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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006805

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Sachet water consumption and the resultant effect on human health have prompted several studies across Nigeria. Effect of storage time on physico-chemical properties of sachet water ‘a case study Afikpo North LGA, Ebonyi state’ was carried out in this study. Five sachet water brands (SWB) were selected and evaluated for a period of six weeks to investigate the physico-chemical. The concentration of NH4, NO3, NO2, fe, PO4, O2, Ca/Mg, CaCO3 and pH level were determined using Aquanal Fishwater Lab. Turbidity was determined using H188703 turbidimeter. The result obtained indicates that the concentrations of the analyzed properties were within the permissible limit by WHO and NSDWQ. The statistical analysis of p<0.05 significant showed that the selected sachet brands met the standards within six weeks of storage at ambient temperature. In conclusion, the result obtained shows that the sachet water sold in Afikpo North meets with WHO and NSDWQ standard and suitable for drinking purpose.


Title page    i
Declaration page    ii
Certification page iii
Dedication    iv  
Acknowledgement v
Table of Content    vi – x
Abstract xi  
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                     
1.1 Background of the Study 1 - 5    
1.2 Statement of the Problem 5
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study 5 - 6
1.4 Significance of the Study 6
1.5 Scope of the Study 6

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                          
2.1 The Importance of the Quality of drinking water    7 - 8
2.2 Some Relevant water quality physico-chemical parameters in sachet water 8 – 13
2.2.1 pH Level 8
2.2.2 Turbidity
2.2.3 Total hardness 9
2.2.4    Ammonium in drinking water 10
2.2.5 Iron in drinking water 11
2.2.6    Nitrate and Nitrite in drinking water 12
2.2.7    Dissolve Oxygen in drinking water 13
2.3 Previous work done 13 - 20

3.1        Study Area      21              
3.1 Collection of Samples 22
3.2 Test procedures followed in analyzing the Physico – chemical
 properties of the water samples 23
3.2.1    Test for concentration of Ammonium (NH4) 23
3.2.2 Test for concentration of Nitrate (NO3) 23
3.2.3    Test for concentration of Nitrite (NO2) 23 
3.2.4    Test for concentration of Iron (Fe) 24
3.2.5    Test for concentration of Phosphate (PO4) 24
3.2.6 Test for concentration of Oxygen (O2) 24 - 25
3.2.7 Test for Total hardness 25
3.2.8 Test for water samples pH value 25
3.2.9 Test for Carbonate hardness 25 
3.2.10 Test for Turbidity 26

4.1 Organoleptic Assessment of the sachet water brands 27
4.2 Analysis of sachet water sample before and after storage 27
4.2.1 Ammonium (NH4) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands 27
4.2.2 Nitrate (NO3) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands 27
4.2.3 Nitrite (NO2) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands 28
4.2.4 Iron (fe) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands 29
4.2.5 Phosphate (PO4) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands 30
4.2.6 Oxygen (O2) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands 31
4.2.7 Total hardness (Ca/Mg) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands 32
4.2.8 pH Concentration in the sachet water brands 33
4.2.9 Carbonate hardness (CaCO3) mg/l concentration in the sachet water brands    34
4.2.10 Turbidity (NTU) in the sachet water brands. 35

5.1 Conclusion 37
5.2 Recommendations 38
REFERENCES 39 - 41              
Appendix 42 - 48


1: Mean values of Physic-chemical properties of selected sachet water brands before storage. 42

2: Mean values of Physic-chemical properties of selected sachet water brands two (2) weeks of storage. 42

3: Mean values of Physic-chemical properties of selected sachet water brands four (4) weeks of storage. 43

4: Mean values of Physic-chemical properties of selected sachet water brands six (6) weeks of storage. 43

5: Oxygen (O2) one-sample test Statistics 44

6: Total hardness (Ca/Mg) One- sample test Statistics 45

7: pH value one- sample test Statistics 46

8: Carbonate hardness one – sample test Statistics 47

9: Turbidity one- sample test Statistics 48


3.1: Geographical location of study Area 21

4.1: Graph of mean concentration of Nitrate (NO3) mg/l in the sachet water brands. 28

4.2: Graph of mean concentration of Nitrate (NO2) mg/l in the sachet water brands. 29

4.3: Graph of mean concentration of Iron (fe) mg/l in the sachet water brands. 30

4.4: Graph of mean concentration of Phosphate (PO4) mg/l in the sachet water brands. 31

4.5: Graph of mean concentration of Oxygen (O2) mg/l in the sachet water brands. 32

4.6: Graph of mean concentration of Total hardness (Ca/Mg) mg/l in the sachet water brands. 33

4.7: Graph of mean concentration of pH in the sachet water brands. 34

4.9: Graph of mean concentration of Carbonate hardness (CaCO3) mg/l in the sachet water brands. 35

4.10: Graph of mean concentration of Turbidity (NTU) in the sachet water brands. 36


Water is of essential significance to human physiology and man's proceeded with presence relies especially upon its accessibility (Akuagbazie and Onweluzo, 2010). Water is perhaps the main normal resource known on the planet (Ojo et al., 2005). It has consistently been a subject of incredible interest to man since it is fundamental for man to endure. Water of good drinking quality is of fundamental significance to human physiology and man's proceeded with presence relies particularly upon its accessibility. A normal man (of 53 kg – 63 kg body weight), requires around 3 litres of water in fluid and food every day to keep healthy (Wordlaw et. al., 2004).  According to Pidwirny (2001) the total volume of water on earth is estimated to be 1.409x1010 cubic kilometres with 97.25% forming the ocean, 2.05% as glaciers, 0.68% as groundwater 0.01% in lakes, 0.005% as soil moisture, 0.0001% in the atmosphere, 0.0001% in rivers and 0.0004% in the biosphere.  Be that as it may, because of expanded human populace, industrialization, utilization of manures in the horticulture and man-made movement it is exceptionally dirtied with various unsafe pollutants. In this way it is essential that the nature of drinking water ought to be checked at ordinary time span, in light of the fact that because of utilization of debased drinking water, human populace experiences differed of water borne infections. It is hard to comprehend the natural wonder completely on the grounds that the science of water delights much with regards to the digestion of the environment and clarify the general hydro - organic relationship (Basavaraja Simpi et al., 2011). 

Safe drinking water is crucial forever and an acceptable safe stockpile should be made accessible to buyers (Kalwale et al., 2012). A solid inventory of clean healthy water is exceptionally fundamental in a bid to advancing healthy living among the occupants of a characterized geological locale. (Mustapha and Adamu, 1991). 

Larson and Gnedenko (1999) affirmed that the inventory of safe drinking water is thought of to have a significant impact on the prevention of transmissible water-borne diseases. Water quality is determined by its physical, chemical, and microbiological properties. Each living being need water to endure. Truth be told, water of good drinking quality many emerging nations, accessibility of consumable water has turned into a basic and critical issue and it involves extraordinary worry to families and networks relying upon Non-public water supply framework (Okonkwo et al., 2008). Expansion in human populace has applied a huge pressure on the arrangement of safe savoring water non-industrial nations (Ibemesim, 2014). 

In agricultural countries of the world, 80% of all illnesses and more than 30% of passings are identified with drinking water (Dada and Ntukekpo, 1997). A great many people living in the significant urban communities of Nigeria don't approach pipe borne water, most likely due to its unavailability and/or inadequacy where obtainable (Omalu et al., 2010). 

Onifade and Ilori (2008) also noted that the high prevalence of diarrhoea among children and infants could be traced to the use of unsafe water and unhygienic practices. Anuonye et al. (2012) observed that unsanitary water has particularly serious negative effects on young children in the developing world. They further reported that each year, more than 2 million persons, mostly children less than five years of age, die of diarrhoea which accounts for 17% of all deaths between the year 2000 and 2003. Diarrhoea is ranked third among the major causes of death in children, after neonatal causes and acute respiratory infections. To curb this health problem, bottled water was introduced, but that could only be afforded by individuals who earned good incomes. Low income earners could only afford the cheaper sachet packed water which surfaced in the late 1990s.
According to the World Health Organization (2004), it is estimated that 80% of all sickness and diseases in developing countries can be attributed to water-borne infectious agents. The World Bank further estimated that if everyone had access to pure drinking water, less than 200 million episodes of diarrhoea would occur each year and 2 million childhood death will be avoided. There is challenge need for satisfactory compact water to satisfy essential human self – adequate demand. 

The drinking water that is protected and tastefully ok involves high need to National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and other regulatory Agencies like WHO, FEPA, and SON. Drinking portable sachet water that is appropriate for human ingestion is expected to meet WHO standard and be free from chemical and physical substances and micro – organism in an amount that cannot be hazardous to health (Denloye, 2004).

Gadgil (1998) stated that the weather has a significant impact on both the quantity and quality of water available in most developing countries. During the rainy season, faeces are washed into rivers and springs, leading to contamination with microorganisms and unwanted chemicals, which amplify the possibility of water-borne diseases. Sachet water, a type of packaged water has, therefore, gradually become the most widely consumed fluid for both the rich and the poor in Nigeria. Sachet water is a sort of water which is preoccupied from typical pipeline water supply (regular water) or borehole and is bundled into a straightforward 50cl nylon sack yet more likely than not went through a few or full traditional water treatment cycles of deliberation, air circulation, screening, flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorination. It is the brand of decision to everybody since it is a cheaper option in contrast to the packaged brand, viewed as the best beverage of the wealthy. Seen cleanliness, virtue, taste, and, in particular, wellbeing are the purposes behind sachet water utilization. Tragically, the issue of its virtue and health concerns has started to manifest (Oladipo et. al., 2009). 

The success and market performance of the sachet water industry is critical to the health and economic well-being of the nation. Unfortunately, most of the companies in the industry are under-performing due to their inability to leverage quality and quality management strategies (Dodoo et al., 2006). The industry continues to be challenged by numerous quality problems that are of much concern for the health of people who patronize packaged water products. There is therefore the need for the immediate adoption of a quality system that is sufficient to combat the quality problems of such an important industry.

Sachet water is managed as a food item in Nigeria by National Agency for Foods Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC). Sachet water isn't totally sterile; it may not be altogether liberated from every single irresistible microorganism. The potential risk related with sachet water is defilement, which is a factor of the wellspring of the actual water, treatment, bundling materials, administering into bundling materials and conclusion (Omalu et al., 2010). Under delayed capacity of bundled water at good ecological conditions, absolute oxygen consuming heterotrophic microscopic organisms can develop to levels that might be destructive to humans (Warburton et al., 1992).
Many studies have been done to assess the physicochemical as well as microbiological quality of sachet water in different parts of Nigeria (Addo et al., 2009).

This present study will to provide information on aspects of the palatability in terms of physico-chemical properties of vended sachet water within Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State as well as clarify concerns about its safety to consumers.

The inability of the state water board to supply portable water to the study area that have led to the ever-increasing proliferation of sachet water producing factories. These also have led to substandard products in the market because most times sachet water produced and stored overtime will be unfit for drinking which many lead to many health challenges to the inhabitant of the area. Unfortunately, most of the products have NAFDAC number inscribe on them.

However, one begin to wonder if storage time can possibly cause a change in the physico-chemical properties of the sachet water.

The main aim of the study is to access effect of storage time on physico-chemical properties of sachet water.

Objectives of the study includes;

i. To evaluate effect of storage time on the quality of the selected sachet water brands.

ii. To access the quality levels of the selected sachet water brands during storage.

iii. To compare results from the analysis of the sample with the recommended and acceptable limit set by world health organisation (WHO) and Nigeria Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) standards.

iv. To ascertain the safety level of the selected sachet water brands within the study area after storage time.

The outcome of the study will be beneficial to all and sundry because it will x-ray the physico-chemical properties of sachet water and also give a clearer view on the standard of sachet water produced and marketed within Afikpo North LGA. The study will also help in sensitizing manufactures, vendors, consumers and the public on the need for ensuring proper treatment, storage methods and the hazards associated with drinking contaminated water. 
To the academics, this study will form basics for further studies and sustenance of an existing knowledge and will serve as a reference point on the subject matter. The findings of this research would assist Government policy on regulation of quality management in sachet water industry. It would enable regulatory agencies and other stakeholders realize the need for proper storage as a strategy to improve performance of the water producers in order to achieve the objective of ensuring portable drinking water for the populace.

This study is essentially centred on the effect of storage time on physico-chemical properties of sachet water and also give a clearer view on the standard of sachet water produced and marketed within Afikpo North LGA. To achieve the project, some experimental investigation is needed in laboratory. The experiments which to be conducted are determination of Ammonium concentration in water samples (NH4), determination of Nitrate concentration in water samples (NO3), determination of Nitrite concentration in water samples (NO2), determination of Iron concentration in water samples (Fe), determination of Phosphate concentration in water samples (PO4), determination of oxygen concentration in water samples (O2), determination of Total hardness in water samples, determination of PH level and determination of carbonate hardness concentration in water samples (CaCO3). Determination of turbidity (NTU) in Sachet Water Brands.

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