Motivation is what serves
as an incentive towards greater productivity which thereby increases or
enhances job performance of employee. Thus is done to know whether the staff of
Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin City
are duly motivated, the mode of motivation given enhances the rate of which the
employee perform their duties. A total of 80 respondents returned the
questionnaire given to them. The data were analyzed and tested with the
chi-square method. Based on the finding and some other ones, the researcher hereby
recommends that the organization and other related organization should study
their workers to know what motivates them to work.
Title page
Certification --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- i
Dedication --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- ii
Acknowledgement --- --- --- --- --- --- iii
Table of Contents
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- iv
Abstract --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- vii
Background to the Study --- --- --- --- --- 1
Statement of the Problem --- --- --- --- --- 3
Research Questions --- --- --- --- --- 4
Objective of the Study--- --- --- --- ---- --- 5
Statement of Hypotheses --- --- --- --- --- 5
Scope of the Study--- --- --- --- ---- --- 6
Significances of the Study--- --- --- --- --- 6
Limitation of the Study--- --- --- ---- --- 6
Operational Definitions of Terms --- --- --- --- 7
2.1 Motivation ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8
2.2 Basic Proceeding of Work Study--- --- --- --- 16
2.3 Some Theories of Motivation --- --- --- --- 19
3.1 Research Design --- --- --- --- ---- --- 32
3.2 Population of the Study --- --- --- --- --- 32
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique --- --- --- --- 32
3.4 Instrumentation --- --- --- --- --- --- 33
3.5 Method of Data Collection --- --- --- --- ---- 34
3.6 Method of Data Analysis --- --- --- --- --- 34
4.1 Data Presentation --- --- --- --- ---- --- 35
4.2 Test of
Hypotheses --- --- --- --- --- --- 37
4.3 Discussion of Findings --- --- --- --- --- 47
5.1 Summary --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 49
5.2 Conclusion --- --- --- --- --- --- 51
5.3 Recommendations --- --- --- --- --- --- 51
Background to the Study
An understanding of two motives which inspire men to work is essential
for good management. The objective of an organization and those of it employee
need to be harmonized so that they both arrive at a common goal. This is known
as principle of harmony of objectives.
There are various reason why an employee take to his job, some may be
simply to get all that he can from the job, this depend on his needs and
therefore they do not have the same motive.
Some incompetent workers are quite content to be in routine positions
where as others that are competent would which to be promoted to the desire for
financial reward is very strong in some workers while some that are indifferent
wish only to earn enough to provide the basic need like food, clothing and
To appreciate man’s basic need, a knowledge of industrial psychology
might be necessary and those are security: although fear of being out of job
may not be relevant to employee who have never expected a depression, yet there
is still a certain anxiety such as fear of arrow, loss of job, reduction in a
bonuses, take over mergers, redundancy and similar factors, all of these
contribute towards a feeling of uncertainty.
Status: At
first, it was recognized by churches and military and government centuries ago,
industry has come to see status as a motivator only in recent year, it include
titles, promotion and such symbols as offices size and an executive secretary,
a company car, club membership, washing machine, television and other
indication of material wealth. If work is the means of achieving all these, it
is then necessary to assume greater responsibility which may also mean
obtaining status in the job.
Creative Ability: Most human being pride
themselves in being creative, this is ability to paint, play game, etc. if the
desire for creative thinking can be applied to the job, the individual worker
and the organization will benefit.
Development: Acquiring knowledge and
skill is a basic requirement of various stages including on-the-job-training
which motivate the workers.
Acceptability and Recognition: Being
accepted within a society is very important, an individual want to feel that he
belong to a particular form of club and social group within a business.
All the above and more basic needs have to be satisfied or else
frustration will sent in, in extreme cases, these could head to a revolt
against society by committing crimes. Skillful management means making the most
of these requirements for each employee and harassing them so that they result
in greater productivity and efficiency.
The concept of job performance itself is very common among the
industrialist, as it is an indicator of economic progress, while an economic
resource are used in the progress or work job performance. Job performance is
related to individual’s ability to work in order to valance productivity.
Researchers have shown that there is a relationship between job performance,
output level and motivation.
According to Maslow (1970), motivation simply means those elements that
influence work performance in an organization and these elements according to
him include: financial reward job securities etc.
Therefore, the relationship between job performances and motivation
cannot be disputed. In this time of global economic progression, there is
imperative need to increase the level of job performance and one way of doing
this is through adequate motivation of the work force.
Statement of the Problem
There has always been a contention among employee in the traditional
school of thought that financial reward is all that employee want and there is
no limit as to show money can be used to motivate workers problem which the
researcher proposes to the study and find answer to are:
Production and General Welfare of the Staff: It
is meant to see whether promotion is an incentive for motivation and also
seeing to the well being of the employee of the company can provide or serve as
a motivator for enhancement of job performance or productivity.
Training and Development of Human Resources
in the Company: This is to see whether the training given to employees can
serve as incentive or motivator. The knowledge obtained from the training can
develop human skill and resources of the company and thereby improve job performance.
Suspension and Abandonment of Duty in the
Company: To see what it does to productivity and what brings about
suspension and abandonment of duty whether it is due to lack of motivation or
Research Questions
The following
are the research questions:
Does leadership style of a boss influence the
productivity of the workers?
Does leadership style of a boss affect his/her
productivity of workers?
Does workers perception of the organization
reward system affect his productivity?
Does workers perception of the reward system of
other affect his/her productivity?
Objectives of the Study
The purpose of the study of this project is to find out the effect of
motivation on job performance of staff of Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin City,
particularly the effect of remuneration, job expectancy, job satisfaction and
job security on the productivity of the staff. The purpose of the study is to
find answer to the following questions:
Does money motivate?
If so what s the limit to the motivational value
of money?
It not is it possible to determine the upper
limit of motivational value of money.
Statement of Hypotheses
For the purpose of this study, the following working hypotheses are
thereby stated:
Motivation of staff enhances the job in Guinness
Nigeria Plc.
That motivation of the work force leads to low
rate of absenteeism, labour turnover and abandonment of duty.
Motivation of worker encourages harmony among
workers which cannot lead to high job performance.
Scope of the Study
This study will be limited to employees of Guinness Nigeria Plc, Benin
City were people will be chosen from each department for the interview. The
study shall be conducted by studying the various means of motivating workers
especially the impact of motivating of employees job performance seen as a
constraint is the uncooperative attitude of some of the staffs in supplying
required information.
Significance of the Study
The issue of motivation is central to improvement of workers productivity
and goal achievement in the organization. Therefore, the finding and
recommendations of this study will aid organization especially the Nigeria
Bottling Company Plc to improve on workers’ productivity through the right
incentives to ensure the achievement of the organization objectives. The study
will also be of immense importance to anyone who is interested in the
motivation of workers in their work place.
Limitation of the Study
In the course of writing and researching this project work, among several
limitations encountered is:
The task of combining the normal academic load with the research work was
also a problem in the course of writing the project poor responses on the part
of the employees of Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin City principally because of fear
of loss of the job.
Operational Definitions of Terms
The terms
were used in the study are defined below to enable the readers have a true
picture of the research findings:
Task: A
distinct work activity which has an identifiable beginning and end.
Job: One
or more position within an organization e.g. three mail clerk have the same job
but different pay roll positions.
Analysis: A systematic investigation into the task, duties and
responsibilities or a job.
Job Specification:
The minimum skills education and experience necessary for an individual to
perform a job.
Evaluation: This determination of the worth of job to an organization.
Output actually made or produced.
Appraisal: A systematic way of comparing the output produced by an employee
with the standard set for him to produce.
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