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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007527

No of Pages: 153

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Samples of Acacia senegal (AS), and Anacardium occidentale (AO)  and Khaya senegalenses (KS) gums were analyzed for physicochemical parameters (colour, pH, solubility in water/ethanol, total dissolved solid, solubility, wave length of maximum absorption, salinity and conductivity), functional groups ( FTIR analysis), chemical constituents (GC/MS analysis) and rheological parameters.  Effect of  blending on the analyzed parameters for  various combinations of the gums (100: 00, 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, 20:80 and 00:100 of AS:AO, AS:KS and AO:KS, respectively) were also studied. The results of the analyses indicated that physicochemical parameters of the gums and their various composites were markedly different from the parameters obtained for the crude gum or the average of the two. The existence of interaction between the blended gums was confirmed by the spectra obtained from FTIR analysis. The spectra indicated that the wave number and intensity of IR absorption by the gum blends were shifted significantly and in some cases, some of the functional groups that were found in the original gums before blending were missing, while in others, new functional groups were formed.  GC/MS results of the blended gums revealed three fold observations. Firstly, similar compounds that were found in the parent gums were identified but with different concentrations. Secondly, new compounds were found and thirdly, some of the compounds were missing. Rheological analysis was basically carried out to estimate the intrinsic viscosity and Hugginʼs constants for the studied gums and the various blends. Hugginʼs parameters displayed remarkable increment due to the blending and the range of values obtained for the Huggins constant, showed no aggregation in either of the gums or their combinations.


Cover page                                                                                                                  i

Title page                                                                                                                    ii

Declaration                                                                                                                 iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Certification                                                                                                                v

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    vi

Table of contents                                                                                                        vii

List of Tables                                                                                                             xi

List of Figures                                                                                                             ivx

List of Plates                                                                                                               xv

Abstract                                                                                                                      xvi



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                 1

1.2           Statement of the Problem                                                                                3

1.3                    Aims and Objectives of the Study                                                                   3

1.4                    Justification for the Study                                                                                4

1.5           Scope and limitation                                                                                        4

1.6       Plant Gums Chosen for the Study                                                                  5

1.6.1    Khaya senegalensis (KS) Gum                                                                       5

1.6.2    Anacardium occidentale (AO) Gum                                                              5

1.6.3    Acacia senegal (AS) Gum                                                                              6


2.1       Gums                                                                                                               7

2.1.1    Origin of gums                                                                                               8

2.1.2     Classification of gums                                                                                   8

2.1.3    Sources of gums                                                                                             9

2.2        Plant gums                                                                                                     10

2.2.1.    Gum Karaya                                                                                                  10

2.2.2     Gum Albizia                                                                                                   10

2.2.3     Gum Arabic                                                                                                   11

2.2.4    Gum Tragacanth                                                                                            11

2.2.5    Gum Anogeissus leiocarpus                                                                                12

2.2.6    Gum from Albizia ferruginea                                                                         12

2.2.7     Ficus platyphylla                                                                                           12

2.2.8    Gum Ghatti                                                                                                     13

2.3       Applications of Gums                                                                                     13

2.3.1    Gums as pharmaceutical and food additives                                                  14

2.3.2    Gums as corrosion inhibitors                                                                          16

2.4       Functional Properties of Gums                                                                        17

2.4.1`   Physical properties of gums                                                                           18

2.5       Analytical Methods for Polymers                                                                   19

2.5.1    Measurement of viscosity:                                                                              19

2.5.2    Physiochemical Analytical Methods                                                              20

2.5.3    Spectrophotometry methods                                                                          21 Absorption spectrophotometry                                                                       21

2.6       Composition of Gums                                                                                     22

2.7       Physicochemical Composition of Plant Gums                                               24

2.8       Studies on Polymer Rheology                                                                        25

2.9       literature on Rheology of Gums                                                                     29

2.10     Studies on GC-MS, FTIR of Gums                                                                 34

2.11     Effect of Electrolyte on Gum Solution                                                           36

2.12     Effect of pH on Viscosity of Gums                                                                 38


3.1       Materials                                                                                                         41

3.2       Tapping of Gums                                                                                            41

3.3       Purification of the Gum                                                                                  45

3.4       Physiochemical Analysis                                                                                45

3.4.1    Determination of solubility in various solvents                                            45

3.4.2    Determination of the pH                                                                                 46

3.4.3    Turbidity (by absorption method)                                                                   46

3.4.4    Determination of wavelength of maximum absorption                                  46

3.5       Elemental Analysis                                                                                        47

3.5.1    Preparation of stock solution of lead (1000 ppm)                                           47

3.5.2    Preparation of stock solution of zinc (1000 ppm)                                           47

3.5.3    Preparation of stock solution of iron (1000 ppm)                                          47

3.5.4    Preparation of stock solution of magnesium (1000 ppm)                                         48

3.5.5    Preparation of stock solution of sodium (1000 ppm)                                              48

3.6       Chemical Analysis                                                                                          48        3.7      FTIR Analysis                                                                                                49

3.8       GC-MS Analysis                                                                                            49

3.9       Determination of the Intrinsic Viscosities of the Gum Mucilage                        50

3.10     Quality Assurance and Control                                                                      50


4.1       Physicochemical Parameters                                                                          51

4.2       Elemental Composition                                                                                  59

4.3       FTIR Study                                                                                                     62

4.4       GCMS Study                                                                                                  87

4.5       Rheology                                                                                                        97

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION                           100










 4.1.1: Physicochemical parameters of Acacia senegal (AS),Anacardium

             occidentale (AO)  and Kahaya senegalenses (KS) gums                              52


4.1.2:   Physicochemical parameters of AS:AO gum blends                                     53


4.1.3:   Physicochemical parameters of AS: KS gum blends                                     54


4.1.4:   Physicochemical parameters of AO: KS gum blends                                   55


4.2.1:   Elemental composition of 50:50 blends of AS, AO and KS gum

Composites                                                                                                     61


4 3.1:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by AS gum                                     63


4.3.2:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by AO gum                                     64


4.3.4:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by KS gum                                     65


4.3.5:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by 80:20 blend of AO and

            AS gums                                                                                                         66


4.3.6:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by 60:40 blend of AO and

AS gums                                                                                                         67


4.3.7:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by 50:50 blend of AO and

            AS gums                                                                                                         68


4.3.8:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by 40:60 blend of AO and

            AS gums                                                                                                         69


4.3.9:   Frequencies and peaks of IR absorption by 80:20 blend of AO and

AS gums                                                                                                         70


4.3.10: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption 80:20 blend of AS and

            KS gums                                                                                                         74


4.3.11: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption 60:40 blend of AS and

            KS gums                                                                                                         75


4.3.12: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption 50:50 blend of AS and

            KS gums                                                                                                         76


4.3.13: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption 60:40 blend of AS and

            KS gums                                                                                                         77


4.3.14: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption 20:80 blend of AS and

            KS gums                                                                                                         78


4.3.15: Frequencies and intensity (in bracket) of IR absorption by various

            composites of AS and KS gums                                                                     79


4.3.16: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption by 80:20 blend of AO

            and KS gums                                                                                                   81


4.3.17: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption by 60:40 blend of AO and

             KS gums                                                                                                        82


4.3.18: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption by 50:50 blend of AO and

            KS gums                                                                                                         83


4.3.19: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption by 40:60 blend of AO and

 KS gums                                                                                                        84


4.3.20: Frequencies and intensity of IR absorption by 20:80 blend of AO and

            KS gums                                                                                                         85


4.3.21: Frequencies and intensity (in bracket) of IR absorption by various

composites of AO and KS gums                                                                    86


4.4.1:   Characteristics of suggested compounds identified from GC-MS of

AS gum                                                                                                           89


4.4.2:   Characteristics of suggested compounds identified from GC-MS of

AO gum                                                                                                          90


4.4.3:   Characteristics of suggested compounds identified from GC-MS of

KS gum                                                                                                           91


4.4.4:   Characteristics of suggested compounds identified from GC-MS of

 AS:KS composite                                                                                          94


4.4.5:   Characteristics of suggested compounds identified from GC-MS of

 AO:KS composite                                                                                          95


4.4.6:   Characteristics of suggested compounds identified from GC-MS of                      AS:AO composite                                                                                         96


4.5.1:   Hugginʼs parameters for the studied gums and their composites                   99



3.1       Photographs of crude gum samples                                         42

3.2:      Photograph of KS plant                                                           43

3.3       Photograph of AO plant                                                          44

4.1:      Photograph of purified gum samples                                       56









Plant gums are organic substances collected from trunks or branches of the trees immediately or after physical damage of the plant by cutting of the branch or the bark or as a result of bacterial or fungal attack (Ahmed et al., 2009). Generally, gums are made of high molecular weight compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen as the main chain. Gums form colloidal solutions in an appropriate solvent or swelling agent. According to Ahmad et al. (1994), most plant gums are polyelectrolytes, which is a class of polymers that bear a large number of ionizable groups on the main chain.  Gums have different applications in different industries. For instance, Albizia lebbeck and some Albizia zygia gums have been found to act as natural emulsifiers for food and pharmaceuticals (Mhinzi, 2002). According to de Paula et al. (2001), Albizia lebbeck gum exudate is also used as an alternative for Arabic gum in mining industries. Guar and some other gums are used in the mineral processing and mining industry (Ma and Pawlik, 2007). In food industries, xanthan and locust bean gums are used as thickening agents (Higiro et al., 2006).  In the froth flotation of platinum ores, guar gum is applied to regulate effect of naturally inorganic waste minerals and talc. The function of polysaccharide is for adsorption on talc surface which makes it soluble in water.

 In the pharmaceutical firms, the functions of Guar gum are of great importance for monitoring the drug release when ingested, such as in the treatment of colorectal cancer and in oral rehydration solutions (ORS) for treatment of cholera in adults (Pablyana et al., 2007).  Guar gum, used in drug is applied externally, as synthetic cervical mucus and as a visco- supplementation agent in osteoarthritis treatment. Detarium senegalense (Gmelin gum) has been stated to be vital in food and pharmaceutical industries, for modification of food texture and controlling drug release respectively (Wang et al., 1997). 

The numerous uses of gums have been found to be based on their functional properties such as physicochemical properties, rheological properties, nutritive content, mineral element content and phytochemical. For instance, irrespective of its suitable rheological properties, Albizia lebbeck gum cannot be used as a food additive due to its high aluminum and tannins level (de Paula et al., 2001).  Pablyana et al. (2007) explained that the existence of protein in polysaccharides can stimulate an inflammation response in cells, which can prevent the applications of gums in pharmacology. Interfacial rheology of gums has been found to be a vital process in studying gums properties (Elmanan et al., 2008). Fenugreek gum is generally applied as thickening, water sustaining agent, in food industries due to its high manose and galactose contents which increases its viscosity in aqueous solution (Youssef et al., 2009). Similarly, Rinaudo (2001) stated that the numerous applications of gum exudates are as a result of their water sustaining ability which produces gels, foams or highly viscous solutions. These characteristics depend on the chemical property of gum exudates polysaccharides and their structures in the appropriate solvent.  Besides, the conformation of a polymer system is determined by the temperature, acetyl and pyruvate content, ionic strength and pH (Khouryieh et al., 2007). Higiro et al. (2006), also explained that Xanthan gum produce an association with galactose and mannose. These characteristics enhance its application in food industry as a gel thickening agent. Menon (2003) also found out that an important tool for determining the process ability and applications of exudate gums is their rheological properties. 

Considering the numerous applications carried out form plant gums, several studies have been conducted on physicochemical, rheological, proximate, cationic and polyelectrolyte compositions of some gums. However, literature is scanty of detail properties of composite gums produced from Acacia senegal (AS) and Anacardium occidental (AO) and Khaya senegalenses (KS) gum exudates.



Gums are widely applied in some industries including pharmaceuticals, food, binding/adhesive, pulp/paper, metallurgical and other fields. However, several researches have led to the conclusion that the specific application of a given gum is based on its physicochemical, functional, rheological and other properties. An individual gum hardly meets the requirements for all necessary applications due to their unique properties. Therefore any approach that can be adopted to modify these properties for better utilization will certainly enhance the applications of gums in various aspects. Hence this research seeks to modify some physicochemical, rheological and spectroscopic properties of some gums through blending in order to overcome the problem of scarcity and enhance their application for industrial and other uses.  



This study is aimed at characterization and the modification of the functional properties of various composite gums produced from Acacia senegal (AS), Anacardium occidentale (AO) and Khaya senegalenses (KS) gums. This aim shall be achieved through the following objectives:

  1. To obtain Acacia senegal (AS), Anacardium occidentale (AO)  and Khaya senegalenses (KS) gums from local plantations within Nigeria,
  2. To produce various composites gums using different proportions of Acacia senegal (AS),          and Anacardium occidentale (AO)  and Khaya senegalenses (KS)  gums blends (i.e. 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60 and 20:80).
  3. To carry out physicochemical analysis on Acacia senegal (AS), and Anacardium occidentale (AO) and Khaya senegalenses (KS) gums and their blends.
  4. To carry out spectroscopic analysis (GCMS and FTIR) on Acacia senegal (AS), and Anacardium occidentale (AO)  and Khaya senegalenses (KS) gums and their blends.
  5. To identify and analyze functional properties of the studied gums that are affected by blending.
  6. To carry out rheological analysis on Acacia senegal (AS), and Anacardium occidentale (AO) and Khaya senegalenses (KS) gums and their blends.
  7. To offer useful recommendations based on the results of the study.


Recently, there is a global increase in the demands for gums as a result of its various utilizations in pharmaceuticals and food industries, based on its physiochemical and rheological properties. This leads to a high cost and scarcity of gums. Consequently, there is a greater need to evaluate such characteristics in our local plant gums to serve as a substitute with better qualities and a data base for further analysis.



This research work was designed to determine the physicochemical parameters, spectroscopic analysis (GCMS and FTIR), elemental analysis and viscometeric behaviors of AS, AO and KS gums exudates and their blends (i.e. 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60 and 20:80).



1.6.1       Khaya senegalenses gum (KS)

Khaya senegalenses is usually known as African mahogany in English, ‘Homra’ by the Arabs, ‘Dalehi’ by the Fulanis, ‘Madaci’ by the Hausas, ‘ono’ by the Igbos, ‘ ukpa’ by the Annangs and ‘ogonowo’ by the Yorubas. It belongs to the Family of Meliaceae Arnold and Dewet (1993). Khaya senegalensis is a plant of about 15-30 meters in height and 1m width. It is characterized by its constant greenish crown. The crown has darkish shiny pinnate leaves and characteristic round dark grey capsules. The bark is dark grey with small reddish tinged scales. The plant is widely distributed in the riverine forest and is scattered within the highest rainfall savannah woodlands. In the first year of growth, the seedlings develop a strong deep tap root which makes it most drought resistant of all khaya species (Aspinall and Bhattacharjee 1970). The plant can be planted in swampy regions as it is very resistant to flooding. It is the dominant specie in most of its range except when removed by logging. Khaya plant is planted as an ornamental tree. Aspinall and Bhattacharjee ( 1970), reported that Khaya gum is colourless to light brown gum, containing high branched polysaccharides such as Dextro-galactose, Levo-rhamnose, Dextro-galacturonic acid and 4-O- methyl-Dextro-glucoronic acid.


1.6.2    Anacardium occidentale (AO)

Anacardium occidentale tree is commonly called cashew tree. The tree grows to a height of about 12 m but rarely exceeds 6 m on lateritic coastal sandy areas. The leaves of the plants are simple, alternate, glabrous, and obovate-rounded at the ends. The bark contains a profuse bitter brown fluid (resin), which turns brownish when exposed to the atmosphere. Anacardium occidentale gum has been found to be useful in the production of permanent ink used for marking and printing on fabrics while the resin is used as a varnish and preservative for fishnets. The stem of the plant can also yield an amber-coloured gum, which dissolves partially in water forming a jelly-like mass. It is also used in plywood, woodwork, panels, and bookbinding as an adhesive (Elamin, 1990).


1.6.3    Acacia senegal (AS).

Acacia senegal also known as Senegalia senegal, Gum acacia, Gum arabic, Senegal gum and Sudan Gum Arabic, is a moderate spiky deciduous tree belonging to the Acacia family (Mhinzi,2003) . It was introduced to Sub-      Saharan Africa from west coastal India. In Nigeria, it is located in Kanya Babba village in Bubura local Government Area of Jigawa State, etc. It is 5-12 meters tall and a width of about 30 cm. Acacia Senegal produces the world's best quality Arabic gum known as Hashab gum. A. Senegal gum is used in pharmaceuticals, food additive, crafts work, and in cosmetics. It is obtained by tapping the bark ( Elamin, 1990).  


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