1.1 Background to the Study
As a concept,
motivation is ambiguous, indefinite and vast. A lot of factors create desire in
individuals; and if these desires are not met, the way of life of the
individual is affected because his ego is involved. As a concept that tries to
give account of how individuals are encouraged or driven to achieve a
particular task, it becomes difficult to discuss in concise manner. Motivation
in this regard, is centred on employees in their work place. Human beings have
needs and desires and most times people’s needs are insatiable. Also
unprecedented circumstances, time, and situations may cause motivating factors
to change with time.
Many organizations had
for decades been confronted with the need to maximize industrial productivity
through either the maximization of human output or by increasing the potential
capability of machines. Efforts in either direction have produced only minimal
results (Peretomode and Peretomode, 2005). According to the Peretomodes,
advances in industrial engineering through automation and mechanization of
industrial processes were welcomed relief for management, yet these advances
alienated the employees and brought about greater dissatisfaction. Management
problem today therefore appears very much human than mechanical (Henderson, 2000).
With this realization
therefore, greater efforts towards increasing productivity have taken the human
approach and hence the use of incentives. The use of incentives to motivate
employees however, is by no means recent, but has acquired more popularity in
recent times, while the parameters of incentive employed have widened to the
use of money (economic incentive) the provision of amenities and fringe
benefits (social incentives), involvement in decision making (participatory
incentive), to the use of such factors as job security and promotion
(psychological incentives) (Wikipedia, 2010).
The biggest task for
motivation theorists as well as management today is the need to assess the
relative effectiveness of these different forms of incentives. Several
questions therefore are yet to be resolved relative to the relationship between
incentives and productivity. Firstly, there is the need to establish clearly,
if in fact incentives do influence productivity, and secondary, the nature of
incentive and the type of incentive will enhance productivity.
The study therefore,
addresses the impact of motivation on workers’ performance with the intent to
ascertain the relationship between the presentation of motivational strategies
and the subsequent level of performance.
However, the
relationship between the organization and its members is governed by what
motivates them to work and the fulfillment they derive from it. The manager
needs to know how best to elicit the cooperation of staff, and direct their
performance to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The
failure or success of any organization depends on whether or not these goals
and objectives are achieved. An organization’s workforce plays significant role
in the achievement of these organizational goals and objectives.
Employers of labour
have however come to recognize the importance of employees’ welfare provisions,
as incentives to motivate workers for better results, and achievement of the
goals of the organization.
Motivation therefore,
is concerned, basically, with why people behave in a certain way (Mullins,
2006). The basic underlying question is, “why do people do what they do?” In
general terms, motivation can be described as the process of arousing and
sustaining goal-directed behaviour (Nelson and Quick, 2001). It can also be
defined as an inner state that energizes, activates, or moves (hence
“motivation”), and that directs or channels behavior toward goals (Barelson and
Steiner, 1964 as cited in Ogundele, 2005). In other words, motivation is a
general term applying to the entire class of drives, desire, needs, wishes, and
similar forces.
An organization must
pay for services it gets and be sufficiently concerned about the workforce in
order to achieve the set targets of the organization. It is thus the
responsibility of an organization to ensure that conditions of employment are
so arranged that the immediate needs of the employees are satisfied. Hence, the
study examines the impact of motivation on workers’ performance, using the
telecommunication industry (i.e. Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited).
1.2 significance of the Study
The following segment
of this chapter elaborates on the importance of the study.
The result of this
study should enhance greater efficiency and effectiveness in the productivity
and management of organization. The importance of manpower productivity should
also be ascertained through this study. Hence, it will also be of paramount
relevance of setting up coordination, motivation and management of organizations.
This study will
enhance adequate measurement to obtain high standard living of a country.
The study, will add to
the existing body of knowledge on employees’ motivation and workers’
performance. This study will ginger organization, particularly the human
resource manager, policy makers, business owners as well as employees on how to
correct anomalies in the practice of employees’ motivation, compensation and
its management.
The results of this
study should assist in defining new methods for Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited in
particular and telecommunication industry in general.
1.3 Statement of the Research Problem
Job dissatisfaction is
known to be a problematic issue and it is rampant among the University
graduates. It is also rampant among employees in organizations and with the
single reason caused by money. More problematic, the University graduates of
today or job seekers, and even managers do not care about whether the job
duties are fulfilling rather, they care more about the size or the magnitude of
incentives attached to the job.
More so, employees
often complain that their salaries are stagnant, that others receive more pay
or salaries than them, while they perform the same type of job. They usually
accuse the management of gross favouritism and incompetence due to inequality
or underpayment of employees which often lead to mass dissatisfaction and
However, the main
purpose of every organization is profit maximization. All factors of production
must be adequately channeled to attain a particular goal for an organization to
achieve profit. Man stands out among all the factors of production because he
is the one that puts all other factors e.g. land, capital etc to use. This
notwithstanding, man still remains insatiable.
Motivation of man or
an employee is achieved when his psychology is tuned to a positive disposition
which can now lead him to perform in a particular way. The type of motivation a
worker receives goes a long way to determine his dedication and efficiency in
his work-place. Also, the levels of motivation and the motivating factors of
employees vary from one employee to the other as well as from organization to
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The primary aim of
this study is to examine the impact of motivation on workers’ performance in
Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited. Other specific objectives are stated thus:
i. To
identify major cause of employee turnover in the organization.
ii. To
determine if employees’ motivational packages are parts of the factors that
stimulates workers on the job.
iii. To
Establish relationship between good motivational packages and staff
1.5 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study
would be on workers’ performance, using the concepts of motivation as effective
technique in the telecommunication (i.e. Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited)
It will also cover all
aspects of productivity with particular emphasis on employees’ productivity. It
examines the quality of the interaction between individuals and the
The responsibility for
improving the quality of individuals and the organization, as well as improving
productivity in the telecommunication sector. Therefore, the study will use
Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited as a case study.
1.6 Limitation of the Study
Synonymous with every
research work, this project is limited to telecommunication industry.
Specifically, it is limited to Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited alone.
1.7 Research Questions
What are the causes of employees’ turnover in
work organizations?
What are the factors that stimulate potential
employees to apply for jobs?
Is there significance relationship between
employees’ motivational package and staff performance?
1.8 Research Hypotheses
1. Ho: There is no significant relationship between employees’
turnover and
organizational performance.
Hi: There is a significant relationship between
employees’ turnover
and organizational performance.
2. Ho: Stimulating potential employees does not improve
performance in work
Hi: Stimulating potential employees improves
performance in work
3. Ho: There is no significant relationship between employees’
motivational package and
Hi: There is a significant relationship between
employees’ motivational
package and performance.
1.9 Brief History of Multi-Choice Nigeria
Multi-Choice Nigeria
Limited is located within Lagos Metropolis. Specifically, it is located at plot
1379A, Tiamiyu Savage Street, Victoria Island, Lagos. Multi-Choice Nigeria
Limited started as the subscriber management arm of M-Net, the analogue Pay-TV
channel. Today, it is the leading multichannel digital satellite television
operator across the African continent. Its dynamic technology platform and
varied bouquet of channels, built on a foundation of compelling premium
entertainment, has seen Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited grow its business across
South Africa.
We live in a world
where information has become the key advantage. Today, information can travel
anywhere, anytime, at great speed and in so many different ways – unlocking
potential wherever it goes. At Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited, they constantly
look for innovative ways and push boundaries to deliver information and content
that is not only entertaining, but informative.
Multi-Choice Nigeria
Limited provides its DSTV services to different market segments. The DSTV
bouquets cater for different lifestyles and pockets, from entry level to
Premium. Its premium service provides more than 89+3 HD video, 40 CD quality
audio channels, 32 radio stations and 3 interactive services. DSTV is also
available as a riche service for the Indian and Portuguese communities.
M-Net and Super Sport
are part of the Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited stable, which delivers premium
channels and content to a growing number of subscribers. Oracle, DSTV Mobile,
NWEB, DSTV Online, CommerceZone, SmartVillage and NMSCom also form part of the
DSTV Mobile run trials
on technologies aimed at playing a significant role in the transmission of the
just concluded 2010 World Cup; namely mobile television. This mobile broadcast
technology allows for the digital terrestrial broadcast of live television channels
to a specially equipped mobile phone.
Multi-Choice Nigeria
Limited is one of the outstanding examples of a pioneering South African
company, owned by Naspers, an international player providing entertainment,
technology and e-commerce services.
Multi-Choice Nigeria
Limited’s involvement in South Africa goes beyond its core business. Through
its corporate social investment, the company actively participates in social
transformation and through technology, enables individuals and communities to
help themselves ultimately leading to growth of the economy of the country.
Multi-Choice Nigeria Limited’s potentials, its unique services and being an
international organization which manage workforce diversity prompts the
interest of this research work.
1.10 Operational Definition of Terms
Motivation: This
is described as “those inner drives that activate or move an individual to
action”. In essence, it is what spurs an individual towards a desired
Motivation Systems: These
are packages that are designed and intended to attract, retain and motivate
employees. They do not just happen. Hence, certain conditions must exist for
this to occur.
Performance: This
is simply defined as the output resulting from a given resource input at a given
time. Hence, a good definition of productivity must include three major
elements output, resources committed, and time.
Management: It is
referred to as the process whereby a body or set of people create, direct,
maintain and operate purposive organization through co-ordinated, co-operative
human effort.
Employee: This
can be described as a person who is paid to work for somebody.
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