study investigated planning and utilization of school plant and students’
academic performance in selected secondary schools in Lagos State. Three
research questions and five hypotheses were raised and analysed in the study.
The study adopted the cross sectional survey research design which included
public, private and federal schools in Education District IV in Lagos State.
Four hundred and twenty three (423) subjects were randomly selected across the
schools in the district and used as the sample of the study. Questionnaires
were major instruments used to facilitate data collection from the respondents.
The study was limited to junior secondary school (JSS III), senior secondary
school (SS III) classes and teachers of English, Mathematics, Integrated Science,
Social Studies, and Economics in 22 schools in the Education District IV of
Lagos State due to financial constraints. Data collected were analyzed using
the simple percentage and Chi-square method of statistics. However, the study
revealed that a significant
relationship exist between adequate provision of
school plant and academic performance of students in secondary schools
in Lagos State; adequate provision and
functional school physical plants are good strategies for enhancing a high
level of academic performance and rapid increases in the school enrolments
without a corresponding increase in the provision of educational facilities
contributes to poor performance of students in education. The study therefore
recommends among others that material resources for all subject areas should be
sufficiently supplied to all the secondary schools in Lagos State and
Philanthropists, Parent-Teachers Association should be encouraged to contribute
their own quota to the development of secondary schools in the state.
Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
of Content vi
of Tables ix
Introduction 1
to the Study 1
of Problem 9
of Study 10
of the Study 10
of the Study 11
Question 11
Hypotheses 12
of the Study 12
of Terms 13
of Related Literature
Review of Literature 14
of Examination Malpractice 14
of Study Habits 16
Formation of Study habits 18
Concept of Attitude 19
and Manifestation of Attitude 21
review of Literature 22
of Attitude changes 22
of Examination Malpractice 24
of Literature 49
Methodology 54
Design 54
of the Study 54
Samples 55
technique 55
of the Data Analysis 55
of Data Analysis 56
of Data Collection 56
of Instrument 58
of Instrument 58
Analysis and Interpretation of Results 60-74
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
Summary 75
Discussion 76
Implication s 79
Conclusions 80
Recommendations 80
for further research 82
References 84
I: Description of Sample’s Sex
II: Age Distribution of Respondents.
III: Educational Qualification of the
IV: Mother’s Qualification.
V: Are you living with your Parents?
VI: Religion of Respondents.
VII: Secondary School Students’ Study
VIII: Secondary School Students’
Attitudes Towards Examination Malpractice.
IX: Relationship Between Students’
Study Habit and Attitudes Towards Examination.
X: Difference in Male and Female
Study Habits.
XI: Difference in Male and Female
Students’ Attitudes Towards Examination Malpractices.
XII: Relationship Between Students’
Study Habits and Examination Malpractice.
XIII: Difference between Male and Female
Student’s Study Habits.
XIV: Difference between Male and Female
Students; Towards Examination Malpractice.
Background to the Study
facilities have been observed as a potent factor to quantitative education. The
importance to teaching and learning on the provision and utilization of
adequate instructional facilities for education cannot be over-emphazied. The
dictum that “teaching is inseparable from learning but learning is not
separable from teaching” is that teachers do the teaching to make the students
learn, but students can learn without the teachers. According to Akande (1985)
cited in Afigbo (1996), learning can occur through one’s interaction with one’s
environment. Environment here refers to facilities that are available to
facilitate students learning outcome. It includes books, audio-visual, software
and hardware of educational technology; size of classroom, sitting position and
arrangement, availability of tables, chairs, chalkboards, shelves on which
instruments for practicals are arranged (Farrant, 1991 and Farombi, 1998).
to Oni (1992), facilities constitute a strategic factor in organizational
functioning. This is so because they determine to a very large extent the
smooth functioning of any social organization or system including education. He
further stated that their availability, adequacy and relevance influence
efficiency and high productivity. In his words, Farombi (1998) opines that the
wealth of a nation or society could determine the quality of education in that
land; emphasizing that a society that is wealthy will establish good schools
with quality teachers, learning infrastructures, students learn with ease thus
bringing about good academic achievement. Writing on the role of facilities in
teaching, Balogun (1982) cited in Anameze (2001) submitted that no effective
science education programme can exist without equipment for teaching. This is
because facilities enable the learner to develop problem-solving skills and
scientific attitudes. In their contribution, Ajayi and Ogunyemi (1990)
reiterated that when facilities are provided to meet relative needs of a school
system, students will not only have access to the reference materials mentioned
by the teacher, but individual students will also learn at their own paces. The
net effect of this is increased overall academic performance of the entire
In his
study on resource concentration, utilization and management as correlates of
students’ learning outcomes, Farombi
(1998) found that the classroom learning environment in some schools was poor.
He cited examples of schools without chalkboard, absence of ceiling, some
roofing sheets not in place, windows and doors removed among others, a
situation which the researcher regarded as hazardous to healthy living of the
learners. According to Nigerian Tribune on Thursday 25 November, 1999, in a
caption; “Mass Failure will Continue until…” the chairman of the National
Committee of WAEC, Dr. U.B. Ahmed opined that the classroom is the origin of
failure… a close look at the public schools and what goes on there shows that
nothing good can come out of most schools as they do not have facilities,
adequate and appropriate human resources to prepare candidates for WASCE.
The above
statement indicates that the problem of candidates’ mass failure in WAEC’s
organized examination will continue until the situation of the nation’s public
schools change for the better. Writing on how to improve primary education in developing countries,
World Bank publication (1990), citing Mwamwenda and Mwamwenda (1987) linked
performance of students to the provision of adequate facilities while referring
to a survey of 51 primary schools in Botswana that students performed
significantly better on academic tests when they had adequate classrooms, desks
and books. Earlier, Fagbamiye (1979) attesting to why students’ performance
standard fall observed 559 cases from 13 secondary schools in Lagos State using
age, type of school (day or boarding, mixed or single sex), teachers’
qualifications and teaching experience as well as intake quality using
students’ entrance examination achievement. His findings revealed that schools
which are equipped had good records of achievement and attracted more students.
He concluded that good quality schools in terms
facilities and younger students’ intake perform better in WASCE.
on why high academic attainment is not in vogue in Nigeria, Adesina (1991)
identified poor and inadequate physical facilities, obsolete teaching
techniques… overcrowded classrooms among others, as factors.
more light on school facilities and moral guiding provision, Fabunmi (1997)
asserted that school facilities when provided will aid teaching learning
programme and consequently improve academic achievement of students while the
models guiding their provision to schools could take any form as rational
bureaucratic and or political model. Whichever model is adopted, according to
him, there is always a common feature of differing allocation of facilities to
schools. In his words, Ojoawo (1990), however, noted that certain schools are
favored in the allocation of facilities at the expense of others. Writing on
poor performance of students in public examinations, London (1993) states that
in many developing nations, certain physical facilities are none existent, and
that those instances where amenities are available many are of sub standard
quality. What is even more alarming is the correlation, which these observers
claim to exist between quality of facilities and academic performance.
Lamenting on the glowing inadequacies of school facilities in our education
industry, Akinkugbe (1994) opines that everywhere you look, primary, secondary,
special, technical, tertiary, there is abundant evidence of crippling inertia,
criminal neglect and a pervasive decay in values and standard.
scholars (Wilcockson, 1994; Lawal 1995; Ajayi 1996; Suleiman 1996) have
variously identified the significance of facilities in teaching and learning
spheres. We can say that absence or poor (and or deteriorating) quality of
educational facilities can influence academic performance. Gamoran (1992),
however, holding a contrary view noted that facilities… teachers’ salaries,
books in the library and the presence of science laboratory, had little impact
on variation in student’s achievement once students background variables had
been taken into account.
statement connotes that before such student could perform well in higher
educational level, he must have been groomed or cushioned by availability of
resources in his elementary days upon which he now uses as spring board.
According to Hallak (1990), facilities form one of the potent factors that
contribute to academic achievement in the school system. They include the
school buildings, classroom, accommodation, libraries, laboratories, furniture,
recreational equipment, apparatus and other instructional materials. He went
further to say that their availability, relevance and adequacy contribute to
academic achievement. He however, quickly added that unattractive school
buildings and overcrowded classrooms among others contribute to poor academic attainment.
Describing where these facilities should be located, he ascribed that
educational facilities should be located in appropriate places, while the needs
of the users should be put into consideration. In another development, Aliyu
(1993) as cited by Johnson (1998) found that there was no significant
difference between students in secondary schools with and without adequate
instructional facilities. However, he submitted that instructional facilities
were indispensible to academic achievement of students in English Language,
Mathematics, Biology and Geography while students could perform well in other
subjects without adequacy of sophisticated instructional materials. He
concluded that the effect of instructional facilities on students’ academic
achievement is more felt in pure and social sciences.
it is the responsibility of the educational system to facilitate learning by
creating the ideal situation for the child to discover things for himself
especially through adequate provision of school facilities. This indicates that
the school facilities would surely have a great impact on the students. The
school facilities may indicate a great deal of cooperation among the groups in
the school setting while some might not even want to learn at all. This implies
that the school facilities will affect the performance of both the teachers and
the students either positively or negatively.
study therefore aims at encouraging school administrators to apply modern
techniques in the management of school facilities. It also suggests that school
administrators and managers should be constantly trained and retrained on the
modern tools of management.
the standard of education will improve greatly if the resources allocated to
education and the available school facilities are optimally utilized.
Statement of the Problem
Cursory observation reveals that
majority of students in public secondary schools in Mushin Local Government
area of Lagos State perform below desired outcomes in the Senior School
Certificate Examination especially when results of previous years are compared.
(Ossai, 2004). This observed poor performance motivated this research.
A student’s academic performance is
measured by his or her scholastics achievement. This scholastic achievement is
known through the use of instructional evaluation and other associated
invisible but real influences that influence performance such as school
facilities among others.
The causes of poor performance in our
public secondary schools have been blamed on several factors. Critics have
apportioned blames on teachers, society, parents, school inspectorate and the
government about learners’ inability to perform outstandingly well, (Onyechere,
1996). However, issues that bother on inadequate and most times insufficient
school facilities have the major blame in students’ academic performance as the
sociologists are quick to observe that the environment makes the man. (Gousie,
School facilities optimization is
therefore so important and contribute significantly to students achievement so
much that it cannot be neglected in the development of the education sector. As
rightly observed by Oni (2005), the availability and adequacy in quantity and
quality of the physical/material facilities make possible a school’s smooth
operation and enhance effective teaching-learning activity thereby resulting in
achieving higher educational attainments by the students.
Therefore the problem of this research
is that of poor academic performance of secondary school students in Mushin
Local Government Area of Lagos State which could be attributed to poor
provision and utilization of school facilities.
Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to:
Examine the
relationship between provision of school facilities and students’ academic
Assess the
percentage of adequacy in quantity of physical facilities provided in secondary
schools in Mushin Local Government Area.
Examine the
rate of utilization of available physical facilities in secondary schools in
Mushin Local Government Area.
Assess the
percentage of available facilities in good condition in secondary schools in
Mushin Local Government Area.
Research Questions
1. What is the relationship between provision of
school facilities and students’ academic performance?
2. What is the percentage of adequacy in quantity of
physical facilities provided in secondary schools in Mushin Local Government
3. What is the rate of utilization of available
physical facilities in secondary schools in Mushin Local Government Area?
4. What is the percentage of available facilities in
good condition in secondary schools in Mushin Local Government Area?
1.5 Research
The following hypotheses are to be tested in the
1. There is no significant relationship between
provision of school facilities and students’ academic performance.
2. The physical facilities provided in secondary
schools in Mushin Local Government Area are not adequate.
3. The rate of utilization of available physical
facilities in secondary schools in Mushin Local Government Area is not
4. The percentage of available facilities in good
condition in secondary schools in Mushin Local Government is not adequate.
Research Hypotheses
There will be no significant relationship between school
facilities and academic performance of students in the school.
There will be no significant different between adequate
provision of school facilities and academic performance of student.
There will no significant difference between utilization of
school facilities and academic performance.
Significance of the Study
findings of this study will go a long way in enhancing the standard of
education and motivate educational managers, school facilities’ planners and
administrators in the management of educational system to bring about regular
maintenance, reconstruction, where necessary.
This study
will therefore provides an appraisal of the utilization of the school
facilities in some secondary schools in Lagos State and how this is related to
Students’ academic performance in SSCE upon which standard evaluation is often
made by external examining bodies.
1.8 Limitation
This study
will be limited to five secondary school in Mushin Local government area of
Lagos state. Finance, time and other
logistics may be major constraints.
1.9 Definition of term
Laboratory: This is a room or building equipped
for scientific experimentation; laboratory is also a equipped room for scientific
research, or teaching or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals.
Library: This is a room containing
collection of books, periodicals and sometimes films and recorded music for
people to read or borrow. It is also a
collection of sources, resources, and services and the structure in which it is
Facilities: These are equipment,
infrastructures and machines as well as any physical structure.
Provision: This means building new Facilities
or building physical structure like classroom and playground.
Facilities: These are classrooms, laboratories, workshops and library.
Utilization: It refers to the extent of the
operation or use of available facilities provided for the studies.
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