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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008621

No of Pages: 53

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The sensitivity of biofilm forming staphylococcus aureus from hospital environment to different antibiotics which includes: ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, levofloxacin, gentamicin, trimethoprim, ampiclox, rifampicin, amoxycilin, norfloxacin, chloramphenicol, cefuroxime and ceftriaxone were evaluated. Fifty (50) clinical swab sample were collected within the hospital with respect to different sections which includes; Door handles, beddings, surgical table surfaces, surgical equipment, furniture. Biofilm detection test was carried out using Congo Red Agar method, a total of 12 isolates were strong biofilm producers while 6 isolates were weak biofilm producers and 32 isolates were non biofilm producers. In the antimicrobial susceptibility testing Ciprofloxacin gave the highest zone of inhibition, followed erythromycin, rifampicin, levofloxacin, trimethoprim, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, norfloxacin, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, ampiclox and then amoxycilin give the least zone of inhibition. Ciprofloxacin seems a reliable antibiotic which can be used in combating the menace of biofilm in hospital environment.  



Certification                                                                                                                            i

Dedication                                                                                                                               ii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iii

Table of content                                                                                                                      iv

List of table                                                                                                                             vii

List of figures                                                                                                                         viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                   ix




1.1     Background of study                                                                                         1

1.2    Objectives of Study                                                                                                       5

1.3    Problem Statement                                                                                                        6

1.4    Significance of the Study                                                                                              6




2.1   Definition of Biofilm                                                                                                      7

2.2   Biofilm formation and Maturation                                                                                 8

2.2.1 The Conditioning Layer                                                                                                9

2.2.2 Reversible Adhesion                                                                                                       9

2.2.3 Irreversible Adhesion                                                                                                    10

2.2.4 Population Growth                                                                                                         11

2.2.5 Final Stages of Biofilm Development                                                                           12

2.3   Factors Favoring Biofilm Formation                                                                              13

2.3.1 Substratum Effect                                                                                                          13

2.3.2 Conditioning Films                                                                                                        13

2.3.3 Hydrodynamics                                                                                                             14

2.3.4 Horizontal Gene Transfer                                                                                              14

2.3.5 Quorum Sensing                                                                                                            15

2.4    Biofilm Structure and Function                                                                                     16

2.4.1 Extracellular Polymeric Substances                                                                              16

2.4.2 Protein                                                                                                                           17

2.4.3 Interaction of Particles                                                                                                  18

2.5 Biofilm and Pathogenesis                                                                                                 18

2.5.1 Native Valve Endocarditis                                                                                            18

2.5.2 Otitis Media                                                                                                                   19

2.5.3 Chronic Bacterial Prostitis                                                                                             19

2.5.4 Cyctic Fibrosis                                                                                                               19

2.5.5 Periodontitis                                                                                                                  20

2.6   Environmental Factors Affecting Biofilm Development                                               21

2.6.1 Effect of pH                                                                                                                   21

2.6.2 Rheological and Adhesive Properties of Biofilm                                                          21

2.6.3 Effect of Temperature                                                                                                   22

2.6.4 Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing                                                                            23




3.1 Sample Collection                                                                                                            25

3.2 Preparation of Media and Sterilization                                                                             25

3.3 Sample Inoculation                                                                                                           26

3.3.1 Isolation of Bacteria                                                                                                      26

3.4   Identification of the Bacterial Isolate                                                                             26

3.4.1 Macroscopic Examination                                                                                             26

3.4.2 Microscopic Examination (Gram Staining)                                                                  26

3.5 Biochemical Test                                                                                                              27

3.5.1 Catalase Test                                                                                                                  27

3.5.2 Coagulase Test                                                                                                              27

3.5.3 Oxidase Test                                                                                                                  27

3.5.4 Methyl Red- Voges Proskauer test                                                                                27

3.6   Detection of the Biofilm using Congo red agar                                                             28



4.1 Results                                                                                                                              29



5.1 Discussion                                                                                                                         37       

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                        38

5.3 Recommendation                                                                                                             39










Tables        Title                                                             Page


Table 4.1   Shows an assessment of biofilm formation of S. aureus determined by CRA

       method                                                                                                                   31

Table 4.2   Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of biofilm producing S. aureus from door

        handles within the hospital environment                                                             32

Table 4.3   Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of biofilm producing S. aureus from hospital

        beddings within the hospital environment                                                          33

Table 4.4    Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of biofilm producing S. aureus from surgical

         table surfaces within the hospital environment                                                 34

Table 4.5   Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of biofilm producing S. aureus from surgical

        equipment within the hospital environment                                                      35

Table 4.6   Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of biofilm producing S. aureus from furniture

       within the hospital environment                                                                         36









Figure                      Title                                                                      Page


Figure  4.1    Formation of biofilm on Congo red agar showing positive, intermediate and negative results                                                          30









Bacteria generally exist in one of two types of population: planktonic, freely existing in bulk solution, and sessile, as a unit attached to a surface or within the confines of a biofilm. Biofilms were observed as early as 1674, when Antoine van Leuwenhoek used his primitive but effective microscope to describe aggregates of ‘‘animalcules” that he scraped from human tooth surfaces. Since then, many advances in technology and laboratory working practices have allowed more accurate descriptions of biofilms to be made, although even today there is still ambiguity: A biofilm consists of cells immobilized at a substratum and frequently embedded in an organic polymer matrix of microbial origin. Biofilms are a biologically active matrix of cells and extra-cellular substances in association with a solid surface. Biofilms are sessile microbial communities growing on surfaces, frequently embedded in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances. A biofilm may be described as a microbial derived sessile community characterized by cells that attach to an interface, embedded in a matrix of Exo - polysaccharide which demonstrates an altered phenotype. Micro colonies are discrete matrix enclosed communities of bacterial cells that may include cells of one or many species. Depending on the species involved, the micro-colony may be composed of 10–25% cells and 75–90% extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) matrix. Bacterial cells within the matrix are characterized by their lack of Brownian motion, and careful structural analysis of many micro-colonies often reveals a mushroom-like shape. Although descriptions of biofilms have varied over the years, the fundamental characteristics are frequently maintained. A biofilm is attached to a substrate and consists of many bacteria co-adhered by means of physical appendages and extra-cellular polymeric substances. If one of these ingredients is omitted, a biofilm will not form. However, it should be noted that without water bacterial motility and nutrient availability is reduced and osmotic pressures become less viable to most bacteria. For bacteria, the advantages of biofilm formation are numerous. These advantages include: protection from antibiotics, disinfectants, and dynamic environments. Intercellular communications within a biofilm rapidly stimulate the up and down regulation of gene expression enabling temporal adaptation such as phenotypic variation and the ability to survive in nutrient deficient conditions. About 99% of the world’s population of bacteria are found in the form of a biofilm at various stages of growth and the films are as diverse as the bacteria are numerous.

Over the past few decades biofilm growth has been observed in many industrial and domestic domains. Unfortunately, in most cases the growth of biofilms has been detrimental. Many industries suffer the ill-effects of biofilm growth of one type or another, which can result in heavy costs in cleaning and maintenance. Examples of such industries include the maritime, dairy, food, water systems, oil, paper, opticians, dentistry and hospitals. Perhaps the environment where people are exposed to biofilms most frequently is the domestic environment. Product spoilage, reduced production efficiency, corrosion, unpleasant odors (malodors), unsightliness, infection, pipe blockages and equipment failure are examples of the detrimental effects of biofilms. For these reasons and the emergence of restrictive legislation regarding the effects of cleaning agents on the environment and to user health and safety (Commission Regulation EC No. 1048/ 2005), there is a lot of industrial interest in developing materials and methods which can remove and actively prevent the formation of biofilms. The usefulness of biofilms is well known, especially in the field of bioremediation. The use of organisms to remove contaminants, e.g. metals and radio nuclides, oil spills, nitrogen compounds and for the purification of industrial waste water, is now commonplace. Indeed the adhesive characteristics of natural human flora are now considered as a tool for preventing the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to avert infection. However, major problems due to the inappropriate formation of biofilms exist.

In the UK, it is estimated that 9 million cases of intestinal disease every year, much of which originates at home, where human excreta are the primary source of infection Estimates show that for every case of infectious disease reported to the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC), 136 unreported cases occur in the community causing considerable morbidity. Global data on the incidence of infectious disease combined with concerns about emerging and re-emerging pathogens has led to a new governmental initiative to improve home hygiene, for example, the safe removal of bacteria from domestic surfaces. Approximately 16% of food poisoning outbreaks in England and Wales may be associated with meals prepared in private houses.

In the food industry biofilms cause serious engineering problems such as impeding the flow of heat across a surface, increases in fluid frictional resistance of surfaces and increases in the corrosion rate of surfaces leading to energy and production losses. Pathogenic micro flora grown on food surfaces and in processing environments can cross-contaminate and cause post-processing contamination. If the microorganisms from food-contact surfaces are not completely removed, they can lead to mature biofilm formation and so increase the bio transfer potential. Examples of the food sectors that pay particular attention to the possibility of cross-contamination are the milk industry and the slaughter industry.

Hospital-related infection (nosocomial infection) periodically provokes sensationalist headlines, for good reason. Surgical instruments and fluid lines, e.g. scalpels, drips and catheters, are common sources of biofilm growth and subsequent infection. Biofilm forming Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is particularly important due to its ubiquity in the National Health Service (NHS) and repeated resistance to all but a few antibiotic programs. Frequent sources of MRSA are the patients themselves. Dentists have been under scrutiny in recent years due to some serious breaches of health and safety laws, in particular the sterility of instruments and Dental Unit Water Lines (DUWL). Water lines create optimal conditions for biofilm formation due to ideal surface chemistries, laminar flow and surface area. Potential sources of infection include mouth sprays with dysfunctional valves and contaminated hand pieces. The oil industry has cited many problems resulting from biofilm formation by sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Examples include pipe and rig corrosion, blockage of filtration equipment and oil spoilage. Contamination by SRB can result when oil reservoirs are subjected to water flooding for secondary oil recovery in fields found under the sea bed. Such contamination may arise from temperature-resistant organisms originating from hydrothermal vents.

Conversely, the effects of oil spills can result in shifts in the relative abundance of microbial flora which impacts fish and invertebrate mortality, growth and reproduction.

The implications of biofilm growth are enormous and they pose a potential threat to everybody and every surface. The sheer varieties of surfaces and environments that have been occupied by biofilms are almost infinite. It follows that combinations of the biofilm structural and temporal heterogeneity are just as numerous. Considering the threat to health and industry that biofilms pose, it is not difficult to realize the magnitude of the problem. It is thought that further understanding of the mechanisms used by microorganisms to adhere to various surfaces, with the use of the techniques currently available to measure the adhesive strengths of various populations, will provide a basis for the development of better strategies for cleaning surfaces.

 Biofilm growth is governed by a number of physical, chemical and biological processes. Attachment of a cell to a substrate is termed adhesion, and cell-to-cell attachment is termed cohesion. It is the mechanisms behind these forms of attachment, which ultimately determine the adhesive and cohesive properties a biofilm will exhibit. Fletcher described the accumulation of microorganisms on a collecting surface as a process of three stages: adsorption, or the accumulation of an organism on a collector surface i.e. substrate (deposition); attachment, or the consolidation of the interface between an organism and a collector, often involving the formation of polymer bridges between the organism and collector; colonization, or growth and division of organisms on the collector’s surface.

Although useful as a snap shot of biofilm growth, this type of profile is limited when considering the intimate processes of cell–substrate/cell–cell interaction. Characklis and Marshal later described an eight-step process which included the formation of an initial conditioning layer, reversible and irreversible adhesion of bacteria, and the eventual detachment of cells from a mature biofilm for subsequent colonization.


·       To isolate and identify S. aureus from surfaces around the hospital environment to be submitted to Medical Microbiology Laboratory for identification and characterization.

·       To determine and quantify biofilm production of the S. aureus by the Congo red agar method.

·       To determine the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the S. aureus.

·       To determine the relationship between biofilm production and multi drug resistance among biofilm producing organisms.

·       To detect MRSA among the organisms of S. aureus isolated from hospital environment.



One of the limitations of this study that sought to mar the effective carrying of the work was that of getting the samples from the respective locations and also that of the financial aspect and time. The study operated with a small budget and lasted for only four weeks and a relatively huge sum of money and time were needed to study the samples.



This research work would be of great importance to the government and the public in general giving a sensitization of biofilm forming organisms and an inherent idea about nosocomial infections which are the major problems facing many public edifice in the control and better management of biofilm producing organisms .



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