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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007101

No of Pages: 126

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Screening of kunun-zaki samples for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase producing Salmonella was investigated. A total of 40 samples were collected and a total of 19 Salmonella and 22 Staphylococcus aureus were isolated. The total Salmonella count ranged from 3.4 x 105 to 1.90 x 106 with a mean of 14.2 x 105 while the S.aureus count ranged from 3.4 x 10to 1.58 x 106 with a mean of 184.5 x 105. All the isolated organisms were subjected to in-vitro antibiotic susceptibility test using Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method. A total of 14 antibiotic discs namely Ceftazidime (CAZ 30μg), Cefuroxime (CRX 30μg), Gentamicin (GEN 10μg), Ciprofloxacin (CPR 5μg), Ofloxacin (OFL 5μg), Augumentin (AUG 30μg), Nitrofurantoin (NIT 300μg), Ampicillin (AMP 10μg), Imipenem (IMP 10μg), Erythromycin (E 30μg), Meropenem (MER 10μg), Vancomycin (VAN 10μg), Cloxicillin (CXC 5μg), and Oxacillin (OX 10μg) were used. Most of the Salmonella isolates were susceptible to Ceftazidime (94.7%) followed by Ofloxacin (89.5%) while they exhibited resistance to Meropenem (73.7%) and Imipenem (57.9%). Also the Salmonella isolates were screened for ESBL production in accordance to the CLSI breakpoint and 12(63.2) were positive. On subjection of the 12 isolates to double disc synergy test (DDST), 5 (41.7%) were confirmed to be ESBL producers. A good number of the S.aureus isolates were susceptible to Ofloxacin (95.5%) followed by Augumentin (72.7%) and when subjected to MRSA testing using Oxacillin, 9(40.9%) were resistant while 10(45.5%) and 3(13.6%) exhibited intermediate and susceptible results to Oxacillin respectively. VRSA were also confirmed when the isolates were subjected to Vancomycin antibiotic and 5(22.7%) isolates were resistant while 15(68.2%) and 2(9.1%) had intermediate and susceptible results respectively.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                            ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

List of figures                                                                                                                         x

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xi


INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                1

1.1                 Introduction                                                                                                              1

1.2                 Rationale                                                                                                                   1

1.3                 Objectives of the study                                                                                             4


LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                                   5

2.1              Production and preservation of kunun-zaki                                                                5

2.2              Nutritive value of kunun-zaki                                                                                     9

2.3              Salmonella: A major contaminant of kunun-zaki                                                        9

2.3.1        Description of the organism                                                                                        9

2.3.2        Growth and survival characteristics                                                                            11

2.3.3        Symptoms of disease                                                                                                 12

2.3.4        Virulence and infectivity                                                                                            13

2.3.5        Epidemiology of Salmonella                                                                                       15

2.3.6        Clinical syndromes                                                                                                      17 The “Enteric fevers” (Typhoid fever)                                                                         17 Bacteremia with focal lesions                                                                                     18 Enterocolitis                                                                                                                19

2.3.7    Detection of Salmonella                                                                                             20

2.3.8    Occurrence in food                                                                                                     20

2.3.9    Antibiotic considerations and multi-drug resistance in Salmonella                            21

2.4       Staphylococcus aureus, A major Contaminant of kunun-zaki                                    24

2.4.1    Genome characteristics                                                                                               24

2.4.2    Natural habitats and reservoirs of Staphylococcus species                                         24

2.4.3    Pathogenic members of the genus Staphylococcus                                                     25

2.4.4    General characteristics and history of Staphylococcus aureus                                   25

2.4.5    Epidemiology and transmission of S.aureus                                                               27

2.4.6    Virulence factors of S.aureus                                                                                     28 Pyrogenic toxin super antigens                                                                                   28 Exoliative toxins                                                                                                         28 Other toxins                                                                                                                29 Role of pigment in Virulence                                                                                      29

2.4.7    Treatment and Antibiotic resistance                                                                           29

2.4.8    Mechanism of antibiotic resistance                                                                             30

2.5       Methicillin – Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) organisms                           32

2.5.1    Community- associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) in humans                                           33

2.5.2    Hospital- associated MRSA (HA-MRSA) in humans                                                33

2.5.3    Resistance and virulence factors associated with MRSA                                          34

2.5.4    Transmission of MRSA                                                                                              35 Transmission of MRSA in Humans                                                                            35 Zoonotic nature of MRSA and transmission in animals                                             36

2.5.5    Treatment of MRSA in Humans                                                                                 37

2.6       VRSA and VISA                                                                                                       38

2.7       Antibiotics                                                                                                                  39

2.7.1    Antibiotics that inhibit cell wall synthesis                                                                  40

2.7.2    Antibiotics that disrupt cell membrane function                                                        41

2.7.3    Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis                                                                    41

2.7.4    Antibiotics that inhibit nuclei acid synthesis                                                              42

2.7.5    Antibiotics that act as antimetabolites                                                                        43

2.8       Beta-Lactam antibiotics                                                                                              45

2.8.1    Penicillin                                                                                                                     45

2.8.2    Cephalosporins                                                                                                            47

2.8.3    Monobactams                                                                                                              50

2.8.4    Carbapenems                                                                                                               50

2.9       Antimicrobial Resistance                                                                                            51

2.9.1    Beta Lactamase                                                                                                           55

2.9.2    Extended spectrum Beta-Lactamases                                                                         56




MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                                        60

3.1       Study area                                                                                                                   60

3.2       Collection of Samples                                                                                                 60

3.3       Sterilization of Materials                                                                                             61

3.4       Media used and their preparation                                                                               61

3.5       Microbiological analysis of samples                                                                            61

3.5.1    Serial Dilution                                                                                                             61

3.5.2    Isolation and Enumeration                                                                                          62

3.5.3    Inoculation of Salmonella spp                                                                        62

3.6       Identification of Bacterial Isolates                                                                             63

3.6.1    Purification and storage of the isolates                                                                       63

3.6.2    Isolation and Identification of bacteria isolates                                                         63 Gram staining                                                                                                              63 Biochemical Identification of Bacterial Isolates                                                        64 test                                                                                                              64 test                                                                                                           65 test                                                                                                                65 Oxidase test                                                                                                             65 Test                                                                                                                66 Sugar Iron (TSI) test                                                                                       66 Motility Test                                                                                                67 Urease Test                                                                                                              67

3.7     Standardization of inoculum                                                                                        67

3.8    Antibiotic Susceptibility Test                                                                                        68

3.9 Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) Breakpoint Test for ESBLs

       Screening                                                                                                                         69

3.10 Double Disc Synergy Test (DDST) for ESBL confirmation                                          69


RESULTS                                                                                                                             71

4.0       Results                                                                                                                        72


DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION                                               85

5.1       Discussion                                                                                                                   85

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  88

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      89                                                                                                                   

References                                                                                                                             90







                                                LIST OF FIGURES

Figure                                                 Title                                                                        Page

Figure 2.1          Flow diagram of traditional kunun-zaki production                                    8







Table                                                  Title                                                                         Page      

4.1              Incidence and percentage occurrence of the Salmonella and S.aureus Isolates

In the kunun-zaki samples                                                                                          74

4.2              The Salmonella count (cfu/mg) of the kunun-zaki samples                                        75

4.3              The S.aureus count (cfu/mg) of the kunun-zaki samples                                           76

4.4              Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the isolated Salmonella isolates from the

Kunun-zaki samples                                                                                                    77

4.5              Zones of inhibition for the screening for ESBLs based on CLSI breakpoint using

Ceftriaxone (CTR), Ceftadime (CAZ) and Aztreonam (ATM).                               78

4.6       Confirmation of ESBLs among the Salmonella isolates based on the Double Disc              Synergy Test. (DDST)                                                                                      79

4.7       Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the isolated S.aureus isolates from the                           kunun-zaki samples.                                                                                                           80

4.8       Prevalence of MRSA among the S.aureus isolates from the kunun-zaki samples                  based on resistance to Oxacillin antibiotic discs                                                            81

4.9       Prevalence of VRSA among the S.aureus isolates from the kunun-zaki samples      82


4.10     Cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristic of the Salmonella and

             S.aureus isolates                                                                                                         83




1.1       Introduction

Foods and drinks are substances ingested by all living organisms for the continuance of life. However, foods consumed by humans and animals serve as favourable media for rapid growth of microorganisms because of the abundant organic matter, moisture and suitable pH contained and because of the fact that the microorganisms are equally living organisms. Presence of these microorganisms in foods and drinks warrants their rapid multiplication which renders the food unfit and dangerous for human consumption.

Foods and drinks commercialized in markets have likelihood of being exposed to pathogenic microorganisms because of poor handling by the sellers. Waterborne and other related pathogens including bacteria are spread in water either through human ingestion of contaminated water or drinks. Meanwhile, faecal pathogens present in contaminated water used in the production of some drinks are due to ineffective sanitary measures. The pathogens as a result, get into the locally made drinks such as millet juice (Kunun-zaki) which require water as a growth medium and ingredient.

1.2       Rationale

Kunun-zaki (Hausa) is an indigenous fermented non-alcoholic, non-carbonated and refreshing cereal beverage popular beverage. It is a consumed by large population of people in northern Nigeria. Preparation protocol varies amongst people and can generally be produced from either the following substrates; millet (Pennisetum typhoideum), maize (Zea mays) or sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), but millet is the most common substrates (Akoma et al. 2006). Spices such as ginger, black pepper, red pepper, cloves and sweeteners such honey and sugar together with small quantities of sweet potatoes sugar are commonly added as flavor and taste improver (Ahmed et al. 2003). The drink is very cheap because the cereals and additives used in its production are locally sourced as they are grown throughout the savannah belt of West Africa. The drink is produced from fermented millet, sorghum, guinea-corn and maize in decreasing order of preference. In some cultures, the grains are used in a composite form especially millet, guinea-corn and sorghum in a ratio of 1:2 w/w (Abegaz, 2007). Because these are agricultural commodities, they may contain a high level of microbial impurities (Adeyemi and Umar, 1994; Bibek, 2001). Kunun-zaki is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals but low in proteins.

 It is generally consumed on its own by adults, as a thirst quencher or serves as refreshment in some communities, used for entertainment at homes and during unique ceremonies like Christmas and Sallah, and sometimes it is used as a weaning drink for infants (Gaffa, 2000 Elmamood and Doughari, 2007; Okechukwu et al., 2011). Non-alcoholic nature of this drink made it to be readily consumed by both Muslims and Christians alike (Okechukwu et al., 2011).

The production methods are crude, ingredient concentrations are neither quantified nor standardized, and instead preparation is largely a matter of family tradition (Onuorah, et al., 1987). Significant variation exists in the production procedure depending on the cultural habits of its consumers leading to differences in quality and stability (Aboh and Oladosu, 2014).

The high water content (about 85%) coupled with crude methods of production and packaging under inadequate sanitary conditions predisposes Kunun-zaki to microbial contamination (Elmahmood et al., 2007). The ubiquitous nature of microorganism guarantees them the opportunity to be found in this locally made beverage drink and possibly in the water used for its preparation, during storage and other processes involved in its preparation. Some of the bacterial species that are associated with this locally produced beverage drink include spoilage species, pathogenic species, coliforms and lactic acid bacteria (Amusa and Ashaye, 2009; Bukar et al., 2010; Akoma et al., 2012).

The occurrence of wide genera of microorganisms could be attributed to the unhygienic conditions of preparation and the use of contaminated raw materials and utensils (Ayo, 2004). The presence of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. could be a serious problem as Staphylococcus aureus is a normal flora of the skin, palms, nose, throat, mucus membrane and a common ecological agent of septic arthritis (Willey et al., 2008). Escherichia coli is an important member of the coliform group. It is a part of the normal flora of the human intestine and some vertebrates, even though strain of this organism can be pathogenic. The presence of these pathogens even in small numbers could render a beverage unsuitable for human consumption (Amusa and Ashaye, 2009; Essien et al., 2009; Lawal, 2012). It is very possible that the contamination by these pathogens could have occurred, during hawking and packaging of the products due to improper or careless handling of the products leading to contamination of products. Food contamination by specific organisms is largely due to the presence of these organisms and their entrance into the food or beverage drinks as a result of poor hygiene and sanitation (Bukar et al., 2010).

The micro flora of finished product depends on the processing and storage conditions. The pH of Kunun-zaki is usually too low to allow the growth of pathogenic microorganisms but the presence of Staphylococcus aureus and other coliforms such as Salmonella could be a matter of serious concern.

Packaging materials are also cheap and easily available. It is usually packaged and sold in 1litre and 500 ml plastic bottles or even tied in small polyethene bags. Kunun-zaki is also not shelf-stable, readily undergoing microbial induced spoilage within 2-3 days hence it must be consumed within 18 - 36 h of production due to its poor keeping quality.

The high water content coupled with crude methods of production and packaging under improper sanitary conditions predisposes Kunun-zaki to microbial contamination which could resistant to known antibiotics. This study was designed to screen Kunun-zaki for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing Salmonella. spp which are microbial food contaminants of Kunun-zaki.

1.3 Objectives

1.      To isolate and identify Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella in Kunun-zaki.

2.      To determine the load of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella in Kunun-zaki.

3.      To determine the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella isolates to different classes of antibiotics.

4.      To detect the presence of MRSA, VRSA and ESBL producing Salmonella.

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