Nigeria marketing managers do not need more information but better information in providing superior value and satisfying consumers. Marketing research could be conceived as the planned collections, analysis and reporting of data for possible application to a specific marketing situation and for this study, this is applied to the area of product development. This, however, entails the development of products to the requirements and opportunities of the market. This study identifies among others that poor marketing research has resulted in the inability of a firm to plan, develop appropriate product and this leads to decrease in Company's market share. In other words, this study becomes relevant in investigating and evaluation of the impact of marketing research efforts of firms toward products planning. The research methodology involved primary and secondary sources of data, where questionnaire and oral interview were employed as data collection technique. The chi - square (X2) statistical method and percentages tables were used in the testing of Hypothesis and analysis of data respectively. The result reveals that the entire three null Hypotheses were rejected for the alternative. The study finally recommends among others that companies need information at almost every turn in order to provide superior value and satisfaction to consumers.
COVER PAGE - - - - - - - - i
CERTIFICATION - - - - - - - ii
CLARIFICATION - - - - - - - iii
DEDICATION - - - - - - - - iv
TABLE OF CONTENT - - - - - - - vi
LIST OF TABLES - - - - - - - - ix
ABSTRACT - - - - - - - - x
1.1 Background of the study - - - - - - 1
1.2 Statement of Problem - - - - - - 2
1.3 Objective of the Study -- - -- - - - 3
1.4 Research Questions - - - - - - - 4
1.5 Research Hypothesis - - - - - - - 4
1.6 Significance of the study - - - - - - 5
1.7 Scope of the study - - - - - - - 6
1.8 Limitation of the study - - - - - - 6
1.9 Operational definition of terms - - - - - 7
2.1 INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - 8
2.1.2 Marketing Research: issues, concept and strategies.- - 9
2.1.3 Basic Research Issues - - - - - - 14
2.2 Nature and Meaning/Definition of the Study - - - 16
2.2.1 Historical Development of Marketing Research in Nigeria - 17
2.3 The process of Marketing Research - - - - 18
2.3.1 Impact of Marketing Research - - - - - 21
2.4: Limitation of Marketing Research in Product Development 21
2.5 Problem of Information Generation For Research - - 24
2.6 Product Development Strategy -- - - - - 26
2.7 Rationales behind new product failure in the market - - 28
2.8 Importance of Pre and Post Test in Product Development - 29
2.9 Product Development and Research Policies and Strategies - 31
2.10 Product Planning and Development Process - - - 32
2.11 Product Planning Defined - - -- - - 34
2.12 Importance of Product Planning - - - - - 36
2.13 Relationship between product planning and product life cycle 37
2.14 Strategies for managing the cost implication of - -- 38
marketing research
2.15 Limitation to dependency in marketing research - - 39
information for product development
3.1 Research Design - - - - - -- - 41
3.2 Source/Selection of data - - - - -- - 41
3.3 Sample size determination of the population - - - 42
3.4 Sample Technique - - - -- - - - 43
3.4.1 Sampling Procedure - - - - -- - 43
3.4.2 Sampling Method - - - - - - 43
3.4.3 Design and Administers of Questionnaire - - - 44
3.5 Data Analysis Technique/ Statistical tools - - - 45
4.3 Testing of Hypotheses - - - - - - 53
4.3.1 Hypothesis One - - - - - - - 53
4.3.2 Hypothesis Two - - - - - - - 54
4.3.3 Hypothesis Three - -- - - - - - 54
5.1 Summary of findings - - - - - - - 56
5.2 Conclusion - - - -- -- - - - 57
5.4 Areas of Further Research - - - - - - 58
Table 4.1 Analysis of distribution and collection of questionnaire - 46
Table 4.2: Extent of relevant of definition of marketing research - 47
objectives to organisational performance
Table 4.3: Assessment of the synergic relationship between research - 48
and product planning
Table 4.4 Impact of Research Efforts towards product performance - 49
Table 4.5: Assessment of research activities of Nigerian - - 50
manufacturing firms.
Table 4.6: Extent of marketing research efforts on product planning - 51
effects of sales volume of a firm's product.
Table 4.7: Consumer Research Interview - - - - - 52
1.1 Background of the study
To succeed in today's market place, companies must know how to manage and maintain sources of information effectively. Most marketing manage do not need more information but better information. In order to provide superior value and satisfy consumers, companies need information at almost every turn. Here the researcher is of the view that no matter the reasons for the existence of a firm, it would never rely solely on rule of thumb, hunches and experience in its decision-making. It requires a systematic process of information management build on objectivity. In the mix elements, marketers maintain that no mix element is greater than the other, however, the truth still remain that product is the only mix element, which others revolve around. This expedient for firms to plan their product development activities in such a way that it will meet the requirement of the market. Oko (2002) opined that product research will be executed with a view to eliminating constraints to acceptance of business offers as many related to the product and its augmentation. Okpara (2002) defined marketing research as plan collections, analysis and reporting of data for possible application to a specific marketing situation.
Marketing research requires systematic analysis of information. This implies that it involve step- by - step processes as regards to gathering of the data needed in solving marketing problem. From the foregoing analysis, the focal point of research exercise is the sourcing of the right information and the application of same to problems militating against corporate growth through effective and efficient consumer satisfaction Oko(2002). An analyst contends that research exercise is not conducted on a vacuum, the information gathered in the process could be applied to any marketing identified problem.
This study will focus its application on product planning. Anyanwu (2002), Rewoldt et al defined product planning as the development of the proposed products to the requirement and opportunities of the market. Thus, this is where the study explores on the topic “Impact of marketing research in product planning development "Using unilever as a focus point.
1.2 Statement of Problem
One would wonder why some products still meet its waterloo in the market place despite company’s research efforts attempt. Here the researcher adduce that the reasons are abound but chose to mention the following as discussed below;
Poor marketing research has resulted in the inability of a firms to plan develop appropriate product and this leads to decrease in company's market share.
Again, many firms define their marketing research problems narrowly. The research may look only at the product's quality or characteristics without considering consumers feeling about dropping the old product and adopting the new one. That does not offer consumer satisfaction as basic for the firm's mutual relationship. Another problem is that most firms have completely relegate the importance of marketing research to the Background and this could be conspicuously felt in the unimportance they show on establishing a separate research unit properly equipped and charged with the task of sourcing the right information for the organization. These are some of the problem these researchers intend to address. This would be tackle base on some research question as listed below.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The broad objective of the study is to investigate and evaluate the impact of marketing research efforts of firms to product planning performance, other specific objective include:
1. To know the extent of relevance of marketing research objectives to organizational growth.
2. To unravel marketing research efforts on product increase sales volume of a firm’s product.
3. To evaluate for relevance, the relationship existing between marketing research and product planning performance in Nigeria.
1.4 Research Questions
These are some of the research question as listed below, this study seeks to address base on the problem as identify in the study earlier
1. How relevant is the definition of marketing research objective in the firm’s operations?
2. How will (does) marketing research efforts on product planning increase sales volume of a firm's product?
3. Is there any synergic relationship between marketing research and product planning realizable in Nigeria?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
To help resolve the questions earlier posited, the following hypothesis will be test in null form.
Ho 1: Definition of marketing research objective is not relevant to organizational research operation.
Ho 2: Marketing research efforts on product planning does not increase sales volume of a firm's product.
Ho 3: There is no synergic relationship between marketing research and product planning efforts.
1.6 Significance of the study
Research exercise no doubt is a laudable means of enhancing corporate
performance. The findings from this! Study will be inestimable to manufacturing firms most especially Unilever Nigeria PLC, for it will provide in depth and useful information on the strategic role of marketing research especially on the area of product development.
The management of business firms would see this work as their best companion in the effort to improve their organization. The findings will also improve on the better ways of satisfying consumer. This will invariably improve the standard of living of individual.
Academia and scholars alike will see this work as value enrich as it expose the problem area under investigation and serve as a reference point for future purposes.
1.7 Scope of the study
The geographical area:
The study area is limited to Unilever Nigeria PLC. The administration of the research instruments is limited the Aba branch office of the organization only. The staff selected for the administration of questionnaires and oral interviews is limited to the organization, this is because they are categories of that staff that make decisions that affect the organization, and also they are senior staff in the organization and consumer will be interview.
The subject pattern (This study is about the impact of marketing research on product planning)
1.8 Limitation of the study
A research effort of this magnitude could not have said to pass without any constraints. This obstacle which the research anticipates during the course of this exercise include the following but with a firm’s belief that it will be managed for optimal results. The prevailing socio- economic hardship imminent in our country may cause reduction in income status of our sponsors. The required assistance was not received: Time factor was another limitation because inadequate time is allotted to this work couple with other academic pressure. This may hinder smooth operations of the work.
Security consciousness of some respondents especially at the top management level expected to furnish with the researcher accurate and first hand information was anticipated limitations the study is bound to encounter.
1.9 Operational definition of terms
1. Marketing research: systematic analysis, model building and fast finding for the purpose of improve decision-making and control of the marketing of goods and services.
2. Product planning: This is the arrangement through which a new product will be developed.
3. Marketing mix: This is the controllable (internal) variable, which a firm blends together to lucratively satisfies its customers more than the competitors.
4. Product: This is anything offered to the market for attention acquisition, consumption and which is capable of satisfying human wants.
5. Product Development: process of fitting the proposed product requirements and opportunities of the market.
6. Strategy: This is a marketing plan of action used by a firm to achieve its long-term goal.
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