This study
encompassed an assessment of senior secondary school students’ motivation to
learn mathematics as related to gender and performance in mathematics. A total sample comprising of three hundred
and fifteen senior secondary school students was drawn from two accredited
senior secondary schools in the Education District 4 of Lagos State covering
Apapa, Mainland and Surulere local government areas i.e. Zones 1, 2 and 3
respectively. Data
analytical techniques used in this study include, percentages, means, standard
deviation, independent samples t-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient (PPMCC) and standard and stepwise multiple linear regression
analysis. Findings from the study
revealed that there was a very high
level of motivation to learn mathematics among senior secondary schools’
students in Nigeria. It was also revealed that Self-efficacy,
gender and intrinsic motivation were the major significant
predictors of performance in mathematics among the sample
of students investigated. The recommendation
for further future study on the level of motivation to learn mathematics among
senior secondary schools’ students and the correlation existing between gender
and the various dimensions of motivation on the one hand and performance in mathematics
on the other among this group of individuals emphasized that the instruments to
be used may have to be further simplified and moderated to suit our peculiar
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of content vi
Background to the study 1
Statement of the problem 11
Purpose of the study 12
Research questions 13
Hypothesis statement 13
Significance of the study 14
Scope of the study 15
2.1 Introductions 16
2.2 The
concept, history and significance of mathematics 16
2.3 Motivation
to learn mathematics 19
2.4 Dimensions
of motivational constructs 22
2.5 Learning 27
2.6 Academic
performance 29
2.7 Gender difference
in motivation to learn mathematics and academic performance in mathematics 29
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 Research design 36
3.3 Population
of the study 36
3.4 Sampling procedure 37
3.5 The sample 37
3.6 Instrumentation 37
3.7 Administration
of the instrument 38
3.8 Data
analysis procedure 39
4.0 Introduction 40
4.1 Research question one: what is the level of
learn mathematics among senior secondary
schools’ students in Nigeria? 40
4.2 Research question two: is gender a factor in
in mathematics and motivation to learn
senior secondary school students in Nigeria? 49
4.3 Research questions three: what are the
composite and
contributions of dimensions of motivation (intrinsic motivation, extrinsic
motivation, goal orientation, self determination, assessment anxiety and self
gender to the explanation of the variance
in the
students’ performance in mathematics? 53
4.4 Hypothesis testing 58
4.5 Summary of findings 60
5.1 Introduction 62
5.2 Discussion
of findings 62
5.3 Conclusion, recommendation and suggestion
for further studies
References 70
Questionnaire 77
Every nation of the
world is desirous of achieving high level of technological development in order
to achieve the collective prosperity and wellbeing of their citizenry. This underpins the necessity for the
development of mathematical knowledge which is the basis for technological
Mathematics is a game of numbers. It is the science of numbers applied in
proffering solution to problems. Awofala
(2014) asserts that mathematics involves ‘magnitudes and numbers, quantity and
space’ together with logical reasoning and judgment. Mukhtar (2008) in Gimba and Agwagah (2012)
defines mathematics as
science of structure, order, number, space, and quantity whose relationship
revolves around the elementary practice of counting, measuring and describing
the shapes of objects.
As a field of study
and a discipline, mathematics involves the use of figures, symbols and
statements in carrying out analytical procedures in problem situations in
arriving at definite logical conclusions and by extension solutions to
problems. Mathematics is a language
through which scientists expressed their ideas, laws and principles (Gimba
& Agwagah, 2012).
processes pervade the entire spectrum of human existence from the point of
conception to the point of death and burial.
The importance of mathematics in our everyday life – as related to
personal/family budget and spending, schooling and education, and the various
professional/occupational engagements – cannot be overemphasized. Awofala (2014) itemized the universal
applicability of mathematics in our everyday life i.e. at home, when
travelling, at the store, at school, at work, and at pastimes.
It is as old as
man, as can be seen in the various works of art, instruments, weapons, houses,
palaces, ships etc of the pre-history and the medieval periods. A case in point is the construction of
pyramids in the early civilization of Egypt which was a great
mathematical/engineering accomplishment.
According to Adewunmi (2004) in Gimba and Agwagah (2012), the
pre-history Egyptian priests invented mathematics in order to determine the
land available for agriculture because of the constant over flooding of the
Nile River. This helped greatly in
strengthening their economy and engendering the collective wellbeing of the
The subject –
mathematics – is the bedrock of all technological advancements e.g. space
exploration, computer technology, motor vehicles, electrical and electronic
equipment, dams and irrigation systems etc are all products of series of
mathematical operations.
As a result of the
high importance of mathematics in our everyday life and its necessity for
technological development one could safely say that it is one of the essential
ingredients for national development.
Ale and Adetula (2010) assert that mathematics is a catalyst for national
development and wealth creation. Azuka
(2001) in Gimba and Agwagah (2012) sees mathematics as the bedrock of science,
technology and modern development. He is
of the opinion that the survival of a nation hinges on technological
development which is only achievable through effective teaching and learning of
In view of this,
the National Policy on Education (2004) accords mathematics a high place of
prominence in the nation’s educational policy.
It is one of the core subjects to be studied at the primary, junior and
senior secondary school levels as stated in the policy.
In spite of its
importance, mathematics sometimes involves rigorous processes and elaborate
computations. So, students consider it
to be highly abstract and tend to develop a phobia for it. There is therefore the need to employ various
techniques for motivating students to learn mathematics.
Biehler and Snowman
(1986) in Tella (2007) are of the opinion that motivation is an essential
ingredient in achieving success in any human learning endeavor. Ogumoyero and Omasheye (2012) referring to
Penick (2006) and Rogers (1969) on the other hand, assert that human beings are
characterized by tendencies towards learning.
Thus, human beings are naturally teachable and curious. In spite of this, there is usually the need
to motivate people for achieving success in learning. However, motivation arises as a result of
drive towards a goal. The drive
decreases once the goal has been achieved (Taiwo, 2011; Whitehead, 1996).
According to Glynn
and Koballa (2006), motivation is an internal state which involves the arousal,
direction and sustenance of students’ behavior.
This explains why students work hard to achieve high academic
performance in science subjects. It also explains the depth and length of time
involved in such endeavor and the feelings and emotions applied in achieving
success in such subjects. Glynn and
Koballa (2006) referring to Brophy (1988), explain that ‘motivation to learn’
encompasses students’ resolve to attach meaning and value to an academic
activity with a view to obtaining the benefits accruing from such activity.
Hall (1989) in
Tella (2007) states categorically that pupils need to be motivated in arousing
and sustaining their interests in learning mathematics. This is necessary in view of the abstractions
and complexities involved in mathematical operations.
The major dimensions
of motivational constructs involved in the study of motivation to learn science
(and by extension mathematics),
comprises of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, goal orientation,
self-determination, self-efficacy and assessment anxiety (Glynn & Koballa,
motivation usually occurs as a result of a student’s internal drive for
superior academic performance while extrinsic motivation occurs as a response
to given external stimuli e.g. award, peer recognition and acceptance,
teachers’ praises and other positive reinforcements (Glynn & Koballa, 2006;
Mazlo et al, 2002; Pintrich & Schunk, 2002; Alfred Posamentier 2013).
Intrinsic motivation involves a student’s pursuit of personal interests
and the ‘exercise of capabilities’ and this engenders deep internal
satisfaction and joy (Glynn & Koballa, 2006; Ryan & Deci, 2000; Singh,
Granville & Dika, 2002).
Goal orientation
comprises principally of learning goals and performance goals. Learning goals involves learning for the sake
of having a full understanding of a subject.
Students with learning goals will therefore seek to surmount the
challenges and problems they are having with a subject and would go all out to
seek help in order to enhance their performance in the subject. Performance goal on the other hand involves
the pursuit of the self-esteem by the learner.
A student with performance goal wants to gain the accolade of his peers
and teachers with a view to enhancing his social status (Cavallo et al, 2003;
Glynn & Koballa, 2006).
encompasses the ability to make a choice out of the various options available
and effectively have control over the option chosen and the methodology
involved in actualizing the option so chosen.
Students generally want to be involved in contributing to their
teaching-learning procedure and learning outcomes, and would not want to lose
control over such. Self-determination is
directly related to, and effectively enhances intrinsic motivation (Glynn &
Koballa, 2005; Glynn & Koballa, 2006; Reeve, Hamm & Nix, 2003; Garcia
& Pintrich, 1996).
refers to the students’ self-confidence about their ability to achieve high
performance in a subject. It is the best
predictor of the grades attainable in any subject. Self-efficacy is also subject-specific i.e. a
learner may achieve high self-efficacy in mathematics and low self-efficacy in
chemistry (Glynn & Koballa, 2006; Zusho & Pintrich, 2003; Dermitzaki,
Stavroussi, Vavougios & Kotsis, 2012).
Every student
experiences some level of trepidation (i.e. anxiety) in relation to their
performance in mathematics and, in fact, all subjects. A moderate dose of anxiety is desirable in
order to enhance motivation to learn any subject. It will become excessive, however, when
students are not well prepared for a subject upon which they are to be
examined. The level of anxiety also
differs from students to student based on personal differences. Thus, the level of anxiety may be higher in
introverts (even if they are well prepared) than in extrovert (Glynn &
Koballa, 2006; Cassady & Johnson, 2002; Seymour, 1992).
Another area of
contention is the issue of gender difference in academic performance in
mathematics. Udousoro (2011) expresses
gender as a cultural construct which explains the roles and behavior together
with the mental and emotional characteristics of males and females as ascribed
by the society. This concept does not
necessarily suggest the dominance of males over the females in academic
performance and other human endeavor.
However, there has always been the belief that boys tend to perform
better than girls in mathematics. This
stereotype is reinforced by the findings of Isaacson (1992) working with
certain female students who believed that ‘girls are considered weird when they
love mathematics’. Recent researches
have however revealed various mixes of performances in mathematics by both
sexes at the primary and secondary school levels in different nations of the
world (Awofala & Anyikwa, 2014; Lukenbill, 1995; Hyde & Mertz, 2009;
Mubeen, Saheed & Arif, 2013).
Researches on the
influence of gender differences in performance in mathematics in the United
States of America and United Kingdom reveal that there is an insignificant
difference in performance in mathematics due to gender at the elementary school
level. However, studies revealed that
the difference in performance in mathematics, in the two nations, widens at the
high school level weighing in favour of male students (Awofala & Anyikwa,
2014; Lukenbill, 1995; Hyde & Mertz, 2009).
Ekeh (2003) in
Udousoro (2011) revealed that Male secondary school students in Nigeria achieve
higher academic performance in mathematics and science than their female
counterparts; due primarily to ‘sex role stereotyping and differential
valuation of male and female roles’ as ascribed by the society. This position was corroborated by the
findings of The National Assessment of Educational Progress (1992), as
explained by Udousoro (2011), which revealed that male students within the age
brackets of 9, 13 and 17 obtained higher scores in mathematics than the girls
in the same age brackets.
Some studies have
revealed that the gender difference in academic performance in science and
mathematics is attributable to the interplay of two associated cognitive styles;
namely empathizing and systemizing cognitive styles – rather than to the mere
biological configuration of males and females (Billington, Baron-Cohen &
Wheelwright, 2007; Zeyer, 2014; Zeyer, Cetin-Dinder, Zain, Jurisevic, Devetak
& Odermatt, 2011). Empathizing could
be defined as the drive and ability to recognize another person’s
mental/emotional state and to effectively respond with appropriate
emotion. It enhances interactions in the
social world. Thus, an empathizer is
able to appreciate the feelings of others.
An empathizer would function well in careers that foster social
interaction like nursing, teaching and other social works. Females are generally very active in
empathizing (Zeyer et al, 2011) and tend to prefer nurturing fields like nursing
and teaching to quantitative fields as prevalent in the physical/natural
sciences (Kane & Mertz, 2012).

on the other hand encompasses the ability and the drive for carrying out the
analysis of the rules inherent in a system with a view to predicting how it
functions (Billington et al, 2007; Zeyer, 2014; Zeyer, 2010). A system is any construct which comprises of
input process output relationship (Billington et
al 2007, Zeyer 2014). According to Billington et al (2007), it could
be technical (e.g. machines and tools), natural (e.g. a weather system),
abstract (e.g. mathematics), social (e.g. a political system), spatial (e.g.
map reading) and organisable (e.g. taxonomy).
The difference in motivation to learn science and mathematics is not due
to gender configuration but driven by tendencies towards empathizing or
systemizing (Billington et al, 2007; Zeyer et al, 2011). Systemizers are generally more interested in
natural sciences and are therefore more motivated to study sciences than
empathizers. However, girls by nature
easily gravitate towards empathizing while boys are amenable to
systemizing. This partly explains why
male students tend to attain higher academic achievement in sciences and
mathematics than girls.
The major thrust of
this research therefore is to assess senior secondary school students’
motivation to learn mathematics as related to gender and performance in
achievement in mathematics has always suffered setbacks at the senior secondary
school level as exhibited in the poor performance in major external and
internal examinations of the schools over the years. The mass failure in mathematics is a major
problem for educators, teachers and school administrations, and parents because
it slows down the academic/intellectual development of students. It also prevents them from going further in
their academic pursuits in the tertiary institutions of learning, as there are
very few courses that can be embarked upon without a pass at credit level in
The major cause of
failure in mathematics at the senior secondary school level is attributable to
lack of adequate motivation and interest to learn the subject bearing in mind
the rigorous and abstract nature of mathematical operations.
It has also been
observed that male students tend to be more motivated to learn mathematics and
therefore obtain higher academic achievement in mathematics than their female
counterparts. This research work, therefore, sets out to effect an assessment
of senior secondary school students’ motivation to learn mathematics as related
to gender and performance in mathematics.
purpose of this research work is to carry out an investigation on:
ü Senior
secondary schools students’ motivation to learn Mathematics,
ü the
difference in motivation to learn Mathematics between male and female students,
ü the
relationship between motivation to learn mathematics and performance in
this research work the following questions were addressed:
§ What
is the level of motivation to learn mathematics among senior secondary school
students in Nigeria?
§ Is
gender a factor in performance in Mathematics and motivation to learn
Mathematics among senior secondary schools’ students in Nigeria?
§ What
are the composite and relative contributions of dimensions of motivation
(intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, goal orientation,
self-determination, self-efficacy, and assessment anxiety) and gender to the
explanation of the variance in senior secondary schools students’ performance
in mathematics?
According to
Killing (1973) in Nwadinigwe (2012), hypotheses form the launch pad for the
entire research process. It determines
the direction and the magnitude of the work to be done in carrying out the
research work.
hypothesis below was therefore tested in this research work:
ü Gender is not a significant factor in
performance in Mathematics and motivation to learn Mathematics among senior
secondary schools’ students in Nigeria
This research work is being carried out for
the benefit of students, parents, school teachers and administrators,
educational authorities and curriculum developers. Students will be able to acquire techniques
and skills for self motivation in order to attain high academic performance in
mathematics and foster their personal development. Parents would be able to derive knowledge and
skills for taking care of gender issues and stereotypes, thereby properly
motivating their children and wards for superior academic achievement in
mathematics. Teachers, school
administrators, educational authorities, curriculum developers would be able to
determine where to direct efforts and action in properly empowering the
students – irrespective of their gender - for superlative academic achievement
in mathematics.
The scope of this
research work involves the assessment of senior secondary school students’
motivation to learn mathematics as related to gender and performance in
mathematics. A total sample comprising
of three hundred and fifteen senior secondary school students was drawn from
two accredited senior secondary schools in the Education District 4 of Lagos
State covering Apapa, Mainland and Surulere local government areas i.e. Zones
1, 2 and 3 respectively.
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