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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007243

No of Pages: 141

No of Chapters: 5

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The study to evaluate the suitability of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) flour composites in cookies production was conducted.  The functional and pasting characteristics of the different composites (0 - 40%) of cocoyam flour with wheat flour were determined. The proximate, mineral, antinutritional, physical and sensory properties of cookies produced from the composite flours were evaluated. The pasting properties were analysed using rapid visco-analyzer while sensory characteristics of cookies were evaluated by panelists (n=20) for taste, aroma, colour, texture and general acceptability. Results of the functional properties of the wheat-cocoyam composite flours differed significantly (p<0.05), with 100% wheat flour having the highest values in emulsion and foam capacities and in foam stability. The values ranged from 0.63 to 0.69 g/ml for bulk density, 0.95 to 1.75 g/g sample for water absorption capacity, 1.45 to 2.45 g/g sample for oil absorption capacity, 14.68 to 35.57% for foam capacity, 10.28 to 19.98% for foam stability, 34.44 to 43.58% for emulsion capacity, 1.14 to 1.34% for swelling index, 14 to 20% for gelation capacity, 68 to 78 °C for gelatinization temperature and 157.00 to 449.50cP for viscosity. The pasting properties including peak viscosity, peak time, trough breakdown, final viscosity and setback varied significantly (p<0.05) among samples, with no definite trend. Range of values obtained include 208.67 – 281.00 RVU (peak viscosity), 30.83 – 94.25 RVU (breakdown viscosity), 140.42 - 225.58 RVU (trough viscosity), 226.08 – 371.00 RVU (final viscosity), 80.08 – 220.33 RVU (setback viscosity), 70.33 – 83.66 °C (pasting temperature) and 4.93 – 5.61 min (peak time).  Results of the proximate composition of the cookies were in the range of 3.10 – 5.30% (moisture), 7.00 – 11.33% (protein), 12.20 – 14.33% (fat), 2.00 – 2.70% (crude fibre), 2.10 – 2.75% (ash) and 61.33 – 71.10% (carbohydrate). Cookies from 100% wheat flour had higher contents of protein, fat and ash but lower contents of crude fibre, carbohydrate and moisture than the composite cookies. Cookies from 100% wheat flour had higher mineral contents than the composite cookies. Results of the physical properties showed that the composite cookies had higher values for diameter, spread ratio and cookies’ weight. The sensory characteristics showed no definite trend in the sensory qualities of the cookies and also showed no significant (p>0.05) difference among samples produced from the different composite flours and the control, indicating that the different cookies were favourably similar and comparable. Except for phytate, cookies from the flour composites had higher values than the 100% wheat flour cookies in the antinutritional properties studied. However, they were all below the safe limit thresholds of all the antinutrients. Therefore, wheat:cocoyam flour composites can be adopted for the production of good quality cookies.


Title                                                                                                                                         i

Declaration                                                                                                                              ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

List of Figures                                                                                                                         x

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xii


1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                                 1

1.2 Statement of Problem                                                                                                       4

1.3 Justification                                                                                                                       5

1.4 Objectives                                                                                                                         5


2.1 Cookies                                                                                                                             7

2.1.1 Brief history of cookies (or biscuits)                                                                              9

2.1.2 Classification of cookies (or biscuits)                                                                            10

2.1.3 Decoration of cookies/biscuits                                                                                       14

2.2 Cocoyam: Its Consumption and Utilization                                                                     14

2.3 Composite Flour Technology in Cookies Production                                                       15

2.3.1 Production of cookies from blends of wheat and cocoyam flours                                18

2.3.2 Importance of cocoyam flour as a pastry food source                                                   20

2.3.3 Some factors affecting the consumption of cocoyam                                                   20

2.4 Physicochemical Content of Varieties of Cocoyam and the Anti-Nutritional Factors   

   of Cocoyam Cookies                                                                                                           21

2.4.1 Proximate composition of varieties of cocoyam                                                            21

2.4.2 Anti-nutritional factors of cookies from varieties of cocoyam                                      22

2.5 Oxalate Control in Cocoyam Processing                                                                          23

2.6 Functional, Pasting and Nutritional Properties of Flour                                                   23

2.7 Effects of Functional Properties on the Potential Behaviour of Cocoyam Flour            25

2.7.1 Bulk density                                                                                                                   26

2.7.2 Water absorption capacity                                                                                             27

2.7.3 Swelling index                                                                                                               28

2.7.4 Solubility in water                                                                                                          28

2.7.5 Foam capacity/foam stability                                                                                         29

2.7.6 Wettability                                                                                                                     29

2.7.7 Gelation property                                                                                                           29

2.7.8 Viscosity                                                                                                                        30


3.1 Sources of Raw Materials                                                                                                 31

3.2 Preparation of Cocoyam Flour                                                                                          31

3.3 Experimental Design                                                                                                         33

3.4 Formulation of Sample Blends                                                                                         33

3.5 Preparation of Cookies                                                                                                     33

3.6 Determination of Functional Properties of Wheat-Cocoyam Flour                                  36

3.6.1 Bulk density                                                                                                                   36

3.6.2 Water and oil absorption capacities                                                                               36

3.6.3 Foam capacity and stability                                                                                           37

3.6.4 Emulsion capacity                                                                                                          37

3.6.5 Gelation capacity                                                                                                           38

3.6.6 Gelatinization temperature                                                                                             38

3.6.7 Wettability                                                                                                                     38

3.6.8 Swelling index                                                                                                               39

3.6.9 Viscosity determination                                                                                                 39

3.6.10 Determination of pH                                                                                                    39

3.7 Determination of Flour Pasting Properties                                                                       39

3.8 Determination of Proximate Composition of Cookies                                                     40

3.8.1 Determination of moisture content                                                                                40

3.8.2 Determination of crude protein                                                                                     40

3.8.3 Determination of ash content                                                                                        41

3.8.4 Determination of fat                                                                                                      41

3.8.5 Determination of crude fibre                                                                                         42

3.8.6 Determination of carbohydrate                                                                                      42

3.9 Determination of Physical Properties of Cookies                                                             42

3.10 Mineral Composition Analyses                                                                                       43

3.11 Anti-Nutritional Factors Analyses                                                                                  44

3.11.1 Phytate analysis                                                                                                           44

3.11.2 Determination of tannin                                                                                               45

3.11.3 Determination of alkaloid                                                                                            46

3.11.4 Determination of saponin content                                                                               47

3.11.5 Determination of oxalate content                                                                                47

3.11.6 Determination of hydrogen cyanide content                                                               48

3.11.7 Determination of trypsin inhibitor                                                                               49

3.11.8 Quantitative determination of steroids                                                                                    50

3.12 Determination of Sensory Properties of Cookies                                                           50

3.12 Statistical Analysis                                                                                                          51


4.1 Functional Properties of Wheat-Cocoyam Flour                                                              52

4.1.1 Bulk density                                                                                                                   52 

4.1.2 Water absorption capacity                                                                                             54

4.1.3 Oil absorption capacity                                                                                                  54

4.1.4 Foam capacity and foam stability                                                                                  55

4.1.5 Swelling index                                                                                                               55

4.1.6 Emulsion capacity                                                                                                          56

4.1.7 Wettability                                                                                                                     56

4.1.8 Gelatinization temperature                                                                                             57

4.1.9 Viscosity                                                                                                                        57

4.1.10 pH                                                                                                                                58

4.2 Pasting Properties of Wheat-Cocoyam Composite Flour                                                 58

4.3 Proximate Composition of Wheat-Cocoyam Cookies                                                      62

4.3.1 Moisture content                                                                                                            62

4.3.2 Crude protein                                                                                                                 64

4.3.3 Crude fibre                                                                                                                     64

4.3.4 Ash                                                                                                                                 64

4.3.5 Fat                                                                                                                                  65

4.3.6 Carbohydrate                                                                                                                 65

4.4 Mineral Content of Wheat-Cocoyam Cookies                                                                 66

4.4.1 Sodium                                                                                                                           66

4.4.2 Magnesium                                                                                                                     68

4.4.3 Calcium                                                                                                                          68

4.4.4 Phosphorus                                                                                                                     68

4.4.5 Potassium                                                                                                                       69

4.4.6 Iron                                                                                                                                69

4.5 Physical Properties of Wheat-Cocoyam Cookies                                                 70

4.5.1 Diameter                                                                                                                        70

4.5.2 Thickness                                                                                                                       72

4.5.3 Breaking strength                                                                                                           73

4.5.4 Weight                                                                                                                           74

4.6 Sensory Attributes of Wheat-Cocoyam Cookies                                                              75

4.6.1 Aroma                                                                                                                            75

4.6.2 Taste                                                                                                                               75

4.6.3 Appearance                                                                                                                    78

4.6.4 Texture                                                                                                                           79

4.6.5 General acceptability                                                                                                     79

4.7 Anti-Nutrient Content of Wheat-Cocoyam Cookies                                                        80


5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                        83

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                            84












3.1: Quantity of ingredients for cookies production                                                              34

4.1: Functional properties of wheat-cocoyam flour                                                                53

4.2 Pasting properties of wheat-cocoyam flour                                                                      59

4.3:  Proximate composition of wheat-cocoyam cookies                                                        63

4.4: Mineral composition of wheat-cocoyam cookies                                                             67

4.5: Physical properties of wheat-cocoyam cookies                                                               71

4.6: Sensory attributes of wheat-cassava cookies                                                                   77

4.7: Anti-nutrient content of wheat-cocoyam cookies                                                           81



3.1:  Flowchart for the production of cocoyam flour                                                             32

3.2:  Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) corms                                                                           32

3.3: Flowchart for the production of cookies                                                                         35

4.1: Samples of cookies baked with 100% wheat flour                                                          76

4.2: Samples of Wheat-Cocoyam cookies                                                                              76










Baking is the prolonged cooking of food by the application of dry heat acting by convection and by radiation, normally using an oven but also in hot ashes or hot stones. It is a dry heat cooking method primarily used for preparing snacks such as cakes, breads, biscuits, doughnuts, chin-chin, wafers, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches and cookies (http://www.wikipedia.com/baking, May, 2009). Around the world, snacks are principal foods which provide more nutrient than any single food source (Kay, 1987). Types of snacks consumed vary widely from country to country. Thus we do meet such names as French, Spanish, Iranian and Egyptians snacks (Mayhew and Penny, 1988).

Cookies are examples of snacks. They are small, flat sweet baked good, usually containing flour, eggs, sugars and either butter, cooking oil or another oil or fat. Some cookies can also be named after their shapes such as date squares or bars. In most English speaking nations, cookies are called biscuits, except in the US and Canada (BIRT, 2010). The major ingredient in the production of cookies is the flour because it contains a fraction of protein which is responsible for paste formation, which is one of the characteristics of good snacks (Mayhew and Penny, 1988).

Conventionally, baking flour is the powder made from cereals. However it can equally be produced from other starch based products such as cassava, maize, yam, nuts and others. Flour is the major ingredient in baked goods production and most especially bread, which constitutes a staple in many countries’ diet. The availability and sufficient supply of flour has often been an important economic and political issue (Adeleke and Odedeji, 2010).

Wheat which is the chief raw material in the production of wheat flour cannot thrive or survive well in Nigeria soil and weather conditions prevalent in our regions (Akubor and Obiegbuna, 2014). Therefore, wheat has to be imported for wheat flour production. The importation has led to the relatively high price of the commodity with the overall effect on the price of baked goods. Attempts to incorporate composite flours into wheat flour resulted in net savings of income and reduced cost of baked goods (Adeleke and Odedeji, 2010). Supplies of wheat come from temperate countries such as Canada, U.S.A, Argentina, USSR, and others. In this regard, the continuous importation of wheat must be paid for by poor tropical, non-wheat producing countries with scarce foreign currency. It would be to the advantage of these countries if there is a reduction or even elimination of this importation by making snacks with wheat blended with local materials such as cocoyam, cassava, maize, sorghum, rice flour as well as groundnut meal, respectively (Dendy et al., 1970; Olatunji and Akinrele, 1978; Olatunji et al., 1982; Tindall, 1983). Such flour blends are generally referred to as composite flour.

Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) is among the major staple crops for a majority of West Africans. They are usually referred to collectively as ‘Taro’ (Lyonga and Nzeitchueng, 1986). The variety, Xanthosoma sagittifolium (Tannia) is hard and high in starchy, which makes it easily amenable for use in the preparation of pounded fufu while the variety Colocassia esculenta (Taro) with a softer tuber is often prepared and consumed like yam. It also produces a more flouring starch suitable for application in flour composite mixtures for food productions. There are also indications that the Colocasia flour can be used effectively in baking and confectionary because of its pentosans content (Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, 1985).

Composite flours quite differ from the ready mixed flours well known to millers and bakers. Whereas ready mixed flours contain all the non-perishable constituents of the recipe for a named or specific baked good, composite flours are only a mixture of different vegetable flours with or without wheat flour, rich in starch or protein, prepared and used for certain groups of bakery products  (http:/www.wikipedia.com/composite flour, 2009). This flour has been incorporated with wheat flour in production of baked goods including cookies, bread, cake and many others. Through this, incorporation, diversified and acceptable products can be produced at much reduced cost (Abbey and Ibeh, 1988; Adeyeye et al., 1994).

Compositing wheat flour with locally available cereals and root has been reported to be desirable (Oyerekua and Adeyeye, 2009). Composite flours have those properties that enhance their wide utilization. These include water and oil absorption capacities, foaming capacity and stability, bulk density, gelation capacity, emulsion capacity and others, which are referred to as functional properties (Abbey and Ibeh, 1988; Adeyeye et al., 1994).

Functional properties have been described as those physicochemical properties that influence the behaviour of proteins in food systems during processing, storage, cooking and consumption (Adeyeye et al., 1994). Functional properties are important in determining the quality, including the nutritional, physicochemical and sensory properties of the final products and in facilitating processing, such as improving the machinability of cookie dough or slicing of processed meat (Abbey and Ibeh, 1988).

Functional properties of food proteins play important roles in food processing and food product formulation (Wu et al., 2009). These properties, however, vary with the type of food products. For example, protein with high binding capacities are desirable for use in sausages, meats, bread and cakes, while proteins having high emulsion and foaming capacities are good for salad dressings, frozen desserts, soups, sausages, bologna, confectionary and cakes (Ahmedna et al., 1999).

On the other hand, pasting properties of starch depend on the physical and chemical characteristics of the starch such as amylose/amylopectin ratio, mean granule size, granule size distribution and mineral content (Boruch, 1985; Wiesenborn et al., 1994). Pasting properties are defined as the phenomenon following starch gelatinization, involving swelling granules, exudation of molecular components from the granules and eventually, total disruption of the granules (Atwell et al., 1988).


The availability and adequate supply of flour has often been a major economic and political issue .Wheat which is the chief raw material in the production of wheat flour cannot thrive or survive well in Nigerian soil and weather conditions prevailing in tropical regions. Therefore, wheat flour has to be imported. The importation has led to the relatively high price of the commodity with the overall effect on the price of baked goods. Therefore, the use of local crops like cocoyam, cassava, etc., in partial substitution of wheat flour is important.

However, cocoyam has high water content and the presence of irritants which cause irritation and itching in the mouth, throat and body, has been the major drawback in attempts at increasing the utilization potentials of cocoyam as a food or its utilization as flour in baking process.  Despite the nutritional value of cocoyam, it is still regarded by many as food mainly for the poor. This misconception has lingered for so long and the numbers of people who depend on cocoyam for their main meal are not appreciated. Most of the utilization of cocoyam in Nigeria has been its use as an adjunct either as a thickener for soups or mixed with yam, banana or plantain, beans and vegetables as main dish. Using cocoyam as composite flour ingredient in the production of cookies is therefore a compelling necessity worthy of thorough investigation.


Composite flour technology has been used as a means for augmenting supply of wheat used in the production of biscuit (cookies) and other baked goods. The attempt to incorporate cocoyam flour into wheat flour as composite would result in net savings of income and reduced cost of bakery goods. A study has been carried out on the comparative characteristics of cocoyam varieties to determine their utilization potentials in food processing (Amanze, 2009).

Cocoyam like other root crops deteriorate few weeks after harvest due to inadequate postharvest technologies and this makes the crop scarce and expensive outside the harvesting period. Processing of cocoyam into flour will extend the shelf-life of the commodity thereby making it available for use all year round. The use of cocoyam flour in cookies production will enhance the utilization of an important local crop and improve the nutritional value of cookies since cocoyam is very nutritious. The conversion of cocoyam into a stable form such as cocoyam flour and its usage in composite flour technology will demonstrate the nutritional and economic benefits of cocoyam. Study by Huang (2005) has shown that cocoyam has fine granular starch which has been reported to improve binding and reduce breakage of snacks (cookies) produced from it. According to McWatters et al. (2003), cookies are easier to make from composite flour than bread. They are produced in ready to eat (RTE) form, have wide consumption and relatively long shelf life with good eating quality.


The general objective of this study was to produce composite flours from cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) and wheat and evaluate their potentials in the production of cookies.

The specific objectives were to:

  1. Determine the functional and pasting properties of the wheat:cocoyam composite flours;
  2. Evaluate the physical properties, proximate composition, minerals and antinutritional factors in cookies produced from the flours; and
  3. Determine the sensory attributes of the cookies.



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