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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007229

No of Pages: 177

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study was undertaken to assess the production and quality evaluation of biscuits from composite flours of pearl millet, sorghum, and wheat. Pearl millet and sorghum flours were produced from whole peal millet and sorghum grains (red and white cultivars) and then incorporated at 5%, 20%, 50%, and 80% levels in wheat flour. Functional properties of the composite flours were determined. Bulk density and wettability of the composite flours significantly (p<0.05) decreased (from 0.61−0.46 and 70.00−63.00 respectively), while geletation temperature, water absorption, oil absorption, emulsion and foaming capacities, and swelling index significantly (p<0.05) increased (from 68.67−92.33, 1.67−2.37, 1.30−1.96, 8.56−35.03, and 1.11−1.42 respectively). Biscuits were prepared from the composite flour samples (including 100% wheat, 100% pearl millet, and 100% sorghum flours). The weight, spread ratio, spread factor, and break strength of the biscuits significantly (p<0.05) increased and were in the range of 11.86−19.84g, 4.08−9.67, 60.43−143.15%, and 73−137g respectively. The results of the proximate analyses (%) of the composite flour biscuits show that moisture, ash, crude fiber, protein, and fat contents significantly (p<0.05) increased with increasing levels of pearl millet and sorghum flours substitution and were in the range of 4.79−5.17, 4.00−4.35, 1.67−2.71, 6.00−6.77, and 22.44−22.55 respectively, while the carbohydrate content significantly (p<0.05) decreased from 60.51−5.47. The B1, B2, and B3 contents of the biscuits significantly (p<0.05) increased and were in the range of 0.162−0.196, 0.039−0.051, 0.917−1.107 mg/100g respectively, but there was no significant (p>0.05) increase in the Vitamin A content (317−320.77mg/100g). The phytate content of the biscuits significantly (p<0.05) increased with increasing levels of pearl millet and sorghum flours substitution and was in the range of 0.060–0.08mg/100g, whereas there were no detectable levels of HCN, alkaloid, and tannin found in the biscuits. Ca, K, and Na contents significantly (p<0.05) increased (from 16.70−34.07, 149.83−221.00, 9.02−11.96 mg/100g respectively), while Mg and P significantly (p<0.05) decreased (from 55.97−34.83 and 184.25−131.17 respectively). The biscuits produced from the composite flours were organoleptically acceptable and compared favourably with the control; however, BWR80 (biscuits produced from a composite of 20% wheat flour and 80 % red sorghum flour) gave nutrient-rich biscuits with a significantly (p<0.05) higher protein content, with desirable physical characteristics; its utilization may be nutritionally beneficial to consumers.


Title page                                                                                                                             i

Declaration                                                                                                                          ii

Certification                                                                                                                        iii

Dedication                                                                                                                           iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                             v

Table of contents                                                                                                                 vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                      xii

List of Figures                                                                                                                     xiii

List of Plates                                                                                                                       xiv

Abstract                                                                                                                               xv

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                   1

1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                              1

1.2 Statement of Problem                                                                                                    3

1.3 Objective of the Study                                                                                                  4

1.3.1 General objective of the study                                                                                    4

1.3.2 Specific objectives of the study                                                                                  4

1.4 Justification of the Study                                                                                              4

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                             5

2.1 Origin, Distribution, and Diversity of Cereals                                                                  5

2.2 General Structure and Chemical Composition of Cereal Grain                                     6

2.3 Proximate Composition of Cereals                                                                               15

2.3.1 Moisture content                                                                                                        15

2.3.2 Ash content                                                                                                                15

2.3.3 Protein content                                                                                                           16

2.3.4 Lipid content                                                                                                             18

2.3.5 Carbohydrates                                                                                                            19 Starch                                                                                                                      19

2.3.6 Fiber content                                                                                                              21

2.4 Anti-nutritional and Toxic Components                                                                       22

2.4.1 Phytates                                                                                                                    22

2.4.2 Poly-phenolic compounds                                                                                         23

2.4.3 Protease inhibitors                                                                                                     25

2.5 Minerals                                                                                                                       25

2.6 Vitamins                                                                                                                       26

2.7 Utilization of Cereals for Various Food Products                                                                   26

2.8 Manufacturing of Biscuits                                                                                                       28

2.8.1 Steps in processing biscuits                                                                                       29 Preparing and measuring the ingredients                                                               29 Flour                                                                                                                    29

2.8. Milling of flour                                                                                               29 Traditional methods                                                                                      30 Mechanical methods                                                                                  31 Cereal hardness phenomenon                                                                          33  Types of wheat flours                                                                                      34 Whole wheat flour                                                                                        34 White flour                                                                                                    35 Bread flour                                                                                                    35 All-purpose flour                                                                                           35 Pastry flour                                                                                                   36 Cake flour                                                                                                     36 Self-rising flour                                                                                             36 Enriched flour                                                                                               36 Non wheat flours                                                                                          37 Composite flours                                                                                         37 The criteria of good biscuits flour                                                                    39 Suitable protein quality                                                                                 39 Reasonably low protein quality                                                                    40 Medium to low α-amylase activity                                                               40 Sweeteners                                                                                                          41 Granulated sugar                                                                                              42 Liquid sugars                                                                                                   42 Brown sugar (soft sugar)                                                                                 42 Liquids                                                                                                                43 Fats and oils                                                                                                        43 Eggs                                                                                                                    45 Salt                                                                                                                      45 Flavour                                                                                                                   46 Mixing batters and dough                                                                                      46 Factors affecting mixing                                                                                     47 Temperature of the ingredients                                                                        47 Kind, quality, and proportions of ingredients                                                 47 Order, method, and amount of mixing                                                            48 Size and shape of mixing equipment                                                               48 Methods for mixing batters and dough                                                              49 The pastry method                                                                                                       49 The conventional cake method                                                                        49 Kneading and forming of biscuits                                                                         49 Baking of biscuits                                                                                                  50        Changes that occur during the baking of flour mixtures                                 53     Packaging and storage                                                                                          54

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                          56                                                                      3.1 Materials                                                                                                                      56

3.2 Methods                                                                                                                       56

3.2.1 Preparation of sorghum and millet flours                                                                 56

3.2.2 Preparation of composite flour                                                                                 57

3.3 Determination of the Functional Properties of Sorghum-Wheat and

       Millet-Wheat Composite Flours                                                                                  59

3.3.1 Bulk density                                                                                                              59

3.3.2 Swelling index                                                                                                          59

3.3.3 Water absorption capacity                                                                                        60

3.3.4 Emulsion capacity                                                                                                     60

3.3.5 Foaming capacity (FC)                                                                                             60

3.3.6 Oil absorption capacity (OAC)                                                                                 61

3.3.7 Wettability                                                                                                                61

3.3.8 Gelatinization point                                                                                                  62

3.4 Preparation of Biscuits from Sorghum-Wheat

       and Pearl Millet-Wheat Composite Flours                                                                 62

3.5 Determination of the Physical Properties of Sorghum-Wheat Flour and

Pearl Millet-Wheat Flour Biscuits                                                                               65

3.5.1 Weight                                                                                                                       65 3.5.2 Diameter                                                                                                                                65

3.5.3 Spread ratio                                                                                                               65

3.5.4 Spread factor                                                                                                             65

3.5.5 Break strength                                                                                                           65

3.6 Determination of the Proximate Composition of Sorghum-Wheat Flour and

       Pearl Millet-Wheat Flour Biscuits                                                                              66

3.6.1 Moisture content                                                                                                       66

3.6.2 Ash content                                                                                                               67

3.6.3 Fat content                                                                                                                67

3.6.4 Crude fibre                                                                                                                68

3.6.5 Crude protein                                                                                                            69

3.6.6 Determination of carbohydrate                                                                                 70

3.7 Determination of Vitamins                                                                                          71

3.7.1 Determination of riboflavin (Vitamin B2)                                                                71

3.7.2 Determination of thiamin (Vitamin B1)                                                       71 3.7.3 Determination of niacin                                                                                              72

3.7.4 Determination of vitamin A                                                                                      72

1.            3.8 Determination of Phytochemicals                                                                                         73

3.8.1 Determination of alkaloid                                                                                         73

3.8.2 Determination of tannin                                                                                            73

3.8.3 Determination of phytate content                                                                             74

3.8.4 Determination of HCN                                                                                             74

3.9 Determination of Minerals                                                                                           75

3.9.1 Determination of calcium and magnesium                                                               76

3.9.2 Determination of potassium and sodium                                                                  77

3.10 Sensory Evaluation                                                                                                    78

3.11 Statistical Analysis                                                                                                     78

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                             79

4.1 Functional Properties of Sorghum-Wheat and

      Pearl Millet-Wheat Composite Flours                                                                          79

4.1.1 Bulk density                                                                                                              79

4.1.2 Water absorption                                                                                                       82

4.1.3 Oil absorption                                                                                                           84

4.1.4 Emulsion capacity                                                                                                     85

4.1.5 Foaming capacity                                                                                                      86

4.1.6 Swelling index                                                                                                          87

4.1.7 Wettability                                                                                                                88

4.1.8 Gelation capacity                                                                                                      89

4.2 Antinutrient Composition of the Biscuits Produced from Wheat Flour (Control)

and Millet Supplemented Wheat Composite Flours                                                    91

4.2.1 Phytate                                                                                                                      91

4.3 Proximate Composition of the Biscuits Produced from Wheat Flour (Control)

and Millet Supplemented Wheat Composite Flours                                                  95

4.3.1 Moisture content                                                                                                       95

4.3.2 Protein content                                                                                                          97

4.3.3 Fat content                                                                                                                99

4.3.4 Fibre content                                                                                                             100

4.3.5 Ash content                                                                                                               101

4.3.6 Carbohydrate content                                                                                               102

4.4 Mineral Composition of the Biscuits Produced from Wheat Flour (Control)

and Millet Supplemented Wheat Composite Flours                                                 104

4.4.1 Calcium                                                                                                                    104

4.4.2 Magnesium                                                                                                               106

4.4.3 Potassium                                                                                                                 107

4.4.4 Sodium content                                                                                                        109

4.4.5 Phosphorus                                                                                                               110

4.5 Vitamin Composition of the Biscuits Produced from Wheat Flour (Control)

and Millet Supplemented Wheat Composite Flours                                                 112

4.5.1 Vitamin A                                                                                                                112

4.5.2 Thiamin (Vitamin B1)                                                                                              114

4.5.3 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)                                                                                          115

4.5.4 Niacin (Vitamin B3)                                                                                                116

4.6 Physical Properties of the Biscuits Produced from Wheat Flour (Control)

        and Millet Supplemented Wheat Composite Flours                                                 118

4.6.1 Weight                                                                                                                     118

4.6.2 Spread ratio                                                                                                              120

4.6.3 Spread factor                                                                                                           121

4.6.4 Break strength                                                                                                          122

4.7 Sensory Evaluation Results of the Biscuits Produced from Wheat Flour (Control)

        and Millet Supplemented Wheat Composite Flours                                                 125

4.7.1 Appearance                                                                                                              125

4.7.2 Taste                                                                                                                         129

4.7.3 Aroma                                                                                                                      130

4.7.4 Texture                                                                                                                     131

4.7.5 Crispiness                                                                                                                 132

4.7.6 General acceptability                                                                                               133

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                                             138

5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                  138

5.2 Recommendation                                                                                                        139                                                                                                                               

      References                                                                                                                  140

      Appendices                                                                                                                 155    




2.1: Key characteristics of sorghum varieties from

       Queensland and New South Wales                                                                               14


3.1: Formulation of composite flour from sorghum,

        pearl millet and wheat flour                                                                                          58         

3.2: Recipe for sorghum-wheat flour and pearl

       millet-wheat flour biscuits                                                                                             64                                 

4.1: Functional properties of sorghum-wheat and

       pearl millet-wheat composite flours                                                                               81


4.2: Results of the antinutrients in biscuits from sorghum-wheat  

       and pearl millet-wheat composite flours                                                                       93


4.3 Results of the proximate composition of biscuits from

      sorghum-wheat and pearl millet-wheat composite flours                                              96


4.4: Results of the minerals in biscuits from sorghum-wheat

       and pearl millet-wheat composite flours                                                                     105


4.5: Results of the vitamins in biscuits made from sorghum-wheat and

        pearl millet-wheat composite flours                                                                           113


4.6: Results of the physical characteristics of biscuits made from

       sorghum-wheat and pearl millet-wheat composite flours                                           119


4.7: Results of the sensory parameters of biscuits produced from

       sorghum-wheat and pearl millet-wheat composite flours                                           127









2.1: Structure of a pearl millet grain                                                                                     9


2.2: Structure of sorghum kernel                                                                                         12


3.1: Flowchart for the production process of wheat, pearl

       millet and sorghum composite flour biscuit                                                                   62








4.1: Photograph of the different biscuits formulated

       (BWC0=A; BWP5=B; BWP20=C)                                                                             135


4.2: Photograph of the different biscuits formulated

       (BWP50=D; BWP80=E; BWP100=F)                                                                        135


4.3: Photograph of the different biscuits formulated

       (BWW5=G; BWW20=H; BWW50=I)                                                                        136


4.4: Photograph of the different biscuits formulated

       (BWW80=J; BWW100=K; BWR5=L)                                                                       136


4.5: Photograph of the different biscuits formulated

       (BWR20=M, BWR50=N)                                                                                           137


4.6: Photograph of the different biscuits formulated

       (BWR80=O, BWR100=P)                                                                                          137








1.0                                                            INTRODUCTION


The availability and utilization of the different cereal types depend largely on climate and food preferences—at local or regional levels. Wheat (Triticum aestivum), a temperate crop, has been successfully used in the production of different food products. Sorghum bicolor is one of the important food crops in Africa. Sorghum flour is a powerhouse of nutrition and adds a superb flavour to gluten-free baking. It is high in protein, iron, and dietary fibre, making sorghum flour welcome in pantries around the world. It is also high in antioxidants, which support cardiac health. In addition, the starch and protein in sorghum take longer than other similar products to digest. This slow digestion is particularly helpful for those with diabetes (Adeyeye, 2016). Sorghum supplies numerous essential nutrients in rich content (20% or more of the Daily Value, DV), including protein, the B vitamins, niacin, thiamin and vitamin B6, and several dietary minerals, including iron (26% DV) and manganese (76% DV). Sorghum nutrient contents generally are similar to those of raw oats (Mutegi et al., 2010).

Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is an underutilized crop in Nigeria and has good nutritional quality and could be a good replacement source for portions of wheat flour in snacks production (Omah and Okafor, 2015). The most important species are pearl millet, finger millet, proso millet, and foxtail millet. The major problems in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (l.) r. br.]  utilisation are the low protein quality, low protein and carbohydrate digestibilities, presence of anti-nutritional factors and goitrogenicity (Abdalla, 2003). However, studies have shown that pearl is generally superior to sorghum in protein content and quality, protein efficiency ratio (PER) values, and metabolizable energy levels. Processing of locally available cereals into flour, which is less bulky and more stable, broadens the potential for their utilization.

The word biscuit is derived from the French word ‘biscuit,’ which means twice-cooked, which gives a blueprint of biscuit-making in the early days. Fellows (1997) defined biscuits as baked, dry, crispy products with a usually golden brown crust.  Wheat flour is a principal (main) raw material in biscuit production (Adhikari and Acharya, 2015).  In addition to the wheat flour, other ingredients used in the production of biscuits include margarine (Shortening), sweeteners (sugar), leavening agents, eggs, milk, salt and flavors (Adebowale et al., 2012). Biscuits are a good vehicle for nutrition interventions as a supplementary food due to their popularity, high nutrient density, and long shelf life, and they are ready-to-eat (Mahmoud, 2003).  Within the last two and half decades, in the bakery world, the use of composite flour has evolved, especially for the production of bread and baked products in many wheat importing countries (Mepba et al., 2007).

The term ‘composite flour’ means the combination of two or more types of flour in a given ratio for baking. The superiority of wheat flour over other cereals is due to the presence of gluten (Adhikari and Acharya, 2015), and in the biscuit types where the biscuit strength is dependent on some appropriate level of gluten development, the use of composite flour reduces the texture of such biscuits. A slight modification of the recipe can reduce the dough rupturing during sheeting and fragility of biscuit samples from composite flour (Okaka and Anjekwu, 1980). The climatic condition in Nigeria is unfavourable for the cultivation of wheat but is suitable for other cereal like sorghum, maize, millet, etc.; legumes (soybean, cowpeas, groundnut, Bambara nut); and vegetable (Eneche, 1999). Furthermore, the use of any food raw material in processing depends on its availability as well as the reduction (in terms of quantity) owing to post-harvest losses when processed into flour, and these have led to the use of wheat flour (Ukhum and Ukpebor, 1991). Available data from research has shown that biscuits, as well as other pastries, could be produced from flours obtained from locally available tropical crops such as millet, sorghum, etc. (Adeyeye and Akingbala, 2014). Acceptable biscuits and bread have been produced from non-wheat flour in some countries, and among the various cereals, the best substitute for wheat in composite flours are sorghum and millet (Mahmoud, 2003).


People who have celiac disease react to certain gluten in wheat.  Presently, persons with celiac disease are unable to consume some of the most commonly available products of the market including breads, baked goods, and other food products made with wheat flour; celiac disease can be treated by avoiding of gluten ingestion (Adeyeye, 2016). The incidence of obesity is on the increase. Consumption of nutritious snacks could help reduce protein-energy malnutrition in school children and adults.  Developing countries are looking for an alternative to wheat to stop the drive which costs them so much of their foreign currency. The consumption of biscuits requires the development of an adequate substitute for wheat. 



1.3.1    General objective of the study

The general objective of this study was to process millet and sorghum (red and white) into flour and to evaluate their performance in biscuit-making when used as a composite with wheat flour.

1.3.2    Specific objectives of the study

The specific objectives were to:

i)                    Process millet and sorghum (red and white) into flour.

ii)                  produce biscuits from composite flours of wheat and test cereal (millet and sorghum)

iii)                Determine physical and chemical properties of the composite biscuits and evaluate their acceptability by consumers.

iv)                Determine the ratio of the composite flour that gives the best biscuit.


A sound knowledge and success of this work will provide information on the locally available cereal (millet, sorghum) that gives the best biscuit when used as a composite with wheat flour, thereby providing high-quality, nutrient-dense substitute for 100% wheat biscuits to help tackle the problem of poor nutrition in Nigeria.


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