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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006878

No of Pages: 67

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The proximate, vitamin, functional properties and physicochemical properties of the ice cream and candy were analyzed using standard procedures, and the chemicals used were of analytical grade. This study is aimed at investigating the Mucuna flagellipes (ukpo) in ice cream and candy formulations. The proximate analysis of ukpo ice cream were 69.28% for moisture,6.43% for crude protein,0.72% for fat,0.02% for crude  fibre,1.62% for ash,21.45% for carbohydrates and 122.42kcal for energy value. For carotenoid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid were 3.07, 0.64, 0.11, 0.05 and 20.37 respectively. The functional properties of ‘ukpo’ flour showed  0.63 g/ml for bulk density, 3.02 g/ml for water absorption capacity, 2.03 g/ml for oil absorption capacity, 2.05 for foaming capacity, 89.82 for foam stability, , 39.81 for emulsion capacity, 48.61 for emulsion stability, 85.00 for Gelation temperature and 1.22 min for gelation time. The physico-chemical properties analysed revealed the presence of varying quantities of meltdown, PH, total solid, overrun, hardness, total titrable acidity and total sugar. This study shows that ice cream produced from Mucuna flagellipes (ukpo) gum has a great potential in complementing protein and vitamins deficiencies prevalent in the developing countries and it is anticipated that the knowledge of nutritional values of these products will enhance their utilization in our diet.


Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgments v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Plates x
Abstract xi

1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Justification of the Study 3
1.4 Objective of the Study 3

2.1 Relevance of Milk Products in Human Health 4
2.2 Ice Cream 5
2.2.1 Nutritional value and therapeutic benefits of ice cream 5
2.2.2 Different forms of ice cream 7 Basic processing steps of ice cream 8
2.3 Candy 9
2.3.1 Nutritional value and therapeutic benefits of candy 10
2.3.2 Processing of different forms of candy 11
2.4 Relevance of Stabilizers in Food System 12
2.5 Guar Gum 14
2.6 Mucuna flagellipes 15
2.7 Functional Properties of Food Materials 16
2.8 Relevance of Evaluating Sensory Properties of Foods 17

3.1 Sources of Raw Materials 20
3.2 Sample Preparation 20
3.2.1 Production of Mucuna flagellipes gum 20
3.2.2 Production of ice cream 21
3.2.3 Production of candy 21
3.3 Method of analyses 27
3.3.1 Determination of functional properties of Mucuna flagellipes gum 27 Bulk density 27 Water absorption capacity 27 Foam capacity and stability 28 Emulsion capacity 28 Emulsion stability 28 Gelatinization temperature and time 29
3.3.2 Determination of physicochemical properties of ice cream and candy 29 Overrun of the ice cream 29 Meltdown rate of the ice cream 29 pH value of the ice cream 30 Total solids of the ice cream 30 Moisture content of the ice cream 30 Fat content of the ice cream 31 Protein content of the ice cream 32 Ash content of the ice cream 32 Hardness of the ice cream 33 Moisture content of the candy 33
3.3.3 Evaluation of sensory properties of ice cream and candy 34
3.3.4 Statistical analysis 34

4.1 Proximate composition 35
4.2 Vitamins Composition in mucuna Gum candy 39
4.3 Functional Properties of Mucuna flagellipes Gum 40
4.4 Physico-chemical Properties of ice Cream 43
4.4.1 pH 43
4.4.2 Total titrable acidity 43
4.4.3 Total sugar 44
4.4.4 Total solid 44
4.4.5 Overrun 44
4.4.6 Hardness 45
4.4.7 Meltdown 45
4.5 Sensory Evaluation 45
4.5.1 Ice cream 45
4.5.2 Sensory attributes of candy 46
4.6 Samples for the production of ice cream 47

5.1 Conclusion and recommendations 48
5.2 Recommendations 48
References 49


3.1 Flow chart for production of Mucuna flagellipes gum 22

3.2 Flow chart for production of ice-cream 23

3.3 Flow chart for production of candy 24


Table 3.1 Recipe for production of ice cream 20

Table 3.2 Recipe for production of candy 20

Table 4.1: Proximate composition of ice cream and candy 38

Table 4.2: Vitamin Composition of Candy (mg/100g) 39

Table 4.3 Functional Properties of Mucuna flagepilles 40

Table 4.4 Physico-chemical properties of mucuna and guar gum ice cream 43

Table 4.5 Sensory Evaluation of Ice Cream 45

Table 4.6 Sensory Evaluation of Candy 46


1. Mucuna Flagellipes seeds

2. Extracted Mucuna Flagellipes  gum

3. Guar Gum Ice Cream 47

4. Mucuna Flagellipes ice cream 47

5. Guar gum candy 47

6. Mucuna Flagellipes candy 47


Confectionery products are an integral part of the human diet because they can be used as a high-density food energy source (Kronberga et al. 2013). They improve the feeling and mood of consumers aside from being an important part of celebrations (Kronberga et al. 2013). In Nigeria, bakers’ confectionery and sugar confectionery are basic types of confectionaries. Candy is a palatable sugar confectionary composed of sweet taste and high calorie (Duyff et al. 2015). Obasi and Ugwu (2015) stated that it is a highly cooked coloured and flavoured sugar mass formed into desired shapes. Candy has been enjoyed by most people as an occasional treat (Duyff et al. 2015). It is a source of crude protein and micronutrients like calcium and potassium (Onyekwelu, 2018). Consuming a modest amount of certain types of candies has been associated with positive effects on weight and cardiovascular health (USDA, 2010).

Ice cream, a type of sugar confectionery is a cheap, healthy, and nutritious frozen product (Syed and Shah, 2016; Syed et al. 2018). It is a frozen dairy product made by freezing ice cream mix with agitation (Deosarkar et al. 2016). Ice cream is a relatively well-balanced, wholesome, easily digestible, and delicious milk product whose sweet, pleasant flavour, smooth texture, and characteristic coolness make it to be highly sought after (Deosarkar et al. 2016). Ice cream is a good source of protein and lipid (Umelo et al. 2014). Its protein is of excellent biological value because it contains all the essential amino acid (Deosarkar et al. 2016) whereas the presence of lipid in ice cream enhances its energy value, serves as a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, and contains a significant amount of essential fatty acids like linoleic acids (Deosarkar et al. 2016).  

Gums or hydrocolloids have a wide array of functional properties in foods including; thickening, gelling, emulsifying, stabilization, coating, etc (Milani and Maleki, 2012). They are used in many food products like ice cream and candy to create the desired texture (Milani and Maleki, 2012) aside from curbing when separation in ice cream (Syed and Shah, 2016). According to Nwakaudu et al. (2017), some of the commonly known indigenous gums in Nigeria are achi (Brachystegia eurycoma), ofor (Detarium microcarpum) and ukpo (Mucuna spp). 

M. flagellipes gum is called the seed gum and food gum (hydrocolloids). It is not true gums but is of simpler structures (Nwosu, 2012). This gum is extracted from the M. flagellipes seeds when crushed to powder. This powder can swell in water and thus can influence the viscosity of the liquid (Nwosu, 2012). M. flagellipes gum contains 5.20 g/ml water absorption capacity, 1.37 g/ml oil absorption capacity, 42.65% emulsion capacity, 0.90% foam capacity, 0.29% bulk density, and 1.31 g/ml swelling index (Okorie et al. 2013). This study, therefore, aims at evaluating the impact of Mucuna flagellipes gum (ukpo) on quality characteristics of ice cream and candy.

Presently, most manufacturing companies over rely on commercially available gums like carboxyl methyl cellulose, guar gum, carrageenan gum, gelatin among others in production of products like ice cream and candy. However, the potential of underutilized gums from crops like M. flagellipes in production of candy and ice cream are not known. This has the tendency to increase the cost of ice cream and candy, thus making it unaffordable to most average families in developing countries. Beside this, certain commercially gums are expensive and exhibit some limitations like heat shock in products like ice cream. Furthermore, the need created by vegetarians necessitates the search for other plant based options to replace the animal based ones like gelatin.

Production of ice cream and candy using gum from M. flagellipes remains the most practical means of curbing over dependency on guar gum. This will in turn provide variety of ice cream and candy, reduce their price, contribute in curbing limitations like heat shock which certain commercially gums are known for, and enhance the use of M. flagellipes in food system and thus, ensure it doesn’t go into extinction. Consumers and manufactures of ice cream and candy will find the developed products highly valuable. 

The main objective of this study was to extract and assess Mucuna flagellipes gum (ukpo) and its impact on quality characteristics of ice cream and candy. The specific objective of the study were to:

i. produce gum from M. flagellipes

ii. determine the functional properties of the gum 

iii. produce ice cream and candy using the M. flagellipes gum

iv. determine the physicochemical properties of the ice cream and candy

v. evaluate the sensory properties of the ice cream and candy.

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