Akinola vs Guffanti & Co. Ltd
(1974)5 CCHCJ 671 at 673 --
Alban Pharmacy Ltd vs
Sterling Products International Inc (1968)1
-- 72
Nigerian Law Report 300 --
-- 75
vs Merton London Borough Council (1978) AC 728 --
-- 80
vs Gunness (Nig) Ltd (1980) NCLR 109 --
-- 68, 72
Caparo Industries Plc vs
Dickman (1990)2 AC 605 --
Constance Ngonadi vs
Nigerian Bottling Company /Ltd
-- 81
NWLR. Pt 4 at P. 739 --
-- 65
vs Stevenson (1932)AC. 562 at 599 -- -- 64,68,69,79
Dunlop pneumatic Tyre Co.
Ltd vs Selfridge Ltd (1915) AC 487 at 853
-- 78
Ebelamu vs
Guiness Nig Ltd (1983) FNLR 42 --
Environmental Defence Fund
vs Costle (1977) 578 F. 2d 337, US Court
-- 14, 66
Appeal, District Columbia Circuit --
-- 28
vs Australian Knitting Mills (1936) A.C. 85
-- --
-- 12
vs Sun Shipping Co. (1948) AC 549 at 567 --
-- 86
Greenman vs Yuba Power
Production Inc (1963) 27 Cal. Report 697
-- 83,94
Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd
vs Heller & Partners Ltd (1964) AC 465
-- 80
vs Bloomfield Motors (1960)161 A 2d 69 --
-- 78
Home Office vs Dorset Yacht Co.
Ltd. (1970) AC 1004 at 1027
Iyke Medical Merchandise vs
Pfizer Inc. & Anor
-- 80
NSCQR 997; (2001)10 NWLR (pt 722) 540 --
-- 75
vs Bright (1892)5 Bing 533 --
-- 76
Linus Onwuka & Anor. vs Omogui
(1992) 3 N.W.L.R. (Pt. 230) 393. S.C. -- 73
Enterprise Ltd vs Otusanya (1987) 2 NWLR. Pt 55 16 -- -- 72
vs Williams & Williams (1955) 1 All ER. 808 --
-- 13
Plc vs Okwejiminor & Anor (1998)8 NWLR. 295 --
-- 65
NBC vs Olanrewaju (2007)
All Federated Law Report (Pt. 364) 360
-- 67
vs Guinness Nigeria Ltd (1980) 1 PLR 538
-- 13, 66
vs Niger Biscuit Co. Ltd (1973) NCLR 382 --
-- 69
vs Burnett (1914) SC. 874 --
-- 86
vs Provezende (1866)1 Ch. App. 192 at 196
-- 74
Vacwell Engineering Co.
Ltd. vs Buds Chemicals Ltd, (1971) 1 QB. 88
-- 13
State Sale of Goods Law, 2004 --
-- -- -- -- 76
Water Act, 1972 (US) --
-- -- -- 66
Consumer Protection Council
(Establishment) Decree No. 66 of 1992 --
Consumer Protection Council Act, Cap. C.
25(LFN) 2004-- -- 11, 65, 63, 64, 85,91
Drugs Related Products
(Registration, etc) Decree No. 19 of 1993 --
English Supply of Goods
(Implied Terms) Act of 1973
-- 76
Water Pollution Act, 1972 (US) --
-- 28
and Drugs Act, Cap F. 32 (LFN) 2004 --
-- 43,44
and Drugs Decree No. 35 of 1974 --
-- 9,44
Purchase Act Cap H. 4 (LFN) 2004 --
-- 76
State Sale of Goods Law, 1990. --
National Agency for Food and Drug
Administration and Control Act
(LFN) N1 2004 -- --
-- --
Safe Drinking Water Act,
1974 (US)
-- 29
of Goods Act, 1893
-- 16, 76,87
Standards Organisation of
Nigeria (Establishment) Decree No. 56 of 1974 --
Organisation of Nigeria Act Cap. S.9 LFN, 2004 -- -- --
Marks Act, Cap. T. 13 (LFN) 2004 --
-- -- --
Restatement (Second) of Tort: Product Liability, 1965 -- --
Restatement (Third) of Tort: Product Liability, 1998 -- -- --
Appeal Cases
Association of Table Water
Consumer Confidence Report
Consumer Affairs Movement
of Nigeria
Certified Copy of the High
Court Judgments
Chief Judge
Chief Justice of Nigeria
Clean Water Act
United States Environmental
Protection Agency
European Union
Federal Department of Food Drug Administration and Control
Federal Government of
Good Manufacturing Practice
Generally Regarded as Safe
Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point
International Standard
Justice of the Court of
Laws of the Federation of
Local Government Area
Limited Liability Company
Maximum Contaminants Level
Minister Department and
Maximum Contaminants Level
Departments and Agencies
Millennium Development
Magnetic Ink Card Reader
National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and
National Space Research and
Development Agency
Nigerian Bottling Company
National Consumer Disputes
Redressal Commission (India)
Nigerian Commercial Law
National Council on Water
National Drug Law
Enforcement Agency
National Economic
Empowerment and Development Strategy
National Health and Medical
Research Council
Nigerian Industrial
National Planning
Nigerian Supreme Court
Quarterly Report
National Standard for
Drinking Water Quality
Nigerian Weekly Law Reports
Limited Liability Company
Vinyl Chloride
Drinking Water Act
Organisation of Nigeria
Operational Procedure
State Security Service
Nation Economic Commission for Europe
States of America
Sanitation and Health
Health Assembly
Health Organisation
indispensability of safe drinking water to man cannot be over-emphasized. This
research has traversed the allowable length and breadth of the applicable laws,
regulations, as well as international and national policy frameworks on safe
drinking water. It has also examined cases and legal principles that should be
applied to instances where consumers’ rights to safe drinking water, especially
sachet water arise. However, acceptable and affordable as the innovation may
seem, its associated downside is the proliferation of contaminated sachet
water, the consumption of which has often brought upon the consumers the toll
of harm, diseases and malignancies. This situation is compounded by the obvious
inability of the regulatory agencies of government to effectively monitor and
control this anomaly. More so, is the dilemma of the consumers to know which
field of law they can seek their legal redress, either in contract, or in tort,
or in the law of crimes, where they may be harmed or injured by the consumption
of contaminated, untreated or over-treated sachet water. The lack of sufficient
awareness of their rights as well as the regulatory and enforcement mandates of
the statutory watchdogs like the National Agency for Food and Drug
Administration and Control (NAFDAC),Consumer Protection Council (CPC) and
Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) puts a bitter icing on the cake of this malaise. The methodology
used in this research is doctrinal as it dwelt essentially on the primary
sources such as statutes, case law; and secondary sources such as academic
publications, regulations, administrative policy documents, and other relevant
materials sourced from the internet. The work is summed up with findings to the
effect that government regulation in this field is not holistic as to provide
the desired protection to consumers. Also, the conservative attitude of the
courts that does not easily allow for res ipsa loquitur to be successfully
pleaded in product liability cases by the plaintiff, but rather insists on the plaintiff
proving the negligence or fault of the manufacturer/defendant was analysed. The
work recommends that the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and
Control (NAFDAC) should take advantage of the enforcement provisions of the
NAFDAC Act, 2004, in order to restrict the registration of operators of sachet
water production and distribution to only qualified, capable and verifiable
applicants. NAFDAC should ensure that the labeling and use instruction on
sachet water be written with translation into the local language of the area of
coverage while the Consumer Protection Council of Nigeria should increase its
public enlightenment functions in order to bring to the notice of Nigerians the
awareness of its existence and its functions. Also, it is recommended that the
Consumer Protection Act should be amended to go beyond a requirement of safety
certification by manufacturers, to holding them liable if as a result of no
fault of the consumer, harm is caused by the use of such products. It is further
recommended that the fines for product failure in the Act be increased
significantly to deter malpractice. Finally, it is recommended that Nigerian
courts should adopt and apply legal principles like res ipsa loquitur and
strict liability that should attenuate the burden of proof of negligence on the
consumer in product liability cases, especially in the area of packaged sachet
Page --
-- -- -- -- --
-- i
Declaration-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Certification------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
Dedication-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
Acknowledgements--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
Table of Cases--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
Table of Statutes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ix
Abbreviations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x
Abstract---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii
Table of Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiv
Background to the Study -- --
-- -- -- 1
Statement of Research Problem -- --
-- -- -- 4
Aim and Objectives of the Research
-- -- -- --- -- 5
Scope of the Research --
-- -- -- -- 6
Research Methodology --
-- -- -- -- 6
Justification of the Research --
-- -- -- -- 7
Literature Review --
-- -- -- -- 8
1.8 Organizational
Layout -- -- --
-- -- -- 23
Introduction -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- 25
Global Perspectives to Water Safety
-- -- -- -- -- 25
2.3 Millennium Development Goals and Timeline
Safe Drinking Water Supply in Nigeria. -- --
-- -- 30
2.4 World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines
and Benchmarks -- 32
2.5 Nigerian
Standard for Drinking Water Quality
554:2007 ICS 13:06.20 --
-- -- -- 34
NAFDAC Regulations for Packaged
Water --
-- -- 42
2.7 Evidence of Sachet Water Contamination in
Nigeria -- -- -- 46
2.8 The Effect of Contaminated Sachet Water on the Health of
Consumers -- 48
Conclusion -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- 49
Introduction -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 51
3.2 The National Agency for Food and
Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) -- --
-- 51
The Standards Organisation of
Nigeria (SON) -- -- --
3.4 The Consumer Protection Council of
Nigeria (CPC) -- -- -- 56
Bottlenecks to Enforcement and
Implementation -- -- -- 59
Conclusion -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- 62
Introduction -- --
-- -- -- -- 63
Consumer Rights -- --
-- -- -- -- --
4.3 Application of Res ipsa loquitor in Nigerian Cases -- -- -- 71
4.4 Relevance
of Trade Marks Act Provisions to the
of the Consumer -- -- --
-- -- -- 73
Protection in the Law of
Contract -- -- -- --
-- 76
Privity of Contract in Consumer
Protection -- -- -- --
Strict Liability --
-- -- -- -- --
-- 82
4.8 Protection under Criminal Provisions of NAFDAC and CPC Acts --
Due Care and Prudence of the
Consumer -- -- -- -- 86
4.10 The Burden of Proof of Negligence on an Injured Consumer of
Sachet Water -- -- -- --
-- -- 86
Conclusion -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- 87
Summary -- --
-- -- -- -- --
Findings --
-- -- -- -- --
-- 90
Recommendations -- --
-- -- -- -- --
Bibliography --
-- -- -- -- --
-- 95
1 -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- 99
2 -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- 110
1.1 Background to the Study
Water is the most essential resource to
the survival of man. A reliable supply
of clean and safe water is very important to ensuring healthy living amongst
the human populace in every community, state or country.
In Nigeria, government – owned public water
utilities, such as Water Corporations or Boards, are statutorily charged with
the responsibility of supplying water from conventional water treatment plants
that use water from impounded reservoir (dams), flowing streams, lakes and deep
boreholes. As the country‘s population
grew, the supply of water by the public utilities became inadequate in quality
and quantity. Also, many years of
inadequate investment in public water supply by the successive Nigerian governments
has left safe drinking water insufficient and unreliable, hence, the current
adaptive measures of our society to fill the supply gap and alleviate the
problems of water inadequacy. Chief amongst these measures is the dependence on
sachet water popularly known as ―pure water‖. The manifestation therefore, is
the emergence and proliferation of private water enterprises that operate side
by side with the government-owned public
water utilities.
The services of the category of private
water enterprises selling packaged water in bottles were initially adjudged
satisfactory and reliable in the past years.
They are however, more expensive when compared to that provided by the
government and the other category of private enterprises that sell theirs in
sachets. However, bottled water
producers are patronized by the few elite in the country, while majority of the
people (who are usually the low income groups) in the country patronize and
drink sachet water because of its cheaper price. Sachet water was introduced in 1990 but its
regulation by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
(NAFDAC) started in 2002[1].
Access to clean drinking water is a
fundamental requirement for human life, as its absence is a grave health
concern. According to WHO Report[2],
worldwide, over a million deaths per year have been attributed to unsafe water
and poor sanitation, with close to 90% of these deaths occurring in children
under five years of age. About 2.3
billion people suffer from diseases that are linked to contaminated water and
that waterrelated diseases are a growing human tragedy[3].
According to Akunyili,[4]
the provision of water that is not only safe, but tasteless, or odourless and
clean in appearance is top priority in any country that cares for good health,
and poverty alleviation towards sustainable development. This is against the
backdrop of the numerous hazards posed to consumers by the packaging and sale
of unwholesome and contaminated sachet water by either unscrupulous or carefree
manufacturers and retailers of sachet water who take advantage of the
inadequacies of regulation by government.
In Nigeria, the supply or provision of
public drinking water is not reliable.
As a result, this has adversely affected the good health of Nigerians,
most especially during the dry season.
Ground water and pipe borne (tap) water which are the major sources of
drinking water are said to be unsafe sources of drinking water because findings
indicated that ground water sources contain trace elements, dissolved solids
and pathogens in excessive quantities that may be dangerous to the health of
people. Consequently, most of the
investigations carried out on groundwater samples from different parts of
Nigeria revealed that nearly all of the available sources of water are polluted
or contaminated, hence, were unfit for drinking purpose.[5]
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)[6],
with respect to environmental sustainability, target that by 2015, the number
of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic
sanitation should be halved. The realisation of the renewed global commitment
towards the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 required the development of
locally sourced alternative low cost drinking water schemes that will provide
sustainable access to safe drinking water in both rural and urban areas in
developing countries.[7]
An example of locally developed
alternative of safe water provision in Nigeria is the drinking water sold in
polythene sachets. In carrying out this
business, some small and medium scale enterprises use various production
techniques and technologies to purify and package water sourced from springs,
boreholes and public water mains and put in sachets that are sealed
The National Agency
for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is mandated to enforce
compliance with internationally defined drinking water guidelines, but
regulation of the packaged water industry aimed at good quality assurance has
remained a major challenge to the Agency.[8]
Although water packaged in sachet is convenient to serve and the price is
affordable, there is great concern about its purity. The integrity of the
majority of the water packaged in sachets is questionable.
In a recent study[9],
to determine the bacteriological quality of drinking water sold in sachets in
Lagos, Nigeria, one hundred samples of high and low demand sachet waters
obtained from vendors at hot spot locations were assessed using the multiple
tube fermentation method based on the Zero tolerance standards stipulated by
the regulator
a 22% non-compliance level was recorded.
In another more recent
it was stated thus;
… Presently, consumption of this
sampled water in Ijebu North LGA, Ogun State, Nigeria is high and may obviously
not lead to immediate poisoning. However, long term effect if there is not
enough check may be of major concern. Consequently, close monitoring of heavy
metals must be carried out by the regulatory agency (e.g. NAFDAC) in Ijebu
North LGA, In view of the possible risks to the health of consumers,
particularly in the processing and packing stages of the water.
It is therefore,
obvious from the fore-going that despite all the well conceived consumer
protection laws, regulations and consumer protection institutions in Nigeria, a
significant lot of Nigerians still suffer health hazards as a direct
consequence of the consumption of contaminated water. Many manufacturers and
sellers of sachet water, who may be either registered or unregistered by
NAFDAC, but dubious or careless, pay more attention to their selfish profit
maximization motives rather than ensure that their products are pure and safe
for the ultimate consumers.
1.2 Statement of Research Problem
There is the problem of ascertaining
whether so much of the sachet water in circulation is actually fit for human
consumption, because of contamination owing to such factors as unlicensed,
unregulated, or licensed, regulated but poorly handled manufacturing and
distributive processes which ultimately cause harm or injury to the consuming
The National Agency for Food and Drugs
Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is primarily responsible for safeguarding
the health of the nation and is thereby empowered to regulate the production
and distribution of packaged water, which includes sachet water. Also, the
Consumer Protection Council of Nigeria (CPC) is responsible for ensuring that
safety standards prescribed for products and services generally, are met by
manufacturers and service providers. It is also empowered by law to entertain
complaints from consumers and enforce remedial and redress measures on their
The question therefore, is whether or not
the regulators, under the current laws have the legal capacity to guarantee
that sachet water is manufactured and distributed pure and wholesome to
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Research
The aim of this research is to evaluate
the relevant extant consumer protection laws, the current institutional and
regulatory framework, case law and judicial attitude in product liability in
Nigeria, in order to determine whether or not NAFDAC and CPC have sufficient
legal capacity to safeguard consumers against the production and distribution
of unwholesome sachet water.
In this regard, the objectives of this
research are as follows;
To examine how the issues that arise from the
production and distribution of contaminated sachet water can be settled in law,
where harm is caused or is likely to be caused to a consumer.
ii. To
examine the extent that the current product liability law is able to provide
protection or remedy to an injured consumer of harmful sachet water either in
contract or in tort.
iii. To
examine the statutory mandates of the regulators i.e. The National Agency for
and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), the Standards
Organization of Nigeria (SON), and the Consumer Protection
Council of Nigeria (CPC) and also to appraise their capabilities or otherwise
in ensuring adequate protection or remedy to consumers of sachet water in
iv. To
proffer solutions to problems identified
1.4 Scope of the Research
This research focuses on issues of
consumer protection with regard to the water Industry in Nigeria; with
particular emphasis placed on the issue of legal protection for consumers of
sachet water. It also appraises the current legal and regulatory regime that
governs the product, with a view to proposing innovations and amendments for a
significantly enhanced protection for consumers of sachet water.
However, lack of full disclosure by the
regulators hindered the extent to which the researcher could have gone in
gathering more evidence to support the research.
1.5 Research Methodology
The methodology used in this research is
doctrinal. The primary sources of materials for this research are statutes and
case law; while the secondary sources are textbooks, regulations, journals, law
reports, and internet resources.
Administrative policy documents of various agencies such as the Federal
Capital Territory (FCT) Water
Board, the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), and
National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) are
specifically used in chapter four of this work. They also form the basis for
the conclusion of this dissertation. All authors and intellectual sources are
duly acknowledged.
1.6 Justification of the Research
The innovation of sachet water has, in
addition to filling the supply gap in the provision of potable drinking water
to a majority of the citizens, also provides thousands of jobs for hitherto
unemployed people, especially the youth. This means that the business of sachet
water cannot be proscribed by legislation, at least, for now.
Laudable as this development is, the
drawback associated with it is that there are so many fake brands of sachet
water in the market, which are usually unwholesome for safe human consumption.
Some unscrupulous producers package tap water or water fetched from streams in
sachets inside their houses and brand them as pure water for buyers who
contract a variety of diseases from the consumption, thereby constituting a
major health challenge for the society. Consequently, the government and
regulatory agencies would fail in safeguarding the health of the nation if the
relevant laws and policies are not reviewed to introduce higher integrity to
the manufacturing and distributive processes of sachet water in Nigeria.
The outcome of this research will be
useful to government and its regulatory institutions such as NAFDAC and CPC by
suggesting some necessary reforms to them which can be adopted either through a
more holistic application of existing provisions of their laws or through the
amendment of their relevant laws and regulations in order to safeguard the
Nigerian consumers against the proliferation of unwholesome sachet water.
It will also be useful to legal
researchers and law students as it will enrich existing literature on the
subject matter of legal protection for consumers of sachet water in
1.7 Literature Review
The context subject of this research is
quite novel and so there are no specific previous works on it, except those
that focus on consumer protection in food and drugs generally.
Monye, in her book[11]
analysed at considerable length, the issues involved in consumer protection in
Nigeria, especially in the areas of contractual liability of the seller or
manufacturer, negligence in tort, the regulation mandate and enforcement powers
of the regulatory bodies such as the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON),
the National
Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
(NAFDAC) and the Consumer Protection Council of Nigeria (CPC). Her summary of
the legal position is that, the consumer is fairly protected, at least on
paper, noting, however, that there are some areas where protection is either
inadequate or none existent. For example in the area relating to exemption
clauses, there is no statutory protection, hence case law applies. The Supreme
Court has adopted the rule of construction as the applicable rule, meaning that
once an offender can show that the exemption clause covers the breach that has
arisen, the victim will be left without remedy. This greatly affects the level
of consumer protection since consumers in Nigeria are in a weaker bargaining
position as compared to the other contracting party.
Another loophole identified by her in the
substantive law is the absence of provision for compensation order to a victim
of product defect. With the exception of the Consumer Protection Council Act
whose provisions are yet untested, no other existing law makes provisions for a
compensation order.
She observed further that the penalties
stipulated by some existing statutes are too small to deter offenders. Examples
are; (i) the Food and Drugs Act, 1974 which stipulates a maximum penalty of
fifty thousand naira for all offences created therein. (ii) The Standards
Organization of Nigeria Act, 1971, under which the offence of unlawful use of
industrial standard attracts a penalty of one thousand naira only. In addition
to these substantive defects, there are other legal principles which abridge judicial
discretion, such as privity of contract, caveat emptor and proof of
Her recommendations therefore, include an
enhanced safety consciousness of the manufacturer, establishment of Legal units
in the various regulatory agencies to prosecute offenders of their various laws
rather than refer those cases to the police, where investigations are hardly
conclusive owing to corruption and lack of appreciation of the subject matter
and a holistic review of penal provisions in order to make the sentencing more
stringent. Also recommended is the need to significantly increase the fines, an
amendment of the laws to grant award of compensation to the injured consumer in
addition to the criminal penalties of a manufacturer, an enhanced consumer
education and the adoption of strict liability in product liability cases.
According to her, there is need for some
degree of judicial activism since the issues that often arise in consumer
protection cases are novel in character. This being so, in view of the corporate
might exhibited in matters relating to proof of negligence in product liability
cases, she recommended that a combination of legal principles and factual
reality should influence judicial decision in this area; otherwise, the
consumer‘s voice will remain drowned by corporate overwhelming strength.
It is the observation of the researcher
that discussion on legal protection for consumers of sachet water in Nigeria is
not the primary focus of the learned author. The researcher is of the view that
a distinctive work on the legal protection for consumers of sachet water is
very necessary in view of the fact that its shelf life is uncertain and the
delicate packaging exposes sachet water to greater risk of contamination. This
situation is caused by the inability of NAFDAC to clearly identify, accredit
and regulate all sachet water production plants in the country.
Kanyip, in his book[12]
analysed extensively the subject-matter of negligence as an instrument of
consumer protection. He summarised his conclusions as follows: one, liability
based on negligence provides inadequate protection to consumers. Two, proof of
negligence is difficult or even impossible especially if the product itself is
damaged in the accident or made ineffective as by exposure prior to laboratory
analysis. Three, the consumer is disadvantaged by his lack of familiarity with
the manufacturing or production process especially if the manufacturer made an
affirmative showing of proper care as by showing a fool proof production
process. Four, defects frequently occur even in the absence of negligence
(fault). Lastly, negligence therefore, is an impractical theory of liability
for defective products. He therefore, recommended strict liability as an
alternative basis of liability in product liability cases.
According to him, under a strict liability
regime, the best risk bearer theory postulates that if the consumer is the best
risk bearer then he should shoulder the accident costs. Thus, the peculiarity
of an allergic plaintiff would work against him since it lies with him to avoid
the resultant injury as by discontinuing the use of the product in question.
The strict liability theory is not one of absolute liability. It admits of
circumstances where the producer or manufacturer can go scot free. The
researcher, while agreeing with the views of the learned author in respect of
consumer protection generally, intends to write on the subject matter of sachet
water because it was not the focus of the author.
in his book discussed product liability and consumer protection by reenacting
the definition of a ―Consumer‖ as defined by the Consumer Protection Council
Act,18 as ―an individual, who purchases, uses, maintains or disposes
of products or services.‖ He also defined the term ―Product‖ to include all
types of goods and chattels, such as food, drinks, industrial chemicals, cars,
clothes, kiosks, lifts, tinned fish, machinery, hair-dye and so forth.
According to him, it is not necessary that the product must reach the consumer
in the same sealed package or container with which the producer dispatched
A producer remains liable, if it is shown
that the product reached the consumer subject to its inherent defect. The mere
availability of opportunity for intermediate examination of the product does
not relieve the manufacturer of liability. He only escapes liability, if there
is reasonable probability that a test sufficient to reveal any defect in the
product would be carried out. He will also escape liability where the product
carries a sufficient warning that it should not be used without
prior-examination or check. Therefore, he should ensure that any label or
instructions necessary for proper use is accompanying the product, and it is
attached to a visible part of the product and such instructions are
sufficiently clear for the product to be safely handled or used.
The learned author went further to explain
the flexibility of the subject of negligence as it extends the duty of care
situation to professionals, for instance,
Accountants and Auditors, Architects, Bankers, Engineers,
Legal practitioners and Medical practitioners.
However, he did not discuss the liability of manufacturers of sachet
water to the consumers of their product where they are negligent as well as the
mechanisms of redress and remedies available to them. This is so because his
emphasis is on the general topic of negligence in tort.
Odion, J.O., and Okojie, E., in their
article “Burden of proof in product
liability law in Nigeria: A case for the Application of res ipsa loquitur”[14]
expressed the view that current trends in the manufacturing process and the
sophisticated process that goes with the production and supply of goods warrant
that the manufacturer be fixed with a high standard of care to his ultimate
consumer. To them, one way of sustaining this standard is to fix on him the
burden of disproving negligence in the course of the manufacture of his goods.
Their justification is anchored on the
following; authorities;
In the old English case of Grant vs Australian Knitting Mills,20 the appellant
contracted dermatitis of an external origin as a result of wearing a woolen
garment which when purchased from the retailers was in a defective condition
owing to the presence of excess sulphites. The Privy Council held that these
facts established a duty to take care as between the manufacturer and the
plaintiff for breach of which the manufacturer was held
liable in tort.
The presumption of negligence by the Court
shifted the onus of proof to the defendant to establish safe manufacturing
process that could explain the sudden presence of noxious sulphite in the under
pants. In the words of Lord Wright:
The presence of deleterious chemical
in the pants due to the negligence of the manufacturer was a hidden and latent
defect, just as much were the remains of the snail in the bottle (donoghue‘s
case). It could not be detected by any examination that could reasonably be
made--- the garments were made by the manufacturer for the purpose of being
exactly as they were worn in fact by the appellant. It was not contemplated
that they should first be washed.[15]
In Vacwell
Engineering Co. Ltd. vs Buds Chemicals Ltd,[16]
the defendants were found to be negligent both in their underlying research
into hazardous products and in failing to carry out proper research within the
literature available to them. This conclusion was reached in spite of the fact
that they referred to four modern books including standard works on the
industrial use of chemicals.
In Mason
vs Williams & Williams,[17]
the court observed thus;
I appreciate that I am faced with
another problem as was indicated in the case of Donoghue vs Stevenson that res
ipsa loquitur does not apply and the court has to be satisfied and
therefore, the plaintiff has got to prove that there was negligence on the part
of the manufacturers. Of course, that cannot be proved normally by saying that
on such and such date, such a workman did this, that or the other… what the
plaintiff says here is, this is your chisel, you made it, and I used it as you
made it and you never relied on any intermediate examination, therefore, I have
discharged the onus of proof by saying that this problem must have happened
through some act in the manufacturer of this chisel in your factory.[18]
Having referred to the above logical
antecedents, the writers of the article in review wondered how well the
decisions in Okonkwo vs Guiness Nig. Ltd[19]
and Ebelamu vs Guinness Nig Ltd[20]
can be rationalised.
In Okonkwo‘s case, the plaintiff
accompanied his friend to a hotel owned by the defendant. They bought some
drinks manufactured by the 1st defendant, which was later discovered
to contain deleterious substances like roots, leaves, bark of tree, etc. the
plaintiff who was injured was however denied remedy by the court on the grounds
that he did not establish that the foreign materials in the bottle left the
factory of the 1st defendant. This curious decision appeared to have
set the stage for similar cases which have in essence denied remedy to the
consumer on his failure to discharge this burden of proof. Prominent among them
is Ebelamu vs Guinness Nig. Ltd.,(supra) where
the plaintiff allegedly became ill after drinking one of the defendant‘s
products. There were sediments in the bottle. The plaintiff sued for
negligence, pleading res ipsa loquitur,
by reason of the presence of the sediments in the bottle of the defendant‘s
product complained of. The defendant contended amongst others that it had fool
proof system and that the algae sediment was not poisonous. The court held that
the defendant used the process demanded by general practice in beer making and
that the defendant‘s conduct met the standard required of them by the law to
establish due and reasonable care not to bring harm to others with its
The authors submitted with due respect
that the decisions in the above Nigerian cases were unduly restrictive of the
scope of negligence in product liability law. Arguing further, they raised the
questions whether the courts were suggesting that the presence of these
deleterious substances in the bottle did not raise a presumption of negligence
or whether the plaintiffs‘ failure to prove the impossibility of intermediate
interference was a prime factor in the court‘s judgment. To them, it must be
agreed that the moment the courts consider the issue of possible interference
more seriously than the manufacturer‘s actual control of the manufacturing
process, it would amount to putting the cart before the horse. It equally
places an unduly high standard of proof on the consumer.
According to these writers, it should be
reasoned that since the manufacturing process is outside the knowledge of the
plaintiff, the courts ought to have applied res
ipsa loquitur as the plaintiff need not specifically plead it as a means of
proof nor give evidence in the alternative. Proof in civil cases is based on
balance of probabilities, therefore, if the burden of proof placed on the
plaintiff is so high as to suggest a standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt
(as in criminal cases), there is bound to be a problem.
Consequently, English authorities[21]
have realised this problem, and have held the presence of any defect to be
evidence of negligence on the part of the defendant no matter how perfect his
manufacturing process is and it is equally difficult for the plaintiff to point
out who is negligent in the chain of production. It should be noted, that the
basis for the courts not holding the defendants liable in the Nigerian cases
reviewed by the learned authors is the defendants‘ proof of the fool proof
production process in their manufacturing, as well as the huge burden on the
plaintiff to prove the contrary.
In addition to the brilliant contributions
of the above authors, the researcher intends to extend their views to the
sachet water segment of consumption.
Maccido and Akume, in their article focused on the subject-matter of product liability as an aspect of consumer
protection which deals with the liability of manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers
of products for injuries resulting from dangerous or defective products. They defined the term ―product‖ to mean any tangible article, property or
components thereof produced or distributed for sale that is used for personal,
family or household purposes, and not for business – hence products that are
subject to the product liability law range from food, drugs, electronics, medical devices and implants, tobacco,
cosmetics and other goods. At common law, the sale of a product is viewed as a
commercial transaction upon which only the parties to the transaction can sue,
but the law has evolved where, today, virtually anyone injured by a defective
product can bring an action for damages against any party in the distributive
chain of the product, whether it be manufacturer, the wholesaler, or the
According to them, the concept of product
liability is still emerging in Nigeria, like in most of the developing nations
of the world; therefore their ability to examine the key questions on the
subject is severely constrained due to the inarticulate nature of product
liability law in Nigeria. There is yet no elaborate or coherent body of
―product liability law‖ as it is United States (US) –US Restatement (Third of
Tort); Product Liability, 1998. Nigeria relies on the rules of liability under
the sale of goods laws and the rules of liability under the law of negligence.
However, liability based on these rules
provides inadequate protection to the consumers. The application of Sale of
Goods Act is manifestly unjust to the consumer because the consumer‘s recovery
is limited to only a contractual relationship with the seller.33 The
primary liability for defective products under the Sale of Goods Law rests on
the seller, who in most cases is a mere retailer while the actual manufacturer
is left out on the ground that no privity of contract exists between him and
the buyer. Moreover, most of the conditions and warranties provided by the Act
are designed to exploit consumers by allowing sellers to limit or exclude their
obligations including those implied by law under the contract of sale of goods.
Moreover, the law of negligence does not
provide any meaningful protection to consumers. The law places an unwarranted
burden of proof on the consumer which makes the guilty manufacturer to escape
liability and leave the consumer without remedy.
The writers are of the view that the
regulatory agencies, the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), the National
Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the Consumer
Protection Council of Nigeria (CPC) are weak in the discharge of their
statutory functions due to imperfect knowledge of the regulations, the
budgetary constraints, and the fact that they have been captured by the firms
that they are responsible for overseeing.34
Their conclusion in part, reiterates the
relevance of product liability law in Nigeria, since it is part of the laws of
most of the countries of the world. Indeed, product liability law derogates
from the general concern of the Nigerian constitution for the protection of
individual rights and welfare of the citizens. The legislature is empowered by
the constitution to make laws on matters such as trade and commerce, including
prescribing standards for goods and services offered for sale to the consuming
Therefore, product liability law is
conceived as a modernised amalgam of law of contract and tort of negligence. It
holds manufacturers and retailers accountable to persons victimised by their
wrongful conduct. It empowers the injured victim to invoke the law and the
apparatus of the government to vindicate their interests. It promotes the
notion of equality before the law and reinforces the norm of responsibility.
And in so doing all these things, it contributes directly to deterrence and
provides welfare-enhancing compensation.
It is clear from the commentary of the
learned authors that negligence does not provide the desired protection for
consumers, while re-iterating their observation that the regulatory agencies –
the Standards Organizations of Nigeria (SON), the National Agency for Food and
Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the Consumer Protection Council of
Nigeria (CPC) lack the necessary competence and functionality in the discharge
of their statutory mandates.
In view of the fact that sachet water was
not the focus of the above work, this research will go further to assess the
issues of legal protection for consumers of sachet water in Nigeria.
Badaiki, in his article defines ―Consumer Protection‖ as the legal means to serve consumers‘ interest
against all forms of exploitation and unfair dealings including environmental
and health issues by those who supply goods, services and credit facilities in
the course of business. He clarified further that it has been understood to
mean ―the prevention or reduction of wrongs or injuries, and the provision of
redress for an individual purchaser, user or disposer of any product and
To underscore the aim of consumer protection
to achieve consumers‘ welfare in modern terms, he referred to the United
Nations resolution 39/248 of 9th April, 1985 which the UN General
Assembly unanimously adopted as Guidelines for Consumer Protection for every
member nation. Implicit in these guidelines are government obligations and
consumer rights, to wit, the right to basic needs, the right to safety, the
right to be informed, the right to be heard, the right to choose, the right to
consumer education, the right not to be exploited and the right to a healthy
The researcher intends therefore, to use
the conceptual definitions and the United Nation guidelines for consumer
protection above as a basis for analysing the peculiar issue of consumer rights
as regards manufacture and distribution of sachet water, with the aim of making
appropriate recommendations that will enhance legal succour to consumers.
Nyor, in his article addressed the issues of food quality and safety in the light of policy
intervention on the part of government. In 2010, the Federal Government of
Nigeria, in addition to the establishment of SON, NAFDAC and CPC, launched the
National Policy of Food Hygiene and Safety as an integral part of the National
Policy on Health. The overall goal of this policy is the attainment of high
standard of food hygiene and safety practices, which will promote health,
control food-borne diseases, minimise and finally eliminate the risk of
diseases related to poor food hygiene and safety.
According to him, this policy seeks to ensure
standard of food in the areas of production, storage, handling, processing,
preservation, trade (importation and exportation), transportation and
marketing. It also seeks to improve the quality of health through ensuring that
all food consumed in Nigeria, whether imported or exported are wholesome,
nutritious, free from contaminants and accessible to the consumers at
affordable prices.
In other words, to meet international
standards in food quality control, preventive strategy based on thorough analysis
of prevailing conditions, which ensures that the objectives of the quality
assurance programme are met by the food industry. The Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Total Quality Management embodying these
requirements are certified under the International Standard Organization (ISO
90 00: Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards guidelines for
selection and use).
He concluded by restating the Codex
Alimentarius Commission guidelines that producers at all stages of production, processing and
distribution must be responsible for safety of food and should establish food
safety assurance programmes while the government on the other hand plays the
primary role of a regulator in the implementation of the food safety assurance system,
the hallmark of quality control.
The author having set forth the preventive
safety policy of the Nigerian government regarding food hygiene and quality
control, has set the tone for this research to apply same to the water
industry, especially in the area of sachet water production, processing and
distribution. Also, this research will appraise the primary role of the
regulators outlined in their enabling statutes and regulations with a view to
suggesting necessary amendments or re-emphasing their purposes and how best
they could be deployed by the regulators in achieving the objectives of
ensuring the production and distribution of safe drinking sachet water.
Asikhia and Oni-Ojo, in their article examined the legal framework of marketing vis-à-vis the regulatory Agencies
established by government to regulate commercial transactions in Nigeria and
their activities. They also examined the contractual law of Sale of Goods Act,
1893 and found that liability for breach can only by enforced if there is privity
of contract between the parties which invariably excludes non-parties to the
contract from the burden and benefit attached to the contract. However, while
liability in contractual relationship is based on this doctrine, it is not so
in the law of tort where liability is based solely on negligence which
presupposes the existence of a nexus between the parties.
They opined further that negligence which
was meant to be one of simple liability has become a difficult principle in the
Nigerian legal system, owing to the huge burden of proof demanded by the
courts. The courts usually require the defendants to establish a fool proof
system of production. This position according to the authors is too rigid as
compared with what obtains in developed countries, with the resultant effect of
making product liability laws more favourable to the manufacturers of defective
products. They therefore advocated a liberal stance by the Nigerian courts when
the issues of negligence are raised by revisiting and relaxing the fool proof
production system rule in order to lessen the burden of proof of negligence on
the plaintiff.
This research takes into cognisance the
recommendations of the authors expressed above and goes further to suggest the
adoption of certain rules that will alleviate the burden of proof of negligence
as well as more proactive legal strategies the regulators should initiate in
order to minimise or stall the incidence of manufacture of unwholesome products
by producers.
Bello, Suleiman, and Danjuma, in their
article41 posit that in Nigeria, like other parts of the world,
consumer protection is the concept designed to protect consumers from
unscrupulous producers and service providers. It denotes the attempt by
government to provide regulatory framework to protect and enforce the rights of
people who pay for goods and services.
The law of consumer protection has a two fold purpose. On the one hand,
it protects the interest, rights and safety of end users of products and
services; and on the other hand, to the extent that it derives from and relates
to contractual transactions, consumer protection can be said to be a means by
which private law relationships are regulated. It is in the interest of the
public that the nature and deficiencies of products and services be made known
to customers, thus the need for public regulation of private transactions.
Regulation will have the end result of putting into market, the best possible
It is the view of the authors that the
enactment of Consumer Protection Law in Nigeria, is only an attempt at consumer
protection, stating that the level of consumer awareness in Nigeria is still
very low, thus culminating in the near absence of consumerism or action against
unwholesome business practices. In their view, the ability to enforce the laws
relating to consumer protection will provide the necessary impetus for
safeguarding the rights and safety of consumers in Nigeria.
This research adopts the view of the
authors of the foregoing article especially as it relates to the low level of
awareness of consumers in Nigeria of their rights and of the existence of the
regulatory agencies, especially the Consumer Protection Council of Nigeria
(CPC). The work evaluates the specific functions of the CPC and makes a strong
case for an enhanced public enlightenment and awareness of its roles and
responsibilities in resolving the plight of consumers, especially in the
context of sachet water.
It is also, the view of Oni-Ojo and
Iyiola, in their research paper42 that in recent years,
manufacturers have been making great impact on the standard of living of
consumers; however, product harms caused to the consumers through defective
products have also increased manufacturers liability in both developed and
developing nations of the world. While thousands of product liability cases are
filed annually in developed countries, in many developing countries especially
in Nigeria the situation is different. They defined defective product to be a
product in a state whereby it fails to provide the safety which the consumer
expects while according to them, a product is dangerous when it increases the
risk of harm to persons and their property.
A salient point in the above commentary is
that there is very slow development of Product Liability Law in developing
countries, especially in Nigeria. The reasons are that consumers are not aware
of their rights to claim against manufacturers and in most of the cases, where
they are aware, due to lack of a coherent body of product liability laws, they
attempt to claim under the law of contract where the privity rule excludes
third parties from the benefits of the action. Where the consumers also attempt
to claim in the tort of negligence, the burden of proof is usually heavy,
because of the courts‘ inclination towards the defendants‘ proof of a fool
proof production process.
1.8 Organisational Layout
This research work is made of five
Chapter one focuses on general
introduction and preliminary issues like background to the research, statement
of research problem, aim and objectives of the research, scope of the research,
research methodology, justification of the research, literature review, and
organizational layout.
Chapter two examines the standards for
safe drinking water, which involves, global perspectives to water safety,
Millennium Development Goals and timelines for safe drinking water supply in
Nigeria, World Health Organization (WHO) water and health quality strategy,
Nigerian standard for drinking water quality, NAFDAC regulations for packaged
water, evidence of sachet water contamination in Nigeria, and the impact of
contaminated water on the health of consumers.
Chapter three dwells on regulatory
framework on consumer protection on packaged water in Nigeria. This involves
introduction, the National Agency for Food and
Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), the Standards
Organization of Nigerian (SON), the Consumer Protection Council of Nigeria
(CPC), and bottlenecks to enforcement and implementation.
Chapter four discusses Consumer Protection
and Product liability in Nigeria. This includes introduction, consumer rights,
application of res ipsa loquitur in
product liability cases in Nigeria, relevance of Trade Marks Act provisions to
the interest of the consumer, protection in the law of contract, privity of
contract in consumer production, protection under criminal provisions of NAFDAC
and CPC Acts, due care and prudence of the consumer, and the burden of proof of
negligence on an injured consumer of contaminated sachet water.
Chapter five concludes the research work
with a view to providing the summary, findings and recommendations.
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