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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009423

No of Pages: 84

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study was conducted to investigate the effect of floriculture development on the livelihood of rural women in ikwuano L.G.A of  Abia state, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: to assess and document the state floriculture in the study area, to evaluate the impacts of flower business on the livelihood of rural women in the area,  to determine the relationship between the type of flower grown and the income revenue. Primary data were conducted with the use of structured questionnaire. a total of one hundred(100) rural women were randomly selected. The result obtained was presented using descriptive statistics. The result revealed that 80% of the respondents agreed that the state of floriculture in the study area were influence by the cost of production, poor availability of flower species used in production, high rate of flower production while 10% of the respondents disagreed and 10% indicated no specific response. Challenges identified were based on responses of majority (> 75%) of the respondent encountered. The statistical test showed a significant positive relationship between the state of floriculture in the area and challenges encountered by women as (F1, 39 = 19.94,P<0.0001). The study concluded that floriculture in Ikwuano has not created sufficient jobs to make meaningful contribution to the improvement of livelihoods and reductions in poverty level. However, given proper attention and facilitation, floriculture has the potential to create numerous skilled and unskilled jobs for unemployed rural dwellers.  


Title Page                                                                                                                            i

Declaration                                                                                                                         ii

Certification                                                                                                                        iii

Dedication                                                                                                                           iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                            v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                vi

List of Figures                                                                                                                                 viii

List of Plates                                                                                                                       ix

Abstract                                                                                                                               x


1.1     Background of the Study                                                                                          1

1.2     Statement of the Research Problem                                                                         5

1.3     Justification of the Study                                                                                          6

1.4     Scope of the Study                                                                                                    6

1.5     Limitations of the Study                                                                                           6

1.6     Aim and Objectives                                                                                                  7


2.1     Concept of Horticulture                                                                                            8

2.1.1  Economic perspective                                                                                              8

2.1.2  Environmental benefits of floriculture and landscaping                                          9

2.1.3  Effects on soil                                                                                                           10

2.1.4  Effects on aquatic life                                                                                               10

2.1.5  Effect of pesticides used in floriculture                                                                   11

2.1.6  Waste disposal                                                                                                          11

2.2       Overview of Floriculture Industries                                                                           11

2.3     Other Countries Experience in the Floriculture Industry                                         14

2.4     Economic Importance of Floriculture                                                                      16

2.5       Socio-Economic Significance of Floriculture to Developing nations                         17                      

2.6       Environmental Impacts of Floriculture Industries                                                      19

2.7     Environmental Planning                                                                                           19

2.7.1  Novel designs and resource use                                                                                19

2.7.2  Pollution control                                                                                                       20

2.7.3  Soil stabilization                                                                                                       21

2.7.4  Wind control and climate modulation                                                                                  21

2.7.5  Education                                                                                                                  22

2.7.6  Parks and gardens                                                                                                     22

2.7.7  Awareness                                                                                                                 23

2.8     The Prospects of Floriculture                                                                                   24

2.9     Challenges in the Horticultural Industry                                                                  24

2.10   The Global Context of Rural Women Livelihood                                                    24

2.10.1 Ornamental plants                                                                                                     26

2.10.2  Taxonomical studies of ornamental plants                                                                 27

2.10.3  Contribution of some ornamental plants to the socio-economic

development of nations                                                                                               28

2.10.4            Classification of ornamental plant based on herbaceous ornamentals:

Annual, perennials and ornamental grasses                                                            30

2.10.5 Care of ornamental plants in the landscape                                                              31

2.10.6 Ornamental plants and their role in human psychology                                           32

2.11   Floriculture and Livelihood Security: The India Experience                                   33

2.12   Care and Maintenance of Flower Production                                                           36

2.13   Working Conditions                                                                                                 36

2.14     Benefits of Flower Farms to Workers Wellbeing                                                      37

2.15   Effects of Flower Farming on Workers’ Health                                                       37

2.16   Effects of Flower Farming on the Larger Community                                             38

2.17   Flower, Ecosystem and Human Health                                                                    40

2.18   Economics of Floriculture: Review of Empirical Evidences                                   40


3.1     Study Area                                                                                                                45

3.2     Population of the Study                                                                                            48

3.3     Data Collection                                                                                                         48

3.4     Research Design                                                                                                       48

3.5     Data Analysis                                                                                                            49


4.1     Results                                                                                                                      50

4.2     Discussion                                                                                                                 50 


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  57

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      58






Figure 1:       Map of the study area, Ikwuano LGA of Abia State                                    46

Figure 2:       Frequency of responses on the status of flower wreath and garland in

Ikwuano LGA.                                                                                                50

Figure 3:       Frequency of responses on the impact of floriculture on the socioeconomic

Status of women in Ikwuano LGA                                                                 51

Figure 4:       Frequency of responses on the challenges faced by women

Involved in floriculture in Ikwuano LGA                                                       53

Figure 5:       The relationship between the status of wreaths and garlands on the

Socioeconomic status of women in Ikwuano LGA                                        54

Figure 6:       The relationship between the status of wreaths and garlands and the

Challenges of women involved in flower production in Ikwuano LGA 55



Plate 1: Alternathera Species                                                                                                         47

Plate 2: Ficus viriegata                                                                                                      47

Plate 3: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana                                                                                             47

Plate 4: Trichilia dregeana                                                                                                47



        1.1 Background of the Study

       Floriculture can be defined as “a branch of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and for floristry, comprising the floral industry (Getu,2009). It can also be defined as “The segment of horticulture concerned with commercial production, marketing, and sale of bedding plants, cut flowers, potted flowering plants, foliage plants, flower arrangements, and noncommercial home gardening.” Flowers have always remained an integral part of the social fabric of human life due to its essence and fragrance being essential on functions of any society since time immemorial (Praveen, 2011). The origin of flower and ornamental plant growing is contemporary with agricultural crops. In the beginning, their use was exclusively for aesthetic and religious purpose (Singh, 2007). Due to changes in life style, living standards and increased urban affluence; floriculture has gained commercial status in recent times. Along with that, the steady increase of population virtually has created huge domestic demand for floricultural products. The commercial activity of floriculture product is the foundation of profitable and excellent employment opportunities to most rural women (Narendra, 2000).

     Agriculture in most African countries contributes about 85 percent to livelihood, 50 percent to (GDP) Gross Domestic Products and 90 percent to the export market of the country (Medium, 2002). Coffee, tea, cotton, cereals, oil seeds, fruits, vegetables and livestock products are the major agricultural products used for domestic consumption and export. Coffee alone account for up to 60 percent of total exports (Medium, 2002). Horticulture and Floriculture sub sectors are relatively new to export and contain a huge potential to earn foreign currency through balanced export and diversification. The amount of flower products exported from Ethiopia for example, is currently at a minimal with respect to the international market demand. However, the competitive edge gained by Ethiopian cut flowers, especially roses, in European markets has attracted several stakeholders. Floriculture is getting utmost consideration for export presently in Ethiopia (Medium, 2002).

Floriculture continues to be the most important economic sector in many Sub-Saharan Africa countries (Raikes, 1997) and the regions relation to the world economy is persistently shaped by agro food commodities and minerals (Gibbon and Pontec, 2005). Over the last two decades many African countries have turned to non-traditional agricultural exports reflecting their comparative advantages as a strategy for achieving growth (McCulloh and Ota, 2002). One example of non-traditional agricultural exports which is considered a major success story in Africa Agriculture is the Nigerian cut flower industry (Gabre-Madhin and Hagg-blade, 2004). This industry, which in many ways is characteristics for economic globalization, has experienced phenomenal growth rates when the Nigerian economy as a whole was declining. Interestingly, the global cut flower producers and especially Nigerian ones have also been at the forefront of embracing ethnical trading initiatives.

 In Nigeria and Abia state in particular, agriculture is the mainstay of majority in our population and this critical sector is mostly dominated by women (NEST, 2011). Women play a major role in food production, food distribution, and food utilization – the three components of food security; they also undertake a range of community-level activities that support agricultural development (UNDP, 2011). Nigeria’s agricultural and allied industrial sectors employ about 15% of total female labor force (FAO, 2010).Although the African Union had declared 2015 as the ‘Year of Women Empowerment’ by passing a policy, most rural women’s work have not been accounted in official statistics, and data collection agencies admit serious under-estimation (Leach and Sitaram,2002;Argawal,2010).

 Similarly, in Nigeria women contribute 70% of labor in the agricultural sector but they hold only 1% of registered land titles (Dolan, 2007). Women’s limited ability to own land and property negatively affects their ability to participate in producer groups, receive income for their labour, and gained from agricultural services (Ellis et al., 2007). While Women’s income in mostly sub Saharan nations including Nigeria directly benefits family and cover expenses of food and basic needs, men’s income usually goes for assets, luxuries and liquor.(Govindasamy and Hsu, 2012 ) This realization should stir development of income generating activities like practicing floriculture for women on a large scale (Boserup, 1989). However, the strategy has not fully succeeded since poverty stricken women are increasingly faced with fewer opportunities to work due to lack of skills, education, and access to technologies, tools and productive assets. Moreover, rural women are often burdened with household routine and care for the family almost all year round (NAPE, 2012)

             Flower production and marketing play a leading role in creating jobs, mostly for female workers who account for over seventy five percent of the total employment in the agricultural sector (Ute, 2013; Dolan et al., 2003)

              Studies conducted in developing countries suggest that cut flower industries have a range of social and economic implications, especially on livelihood of rural women (Dolan et al., 2003, Hale and Opondo, 2005, Taylor, 2010, Ute, 2013). Moreover, findings from gender analysis showed that in spite of increasing number of women participation in paid jobs, majority still remain in temporary, low skilled and low paid positions and face problems of inequality (Dolan, et al., 2003, Ute, 2013). Scholars asserted that such challenges might be rooted in the domestic gender relations and socio-cultural norms that have shaped working conditions in globalized systems of production such as flower industries (Wick 2010, Tanya and Olga, 2007).

Agriculture is central to women’s livelihoods, especially in Africa. Climatic stresses on agricultural production will make women particularly vulnerable to food insecurity. (NEST, 2011) Therefore, empowering women and young girls through flower production enterprise is not just necessary for their well-being, but also a means to broaden agricultural development and food security, in this era of economic recession. Studies show that, if women farmers, especially those in flower production enterprise, were given the same access to resources (such as land, finance and technology) as men, their agricultural yields could increase by 20 to 30 percent; national agricultural output could rise by 2.5 to 4 percent; and the number of malnourished people could be reduced by 12 to 17 percent. (Barrientos et al., 2004). This study therefore aims to survey the impact of floriculture development on livelihood of rural women in Ikwuano LGA of Abia State especially in the face of threatened ailing economy.


Women face numerous obstacles to access productive inputs, assets and services; such as land, water, labor, unpaid wage, financial dependency on household heads and gender inequality. These obstacles not only heighten their vulnerability to food insecurity, but also considerably reduce their contribution to overall agricultural production. Women in general are regarded as weaker in nature when compared to men, these no doubt weighs them down in the aspect of health, safety and agility as rural women are mostly disadvantaged due to illiteracy, lack of exposure, technical no how as well as environmental impact of climate change, which affects mostly women in third world country. However, these problems confronting rural women are risk factors as those in flower production are not left out as they form the basis for the case study.


Floriculture is a branch of horticulture which employs cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants for cut-flowers and greenery. It is a competitive and technical business that requires knowledge, skills and large amount of capital. The successful grower must be highly trained, skilled entrepreneur, and proper understanding of this practice is seen as the first step in florist industry to organize how to provide a wide delivery of flowers within and outside the locality. These networks also link the florist with several broad associations which provide technical information and trade channels.Floriculture has remained virtually untapped in the study area despite its huge socio-economic importance in the environment. Information on the status of cut flowers firms, perception of self-employment, challenges and relationship between the types of flowers grown and income revenue of the rural women becomes imperative as to investigate the effects of floriculture development in the study area.


This research unveils the impact of floriculture development on the livelihood of rural women in Ikwuano Local Government of Abia State and thus suggests solutions to existing problems encountered. It also encourages concerned bodies, NGOs, farm owners to be more conscious of the issues raised in the study.


Lack of transparency for all the large flower farms that were visited, management refused to give the researcher any information regarding their work; neither would they allow their workers to freely participate in interviews. Data availability, analysis, obtaining important inputs and the required materials from floriculture industry owners and financial issues were also the limitation of the study. Moreover, the constraint of finance hindered the study. In some ways, these problems are obstacles to assess and analyze the existing situation and to propose planning and design solutions.


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of floriculture development on the livelihood of rural women in Ikwuano LGA of Abia State, Nigeria. The research has the following objectives:

1.     To assess and document the status of flower wreaths and garlands in the study area;

2.     To evaluate the impacts of flower firms on the livelihood of rural women in the area;

3.     To identify challenges faced by rural women during flower production in the area;

4.     To determine the relationship between the types of flowers grown and the income revenue of the people.


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