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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008402

No of Pages: 44

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Nowadays civil service is facing great social and political problems. This major problem which today's civil service experience brings different problems in the public sectors. However in this research, the researcher investigated how these problems contribute towards the ineffectiveness of job performance in civil service in modern governmental organization. Therefore in this project Dutse Local Government was used as a case study in order to predict the cause and effects of the problems affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil service. The researcher findings show the causes and effects of the problems affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil service. Because inadequate manpower training development, promotion and disciplines based on civil service regulation contribute towards the ineffectiveness of job performance of the civil services. Similarly the result shows that improper posting of staffs and supervision bad attitude to work, favourism, nepotism, political instability as well as poor condition of service affect the ineffectiveness of job performance of the civil service. A total of fifty (50) questionnaire were used in conducting the research thirty five (35) were distributed to males while fifteen to females and all were collected and analyzed accordingly.



Title page    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -i

Approval page      -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -ii

Declaration  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -iii

Dedication   -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -iv

Acknowledgment  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -v

Table of contents  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -vi

Abstracts     -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -ix


1.0 Introduction    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -1

1.1 Historical background of the area of study       -        -        -        -        -2

1.2 Statement of the problem   -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -4

1.3 Aim and objectives of the study   -        -        -        -        -        -        -4

1.4 Research hypothesis  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -5

1.5 Purpose and significance of the study    -        -        -        -        -        -5

1.6 Scope and limitation of the study -        -        -        -        -        -        -6

1.7 Definition of terms   -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -7

      References      -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -9


2.0 Literature review       -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -10

2.1 Introduction    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -10

2.2 Concept of civil service      -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -10

2.3 Characteristics of the civil service -        -        -        -        -        -        -11

2.4 The structure of the civil service   -        -        -        -        -        -        -12

2.5 Function of the civil service and civil servants -        -        -        -        -13

2.6 Control of the civil service -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -15

2.7 Human resources in civil service  -        -        -        -        -        -        -16

2.8 Problems militate or hindering the effectiveness of job performance in civil service-  -        -          -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -17

      References      -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -19


3.0 Research methodology       -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -20

3.1 Introduction    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -20

3.2 Sample size and sampling technique      -        -        -        -        -        -20

3.3 Method of data collection   -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -20

3.4 Method of data analysis      -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -21

3.5 Research questions/problems       -        -        -        -        -        -        -21


4.0 Data presentation and analysis      -        -        -        -        -        -        -22

4.1 Introduction    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -22

4.2 Personal data   -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -22

4.3 Responses of the respondents       -        -        -        -        -        -        -26


5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendations   -        -        -        -        -30

5.1 Summary        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -30

5.2 Conclusion     -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -30

5.3 Recommendations    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -31

      References      -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -33 

      Appendix I (Research questionnaires)    -        -        -        -        -        -34









The main reason of this research is to determine some of the great problems happening in the civil service that concerned to the research topic "problem affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil service" the researchers forecast is to find out what are the problem that bring about force or prevailing on job performance in civil service.

It has been noted that on the way to end of the colonial era (period) in Nigeria trade unionism was introduced into the civil service giving civil service a liberty in the determination of their condition of service roles responsibilities and accountabilities to be administered the be intervention of the military into Nigeria policies a the organ already in place were related between 1979 and 1988 idiosyncratic function (civil service) were distribute in different organizations but with the 1988 civil service improve a clear arrangement emerged with a view to achieve effectiveness in the civil service.

Meanwhile the integrants wealth of any civil service is the caliber of its staffs the quality of staffs available to the civil service and the extent to which they are effectively utilized would be determined largely the extent which improvement objectives are achieved.

There are mega problems affecting the effectiveness of job performance in the civil service such as corruptions indiscipline, unqualified staffs and wrong positing of personal and so on these complication or obstacle remaining due to numerous factors that lead to such ineffectiveness e.g favoritism, nepotism, political instability poor leadership brain drain. Hearing considered the above component the researcher will make a clear reference with Dutse Local Government Secretariat in order to foretell the component that lead to the ineffectiveness of job performance. Civil service is a body or a department in the executive arm of the government responsible for the execution of the policies and programme of the government. The civil service and its workers known as civil servants perform entirely and administrative and executive roles with entails formulation and implementation of government policies. The civil service is divided into departments and each department take place of particular. Roles the department called ministries is headed by the minister or commissioner who serve as both the political and executive head. The armed forces the police, public corporation and government owned companies are not comprise in the civil service but are collectively called public service and their workers including the civil servants are called public servants.

However, in Nigeria there is federal, State and Local Government Civil Service with each estate in Nigeria having its own. The civil service remain intact no matter the government in power, through there is tiny adjustment in Nigeria civil service the change has been reverted to permanent secretary during Abacha's administration.

It therefore, has been across that the study of the civil service grew out of consciousness that machinery of government was insufficient and sometime absolutely unsuitable to play the roles of the government.


Dutse town derived it is name from work ROCK which rounded the ancient Dutse and provided beauty of its own natural strategies and defense and security to the entire people of the town against any possible attack from elsewhere.

During the oldest days quite a number of traditional rulers ruled Dutse which includes Tsohon Mutum, Salisu Danmalam Lawan Nuhu among others. The Local government in (1996) and state capital in August 27 (1991). This was a result of 19786 local government reforms and 1991 state creation by Babangida administration.

The total land area of this administration unit in 1980 square kilometer with a population of 39 521 people based on (1991) population of old Kana state with boundaries to the defect Kano south east administration of Birnin kudu.

Historically the dynastic ruler called Tsohon mutum was known to have rule for seventy years from 91827-1897). However his rules were terminated but the break out the Sokoto Jihad in (1804). The first Fulani ruler Salisu Dan Malam Lawan ruled throughout the Jihad period. The present emir of Dutse Alhaji Dr. Nunu Muhd Sanusi is the eighteenth Emir of Dutse. Dutse has its trills and frills of ancient were of invasions, instruction and defense indeed: natural defenses against attacked provided by rocky natures of land a scope defines the choices of the settlement in the bowl of the rocks and in region known for swift horsemen. The easier settlers could not have bargained. The earlier settlers could not have bargained for anything better other than Dutse area. The rock made it easier for watcher on the lookout of invaders to carry out the surveillance undulated.

Dutse has a high potential capable of saving the need of both its people and Nigeria as geographically dictated quarry industries would get it portable and economically wise to exploited the rock as a material which in the local government area is endowed with is situated in of time stone, at Takur farming is situated in the savannah region, a vast majority of the population are deeply involved in agriculture. Agraina nature of occupation is made possible by vast area of land majority of the people in this area are farmers, usually from west is boarded by Albasu Local Government Kano State, from east by Kiyawa Local Government, at the north by Ringim Local Government no at the south east it is boarded by Birnin Kudu Local Government Area.



Improper working conditions in the organization are regarded as one of the problems militating against the ineffectiveness of job performance n civil service.

Irregular promotion and advancement of civil service is also another factor towards the ineffectiveness of their jobs performance. Lack of proper incentive such as claims and leave grants contributed fully to the problems affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil service.

Therefore lack of proper job description and inadequate of manpower analysis and development in the civil service against the ineffectiveness of job performance in the organization.


The aims and objectives of this research is to find out the cases and effects of problems affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil service as a mega problems facing of modern public administration with reference to Dutse Local Government Area. Therefore to look in what is civil service defines the roles accountabilities and responsibilities in government organizations. The objectives of the research comprise the following.

i.                   To investigate how inappropriate working condition will affect the ineffectiveness of job performance in civil service.

ii.                 To recognize how irregular promotion and advancement of the civil servants will affects and lead to the ineffectiveness of their job performance in the organization.

iii.              To investigate how lack of proper adequate tools will contribute towards the ineffectiveness of job performance in civil services

iv.              To find out the cause as well as the effect of the problem affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil service.

v.                 To promote judgment and evaluation on how lack of proper job description and inadequate of manpower analysis and development contribute toward the ineffectiveness of job performance in civil service.


The following are formulated hypothesis in relation to the research:

i.                   Inadequate manpower training development, promotion and discipline based on civil service regulation contribute toward the ineffectiveness of job performance of the civil servants.

ii.                 Improper posting of staffs and supervision leads to the ineffectiveness of job performance of the civil servants.

iii.              Bad attitude to work favoritism nepotism, political instability and poor leadership may likely affect the ineffectiveness of job performance of the civil service.

iv.              Recruitment of unqualified staffs are likely affect the effectiveness and efficiency of job performance among civil service.

v.                 Poor condition of service workers were exhausted meager salaries the health of the civil service has deteriorated will affect in the performance of their duties.


The research has the following significance and purpose:

·        It will help government and non-governmental organization (NGOs) in knowing how to address the problems.

·        It will enable some students, lecturer researchers and planners to obtain relevant and useful information concerning the phenomenon.

This research therefore becomes beneficial to the students in tertiary institutions more especially who are studying public administration and other Art and social sciences field.

The significances of this research project is great to the society and general public as well as the area of study.

It will also enable the researchers to know more about the cause and effects of the problems affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil services.


The study limits itself on the problems affecting the effectiveness of job performance in civil service within Dutse local government area of Jigawa state due to the time frame under which the research shall be completed.

Furthermore, the rational behind the choice of Dutse local government as the case study is primarily because it is the researcher local government area as such he is adequately familiar with the environment and absolute source of collecting accurate and reliable data from the approved sources. The research encountered some logistic problems in carry out the research such as finance, text books time distance from the place of collecting primary data and lack of cooperation from the respondents as well as inadequate primary and secondary data.



Attempt will be made to give operational definitions to a several concepts that from the care of the study. This because the concepts have been defined in several ways by different people. However the following are useful for the operational purpose and significance of this study

Problem: Means anything that is difficult to deal with or understand or a question to be answer or solve by reasoning or calculation In other words a problems is a difficult question or stages of affairs a cause of worry.

Effectiveness: Refers to a fines or power to accomplish or success in accomplishing the purpose intended adequate power of efficiency.

Job: Eans the name given to a particular set of tasks allocated to particular individual or position for which the job holder will be held accountable.

Longman packet English dictionary defined job as a pieces of work that must be done.

Performance: Is an act of doing a piece of work and or duty with full confidence and zeal to conduct the task or duty. On the other hand the act of doing something to amaze people.

Job Performance: Refers to the enhancement of a job by the addition to motivating factors such as job interest and responsibility it is also a statement of fact describing the work performed responsibilities involved the skill and training required.

Civil: Means anything that do not connected with military or religious organization.

It therefore refers to anything related to a law that deals with peoples right not laws that are related to crimes.

Service: Refers to a work that people in a public place or organization e.g in a hospital school, ministries or department and parastatals.

Civil service: Is defined as a body or a department in the executive arm of the government responsible for the executive of the policies and programme of the government.

On the other hand civil service as a body of permanent full time public officials in a professional non-political and who are not members of either of the judiciary or the armed forces.

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