This research on the role of electronic media in the promotion of new product in the Telecommunications market: A study of selected MTN product is a very important study for the telecommunication market. The general objective of this study was to investigate the role of electronic media in the promotion of new product in the telecommunication market in Aba. Specific objectives were to: determine the types of electronic media adopted by MTN for promoting its new products, examine the role of social media like facebook and twitter for effective promotion on MTN products, to examine the prons and cons of major electronic media. To solve the research problem, primary data were collected. The research instrument used in collecting data was questionnaires. The respondents compassed of the relevant MTN staff in Aba and MTN subscribers in Aba metropolis. In organizing and presenting data collected, tables, frequencies and percentages were used. The various hypothesis formulated were tested using chi-square.
Data analysis and interpretation gave the following findings. Electronic media exposes a firm to its target market, electronic media advert influences majority of the subscribers which invariably leads to their increase in demand of MTN products, subscribers prefer the products of MTN to other networks as a result of their use of electronic media for advertising its new products. Based on these findings, the following recommendations were made; MTN Aba should start advertisement through the state media agency, MTN Aba should determine the classes of media to use and the manner in which the determined media are to be used, the company should select promising media objectives that will help it attain its organizational goals. The company should critically evaluate the media strategies before adopting anyone. Lastly customer’s profile should be given serious study and attention for effective analysis and evaluation before carrying out promotional activities.
Title Page i
certification ii
Declaration iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Content vi
List of Tables viii
Abstract x
Chapter one
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Research Questions 6
1.5 Research Hypothesis 7
1.6 Significance of the Study 7
1.7 Scope of the Study 8
2.1 Nature of Promotion 9
2.2 The Concept of Electronic Media 10
2.3 Types of Electronic Media 11
2.3.1 Television 11
2.3.2 Radio 14
2.4 Benefits of Electronic Media 16
2.5 Media Choice Factors 16
2.6 Electronic Media Plan 18
2.7 Appraisal of Media Strategies 20
2.8 Uses of Electronic Media 24
2.9 Characteristics of Electronic Media Audience 27
2.10 Roles of Electronic Media in Telecommunication Industry 31
2.11 Effect of Electronic Media on Consumer Choice of MTN Products 32
2.12 Evaluation of the effectiveness of electronic media in the
promotion of new products 34
2.13 Profile of MTN 37
3.1 Research Design 41
3.2 Area of the Study 41
3.3 Population of the Study 42
3.4 Determination of Sample Size 42
3.5 Method of Data Collection 43
3.6 Sampling Techniques 44
3.7 Method of Data Analysis 44
3.8 Sources Of Data 44
4.2 Testing of Hypothesis 54
5.1 Summary of Findings 59
5.2 Conclusion 60
5.3 Recommendations 61
References 63
Table 4.1 Questionnaire administration and response rage 45
Table 4.2 staff response as regards the effectiveness of electronic media in
Communicating with a large number of people. 45
Table 4.3 staff response as to whether electronic media exposes a
firm to its target market 46
Table 4.4 staff response as regards the company’s promotional effort 46
Table 4.5 staff responses as to the type of electronic
media which they consider effective in Delivering
messages to MTN subscribers 47
Table 4.6: Staff Response as to whether the company Experience Growth
as a result of the use of electronic media for promoting its product 47
Table 4.7: Staff Response as to how Electronic media is Rated as a
means of enlightening subscribers of MTN on how to make effective
and efficient use of their products 48
Table 4.8: Staff Response as to whether Electronic media has played a
role in helping MTN to Address the competitive situation in the industry 48
Table 4.9: Staff Responses to whether the Advertising Effectiveness of
MTN’s New products Depends on electronic Media Selection by it 49
Table 4.10: Staff Response as to whether social media like facebook and
twitter ahs effect on the promotion of MTN’s new products. 49
Table 4.11 Response of Being a Subscriber of MTN 50
Table 4.12: Response on through which media they became aware of
MTN’s product 50
Table 4.13: Response as to whether their choice for MTN product is as a
result of their promotional activities. 51
Table 4.14: Response as to how satisfied subscribers are with non services 51
Table 4.15: Response to whether they increase their patronage as a
result of their Electronic media advert 52
Table 4.16 Response as to the type of electronic media advert
they like most 52
Table 4.17: Response on whether social media like facebook and
Twitter has played a role in creating of MTN’s new products 53
Table 4.18 Response on how they feel about MTN using electronic
media advert for their products. 53
4.19: Response as to whether they prefer MTN’s products to other
company’s products as a result of the use of electronic media for its
promotional activities 54
Chapter one
1.2 Background of the study
The world is fast becoming a global village and a necessary tool for this process is communication, of which telecommunication is key player. The quantum development in the telecommunications industry all over the world is very rapid as one innovation replaces another in a matter of weeks. A major breakthrough is the wireless telephone system, which come fixed wireless line or the global system for mobile communication (gsm) (Wojuade, 2005).
Communication which is the potential for information exchange is a major driver of any economy. Nigeria is not left out in the race for rapid developments; as the years of economic reversal via mismanagement have had a negative effective on its growth rate and development. Prior to the deregulation of telecommunication industry in Nigeria, telecommunication was monopolized by Nigerian Telecommunications (nitel). Deregulation was affected as a result of the challenges inherent in the management of Nigeria telecommunication. The major driving force behind the liberalization of the sector in Nigeria includes:
Private consumers and business demand for good quality Telecommunication products and services at affordable price, economic development and job creation, advance in technology, diversification and completing of users needs, and the trend worldwide. In the light of the above, the Nigerian government decision to liberalize the sector has had positive and far reaching implications which are expected to provide the needs leverage and act as a catalyst for various forms of business, economic, social and organizational developments. The global system for mobile communication (gsm) revolution began in august 2001 and changed the face of information and communication technology in Nigeria.
The liberalization of telecommunications sector led to the introduction of global system of mobile communication. The mobile phone providers that bided for the operational licenses include mtn Nigeria, Econet wireless (V-mobile, Celtel, Zain, which is now Airtel Nigeria), Globacom (glo mobile) and MTEL (Mobile Telecommunications Limited, the Mobile Subsidiary of the National carrier NITEL) and presently Etisalat is now part of the global system for mobile communication (gsm) operators. Since the launch, mobile telephone has rapidly become the most popular method of voice communication in Nigeria. Use of cell phones have soared, and have mostly replaced the unreliable services of the Nigerian Telecommunications limited (nitel).
The current estimate lies about 88,000,000 million mobile phones at October 2011, with most people having more than one cell phones. (Nigeria Communication Commission, 2010). The growth has been so rapid that Nigeria has been rightly described in various form as “one of the fastest growing gsm market in the world” (Jidaw, 2011).
As a result of the competitive structure of the industry Mobile Telecommunication Network (mtn) embarked on the use of Electronic media for promoting its new products and services in order to keep and remain relevant to its target market. The role it plays in the promotion of an organization’s new products. The role of electronic media is primarily to expose the sales proposition to the target market at the right place, at the right time, and at the most effective cost.
According to Kotler (2003), electronic media are media that use electronics or electromechanical energy for the end- users (audience) to access the content.
These contrasts with static media (mainly print media) which are most often created electronically but do not require electronics to be accessed by the end- users. It is in a printed form.
However, electronic media maybe in either analog or digital format. Electronic media is information or data that is created, distributed and accessed using a form of electronics, electromechanical energy or any equipment used in electronic communications. The common equipment used on a day to day basis to access electronic media include television, radio, computers, cell phones, and other device that transport information to end form by means of electronic involvement (http://www.electronimedia. Co.za).
According to Anyanwu (2000), promotion is a broad term used to represent the entire field of marketing communications; examples are advertising, personal selling, public relation, sales promotion, etc.
1.3 Statement Of Problem
Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place). It’s the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of influencing, informing or persuading a potential buyer’s purchasing decision (Kurtz and Dave, 2010). The specification of five elements creates a promotional mix or promotional plan. These elements are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and publicity. A promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five subcategories, and how much to budget for each. A promotional plan can have a wide range of objectives, including sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image fundamentally, however, there are three basic objectives of promotion, these are;
Ø To resent information of consumers as well as others.
Ø To increased demand
Ø To differentiate a product
There are different ways to promote a product in different areas of media.
Promoters use internet advertisement, special events, endorsements and newspapers to advertise their products. Many times with the purchase of a product there is an incentive likes discounts, free items, or a contest. This is to increase the sales of a given product. The term “promotion” is usually an “in” expression used internally by the marketing company, but not normally to the public or the market phrases like “special offer” are more common.
“Effective communication services are particularly from a business perspective and nowhere more than in Nigeria which is developing into one of the most important trading (Huel, 2003). However, it is on this fundamental truth that mtn has based its vision to become the leading providers of communication services in Africa content including quality products and services that is a cause for economic development. The success of mtn in Nigeria revolves round providing telecommunication across the countries.
Mtn’s aim is to facilitate changes that have long term domestic benefits. Apart from the obvious economic development, local infrastructures and facilities are upgraded to improve the quality of life through communication. In order to achieve all of the above, mtn has adopted the use of electronic media in the promotion of its new products.
1.4 Objectives Of The Study
The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of electronic media in the promotion of new products in the telecommunication market in Aba. So as to enhance promotional effectiveness for such products. The specific objectives are to:
1. determine the types of electronic media adopted by mtn for promoting its new products.
2. examine the role of social media like facebook and twitter for effective promotion of mtn products.
3. examine the prons and cons of major electronic media so as to ascertain their relative effectiveness in enhancing the promotion of new telecommunication products.
1.5 Research Questions
1. Does the use of electronic media like radio, television, satellite, cable, phone, internet hardware and software providers contribute to the promotion of mtn new products in Aba?
2. To what extent does the use of social media like facebook and twitter contribute to the effective promotion of mtn’s new products?
3. what relative impact do the major promotional media adopted by mtn contribute to the promotion of its new products in Aba?
1.6 Research Hypothesis
In this study, the following hypothesis will be tested;
H1: the use of electronic media like radio, television, internet does not contribute to the promotion of MTN’s news products in Aba.
H2: social media like facebook and twitter do not contribute to the effective promotion of MTN’s product in Aba.
H3: the electronic media type like radio, television, and internet adopted by MTN do not contribute to the promotion of the company’s new products.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study of the role of electronic media in the promotion of telecommunication products in Aba will be of great significance to the following persons and groups.
It is foreseen that the outcome of this work would help to enlighten the managers of MTN of the indispensable part played by electronic media at any stage of their product life cycle.
It will be of intense benefit to the customers (student’s businessmen etc), by way of educating them on some of the valuable services and new innovations of mtn. the study will benefit the government in terms of using this communication media to educate the masses on some public cause. With this study, business firms would understand the role of electronic media in complementation the effort of sales people.
1.7 Scope of the study
For the purpose of this research and in order to ensure effective and efficient result, the study of some MTN selected products will be used such as MTN super saver plus and MTN family and friends due to the numerous pro ducts and services acquired by mtn. This research will focus only on MTN Nigeria in Aba metropolis, the customers of MTN in Aba metropolis and the management and staffs of MTN in Aba metropolis.
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