all been put together connotes for academic performance which is been refers to the level of performance in school, accomplishment or success in school". However, academic performance is the core of educational growth which is been resulted from class. participation (Dzever, 2015). Also, Cheadle (2008) defined general academic performance as the process of developing the capacities and potentials of the individual student so as to prepare that individual to be successful in a specific society or culture which they are been generated from class participation and coming to school early in other to prepare their minds for what to be learnt.. From this perspective, education is serving primarily as an individual development functions. It is important to keep in mind that academic performance may largely be a function of the context in which it takes place, and therefore the necessary abilities may also vary according to the context. In this regard it may be concluded that the concept, meaning and criteria of academic success may also vary according to the context in which it is found (class participation & punctuality to school).


As cited from the work of Ushie et.al (2012) that home factor is a very essential factor that affects general students' academic performance which is a product of both class participation and coming early to school. The attitude of parents and other factors that constitute home factors towards class punctuality of student is very paramount. According to Mbugua (2012), who sees lateness to school as a form of disruptive behaviour. Lateness disrupts the rhythm of the class lecture, and also distracts other students who may be paying attention to the lecture; this is reflected majorly from home oppressions. Since the home is the first agent of learning where the students start to learn things around them not by themselves but through parent assistance, directories, guidance to . solve their daily life. Hence, it worth it to simply study the influence of home factor influencing class participation and punctuality among primary school students and also it will present information about the circumstances in which children will believe the reasons why parents condone their absence from school.


1.2     Statement of the problem

The researchers has investigated series of administrative problems affecting students’ not punctual to school or not participating in class lesson early. Some identified factors include poor students’ negative attitude to school environs, overcrowded classrooms, family issues, poor facilities in schools (oghuvbu 1998, 2000 and 2003). From the experience of the researcher, student attendance is low in rural and highly populated in modern schools. Teachers are in school, while most learners, students are at home while lesson is going on. During examination period, there is 100% attendance in school. Examination-oriented attendance student, by nature depends on the knowledge of the regular attendance student or examination hall with prepared materials which are types of examination malpractice. In these recent times, most students do come late to school as this research is prepared to identify the cause of this variance from environmental factor angle to determine the proportion explained by parenting.


1.3     Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of environmental factors on punctuality behaviour and class attendance in education district V, Ojo zone, Nigeria. Explicitly, this study is aimed at looking into the following areas;

1.     Find out how parenting affects students class attendance.

2.     Find out how parenting affects students punctuality.

3.     Evaluate the effect of parental socio-economic status on students class attendance and punctuality

4.     And consequently make recommendations through which negative practices could be addressed.

1.4     Research Questions

The research questions of this study are explicitly listed below;

1.       Does parenting affect students' class attendance?

2.       Does parenting affect students' punctuality?

3.       Is there any effect of parental socio-economic status on students' class attendance?

4.       Is there any high or low proportion of variation explained by parent socio - economic status on students' class attendance and punctuality?



1.5     Research hypotheses

1.       Ho : There is no significance difference between parenting and students' class          attendance

2.       Ho : There is no significance difference between -parenting and students' punctuality

3.       Ho : There is no significance difference between parent socio ;. economic status, students' class attendance and students punctuality.


1.6     Significance of the Study

The findings will be essential to the students, parents, teachers, school management, researchers -as well as the entire country, Nigeria. This study is embarked on to enlighten and assist parents in understanding and helping their wards to perform better in allowing their children to get to school as early as possible. This study will enlighten the government on the predator effect of environment factors, parenting style on students’ class attendance and punctuality.


1.7     Scope of the Study

The study will be carried out among selected primary school students in Educational District Five of Lagos state including both male and female students. The study is centered on the influence of environmental factors on student’s punctuality behaviour and class attendance in Education District five, Ojo, of Lagos state. The study also tried to find out how parenting affects student’s class attendance, student’s punctuality and how parental socio-economic status affects both student’s class attendance and punctuality simultaneously. This research is closely limited because of time, financial constraint and precision of data; hence this research could be verified by future researcher.

1.8     Operational Definition of Key Terms

Environment: the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

Factor: a circumstance, a fact or influence that contributes to a result.

Influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development or behaviour of someone or something or the effect itself

Students: a person who is taught by another, especially a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher, who is between the ages of 5 - 17 years.

Lateness: implies a situation. wherean individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time.

Punctuality: implies a situation where an individual arrives before the proper, scheduled or usual time.

Attendance: the state of attending or being present the frequency with which one has been present for a regular activity or sets of events

Student Class Attendance: the state at which students are present for a particular activities or set of events.

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