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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006109

No of Pages: 51

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :


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This study aimed to investigate the effect of laboratories in community secondary schools on students’ performance in science subjects in Magu district. A mixed approach was employed in connection with survey design and a sample comprised of ninety-five (95) respondents. The data was collected using questionnaire, interview and observation. A SPSS programme was used for processing and analysis of data. The findings of the study revealed that, performance of science subject students have been affected by lack of practical lessons, lack of science subject teachers and scarcity of laboratory facilities. The study suggests that, the uses of science subject laboratories in community secondary schools are vital tool to bring positive impact to student’s performance. The study recommends that, there should be an extensive study on various factors influencing the academic performance of secondary schools in general and deep insight of the necessary interactions for improvements, the need to have a thorough research on the progress of the remaining 10 community secondary schools in Magu district and there is the need for the government authorities (local and central government authorities) through participatory planning and implementation of secondary schools development programmes to build science subject laboratory in every schools in order to have a sustainable and bright future of existing community secondary schools instead of adding more and more secondary schools.

1.1 Background to the Study 4
1.2 Statement of the Problem 7
1.3 Objectives of the Study 8
1.4 Research Questions 9
1.5 Research Hypothesis 9
1.6 Significance of The Study 9
1.7 Scope of the Study 10
1.9 Definition of Terms 11
1.10 Organization of The Study 11

2.1 Conceptual Framework 12

3.0 Introduction 33
3.1 Research Design 33
3.2 Population of the Study 33
3.3 Sample 33
3.5 Research Instrument. 34
3.6 Method of Data Collection 35
3.7 Method of Data Analysis 35
3.8 Validity of the Study instrument 35
3.9 Reliability of the Study 36
3.10 Ethical Consideration 36


5.1 Introduction 43
5.2 Summary of the Study 43
5.3 Conclusions 44
5.4 Recommendations 44

1.1 Background to the Study
Science had been of great importance internationally for sustainable and socio-economic development as well as for technological advancement of nations. Knowledge of science and technology is therefore a requirement in all countries and needed by all people globally due to numerous challenges that are facing them. These challenges include emergences of new drug resistant diseases, effects of genetic experimentation and engineering, ecological impact of modern technology, dangers of nuclear war and explosions and global warming among others (Alsop & Hicks, 2020; Minishi, Muni, Okumu, Mutai, Mwangasha, Omolo & Munyeke, 2022). This had resulted to rapid changes taking place in medicine, industry, communication, and agriculture. Science as an agent of development plays an important role in bringing about these changes through technological advancement, national wealth enhancement, health improvement and industrialization (Validya, 2021), this is why scientific and technological breakthrough is usually the goal of any developing nation like Nigeria.
The emphasis on teaching and learning of science is on ensuring that teachers not only teach the process of science but also are able to subject scientific concepts to the sensory experience of the learners. By this, the ‘hands’ and ‘minds’ of learners must be in scientific activities such that learners will be able to learn actively and theory participate in knowledge construction In essence, the focus is on activity based science lesson which entails both best classroom and laboratory practices.
This direction of teaching and learning of science subjects in schools is viewed to lead students to acquiring the required science process skills, life skills and competence as enshrined in the revised edition of (National Policy on Education (NPE) (FRN, 2020) National core curricular for Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics etc. However, the efforts of teaching in achieving the goals of NPE 2021, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), EFA, Science Education for all, NEEDS, Vision 20:2021 faces great challenges. The challenges facing science teaching and learning includes the use of teacher-centered approaches to teaching, lack of adequate and relevant instructional materials, inadequate classroom and laboratories and laboratory equipment etc.
Laboratory equipment etc. Laboratory is at the center of scientific studies and/or science so long as science remains both a product and process. The availability of laboratory equipment, facilities and materials play a vital role in determining the extent of best laboratory practices that will ensure acquisition of science process skills and competence in science concepts by the learners. According to Abiodun (2020) one major aspect of Science education that is of great concern is in the area of availability and effectiveness of use of specialized and relevant science equipment, facilities and instructional materials. The school laboratories that are well designed, stocked and safe for teaching and learning of science ensure active practical exercises (Katcha, 2022).
Laboratory work is an indispensable part of science instruction, and no effective science education can exist without practical work (Karu, 2021). Laboratory practical’s are dependent on the level of equipping of the laboratory with relevant instructional materials and the ability of the teacher to effectively and efficiently utilize them. The challenges often faced in doing practical’s in inadequately equipped laboratories has lead teachers to separate science lessons into practical and theories lessons or classes and or shifting practical work until the second term of the final year (Lafia, 2022). According to Ekpo any effort to separate Science into practical and theory lesson account to perpetuating the dichotomy and this is antithesis of what science is.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
The persistent low level of senior secondary school students’ achievement in science at the various public examinations in Nigeria have continue to attract the attention of major stakeholders in education. Performance of students in science has consistently been poor and unimpressive. Despite all the considerable efforts made by stake holders at various levels, very little improvement in students’ achievement has been recorded. Available data from the two public examination body’s i.e [the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council (NECO)] in their appraisal report on SSCE indicates that, there was a downward trend in performance in Nigeria.
Available records shows that from 2019 to 2021, there was a negative trend in the performances of students in the three sciences subjects with the average performances of 56.01% in Physics, 46.30% in Chemistry and 37.27% in Biology, this is in addition to an increasing failure rate in Biology and Chemistry (Sakiyo and Badau, 2019). It was generally observed that performance of candidates in WASSCE in the Nigeria in the subjects and for the period reviewed was not quite impressive except in Government where most of the candidates in Nigeria had credits and above. The main reason for this failure is because the learning and practice of science cannot be achieved in the environment which does not give emphasis on practical and hands on activities in schools.
Students are supposed to do both theory and practical learning activities. Nevertheless, since science is an activity based subject, its effective teaching and learning cannot be feasible unless it is enriched with practical activities. Practical activities must occupy greater part of the time allocated to science subjects than the chalk and talk method of teaching the theoretical aspects. This study therefore intended to assess the availability and use of laboratory on academic performance in Nasarawa State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objectives of this study is to find out the effect of availability and use of laboratory on academic performance, specifically the study intends to:
1. To find out whether there is adequate availability of laboratory facilities in secondary schools.
2. To determine the extent laboratories is being used in secondary schools.
3. To analyze the effect of using laboratories on academic performance of students
4. To explore science teachers’ perceptions on effects of availability or non-availability of laboratories on students’ performance.

1.4 Research Questions
The study will be guided by the following questions;
1. Is there adequate availability of laboratory facilities in secondary schools?
2. To what extent laboratories is being used in secondary schools?
3. Is there any significant effect of using laboratories on academic performance of students in secondary schools?
4. What is the perceptions of science teachers on effects of availability or non-availability of laboratories on students’ performance?

1.5 Research Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant effect of using laboratories on academic performance of students in secondary schools
Hi: There is significant effect of using laboratories on academic performance of students in secondary schools

1.6 Significance of The Study
This research work will be useful since science teaching and learning is essential for success of any nation, as there is a direct relationship between achievement in science and technology on one hand and economic growth of any given country on the other. Findings of these study will also benefit in planning and budgeting so as to provide enough funds to support science subjects in schools, building laboratories, train more science teachers, purchase adequate teaching and learning resources including books, teaching model, laboratory equipment, apparatus and chemicals. Furthermore, findings will hopefully influence further research on how use of laboratories may promote learning of science for development of the nation.
Lastly the findings of the study will help the ministries of education and relevant stake holders including the teachers in evaluating students’ performances in their various capacities. It will also give curriculum developers new insights into emerging issues on performance and influence the authorities from the findings; because improved science performance will give them opportunities to pursue career in Medial, Environmental, Pure and other related sciences programs in institutions of higher learning in the country

1.7 Scope of the Study
The research work will be conducted in Nasarawa State, four secondary school in Akwanga LGA will be selected for this research work.

1.8 Limitation of the Study
Finance for the general research work will be a challenge during the course of study. Correspondents also might not be able to complete or willing to submit the questionnaires given to them.
However, it is believed that these constraints will be worked on by making the best use of the available materials and spending more than the necessary time in the research work. Therefore, it is strongly believed that despite these constraint, its effect on this research report will be minimal, thus, making the objective and significance of the study achievable.

1.9 Definition of Terms      
Laboratory: It is a place providing opportunities for experimentation observation or practice in a field of study.
Science equipment: In this context, it refers to all the necessary materials and supplies required for teaching and learning of biology in the secondary schools.
Experimentation: The process through which an operation is carried out under controlled condition in order to discover and unknown effect of law, to test or establish a hypothesis or to illustrate a know law.

1.10 Organization of The Study
These research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows. Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding. Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.

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