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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006538

No of Pages: 33

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This project analyses the transient magnetohydrodynamic free convective flow in vertical microtube in the presence of velocity slip and temperature jump at the inner surface of the microtube. The Laplace transform technique has been used to find the solutions for the velocity and temperature fields by solving the governing partial differential equations in Laplace domain. However, the Riemann-sum approximation method is used to invert the Laplace domain to the time domain. The solution derived is validated by assenting comparison with exact solutions derived for the steady state which has been derived separately. An agreement was found for transient and steady state at large value of time. The solution obtained for the velocity has been used to compute the skin friction. The effect of various flow parameters entering into the problem such as time, Prandtl number Pr, Hartmann number M, rarefaction parameter β_v K_n, and fluid-wall interaction parameter F are discussed with the aid of line graphs.



1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study 2
1.5 Scope and Limitation 3
1.6 Dimensionless Quantities 3
1.7 Definition of the Basic Terms 4
1.7.1 Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) 4
1.7.2 Transient 4
1.7.3 Free Convection 4
1.7.4 Vertical Microtube 4
1.7.5 Skin Friction 4
1.7.6 Steady State 5
1.7.7 Mass Flux 5
1.6.8 Laplace transform 5
1.7.9 Riemann-Sum Approximation 6
1.7.10Viscous/ Non viscous fluids 6
1.7.11Compressible/Incompressible fluids 6
1.7.12 Steady flow 6
1.7.13 Unsteady flow 7
1.7.14 Newtonian fluid 7
1.7.15 Non-Newtonian fluid 7

2.1 Introduction 8



5.1 Summary 26
5.2 Recommendation 26
5.3 Conclusion 27


1.1 Background of the Study
A wide range of applications of micro-electromechanical systems and nano-technology have given afillip to research area where a non-continuum behavior is present. In this work, we are interested instudying the surface-fluid interaction where slip flow regime occurs. In this regard, Knudsen number (Kn) is a deciding factor, which is a measure of molecularmean free path to characteristic length. When theKnudsen number (Kn) is very small, no slip is observedbetween the surface and the fluid and is in tune with the essence of continuum mechanics. Furthermore, when Knudsen number (Kn) lies in the range 0.001-0.1, slip occurs at the surface–fluid interaction and is generally studied under the light of model Maxwell–Smoluchowskn first-order slip boundary conditions. Extensive investigations have been conductedrecently in the field of micro geometry flow, but the literature lacks studies that take into account the role of wall surface curvature on transient magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) free convective flow in vertical microtube. However, to cite a few work in this direction, Khadrawi et al.( 2005) investigated analytically the transient thermal behaviour of a stagnant gas confined in a horizontal micro-channel under the effect of the dual-phase-lag heat conduction model.Khadrawi(2011) studied the transient hydrodynamic and thermal behaviors’ of fluid flow in a vertical porousmicro-channel under the effect of hyperbolic heat conduction model. The unsteady hydrodynamics and thermal behaviour of fluid flow in an open-ended vertical parallel-plate micro-channel are investigated semi analytically under the effect of the dual-phase-lag heat conduction model by Khadrawi and Al-Nimr. (2007) Also,Weng and Chen (2009) studied the impact of wall surface curvature on steady fully developed natural convection flow in an open-ended vertical microtube with an asymmetric heating of annulus surface. Recently, further extended the work of  Weng and Chen (2009)by taking into  account suction/injection on vertical annular micro-channel. It is observed that skin friction decreases at the outer surface of the inner porous cylinder with an increase in fluid–wall interaction parameter reverse at the inner surface of the outer porous cylinder. Avci and Aydin (2009) studied the fully developed mixed convective heat transfer of a Newtonian fluid in a vertical microtube. On the other hand, the MHD phenomenon has received considerable attention during the last two decades due to its importance from the energy generation point of view, and one may envisage MHD generators for power generation. MHD pumps are already in use in chemical energy technology for pumping electrically conducting fluids at some of the atomic energy center. Besides these applications, when the fluid is electrically conducting, the free convection flow is appreciably influenced by an imposed magnetic field. Therefore, to refer to few works in this direction, Sheikholeslami et al. (2014) investigated the magnetic field effect on nano-fluid flow and heat transfer in a semi annulus enclosure via control volume-based finite element method. Sheikholeslami and Gorji-Bandpy(2014) presented the numerical solution for free convection of ferrofluid in a cavity heated from below in the presence of external magnetic field, while the MHD natural convection of nano fluid in a vertical microtube.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
This work analyses the transient magnetohydrodynamic free convective flow in vertical microtube in the presence of velocity slip and temperature jump at the inner surface of the cylinder. The effect of various flow parameters entering into the problem such as time, Prandtl number, Hartmann number, rarefaction parameter, and fluid–wall interaction parameter are discussed with the aid of line graphs.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this project is to study transient MHD Fluid free convection in a vertical microtube. With the following objectives:

i. to analyze the behavior of MHD fluid flow in the presence of a transverse magnetic field and velocity slip in a microtube

ii. to discuss the effects of the time (t), Prandtl number ( Pr ), Hartmann number (M), rarefaction parameter (β_v Kn) and fluid–wall interaction parameter (F) on the fluid temperature, velocity, volume flow rate, rate of heat transfer, and skin friction

iii. to present and discuss the effect of the parameters above graphically using MATLAB (2016b).

1.5 Scope and Limitation
The scope of this research encompasses a comprehensive investigation into transient MHD free convection flow in a vertical microtube. It will involves mathematical modeling, validating the results obtained with existing literature or experimental data which can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex transient flows in microtubes.

1.6  Dimensionless Quantities
Dimensionless parameters, such as the Reynolds number(Re), Grashof number(Gr), and Hartmann number(M), are used to characterize the relative importance of various physical effects in the governing equations. They help in understanding the dominant forces and behaviors in the system.

1.Prandtl number (Pr)
is a dimensionless number used in fluid dynamics and heat transfer to characterize the relative importance of momentum diffusivity (viscosity) to thermal diffusivity in a fluid.

Where μ is the momentum diffusivity, K is the thermal diffusivity,

2. Hartmann Number
This is the most important non-dimensional number in hydromagnetics, first introduced by Hartmann. It is the ratio of electromagnetic force to the viscous force. The hydromagnetic effects are significant if the Hartmann number is significant. It is defined by:

Where B_0 is the magnetic field, L is the characteristic length scale, σ is the electrical conductivity and µ is the viscosity

1.7 Definition of the Basic Terms
1.7.1 Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
MHD is the study of the magnetic properties and behavior of electrically conducting fluids, such as plasmas, liquid metals, and saltwater.

1.7.2 Transient
Transients in fluid mechanics refer to changes in fluid flow conditions over time.

1.7.3 Free Convection
This refers to the mode of heat or mass transfer in a fluid (liquid or gas) that occurs due to density differences caused by variations in temperature or concentration.

1.7.4 Vertical Microtube
A vertical microtube refers to a small-diameter tube oriented vertically. Microtubes are tiny tubes with diameters in the micrometer range.

1.7.5 Skin Friction
Skin friction, also known as wall shear stress, is a force exerted by a fluid in contact with a solid surface, such as a wall or boundary.

τ is the skin friction (shear stress) acting on the surface.
μ (mu) is the viscosity of the fluid.

1.7.6 Steady State
Steady state refers to the condition in a system where various parameters or properties remain constant over time.

1.7.7 Mass Flux
Mass flux, also known as mass flow rate, is a measure of the amount of mass (typically in kilograms or other mass units) passing through a defined area or cross-sectional region per unit of time (typically in seconds). Mathematically, mass flux is expressed as

MassFlux=(Mass Flow rate)/Area

Where the mass flow rate is the total mass passing through a specific section of the system per unit time, and the area is the cross-sectional area through which the mass is flowing.

1.6.8 Laplace transform
If f(t) represents some expression in t defined for  t≥0, the Laplace Transform of f(t), denoted by L{f(t)}  is defined to be:

Where s is a variable whose value is chosen so as to ensure that the semi-infinite integral converges.

1.7.9 Riemann-Sum Approximation
An efficient and accurate method for Laplace inversion of some difficult functions into their corresponding time domain. This method employs the use of Fourier-series to replace the integral by a series which corresponds to the trapezoidal with a specific discretization error. The Fourier integral thus obtained can be approximated by its Riemann-sum. The Riemann-sum approximation for the Laplace inversion contains a single summation in the numerical process. Its degree of accuracy depends on the value of ϵ  as well as the truncation error controlled by N. The value of ϵ  must be chosen so that the Bromwich contour encloses all the branch points. In this method, any function in the s domain can be inverted into time t domain as follows;

where Re refers to the to the ‘real part’ of the summation,  i=√(-1) is the imaginary number, N is the number of terms used in the Riemann-sum approximation and ϵ is the real part of the Bromwich contour that is used in inverting Laplace transforms.

1.7.10 Viscous/ Non viscous fluids
A fluid obeying Newton’s law of viscosity is referred to as  viscous fluid, otherwise is non-viscous (or inviscid).

1.7.11 Compressible/Incompressible fluids
A fluid whose density is constant irrespective of how much pressure is increased is said to be incompressible, otherwise it is compressible.

1.7.12 Steady flow
Steady flow refers to a situation where the velocity, pressure, and other properties of a fluid remain constant at a given point in space over time. 

1.7.13 Unsteady flow
Unsteady flow, on the other hand, is when the properties of a fluid at a particular point change with time. 

1.7.14 Newtonian fluid
A Newtonian fluid is a type of fluid that behaves in a simple and predictable manner, following Newton's law of viscosity. In a Newtonian fluid, the relationship between the shear stress (force per unit area) and the rate of deformation (velocity gradient) is linear and constant. Water and most common liquids, as well as air and other gases, are examples of Newtonian fluids.

1.7.15 Non-Newtonian fluid
A non-Newtonian fluid is a type of fluid that does not follow Newton's law of viscosity, and its viscosity or flow behavior changes under different conditions. Non-Newtonian fluids can exhibit various types of behavior, such as becoming more viscous (thickening) or less viscous (thinning) in response to changes in shear stress. Examples of non-Newtonian fluids include ketchup, toothpaste, and blood, as well as some drilling muds and industrial polymers.

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