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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008464

No of Pages: 75

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research is the assessment of microbiological quality of Onu Imo River. The aim of the research was to evaluate the microbial contaminants of water. Samples of this research were collected at three strategic points for five days intervals. The standard microbiological method used was pour plate technique; standard analytical method was used to determine the physiochemical analysis. The research identified five bacteria isolates, Echerichia coliPseudomonas aeroginosa, Salmonella sppEnterobacter aerogenes, Streptococus faecalis. On the first, second, third and fifth day the heterotrophic count observed and recorded. It was recorded that on the fifth day the heterotrophic count was lower than the first day. The result of this analysis indicated that the water quality is unsatisfactorily at all sampling sites.




Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                                                                               iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   v

Abstract                                                                                                                                  x



1.0       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                      1

1.1          Scope of Study                                                                                                    3

1.2       Justification                                                                                                                3

1.3       Aims and Objectives of the Study                                                                              3



2.0       LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                           5

2.1       Water                                                                                                                          5

2.2       Sources of Water                                                                                                        5

2.3       Surface Water                                                                                                                         6

2.3.1    Sources of Surface Water Pollution                                                                           6

2.3.2    Survival of pathogens in surface water (Rivers)                                                        8

2.3.3    Transport in Surface Water (river)                                                                             8

2.3.4    Evaluating the Growth Potential of Pathogenic Bacteria in Surface Water (River)  10

2.4       Bacteriological Analysis of Water (e.g. river)                                                           11

2.5       Microbiological Analysis of Water                                                                            11

2.6       Indicator Organisms                                                                                                   13

2.6.1    Coliforms                                                                                                                    13  Faecal coliforms                                                                                                        15  Escherichia coli                                                                                                        15 Faecal streptococci                                                                                                     18 Clostridium perfringes                                                                                                19

2.7       Other indicators                                                                                                          20

2.8       Methods of Assessing Microbial Quality of Water                                                    21

2.8.1    Most Probable Number Technique (MPN)                                                                21

2.8.2    Membrane Filtration Method                                                                                     23

2.8.3    Presence – Absence Tests                                                                                           24

2.8.4    Colilert Defined Substrate Test                                                                                  24

2.8.5    Molecular Techniques                                                                                                25

2.8.6    Choice of method                                                                                                       25

2.8.7    Multiple Tube (Most Profitable Number) Tests                                                         27

2.9       Contaminants in Water                                                                                               28

2.9.1    Waterborne Pathogens/Microbial contaminants                                                        29

2.9.2    Radiological Contaminants                                                                                        30

2.9.3    Organic Chemical Contaminants                                                                                31

2.9.4    Inorganic contaminants                                                                                              32

2.10     Water Treatment and Purification                                                                              33

2.10.1 Sedimentation                                                                                                              34

2.10.2 Aeration                                                                                                                       34

2.10.3 Coagulation/Flocculation                                                                                            34

2.10.4 Softening                                                                                                                      35

2.10.5 Filtration                                                                                                                      35

2.10.6 Adsorption                                                                                                                   35

2.10.7 Chlorination                                                                                                                 35

2.10.8 Ozonation (Ozone Oxidation)                                                                                     36

2.11     Sources of Microbial Growth in Water                                                                      36

2.12     Risks of Microorganism to Human Health                                                                 37

2.13     Examples of At-risk Concentration Levels                                                                38



3.0       MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY                                                                   40

3.1       Background of Study                                                                                                  40

3.2       Sample Collection                                                                                                      40

3.3       Microbiological Methods                                                                                           40

3.3.1    Media preparation                                                                                                       40

3.3.2    Nutrient Agar (NA)                                                                                                    41

3.3.3    MacConkey Agar (MCA)                                                                                           41

3.3.4    Inoculation                                                                                                                  41

3.3.5    Incubation                                                                                                                   42

3.4       Enumeration of Fungi and bacteria                                                                            42

3.5       Determination of Bacterial and Fungal Flora of the Water Samples                                     43

3.5.1    Isolation                                                                                                                      43

3.5.2    Identification and characteristics of Isolates                                                              43

3.5.3    Cultural examination                                                                                                  43

3.5.4    Microscope examination                                                                                            44

3.5.5    Gram Staining                                                                                                             44

3.5.6    Lactophenol Cotton Blue Stain                                                                                  44

3.5.7    Test for Motility (Stab Culture Technique)                                                               44

3. 5.8   Catalase Production Test                                                                                            45

3.5.9    Oxidase Test                                                                                                               45

3.5.10  Coagulase Test                                                                                                           45

3.6       Test for Coliforms                                                                                                      46

3.6.1 (Multiple Tube Technique/Most Probable Number)                                                     46

3.6.2    Presumptive test                                                                                                         46

3.6.3    Confirm Test                                                                                                               47

3.6.4    Complete Test                                                                                                             47

3.7       Methods for the Physio-Chemical Analysis of Water                                                47

3.7.1    pH                                                                                                                               47

3.7.2    Determination of conductivity                                                                                    48

3.7.3    Determination Dissolved Oxygen                                                                              48

3.7.4    Determination of Calcium                                                                                          48

3.7.5    Determination of Acidity                                                                                            48

3.7.6    Determination of Chloride                                                                                          49

3.7.7    Determination of Sulphate                                                                                          49

3.7.8    Determination of Nitrate                                                                                            50



4.0       RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                                 51

4.1       Results                                                                                                                        51

4.2       Discussion                              




5.1       Conclusion

5.2       Recommendation









Water is a common quite abundant in nature but unfortunately not readily available to man in the form desired. Water is fundamentally important to all plants, animals and man. (Ajewole, 2005).

Water is essential for life and life evolved in Water. Water is significant due to its unique chemical and physical properties. Water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen and because of the unique nature of the binding; water is a solvent for many minerals and can be referred to as a universal solvent. It can exist in threes status as liquid, gas (at 100c) and as solid (at freezing temperature of below – 4% (Nelson, et al., 2002, Mbagwu, 2000). Water is the matrix of life. All biological reactions occur in Water and are the most versatile chemical formed within any metabolizing cell (Uriah, 1998).

Since the beginning of recorded history, Water has been recognized as a potential carrier of diseases. The connection between a fresh water supply and the health of an urban population was recognized by the time of the Roman Empire (27.B.C). Prescott et al, 2002). 

The important use of Water cannot be over emphasized. Water constitutes up to 70 – 80% by weight of an eukaryotic cell and profoundly influences all molecular interaction in biological systems. (Nelson, 2002, Prescott et al., 2002).

The need for determining the suitability of water for drinking and bathing purposes has been recognized since 1855 when snow and Budd related outbreaks of Typhoid fever and Cholera to water contaminated with faecal wastes (Moore, 1974). It is associated with poor water supply equalled more than 2 billion cases of diseases, with an annual death toll of 2.26 billion. (WHO, 2014).

Recently, according to the United Nations (UN) more than 5 million people die annually first from diseases caused by unsafe drinking water and lack of sanitation. The major problems of safe drinking water are those of availability and quality (Ajewole, 2005).

Generally the sources of water can be grouped into three namely; rain, surface (which include river water, stream and sea water), underground water and ground water (including well water and borehole water) (Oyebode, 2005, Ajewole, 2005). The first key step in providing safe drinking water is the selection of the best available source of water.

Water is an important constituent of biotic community and it plays a significant role in the continuity of life due to its unique qualities (Pat, 1992; Kegley and Andrews, 1998; Narayana, 20009). Large quantity of water is needed for irrigation, power generation, recreation, industrial and municipal purposes. The largest water requirement is for municipal use but the standard of purity required for this purpose is quite different from that demanded for industrial and commercial use. (Bhatia, 2009). Clean, fresh water is necessary for drinking, bathing, swimming and food processing. Land uses generating physical, biological and chemical pollution that jeopardize water quality. Although some water pollution may occur naturally such as eroding stream banks, most water pollutants are the result of human activities (Daniels, and Daniels, 2003; Akintola and Amadi, 2003).  The impact of such human health is quite enormous (Njoku and Osinlu, 2007: Chukwu, 2008).

In Ọnu Imo Local Government Area, Ọnu Imo River and underground water supply from private boreholes are the main sources of water for domestic and other uses, especially when the public water supply becomes epileptic. Ọnu Imo river drains areas of diverse geology, soils and land use, and like other surface water, the river is liable to pollution from the atmospheres and also form the composition of soils and rocks through which the surface basin filters down into rivers. Since Ọnu Imo L.G.A urban and it’s environ depends partly on water from Ọnu Imo River for their domestic uses, there is need to access the quality of the river water. Also of importance are the influence of urban land use activities and seasonal variation on the quality of the water. 


1.1       SCOPE OF STUDY  

Water from Ọnu Imo section of the Imo River serves as a source of water to people residing along the banks of the river. Because of the usefulness of this source of water, it is important to analyse the microbiological quality to establish its safety for use.



Pour plate technique determines the concentration of bacteria in water. It is then possible to draw inferences about the suitability of the water for use. This process is used to routinely confirm that water is safe for human consumption, bathing and recreational uses.



The objective and aims of the microbiological quality of Ọnu Imo river in Onu Imo  L.G.A Imo State by Pour Plate technique includes:

i.               To isolate and identify bacteria present in the river.

ii.              To isolate and identify fungi present in the river.

iii.            To determine physical and chemical parameters of the river.

iv.            To quantify the bacteria population present in the river.  


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