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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008360

No of Pages: 45

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Two extracts from two Nigeria medicinal plants, Colocasia esculenta and Caladium bicolor were screened for antibacterial activities using disc diffusion and micro dilution broth assays. Methanol extracts of each of the plants were tested against four microorganisms consisting of two Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus faecalis) and two Gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The antibacterial activity was measured by the diameter zone of inhibition and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The extracts exhibited moderate broad spectrum antibacterial activities against the microorganisms. The diameter of zone of inhibition ranges from 10mm-15mm at 2000mg/ml of crude extract per disc. The MIC values were between 125mg/ml-100mg/ml. The activities of some of the crude extracts were comparable to the reference antibiotics (Gentamicin) at standard concentration per disc. These findings have shown the potentials of these extracts for antibacterial activities against clinical isolates.


Title Page                                                                                                     i

Certification                                                                                                                              ii           

Dedication                                                                                                 iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                                     v

List of Tables vii                                                                                                     

List of Figure                                                                                           viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                    ix  

CHAPTER ONE                                                                                  

1.1       Introduction                                                                    1

1.2       Aims and objectives                                                                       2

CHAPTER TWO                                                                                 

2.0       Literature review                                                                             3

2.1       Examples of plants used as medicine                                          4

2.2       Active chemical constituents of medicinal action of plant            6

2.3       Clinical isolates                                                                            10

2.4       Description of the plants                                                               16

2.4.1    Colocasia esculenta                                                                         16

2.4.2    Caladium bicolor                                                                          16

CHAPTER THREE                                                                                       

MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                 

3.1       Collection and identification of plant materials                           18

3.2       Preparation of  plant extracts                                                     18

2.2.1    Methanol extract                                                                           18

3.3       Test organism                                                                            20

3.4       Preparation of plant extract concentration                                    20

3.4.1    Disc diffusion assay   20                                                             

3.5       Control experiment using Gentamycin and Dimethyl Sulphuroxide                              21

3.6       Preparation of culture media and antibacterial activity                              21

3.7       Determination of Minimum inhibitory concentration                  22

CHAPTER FOUR                                                           

RESULTS                                                                                                  23

4.1       Percentage yield of plant extracts                                                 23

4.2       Antibacterial activity of plant extracts                                         23

4.3       Minimum inhibitory concentration test results of the plant extracts                                                                                                      24

CHAPTER FIVE                                                             

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION                                                           

5.1       Discussion                                                                                     28

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                    29









Table        Title                                                                   Page


Table 2.1      Review of the various use of some medicinal plants                                                 5

Table 2.2      Antibacterial active compound / class of compounds from medidcinal plant           9

Table 4.1      percentage yield of crude extracts of Colocasia esculenta and Caladium bicolor   25

Table 4.2      Antibacterial activity of the extracts with diameter of zone of inhibition                26

Table 4.3      Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the plants extracts                             27





Figure                                                             Title                                                                   Page

    1         Flow Chart for the processing of Colocasia esculenta and Caladium bicolor            19                                         









Medicinal plants, since times immemorial have been used in virtually all cultures as a source of medicine. The use of traditional medicine and medicinal plants in most developing countries, as a normative basis for the maintenance of good health has been widely observed (UNESCO, 1996). Medicinal plants are of great importance to the health of individuals and communities. The medicinal value of these plants lies on some chemical substance that produces a definite physiological action on the human body (Chanda, 2008). Many of these indigenous medicinal plants are used as species and food plants. Furthermore, an increasing reliance on the use of medicinal plants in the industrialized societies has been traced to the extraction and development of several drugs and chemotherapeutics from these plants as well as from traditionally used rural herbal remedies (UNESCO, 1998).

In Nigeria, Medicinal plants have records of wide spread claims of therapeutic effectiveness against infections and non infections disease across Northern Nigeria West Africa and beyond. Plants extracts or their active principles have enormous therapeutic potentials and the continue investigation of their secondary metabolites has led to important breakthrough in pharmacology and has helped tremendously in the development of modern pharmacotherapeutics in Africa and other part of the world (Nwaogu, et al., 2007). Traditional medicine using plant extracts continues to provide health coverage for over 80% of the world’s population especially in the developing world (WHO, 2002).

Among the disease that have been successfully managed traditionally include malaria, epilepsy, infantile convulsion, diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea, bacteria and fungal infections (Olaleye, 2007) and the medicinal uses of these plants range from the administration of the plant root, bark, stem, leaves and seeds to the use of extract from a whole plant.

Euphorbia heterophylla, Colocasia esculenta, Caladium bicolor, scorparia dulcis, Richarda brasilensis, Spigelia anthemia and Tridax procumbens are extensively used in the herbal medicine South Eastern Nigeria (Silva and Fernandas, 2010).  In view of the fact that there are still plants whose medicinal uses have not been ascertained, this study therefore evaluate the antibacterial effect of Colocasia esculenta and Caladium bicolor.  



 The main aim and objectives of this research work are:

1)     To determine the antibacterial activities of methanol extraction of Colocasia esculenta and Caladium bicolor   against some clinical isolates.

2)    To measure the potency of the antibacterial activities of the plants by determining the zone of inhibition and the minimum inhibitory concentration of the crude extracts of the plants.

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