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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005091

No of Pages: 68

No of Chapters: 5

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           The study found out the relationship between class size and academic performance of geography students in secondary school in Abeokuta – South Local Government Area of Ogun State.

           The study adopted random sampling technique to select one hundred and twenty respondents in five secondary schools in each ward of the Local Government. Pearson correlation was used to test the hypothesis.

           The results showed that male and female teachers were similar in their opinion on the relationship between class size and academic achievement of secondary school students in geography, indicating that the performance of students in large classes were very low compared to those in smaller classes.

           It was recommended that policy makers and government should recruit more geography teachers and ensure that more classrooms are built and number of students in a class should not be > 30.







Title Page                                                                                                   i

Certification                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                      iv

Abstract                                                                                                      v

Table of Content                                                                                         vi

List of Tables                                                                                              ix



Background to the Study                                                                           1

Statement of the Problem                                                                          3

Purpose of the Study                                                                                   3

Research Questions                                                                                    4

Research Hypotheses                                                                                 5

Scope of the Study                                                                                     5

Significance of the Study                                                                           6

Definition of Terms                                                                                   7



Overview of Secondary School Population in Geography                        9

Enrolment in Secondary School Education in Geography                        21

Effects of Class Size on Academic Performance in Geography               27



Research Design                                                                                         34

Population                                                                                                   35

Instrumentation                                                                                          35

Administration of Instrument                                                                     36

Data Analysis Technique                                                                           37


DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION                                     38

Hypotheses Testing                                                                                    40

Summary of the Findings                                                                           44




Discussion                                                                                                   47

Conclusion                                                                                                  50

Recommendation                                                                                       51

REFERENCES                                                                                           53

APPENDIX                                                                                                 55








Table 1:        Distribution of Respondents by Sex                                      38

Table 2:        Distribution of Respondents by Educational

Qualification                                                                          39

Table 3:        Distribution of Respondents based on Years of

Experience                                                                             39

Table 4:       Shows the relationship between students academic

performance in geography and the opinion of male

and female teachers                                                        40

Table 5:       Shows the relationship between students academic

performance and class size                                             41

Table 6:       Shows academic performance and the effect of teachers

and principals opinion                                                    42

Table 7:       Shows academic performance relationship with students

score                                                                                43





Background to the Study

           The relationship between class size and academic performance of secondary school students in geography has been a perplexing one for educators. Studies have found that the physical environment, class overcrowding, teachers methods, grade level, pupil characteristics and subject areas and other learning interventions are the variables that affects students’ achievement (Molnar, et al., 2000). Other factors that affect student achievement are school population and class size (Gentry, 2000 and Swift 2000).

           Since the attainment of independence in 1960, Nigeria has been experiencing unprecedented growth and expansion in secondary school education. According to Fafunwa (1982) secondary school increase from 315 – 1240 between 1960 and 1965, the figure quadrupled in 1970 as a result of the revenue generated from the oil boom in Nigeria. In all the states of the federation there was a corresponding increase in students’ enrolment at both primary and post-primary schools, the increase is evident as it cuts across all the secondary school subjects including geography.

           The core subjects are the basic subjects which will enable a student to offer Arts or Science in higher education, the classification of geography as a core subject therefore enhanced the status of the subject in the secondary school education system the fact that geography belong to social science, art and pure science also makes the subject popular among the students, so also the inclusion of geography in the same group with literature in English, History, Economics, and Political Science also makes the subject popular among the students, and also gives them a wider choice, literature is seen by most students as too wide, while history is becoming a dead subject as a result of the teaching of government.

           Geography has consequently attracted more students in recent years which results in significant increase in the total number of students enrolment which has created logistic, structural and personal problems. While the large number of students studying geography does not correspond with the stagnant facilities and the primitive resources available in most schools.

Statement of the Problem

           It is observed that the number of geography students in Abeokuta-South Local Government Area of Ogun State is increasing exponentially but there are little or no corresponding resources for effective teaching and learning of geography, such as, classroom, laboratories, charts, maps, and the number of teachers are not enough while the little available resources are over laboured. For instance a geography class that supposed to be 1:40 teacher – students ratio, according to the specification by the National Policy on Education (1977 revised in 1981, 1998 and 2004) is now 1:80 teacher – students ratio or more.


Purpose of the Study

           The general purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between class size and secondary school student academic achievement in geography using some selected secondary schools in Abeokuta – South Local Government Area of Ogun State as case study. The specific objectives are to:

(i)              Examine both positive and negative effects of class size on the academic performance of students in geography.

(ii)           Examine the relationship between class size and academic performance of students in geography.

(iii)         Examine the relationship between school population and academic performance of students in geography.

(iv)          Examine the relationship that exist between the opinion of male teachers and female teachers on the effect of class size on students academic performance in geography.


Research Questions

(i)              What is the relationship between class size and academic performance on students’ comprehension of geography?

(ii)           Does class size influence project execution in geography?

(iii)         Does class size have effect on the level of attention in geography class?

(iv)          What influence does class size has on students scores in geography?

Research Hypothesis

H01:   There is no significant relationship between the opinion of male and female teachers on students academic performance in geography.

H02:   There is no significant relationship between class size and students academic performance in geography.

H03:   There is no significant relationship between the opinion of teachers and principals on the effects of class size on academic performance of geography students.

H04:   There is no significant relationship between class size and students score in academic performance in geography.


Scope of the Study

This research work focuses on the relationship between class size and student academic achievement in geography using some selected secondary schools in Abeokuta – South Local Government Area of Ogun State as a case study. This research work covers all public secondary schools in Abeokuta – South Local Government Area of Ogun State. However, five public secondary schools will be used as a case study.

Significance of the Study

           This study is important for several reasons.

           Firstly, the researcher believes that this study will expose and enlighten the school administrators and teachers on the negative and positive effects of class size on students academic performance in geography in secondary school in Abeokuta – South Local Government.

           Secondly, the suggestions offered in this study will assist the educational authority in planning and administration of the school curriculum, most especially in the area of evaluation of students academic performance in geography.

           Thirdly, this research work will lead to further in-depth study on the impact of class size and school population on the academic performance of students in Nigeria.

           Lastly, it will serve as a contribution to knowledge in the subject area. In this regard, it will be useful for other researchers who might want to carry out research in related areas.


Definition of Terms

Effects: This is the positive or negative effect of class size.

Class size: The total number of students in the class

Positive: This means the maximum number of students that should be in the classroom.

Negative: This means the students has increased above the maximum estimate.

Abeokuta –South: This is one of the twenty Local Government Area of Ogun State.

Core Subject: This is one of the main subjects in secondary school.

 Classification: This means the grouping of geography into different categories such as physical, human, and regional geography.

Academic achievement: Knowledge attained or skills developed in school subjects by test scores.

Secondary School: (also “high school”) is a term used to describe an educational institution where the final stage of schooling, known as secondary education and usually compulsory up to a specific age takes place. It follows elementary or primary education, and may be followed by university (tertiary) education.

Over-crowding: This is when the number of students in a particular class exceeds the standard of students – teacher ratio, as specific by National Policy on Education, that is 1:40 (One teacher for forty students in a class). 

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