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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00001665

No of Pages: 70

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study investigated the effectiveness of the use of computer-Assisted instruction in the technology and Mathematics related subjects in secondary schools at Ikeja Local Education district of Lagos State. The design used in this study was a survey research and the instrument use to gather information was questionnaire. About 200 questionnaires were administered and 93 were returned.

All the science, technology and Mathematics related subjects teachers were included using systematic random sampling procedure from all the secondary school teachers in Ikeja Education District of Lagos State. Five research questions were postulated and Likert attitude scale behavioural measurements were used to collect necessary data. The data collected were analysed using percentage, mean and standard deviation for answering the research questions and the following were some of the results of the findings: There is no adequate supply of computer machines by Government to facilitate teaching in Nigerian Secondary Schools. Teachers cannot operate and use computer to teach their respective subjects. Computer education has not been inculcated into Nigerian Secondary Schools curriculum. Computer education has not been introduced as an examinable subjects in Nigerian Secondary Schools. Computers have not been introduced for teaching vocational education subjects. Schools are not equipped with sufficient software that helps in developing vocational education. Computer education is scarcely offered in any state secondary schools in Nigeria and the computers available in Nigeria Secondary schools are out outdated.



Title Page

Certification                                                                                       i

Approval Page                                                                                   ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgment                                                                               iv

Abstract                                                                                             v


Chapter One


1.1     Background of the Study                                                       1

1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                       7

1.3     Purpose of Study                                                                    9

1.4     Significance of Study                                                               10

1.5     Research Questions                                                                10

1.6     Scope of Study                                                                        11


Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.1        Status of Computer Education in Nigerian Secondary

Schools                                                                                    13

2.2        Extent at Which Developing Vocational Education

Through Computer Literacy has Been Inculcated into

Nigeria Secondary Schools Curriculum                                17   

2.3        Achievement of Nigerian National Computer Policy

Objectives in Schools                                                              22

2.4        Educational Benefits of Computer-Assisted Instruction

on Students Learning Outcomes                                            24

2.5        Quality of Instruction Produced by CAI and

Conventional Instruction                                                        26

2.6       Summary of Literature Review                                               28


Chapter Three

Research Methodology                                                                      30

3.1     Research Design                                                                     30

3.2     Population                                                                               31

3.3     Samples                                                                                   31

3.4     Research Instrument                                                              32

3.5     Validation of the Instrument                                                  33

3.6     Reliability of the Instrument                                                   34

3.7     Method of Data Collection                                                      34

3.8     Method of Data Analysis                                                         35

3.9     Decision Rules for the Relevant Statistics                             35


Chapter Four

4.1     Presentation and Analysis of Data                                         37

4.2     Primary Findings                                                                    49



Chapter Five

Findings, Discussion and Recommendations

5.1     Discussion                                                                               51

5.2     Principal Findings                                                                   54

5.3     Conclusion                                                                              57

5.4     Summary                                                                                 59

5.5     Recommendation                                                                    60

5.6     Suggestions for Further Studies                                            61


REFERENCES                                                                          62

Appendix I

Appendix II









1.1       Background of the Study

Man is a specie of the kingdom Animalia, specifically and wonderfully created to employ Mathematical concepts in understanding the world around him.


There is hardly any human being, whether literate or non-literate, who does not apply mathematical concepts in everyday life, even though he may not be aware of it.


All over the world, people who are exposed to formal education are taught science and mathematics during the process of their schooling because these are unique subjects that plays prominent roles in the school curriculum.


The three educational objectives of Nigeria clearly stated in article 18 of the 1999 constitution of the Federal republic of Nigeria, emphasize:

1.           Equal and adequate educational opportunity for all,

2.           Promotion of science and technology

3.           Eradication of illiteracy through provision of free education for all.


Of all these three objectives, the one that is most relevant to science, technology and mathematics education is the second objective that deals with the promotion of science and technology.


Nigeria aspires to be a modern, industrial and developing society desiring this attribute in order to acquire the knowledge in science oriented and innovative. It is obvious that this can only be achieved with a proper and solid foundation in mathematical knowledge.


Many of the scientist like Archimedes and Grilileo who came up with striking innovations in science were exposed to the best mathematics education in their days.


The National Policy on Education spells out in details the modalities for achieving the National educational objectives. The policy identifies three tiers of educational system, namely:

i.        Primary      ii.       Secondary iii.      Tertiary levels

The democratic government of president Olusegun OBasanjo in September 1999 inaugurated the universal Basic Education (UBE) scheme shortly democracy was reinstatd in Nigeria. the scheme covers pre-school education, the primary education (6 years) and the junior secondary school education (3 years).


This scheme involves compulsory basic education for al Nigerian children up to the JSS level. The important role that mathematics and science plays in achieving the objectives of the UBE has made then to be a compulsory subject in the UBE scheme.

The Mathematics curriculum at this level is divided into four broad areas, namely:

i.             Number and numeration

ii.           Algebraic process

iii.          Everyday statistics

iv.          Geometry


The way in which children think about Mathematics and the process they use to solve mathematical problems must be understood and taken into account by the teachers and curriculum builders who design instruction. It is a great mistake to suppose that a child acquires the skill of mathematical concepts just from teaching. Children construct their own knowledge and do not simply accept the teacher’s version. Although teaching clearly affects what the students learn, it does not determine it.       


Teachers must be aware of how children think about mathematics and they should build instruction on children’s existing knowledge and the problem-solving strategies they have already developed.


This gives children room for experimenting and solving of Mathematical problems on their own. Children learn more through activities and through discovery techniques. Hence emphasis should be on children engaging in physical activities with materials, real-life objects or models, games and plays and the use and application of real-life situation.


The success of any classroom discussion depends on the effective handling of the concept by the teacher; which is also depends on the personal characteristics of the teacher, his willingness to provide and use materials and organize relevant mathematical activities for the students. The teacher himself must have positive attitudes to mathematics concept and understand that his primary concern is the development of positive attitude to his students during the study of mathematics. Positive attitude is a dynamic force to the study of any subject.


To overcome the problem of teaching and learning of mathematics, the this study is set out to determine the effectiveness of the use of computer-assisted instruction in the teaching and learning of science, technology and mathematics related subject in the classroom.


Ayeni (1990) defines computer as a data processing machine that can store and process data based on the logic supplied by the user. There are many ways in which the computer is used in education which include: Computer Supported Learning (CSL), Computer Supported Learning Aids (CSLA), Computer Based Education (CBE) and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI).


However the methods that is most directly related to instruction  is the Computer- Assisted Instruction (CAI) which is an automated instruction technique in which computer is used to present an instructional programmes to the learners through an interactive process.


Grayson (1988) describes the CAI as the use of computer on a time shared basis to perform any instructional function. These functions include: presenting materials, guiding students’ thinking, responding to students questions, assessing students performance amongst others. CAI is designed and presented in a way to gain the attention of the learner from the beginning of the learning process to the end. It does this by providing new avenues for drill and practice. CAI can provide the educational needs of both able and disable learners. It is therefore, believed that CAI holds great promises for education. Its only limitation can be human being of limited knowledge and tendency to resist change; lack of enough funds, shortage of materials in terms of software, hardware and infrastructural facilities.


CAI have characteristics that help to improve learning. These include learners controlled instruction, feedback possibilities to the learners, self pacing and lessons with more than one purpose, help students to learn at their rate. Computer system is divided into instructional modes for effective way of organizing learning experiences. These modes have been presented by Ajelabi (2000), suppes (1975) to include the following: Drill and practice, game, simulation, information, modeling, problem analysis.


Agun and Imogie (1988) stressed the fact that the primary function of a teacher in any educational institution is to instruct the learners as well as planning for instruction. This is increasingly becoming one of the essential requirements for eventful and effective instruction. Therefore, the teacher needs an organized course to alleviate fears, frustration and feeling of self insufficiency. Computer literary play this key role in the reforms of teaching/learning situation in the classroom.


1.2       Statement of the Problem

In the past, failure in Mathematics has prevented many children from furthering their education and thus made them ended up in not being skilled enough to be trained as professional. Most of the time children get frustrated when they are unable to progress in solving a Mathematics problem and developed apathy and hatred for the subject which has adverse effect on their academic progress.

It has been observed that many students at JSS level have lost hopes about ever understanding or passing Mathematics and this is mostly responsible for the increase in other vices such as examination malpractices, cultism amongst others.


The problem of teaching and learning Mathematics in Nigeria secondary Schools did not just surface overnight. It is a result of cumulative problems starting with our Government, Schools, curriculum, parents, students, teachers and society.


The generality of Nigerians, even the educated ones are not computer literate owing to the fact that they are not exposed to computer education at the primary and secondary school levels of their education. This has contributed to a poor state of information technology in Nigeria. with the introduction of computer-Assisted instruction in secondary schools, a lot of improvement will be achieved to adequately prepare students and teachers to address the problems and make students develop interest in Mathematics.


1.3       Purpose of Study  

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) on the teaching and Learning of science, technology and Mathematics related subjects in secondary schools at Ikeja Local Education district of Lagos State.


Specifically, the study will seek to:     

1.           Determine the status of computer education in Nigeria secondary schools.

2.           Find out the extent at which developing vocational education through computer literacy has been inculcated into Nigerian Secondary School Curriculum.

3.           Find out the level of implementation of Nigeria National Computer Policy objectives in Nigeria Secondary Schools.

4.           Highlight the educational benefits of computer –Assisted instruction

5.           Compare the quality of instruction produced through CAI and conventional instruction techniques on the learning of Science, technology and Mathematics related subjects.


1.4       Significance of the Study    

Findings of this study will provide the necessary information for the Government on the status of computer education in Nigerian Secondary schools. The study will also enable the official in the Ministry of Education (both State and Federal) to be aware of the extent by which computer-assisted instruction can change the behavioural pattern of the learners. The research result will motivate teachers and administrator to develop interest and positive attitude to computer-Assisted instruction so as to improve instructional techniques in Nigerian secondary schools. The study will also educate the teachers on the need to assist students foster healthy attitude towards the use of computer-Assisted Instruction in learning of science, technology and mathematics related subjects. The result of this study will also encourage our educational policy makers and stakeholders to provide enough personal computers to students. Finally, the study will serve as a tool for further study on the subject matter.


1.5       Research Questions

The study will address the following research questions:

i.             What is the status of computer education in Nigerian secondary schools educational development?

ii.           What is the extent at which developing Vocational education through computer literacy has been inculcated into Nigerian secondary school curriculum?

iii.          What are the achievement of Nigeria National computer policy objectives in Nigerian secondary schools?

iv.          What are the educational benefits of computer-Assisted instruction in teaching and learning of science, technology and mathematics related subjects?

v.            In what ways do the quality of instruction produced through CAI leads to more positive attitude towards learning of science, technology and mathematics related subjects than the conventional instructional techniques?


1.6       Scope of the Study

This study will cover all the secondary schools in Ikeja Local Education District of Lagos State in the following groups: Public Schools, Private schools and unity schools.


A limited sample of science, technology and Mathematics related subject teachers from the various groups of Ikeja Local education district will be selected. The result will be applicable to all Unity Private and Public Secondary Schools in Lagos State, since all Nigerian secondary schools are governed by the same National Policy on Education. 

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