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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006896

No of Pages: 80

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study was carried out to produce flour from different varieties of acha and millet. The study evaluated the functional, proximate, mineral, vitamin and starch content of the different flour samples using standard methods. The result showed that acha species recorded significantly (P<0.05) higher moisture content (10.48% and 10.93%) which increased when the acha and millet flours were used to produce a composite flour (11.85%). The study also revealed that the composite flour recorded higher fat content (3.92%), higher fiber content (5.06%), higher crude protein (11.18%) and even higher carbohydrate (88.72%). The study also evaluated the mineral composition of the flour made from acha and millet. The result showed that flour made from acha had higher Fe content (2.71 mg/100g). The composite flour recorded higher phosphorus (93.14 mg/100g) and calcium content (26.75 mg/100g), while the flour samples made from millet recorded higher magnesium content (11.03 mg/100g). The study also evaluated the vitamin composition of the flour samples made from acha and millet. The result showed that the composite flour made from a mixture of acha and millet recorded higher vitamin A (83.95 µg/100g), vitamin B1 (10.26 mg/100g) and even vitamin E (28.50 mg/100g) content. However the result revealed that flour made from the species of millet recorded no vitamin C content. Finally the study also determined the functional properties of the flour samples made from different species of acha and millet. The result revealed that flour made from the two species of acha (exilis and iburua) recorded higher bulk density (0.97 g/cm3), oil absorption capacity (97.90 g/cm3), water absorption capacity (115.50 g/cm3), wettability (297.00 g/cm3) and swelling index (2.49 g/cm3). The study therefore concluded that individually, flour samples made from acha and millet may have admirable chemical and functional properties, however this properties can be improved when this flour samples are used to make composite flour.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification Page                                                                                                       iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

Lists of Tables                                                                                                             x

List of Figures                                                                                                             xi

List of Plates                                                                                                               xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xiii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                         

1.1                   Background of the Study                                                                   1

1.2.                  Statement of Problem                                                                         4

1.3                   Justification of the Study                                                                   5

1.4                   Objectives of the Study                                                                      5

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                 

2.1                   Millets Grain Structure and Classification                                          6

2.2                  Millet Production and Importance                                                      8

2.3                   Nutritional Composition of Millets                                                     9

2.3.1                Sugars and starch                                                                                10

2.3.2                Protein composition                                                                            10

2.3.3                Lipid profile                                                                                        11

2.3.4                Dietary fibre                                                                                        11

2.3.5                Phenolics and antioxidant capacity                                                    12

2.3.6                Starch digestibility                                                                              13

2.3.7                Functional properties of Millet                                                           14

2.4                   Traditional Processing Techniques of Millet Grain/ Flour                  15

2.5                   Factors Affecting Millet Consumption                                               17

2.6                   Acha (White Fonio)                                                                            17

2.6.1                Origin and Description                                                                       18

2.6.2               Nutritional Value of Acha                                                                  21

2.7                   Flour                                                                                                    24

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                      

3.1                   Source of Materials                                                                             25

3.2                   Sample Preparation                                                                             27

3.2.1                Production of Millet flour                                                                   27

3.2.2                Production of Acha (white and fonio) flour                                       29

3.3                   Method of Analysis                                                                            31

3.3.1                Proximate composition Millet and Acha Flour Samples                     31             Determination of moisture content                                                     31             Determination of crude fiber                                                              32             Determination of crude protein                                                          32             Determination of fat                                                                           33             Determination of ash content                                                             34             Carbohydrate determination                                                               34

3.3.2                Functional Properties of the Flour Samples                                        34             Gelation capacity                                                                                34             Water absorption capacity                                                                  35             Oil absorption capacity                                                                       35             Swelling Index                                                                                    35             Bulk density                                                                                        36             Wettability                                                                                          36

3.3.3                Determination of Minerals                                                                  37             Determination of Calcium                                                                  37             Determination of Iron (Fe)                                                                 37             Determination of Magnesium (Mg)                                                    38             Determination of Phosphorus (P)                                                       38

3.3.4                Determination of Vitamins                                                                 39             Determination of Vitamin A                                                               39             Determination of Thiamine (B1)                                                         39             Vitamin E                                                                                            40             Vitamin c (ascorbic acid)                                                                    41

3.4                   Statistical Analysis                                                                              42


4.1                   Proximate Composition of the Flour Made From Acha and Millet    43

4.2                   Mineral Composition of the Flour Made From Acha and Millet        47

4.3                   Vitamin Composition of Flour Made From Acha and Millet             50

4.4                   Functional Properties of Flour Samples Made From Acha and

Millet                                                                                                   53


5.1                   Conclusion                                                                                          58

5.2                   Recommendations                                                                              59

REFERENCES                                                                                                        60 




Table                                                                                                              Page No.

2.1.                  Mineral content of Digitaria exilis, decorticated and whitened

                        Macro and Microelements of D. exilis                                                22

4.1                   Proximate composition of the flour made from Acha and Millet       44

4.2                   Mineral Composition of the flour from Acha and Millet                   49

4.3                   Vitamin composition of the flour from Acha and Millet                    52

4.4                   Functional Properties of the Flour Samples                                        56









Figure                                                                               Page No.

3.1:         Flow diagram for the processing of Millet   into Flour         28

3.2:        Flow chart for processing of Acha grains to flour         30










Plate No.                                                                          Page No.

1:                     Barnyard Millet Grain                                 25

2:                     Pearl Millet Grain                                     25

3:                     Brown Acha Grain                               25

4:                     White Acha Grain                                25

5:                     White Acha Flour                                     26

6:                     Brown Acha Flour                                    26

7:                     Pearl Millet Flour                                     26

8:                     Barnyard Millet Flour                                  26

9:                     Packaged Pearl Millet Flour and Barnyard Millet Flour   57

10:                   Packaged White and Brown Acha Flour                  57










Cereals are important sources of the world’s food supply and their role in human diet throughout the world is extremely vital cereals such as rice, barley, maize, wheat, sorghum, oat, rye and millet contribute to diet in the world (Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2009).

Millets are small-seeded grains, belonging to the Poaceae (Graminaea) family (Zhu, 2014). They are comparable or superior to some commonly consumed cereals like wheat and rice (Ragaee et al., 2006). Millets have different varieties, but of interest to this location include pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), finger millet (Eleusine coracana), fonio (Digitaria exilis). Species of this crop are produced in large quantities in Borno, Yobe, Kano, Sokoto and Jigawa state in Nigeria (Ogunlela and Egharevaha, 2008). It is the sixth cereal crop in terms of world agriculture production with an annual production of about 29million tonnes in 2013 (FAOSTAT, 2015). Millet is superior in its nutritional qualities especially valuable amino acid, higher protein, quality macro and micronutrients (Shobana and Malleshi, 2007). It is found to be significantly rich in resistant starch, soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, minerals, and antioxidants (Ragaee et al., 2006). It is also a good source of nutraceutical and functional food ingredients in health promotion due to their anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anticancer activities (Muthamilarasan et al., 2016). Millet has been termed as “nutri-cereals” because they are rich in vitamins and sulphur containing amino acids with a low glycemic index and gluten free, allergy friendly food which makes it an excellent choice for people suffering from celiac disease due to gluten intolerance (Taylor et al., 2006). Thus, the presence of all the required nutrients in the varieties of millet makes them suitable for large scale utilization in the manufacture of flour.

Millet is grown mainly as a staple for human consumption and serves as important source of nourishment for households. It is also used in the production of beverages. Millet contains significant amounts of protein, fibre and minerals such as iron and zinc, as compared to key cereals such as rice or maize. Millet also contains vitamins and essential amino acids, as well as antioxidants with various health benefits. They are slowly digestible and known to have low glycaemic index (Shobana et al., 2009; Singh et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2012). Regardless of its rich nutritional components, the crop also contains significant amounts of tannins and phytates, which reduce the bioavailability of micronutrients (Gull et al., 2016).

Acha popularly known as Fonio (Digitaria exilis) is a typical West African traditional cereal cultivated across dry savannah regions along the Sudanese zone from Cape Verde in the West to the Lake Chad in the East, from the edge of the Sahara in the north to the beginning of the rain forest in the South (Adoukonou-Sagbadja et al., 2007). Guinea, Nigeria, Mali and Burkina Faso hold the largest Fonio growing areas and production in West Africa. About 587,270 tons have been produced on 566 047 hectares in these regions in 2012 (FAO, 2014). Previous investigations on the dietary role of fonio in West Africa societies reported that the grain was essentially cultivated for home consumption in rural areas (Cruz et al., 2011). In production areas, Fonio is consumed by every age group, three times a day in different kinds of preparations (Konkobo-Yameogo, 2004). In West Africa urban areas, on average the consumption frequency of less than once a month has been reported for 54% of Fonio consumers (Konkobo-Yameogo, 2004). In Burkina Faso and Guinea, 4% of people consume Fonio frequently per week (Konkobo-Yameogo, 2004). In urban areas of Mali, fonio accounts for less than 1% of the cereals eaten, and the average consumption is 0.5 to 1.0 kg per person annually (Konkobo-Yameogo, 2004). It is mainly consumed as porridges, couscous, traditional/alcoholic beverages, fatty fonio, salads, cakes, doughnuts, cookies and bread.

Fonio is reported having good nutritional properties. It is considered as a rich source of starch and glucidic energy, whereas it’s content in lipids and proteins are rather low compared to other ordinary cereals such as rice and maize. Some studies have indicates fonio as the cereal with the second highest concentration of protein (7.1 mg/100g dry matter) after sorghum (11 mg/100g dry matter) (Barikmo et al., 2004). The proteins in fonio grains are not easily extractable and their digestibility is better than those of sorghum and millet. The high levels of residue protein in fonio may have important functional properties (Ayo and Nkama, 2004). Fonio has a high content of essential amino acids like methionine (4.5 mg/100g), cystine (2.5mg/100g) and leucine (10.5mg/100g) (Fliedel, 2003). The level of methionine in fonio is twice the level of that in egg’s protein, highlighting the potential importance of fonio not only as survival food, but also as a complement for standard diets. Milled fonio contains less saturated fatty acids than millet and rice and less polyunsaturated fatty acids than sorghum (Fliedel, 2003). As most cereals, fonio is deficient in linolenic acid and the quantity of total pentosaneses is negligible compared to that present in sorghum or pearl millet (Ramessar et al., 2009). Some species contain less polyphenols than sorghum (Ramessar et al., 2009). In terms of health, fonio is believed to have a healthy nutrition profile because of its high content in fibre, low fat content and easy digestion, but this needs to be confirmed. The glycaemic index is lower than other cereals because of the slow assimilation of sugars (Fliedel, 2003).

Functional properties of cereal grains are the fundamental physico-chemical properties that reflect the complex interaction between the structure, molecular components, and composition and physico-chemical properties of food components (Chandra and Samsher (2013). Functional property of food is defined as physical, chemical and/or organoleptic properties of food (Ubwa et al., 2012; Kumari and Raghuvanshi, 2015). This study sought to produce flour from varieties of Acha (Fonio) and Millet as well evaluate their functional and chemical properties.


In spite of the nutritive value and potential health benefits of minor cereals grains such as millet and Acha which are comparable to that of the major cereals such as wheat, rice, maize; and the different processing technologies used to improve their edible and nutritional characteristics, utilization of millet grains as food is still mainly limited to populations in rural areas at the household level. This is due to lack of innovative millet processing technologies to provide easy-to-handle, ready to-cook or ready-to-eat, and safe food and beverage products at a commercial scale that can be used to feed large populations in urban areas (Ushakumari et al., 2004). However, with an increasing population and thus increasing demands for food, feed, and fuel, society will be pressed to increase agricultural production—whether by increasing yields on already cultivated lands or by cultivating currently natural areas—or to change current crop consumption patterns (Licker et al., 2010). Moreover, diversification of food production must be encouraged both at national and household levels in tandem with increasing yields. Providing more healthy and traditional whole-grain and multi-grain substitutes for refined carbohydrates can be one important aspect of therapeutic dietary modification and promoting utilization of minor-grain foods (Singh and Raghuvanshi, 2012). 


The success of this study will lead to the availability of a new acha and millet based flour. This could have far-reaching positive consequences on several aspects of the socio-economic landscape of the study area; e.g. (i) Use of otherwise unproductive or fallow land to cultivate millet for the manufacture of the food product, due to the minimal requirements for acha and millet cultivation in the study area; (ii) job creation within the millet and acha producing communities, leading to improvements of these communities; and (iii) implementation of supply chains to ensure the continuous availability of the raw material and product. Finally the study will create additional data for the poor literature in use of minor cereals such as millet and acha for the production of flour.

Additional processing and preparation methods are needed to enhance the bioavailability of the micronutrients and to improve the quality of cereal crops. Manufacturing millet and acha food products that deliver convenience, taste, texture, colour and shelf-stability at economical cost for poor people is needed. In addition, for promoting utilization of minor cereal grains in urban areas to open new markets for farmers to improve their income, developing highly improved products from these cereals is needed. Based on the above premise, this study sought to produce flour from varieties of Acha (Fonio) and Millet as well evaluate their functional and chemical properties.


The main aim of the study was to produce flour from different varieties of acha and millet.

The specific objectives of the study were to:

i. evaluate the functional properties of flour produced from Acha and Millet

ii. evaluate the chemical composition of flour produced from Acha and Millet

iii. determine the mineral and vitamins content of flour produced from Acha and Millet

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