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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008799

No of Pages: 58

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :


  • $


This study explores the production of bioethanol from banana peels using palm wine yeasts, aiming to convert waste materials into valuable products while monitoring the rate at which the yeast utilizes available sugars. The banana peels were sourced from Ndoro market and pre-treated by drying, milling, and sieving. Aspergillus niger, responsible for enzyme hydrolysis, was obtained from CESLAB Analytical Services, while Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast was isolated from palm wine.

In the production process, banana peels underwent hydrolysis with the enzyme amylase produced by A. niger, which efficiently converted the cellulose in the peels into fermentable sugars. The fermentation was conducted using S. cerevisiae, with ethanol being produced as the primary by-product, accompanied by carbon dioxide (CO2). The setup was observed for signs of fermentation, such as the presence of bubbles and changes in pH and specific gravity.

Throughout the fermentation process, several analyses were conducted. The pH of the fermenting medium decreased from 6.60 to 2.61, while the titratable acidity increased from 0.12% to 1.44%, indicating active fermentation. Specific gravity, a measure of relative density, dropped from 1.22 g/cm³ to 0.91 g/cm³, suggesting the yeast's metabolic activity and sugar consumption. Additionally, the temperature of the medium fluctuated, but remained within a range conducive to yeast enzymatic activity. Biomass formation increased steadily, reaching a peak of 1.41 g/L by the end of the fermentation process.

The ethanol produced was distilled and its purity tested by measuring its boiling point and specific gravity. The results confirmed successful bioethanol production, aligning with previous studies on the fermentation of agricultural waste. The findings demonstrate the potential of banana peels as a sustainable source for bioethanol production, highlighting the economic and environmental benefits of converting organic waste into biofuels. This study contributes to the growing body of research on alternative bioethanol sources and underscores the viability of using palm wine yeasts for efficient fermentation.

Conclusively, the bioethanol production process from banana peels using palm wine yeast can be considered an effective method for waste utilization and energy production, offering an eco-friendly approach to managing agricultural waste.








1.0         Introduction

1.1         Aim and Objectives




2.1         Banana

2.2         Bioethanol

2.3         Lignocellulosic Sources and Composition

2.4         Lignocellulosic Biomass Composition

2.5         Pathways of Bioethanol Production from Cellulosic Feed Stocks

2.4.1      Pretreatment Overview

2.4.2.     Hydrolysis

2.4.3      Fermentation

2.4.4     Separation/Distillation

2.5         Palm Wine Yeast

2.6         Fermentation Parameters

2.6.1      Effect of Fermentation Time.

2.6.2      Effect of PH

2.6.3      Effect of Sugar Concentration.

2.6.4      Effect of Temperature

2.6.5      Alcohol Tolerance

2.7         Advantages of Bioethanol

2.8         Disadvantages of Bioethanol




3.1         Materials

3.2         Methods

3.2.1      Pretreatment

3.2.2      Medium   Preparation

3.2.3      Production of Enzyme for Hydrolysis.

3.3         Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Banana Peel

3.4         Glucose Optimization

3.5         Yeast Isolation

3.6         Fermentation and Ethanol Production

3.7         Method of Analysis

3.7.1      Determination of PH

3.7.2      Determination of Temperature.

3.7.3      Determination of Specific Gravity.

3.7.4      Determination of Total Solid

3.7.5      Determination of Sugar Content

3.7.6      Determination of Titratable Acidity (TTA)

3.7.7      Biomass Formation

3.7.8      Ethanol Content Determination







5.1         Discussion

5.2         Conclusion

5.3         Recommendations









Table 1: Changes in physical, chemical and quality parameters during fermentation period.









Figure 1:         Lignocellulose substrate conversion steps for ethanol and coproducts generation

Figure 2:         Change in pH withdays of fermentation.

Figure 3:         Change in Titratable acidity with days of fermentation. 

Figure 4:          Change in Temperature with days of fermentation. 

Figure 5:          Change in Specific gravity with days of fermentation. 

Figure 6:          Change in Total solid with days of fermentation. 

Figure 7:          Change in Sugar concentration with days of fermentation. 

Figure 8:         Change in Biomass with day of fermentation. 

Figure 9:          Change in Alcohol concentration with days of fermentation.







The world reliance on fossil fuel for transport is unsustainable. In addition, fossil fuels are the main reason for global warming, a process that practically all climate scientists say we haven’t possibilities to deal with not soon, not tomorrow, but now. One of the most promising alternate source of energy is bioethanol. Bioenergy represents the utilization of biomass as starting material for the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals. Ethanol has long been considered as a suitable alternative to fossil  fuel s either as a sole fuel in cars with dedicated engines or as an additive in fuel blends with no engine modification requirement when mixed  up to 30% . Today, bioethanol is the most dominant biofuel and its global production showed upward trend over the last 25 years with a sharp increase from 2000 .Sugar and starch based materials such as sugarcane and grains are 2 groups of raw materials currently used as the main resources for ethanol production. The 3rd group is lignocellulosic materials representing the most viable option for production of ethanol. Growing demand for human society could make the first 2 groups of raw materials potentially less competitive and perhaps expensive feed stock in the near future compare to lignocellulosic material. The bio-fuels to be considered as relevant technologies by both developing and industrialized countries are due to a number of factors, including energy security reason, environmental concerns, foreign exchange savings and socioeconomic issues related to the rural sector. Increasing use of biofuels for energy generation purposes is of particular interest nowadays because they allow mitigation of green house gases, provide means of energy independence and may even after new employment possibilities. Biofuels are non-toxic, biodegradable and free of sulfur and carcinogenic compound like benzene .Biofuels are being investigated as potential substitute for current high pollutant obtained conventional sources. Biofuels are liquid or gaseous fuels made from plant matter and residues, such as agricultural  crops, municipal waste and Agricultural and forestry by- product.

Bioethanol as an alternative source of energy as received special attention worldwide due to depletion of fossil fuel In, India sugar cane molasses is the main raw material for ethanol production. But the short supply and increased cost is the main hindrance for its use. The cellulosic materials are cheaper and available in plenty but their conversion to ethanol involves many steps and is therefore expensive .Under such circumstances a novel approach is essential to use renewable substrates such as fruit waste. Banana is one of major constitute the principal food resources in the world and occupy the fourth world rank of the most significant food stuffs after rice, corn and milk .Most of the fruit  peels /residues are dried, ground, pelletized and sold to the feed manufacturers at allow price  which is not considered a highly viable proposition .As per the FAO statistics , India is the largest producer of banana in the world and account for nearly 30-40% of the total fruit weight (Emaga et al.,2008) and contains carbohydrates, proteins and fiber in significant amounts .Banana peels are readily available agricultural waste that is under utilized as potential growth medium for yeast stain, despite their rich carbohydrate content and other basic nutrients that can support yeast growth (Brooks,2008; Essien et al., 2005; Hueth and Melkonyan, 2004).Since banana peels contain lignin in low quantities(Hammond et al.,1996). It could serve as a good substrate for production of value-added product like ethanol.

In order to make the fermentation method cost effective and to meet the great demand for ethanol, research studies are now being directed in two areas namely, the production of ethanol from cheaper raw materials and the study of new microorganism or yeast strains efficient in ethanol production (Pandy et al., 2000; Akin-Osanaiye et al., 2008). In this respect, in expensive raw materials such as agricultural wastes, fruit wastes, vegetable wastes, municipal wastes and industrial wastes can be use to produce ethanol cheaply (Akin-Osanaiye et al., 2008; Park and Barratti,1991; Schugerl, 1994; Joshi et al., 2001 ). Increased yield of ethanol production by microbial fermentation depends on the use of ideal microbial strain appropriate fermentation substrate and suitable process technology.

An ideal microorganism used for ethanol production must have rapid fermentative potential, improved flocculating ability, appropriate osmotolerant , enhanced tolerance (Benitez et al., 1983 ; Diwanya et al.,1992). In most of these studies the preferred candidate for industrial production of ethanol has been Saccharomyces cerevisiae .Yeasts also has the ability to produce ethanol which is not contaminated by other products from the substrate ( Jones et al., 1981).

The production of industrial and fuel ethanol from starchy biomass commonly involves a three step process (Laluce and Matton 1984): (i) Liquifaction of starch by an edoamylase such as amylase; (ii) enzymatic saccharification of the low molecular weight liquefaction products (dextrins) to produce glucose and (iii) fermentation of glucose to ethanol .Commercial amylases (frequently those produced by Aspergillus species)are used for liquefaction and saccharification of starch and represent a significant expense in the production of fuel alcohol from starchy materials. Fruits are highly perishable products, currently most of the perishable fruits are lost during their journey through the agriculture food chain, due to spoilage, physiological decay, water loss, mechanical damage during harvesting and packaging, so resent years effort have been directed towards the utilization of cheap and renewable agricultural sources such as banana peel waste as an alternative substrate for production of alternative biofuel like ethanol.



Ø  To produce ethanol from banana peel.

Ø  To convert waste to useful product.

Ø  To monitor the rate at which palmwine yeasts utilizes the available sugar present in banana peels to produce alcohol.



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