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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009422

No of Pages: 102

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study investigated the growth characteristics and chemical composition of Gnetum africanum and G. bulcholzianum in different ecosystems in Nigeria lowland rainforest. The experiment consists of a 4x2 factorial experiment in RCBD for measurement of growth rate in rubber plantation and a 2x2 factorial experiment in RCBD for laboratory analysis. The results were expressed as mean standard Deviation and Standard Error. Duncan multiple range test was adopted to separate means and test for significant differences among means at (P>0.05). There was a significant difference (P>0.05) in growth rate of G. africanum and Gbulcholzianum but no significant difference in their girths. Gnetum as a shade loving plants experienced absolute shade in both environments. Dry matter and carbohydrate were higher in G. africanum (RF) 93.20±0.011% and G. bulcholzianum (rubber plantation) 93.16±0.075%. Least mean proximate compositions was found to be in Gbulcholzianum (RB) 1.77±0.125%, phenol was the least phytochemical with no significant difference (P>0.05) Alkaloid showed significant difference (P>0.05) with highest mean value of phytochemical composition and was higher in G. bulcholzianum 5.60±0.112mg/100g (RF) and G. africanum 4.75±0.050mg/100g (RB) than G. africanum of RF 3.83±0.887mg/100gm and RB 3.40±0.011mg/100g. Chromium and cadmium were significantly different with least mean values of heavy metal compositions. Chromium had values ranging from 0.08±0.003mg/100g in Gnetum africanum (RF) to 0.11±0.011mg/100gm G. bulcholzianum (RB), also cadmium had mean values of 0.24±0.152mg/100gm Gnetum africanum (RF) to 0.44±0.017mg/100gm G. bulcholzianum, (RF) which shows that gnetum is less toxic to human health. The two species of gnetum showed high significant amount of vitamin c component and least mean values of Vitamin B2 ranging from 0.56±0.011mg/100gm in Gnetum africanum (RB) to 0.63±0.011mg/100gm G. africanum (RB), it was higher in G. africanum 42.98±0.376mg/100gm (RB). Exchangeable cations needed for plant growth was significantly higher (P>0.05) in RB compared to RF. Na+ was the most limiting exchangeable cations in both top soils of rubber plantation and relic forest with values 0.13cmol/kg and 0.144cmol/kg respectively. Soil pH above 4.00 in both RF and RB shows favorable acidic nature for gnetum growth. Fe, Mn and S showed high significant difference and mean values in sub soils of RF than in RB. Gnetum species leaves have high nutritional value, phytochemical contents and medicinal values and it is recommended as cheap sources of plant proteins, materials for the synthesis of new drugs in pharmaceutical industries.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii      

List of Plates                                                                                                               ix        

List of Figures                                                                                                             x

Abstract                                                                                                       xi



1.1           Background of the Study                                                                                1

1.2           Statement of the Problem                                                                               6

1.3           Aim of the Study                                                                                            7

1.4           Objective of the Study                                                                                    7

1.5           Justification of the Study                                                                                8


2.1       Description of Gnetum Plants                                                                        10

2.1.1    Management                                                                                                   10

2.1.2    Growth and development                                                                               11       

2.1.3    Climate                                                                                                           11

2.1.4    Habitat of gnetum                                                                                           12

2.1.5    Anatomy of gnetum                                                                                        13

2.1.6    Pollination                                                                                                      13

2.1.7    Method of propagation                                                                                   14

2.2       Economic Importance of Gnetum                                                                  17

2.3       Nutritional and Health Benefits                                                                      19


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   

3.1.2    Study Area                                                                                                      24

3.2       Methodology                                                                                                  26

3.2.1    Experimental design                                                                                       27

3.2.2    Soil Sampling                                                                                                 27

3.2.3    Preparation of soil samples for analysis                                                         28

3.2.4    Soil laboratory analysis                                                                                  28

3.4       proximate analysis                                                                                          34

3.5       Mineral analysis                                                                                             44

3.6       Heavy metal determination                                                                            45

3.7       Determination of phytochemicals                                                                  38

`3.8      Statistical analysis                                                                                          46


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                      47



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      77

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          79

References                                                                                                                 80





                                                    LIST OF TABLES

2.3.1    Micro and macro element composition of Gnetum leaves.                                        20

2.3.2    Essential and non-essential amino acid composition of gnetum leaves.                        20

4.1.1    Mean growth characteristics of two gnetum species in rubber plantation.                   49

4.1.2    Mean leaf biomass of gnetum species harvested from rubber plantation

and relic forest, Michael Okpara University of agriculture, Umudike.            .           52

4.1.3    Proximate composition of gnetum species from rubber plantation

and relic forest, Michael Okpara University of agriculture, Umudike.                          56

4.1.4    Phytochemical composition of gnetum species from two ecosystems

(Rubber plantation and relic forest).                                                                           58

4.1.5    Macro elements composition of Gnetum species from two ecosystems.                        59

4.1.6    Micro nutrients composition of Gnetum species from two ecosystems.                        62

4.1.7    Vitamin composition of Gnetum leaves.                                                                    64

4.1.8    Moisture content, Bulk density and Total porosity of soil samples from

rubber plantation and relic Forest.                                                                              66

4.1.9    Physicochemical composition of soil samples                                                           71

4.2.0    Extractible micro-nutrients and total elements of soil samples                                  74







                                                     LIST OF PLATES

1:                     Picture showing leaf of Gnetum bulcholzianum                                            16

2:                     Picture showing leaf of Gnetum africanum                                                    16

3:                     Harvesting gnetum leaves in rubber plantation, Michael Okpara

University of Agriculture, Umudike.                                                             70

4                      Harvesting gnetum leaves in relic forest, Michael Okpara

University of Agriculture, Umudike.                                                             70

5                      Gnetum stand with numeric inscription at Michael Okpara

University of Agriculture, Umudike.                                                             70

6                      Digging a profile pit at rubber plantation at Michael Okpara

University of Agriculture, Umudike.                                                             70

7                      Vertical view of soil profile pit (50cm x 40cm x 85cm)                                70

8                      Weighing of soil samples at National Soil, Plant, Fertilizer

and Water Laboratory, Umudike.                                                                   76

9                      Samples for total elements and extractible nutrients at National

Soil, Plant, Fertilizer and Water Laboratories, Umudike.                              76

10                    Laboratory analysis carried out on soil samples at National

Soil, Plant, Fertilizer and Water Laboratories, Umudike.                              76







1:                     Map showing the study area.                                                                               25

2:                     Growth characteristics of gnetum species in relic forest, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.                                                                                       51                          









       Gnetum species is a tropical wild climbing vegetable plant found in Nigeria, Cameroun, Gabon, Congo (Eyo, et al., 1988). The vegetable has a place with the family Gnetaceae which develops unexpectedly in the timberlands (Schippers, 2000). Gnetum africanum and Gnetum bulcholzianum are vine gymnosperm species found locally all through Africa (Mialoundama, 1993), however bearing leaves, the variety gnetum are gymnosperms, identified with pine and different conifers (Chaw et al., 2000, Bowe et al., 2000). Gnetum, spoken to by around 80 species is limited to the tropical and sticky locales of the world. In Nigeria, it is significantly found in Abia, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Cross River and Imo State.

        Almost all species with the exception of G. microcarpum, happen underneath an elevation of 1500 meters above ocean level. In Africa, Gnetum africanum and G.bulcholzianum exist while in Asian nations like India, four species have been accounted for specifically G. contractum, G. gnemon, G. montanum, G. trinerve , larger part of the gnetum species are climbers aside from a couple of bushes and trees. Gnetum trinerve is clearly parasitic, two sorts of branches are available on the fundamental stem of the gnetum plant specifically parts of constrained development and parts of boundless development. Each branch contains hubs and internodes. Stems of a few types of gnetum are enunciated. In the climbing species, for example, G. africanum and G. bulcholzianum the branches are of constrained development or short shoots are commonly unbranched and bear the foliage leaves of Gnetum africanum and Gnetum bulcholzianum are of extraordinary financial significance in west and focal Africa (Fuashi et al., 2010, Shiembo 1996). It is a lasting harvest that develops around 10 meters in length, with thick papery like leaves developing in gathering of threes. The shade tolerant vine does not develop well in direct daylight and can be discovered getting on center and under story trees.

        Edible leaves of Gnetum species are sold in markets. It is for its food value    that Gnetum is most prized. The leaves are harvested and sold in local and international markets. Gnetum africanum and Gnetum bulcholzianum value chain study gathered information on stakeholders involved in the chain from forest to consumer (small scale harvesters, traders, transporters, exporters and consumers) in Cameroun and Nigeria revealed that at least two thousand five hundred and fifty people work across the chain (Fuashi et al., 2010). Dependence upon gnetum based incomes increased from those away from the forest, providing an average of 75% of retailers (1,268US$) and 56% of exporters annual income of 7000US$ in Congo (Ingram and Bongers, 2012).

       The seeds are specifically use as fungicides and in dressing fresh septic wounds (Keatinge, 2012). It is also chewed raw in the administration of exorbitant pee in juvenile diabetic patients in traditional medicine practice. Antioxidants are believed to protect cells by mopping up excess free radicals in the human body which otherwise could lead to oxidative stress (Isong et al., 2013). Gnetum leaves have been reported to contain high levels of nutrients, minerals and phytochemicals. Ekpo et al., (2011) reported that Gnetum africanum contained 26.5% crude protein, 2.75% crude fat and 19.34% carbohydrate, the levels of P, K, Mg, Ca and Fe were 0.14%, 0.1%, 0.925, 0.45% and 1.15% respectively. The phylate and oxylate content of the gnetum leaves were: 3.51mg/100g HCN, 6.12mg/100g phylate and 2.80 mg/100g tannin (Ekpo et al., 2011). Leaves of gnetum have also been found to contain antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Antioxidants are believed to protect cells by mopping up excess free radicals in the body which otherwise could have resulted in oxidative stress. The phytochemicals contained in gnetum provide health benefits beyond normal health maintenance and nutrition, for examples some of the antioxidants in gnetum such as the carotenoids are capable of slowing down aging and preventing certain diseases such as cancer in humans. Attah – Krah and Reynolds (1994) found that the chemical composition of vegetables is dependent on the inherent genetic physiological difference between vegetable species and the physico-compound properties of the earth on which the vegetables were grown. 

 Antioxidants which occur in most leafy vegetables slow down aging   process and prevent diseases such as cancer, Gnetum also is an important source of fiber, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals (Fadi et al., 2011). According to El-Qudah (2008), Gnetum contain phytochemicals that provide benefits beyond normal health maintenance and nutrition. One important class of such phytochemical is the carotenoids. Carotenoids are lipid-soluble pigments found in all photosynthetic organisms. Among the naturally occurring plant pigments, carotenoids are widely distributed, with a high degree of structural diversity and large variation in biological functions. There are more than 600 carotenoids found in nature, with 40 dietary carotenoids regularly consumed by human being (Kopsell, 2006). They may also be esters or complexes with protein, during proteolytic digestion, carotenoids are released from associated proteins and aggregate with other lipids. In humans, it has been reported that between 5 and 50% of carotenoids contained are absorbed by the body (Rao, 2007).

        The treatment of ailments with medicinal plants is an age long practice by which local herbalists have depended on as a reliable means of healing or minimizing diseases infections. The use of gnetum plants for treatments of microbial ailments is notable and has been reported since antiquated occasions (Bari et al., 2010). Availability of gnetum vegetables is limited in areas where this vegetable is cherished because of low production, poor soil and high demand that greatly surpasses supply (Ndomou et al., 2014). Indigenous gnetum vegetables have long been part of traditional diets in communities worldwide, yet many of these crops are underutilized and their nutritional composition not adequately determined (Keatinge, 2012).  In some developing countries this crucial problem is accentuated by limited resources available for research work and lack of attention by indigenous scientists (FAO, 2008). In most growing economy nations majorities of the rural populace include wild products in their daily diets. 

      The volume of exports of leafy vegetables has significantly increased in recent year (Shiembo, 1997). Gnetum grows throughout the year. Its price increases slightly when the drought period is dominant as a result of slow growth during this period and scarcity of other vegetables. Gnetum species add value to the diet of many people particularly in south eastern Nigeria where it is for the most part devoured. Iweala et al., (2009), expressed that gnetum leaves are esteemed as delicious vegetables when finely destroyed and fused into soup and stew or made into fixings or even accepted crude as plate of mixed greens. 

  Majority of Gnetum vegetables available in the market are collected from the wild (Akachuku, 2015), however limited efforts are currently being made by farmers to cultivate the important vegetable in homestead farms as a way of improving the economic status of these farmers and also making the vegetable available the entire year. Gnetum species survive well in soil rich in plant nutrients. As a climber, it survives in a forest ecosystem where there are trees/shrubs which it climbs for support and which also serve as shade. (Anthony et al., 2014)

Gnetum plants are dioecious; the male produce catkins of stamens and the female produce catkins of ovules barely protected by an envelope. Presently, two species of Gnetum are mainly consumed in Nigeria. These two species are Gnetum bulchozianum and Gnetum africanum. The differences in morphological characteristics between the two species are as follows: frond of Gnetum africanum are shorter and narrower, ovate in shape with an acuminate apex, light green in colour while those of Gnetum bulcholzianum are longer and greenish in colour with higher percentage of chlorophyll and more fresh looking with a broader lanceolate shape, acuminate apex and an acute leaf base (Ekanem, 1998). Both gnetum species have significant value in many forest based communities and have a number of vernacular and trade names (Bahuchet, 1990). Efik and Ibibio call it “Afang”, Ikom calls it “Nkani”, while the Igbos call it “Ukazi” (Ekanem, 1998).


It has been established that over exploitation or overharvesting threatens over 150 plant species of which most are medicinal plants (Lange, 1998). Recent increase in sales of gnetum underscores the growing popularity of the species. However, habitat loss, habitat degradation and over harvesting are some of the factors that pose unprecedented threats to availability of gnetum (Hamilton, 1997).

Poor conservation method is another reason why this leafy vegetable is increasingly threatened. Information on morphological characteristics, chemical composition, leaf biomass and growth requirements of gnetum species are scanty. This study sets out to fill this gap, provide the information from the study area.


The aim of this study was to determine the growth characteristics and nutrient composition of gnetum species in natural and plantation forests in Umudike, Nigeria



The goals of this work were:

1. To identify the effects of weeding regime on gnetum species in rubber plantation and growth characteristics of the two gnetum species under the two ecosystems (relic forest and rubber plantation).


2.  To determine the leaf biomass of both species in the two ecosystems.


3   To ascertain the different levels of shade on growth and development of gnetum species in both habitats.


4.  To determine the chemical composition of the two gnetum species under the natural ecosystem (relic forest) and man-made ecosystem (Hevea brasciliensis plantation).


5. To determine the characteristics of soils from the relic forest and rubber plantation and their effects on gnetum growth and development in the two ecosystems.


    Most of the forest food species are harvested from the wild without their corresponding domestication (Akachuku, 2005). Forest resources are being lost to major land uses such as agriculture, commercial logging, livestock grazing, construction and mining. At the same time human population growth, migration boundary wars, over harvesting etc. are placing increasing stress on the remaining natural resources (Akachuku, 2004). Gnetum is a wild leafy vegetable used as food and food supplement in most African countries. In recent times, the medicinal and nutritional values of gnetum species have been neglected without due regard to its potentialities in offering tremendous health benefits. Because of its various kinds of biological activity, it is regarded as a medicinal plant with anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. This work will provide more information on the physico-chemical, phytochemical and as well as growth performance of these species under natural and man-made ecosystems. Availability of gnetum vegetable is limited even in areas where this vegetable is cherished such as in Nigeria because of low production, poor soil characteristics and high demand that greatly surpass supply (Ndomou et al., 2014).  Even though gnetum vegetables have long been part of the traditional diet of many communities in West Africa, literature on the nutrient composition of the crop is scarce (Keatinge, 2012). Scarcity of information on some indigenous vegetables for instance Gnetum africanum and G. bulchozianum in growing economy nations is being attributed to limited resources available for research work and lack of interest by indigenous scientists of those countries (FAO, 2008)

   At the level of exploitation of gnetum species, if conscious effort is not made to conserve the species, the plant may soon be facing extinction.  One of the steps that could be taken to avoid extinction of this important vegetable is to encourage more farmers to develop and propagate the crop on a sustainable basis.

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