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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006998

No of Pages: 68

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study investigated the perceive influence of indiscipline on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Stratified proportionate random sampling techniques was used to determine the sample size. The study collected primary data using a well-structured questionnaire known as “Influence of Indiscipline on Students Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools Questionnaire (IISAPPSSQ)”, which was issued to three hundred and forty-five (345) respondents, consisting of fifty (50) teachers and two hundred and ninety-five students. However, a total of three hundred and twenty questionnaires were retrieved from the respondents. The duly completed and retrieved questionnaires comprises of forty-five (45) teachers and two hundred and seventy-five (275) students. Descriptive statistics measures such as mean and standard deviation values were used to assess the responds of the respondents regarding the research questions. Independent samples t-test was used to test the hypotheses. The analysis was conducted using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The study revealed that bullying by the students, students stealing others students’ belongings, acts of disobedience, truancy, acts of lawlessness and examination malpractices are the major acts of indiscipline in public secondary school in Ikwuano Local Government Area. Secondly, the study indicated that the acts of indiscipline are occasioned by nonchalant attitude of teachers towards students’ indiscipline, anti-social behaviours of the students, unsatisfied desires of the students, indiscriminate punishment of student by teachers and senior students, peer group pressure, inadequate motivation for disciplined actions, and poor moral family up-bringing of students. The Inferential statistics revealed that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of teachers and students on the type of students’ indiscipline in public secondary schools in Ikwuano Local Government Area. Lastly, there is a significant difference in the mean ratings of teachers and students on the effects of indiscipline on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ikwuano L.G.A. The study recommended among other things that the Government through the Ministry of Education should enforce policies in schools to identify, apprehend and apply appropriate punishment on students discovered to be involved in stealing in schools. Moreover, government at all levels, parents, teachers, students and stakeholders should work towards the total eradication of examination malpractice to restore discipline and enhance dignity and integrity of education system.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                              ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Certification                                                                                                                            iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  v

Table of Content                                                                                                                     vi

List of tables                                                                                                                           viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix



1.1              Background to the                                                                                                      1

1.2              Statement of the Problem                                                                                           8

1.3              Purpose of the Study                                                                                                  9

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                     9

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                                 10

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                           10

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                                     12


CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                                         

2.1.      Conceptual Framework                                                                                               13

2.1.1    Concept of Indiscipline                                                                                              13

2.1.2    Types of Indiscipline                                                                                                  14

2.1.3    Causes of Indiscipline                                                                                                 16 Family Background                                                                                                   16 Teachers Attitude                                                                                                       17 Environmental influence                                                                                             17 Societal Demands                                                                                                       18 Peer Pressure                                                                                                               19 School Management and Administration                                                                   20 Students                                                                                                                      21

 2.1.4   Effects of indiscipline on students’ academic performance                                       22

2.1.5    Strategies to control indiscipline in public secondary schools                                    23

2.2     Theoretical Framework                                                                                                 25

2.2.1    The Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura (1974)                                              25

2.2.2    Social Control Theory of Hirschi (1969)                                                                    26

2.2.3    Pickle Jar Theory of Wright (2002)                                                                            28

2.3       Review of Empirical Studies                                                                                      29

2.4       Summary of Literature Reviewed                                                                              32



3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                                    34

3.2.      Area of the Study                                                                                                       34

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                              35

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                              36

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                   36

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                                      37

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                       37

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                                         37

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                           37



4.1       Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval                                                              38

4.2.1        Descriptive Analysis of Research Questions                                                              39

4.3       Inferential Statistics and Hypotheses Testing                                                            43

4.4       Discussion of Findings                                                                                               46


5.1       Summary                                                                                                                     49

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  52

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      51

References                                                                                                                  52

Appendixes                                                                                                                 55


Table 4.1         Questionnaire Distribution and Collection                                                     38

Table 4.2:        Types of Students Indiscipline                                                                       39

Table 4.3:        Causes of Students Indiscipline                                                                     40

Table 4.4:        Effect of Indiscipline on Students’ Academic Performance                          41

Table 4.5:        Strategies for Controlling Students’ Indiscipline                                           42

Table 4.6        Group Statistics of Independent t-test for Hypothesis One                            43

Table 4.7:       Independent Sample t-test for Hypothesis One                                              44

Table 4.8        Group Statistics of Independent t-test for Hypothesis Two                            45

Table 4.9         Independent Sample t-test for Hypothesis Two                                             45






1.1       Background to the study

Indiscipline is the greatest problem of the society especially among our youths. It could be said to be as old as the time when men started to organize themselves into societies and as a result made laws to direct the affairs of men in a social set up.

Indiscipline is a phenomenon with multiple facet regarding how it shows and what causes it as well as the meanings and its functions in the social, psychosocial and pedagogical fields. Regarding how it displays, Stevart (2009) believed that the cardinal situations are wrapped in what is regarded as the first level of indiscipline of which are those activities of disruptive nature whose disturbance affects the good functioning of classroom. In the second and third levels are conflicts among peers and conflicts within teacher - student relationship which could take proportions of violence and even delinquency.    

Indiscipline is the act of lawlessness and disorder or going against societal norms. This was authenticated by Iburun (2003) who explains that indiscipline could be regarded as a situation whereby individuals do not conform to the set boundaries especially in institutions like a school. Behaviour which conflicts with desirable learning can be referred to as indiscipline or unwanted behaviour. Indiscipline has been a common feature of school life with its causes embedded in the social, cultural, historical and economic contexts of the time. Instances of indiscipline could assume many forms such as lying, stealing, playing truancy and running away from home. Ekpo in Ibiam (2015) gave the types of indiscipline cases as use of obscene language, skipping classes, missing of class regularly, stealing other peoples' property, beating others in school, causing strikes and unrest and drinking alcohol in school and at home.

Other indiscipline problems in secondary schools include all forms of disrespect, unruly behaviors, shouting/noisemaking, rudeness, laziness, insolence, grumbling and bullying. According to Yaroson (2004) the challenges of indiscipline passes through all areas of the life of man and this has brought untold discomfort to man. Presently, it is observable that people engaged behaviours that shows indiscipline on daily basis.

Today, many students, especially those in secondary schools show various forms of indiscipline as juvenile delinquency. This has manifested in the form of arson, murder and robbery and others. These activities involve both adults and youths and tend to be on the increase in this era of technological advancement.

This general increase in the young stars' negative attitude to constituted authority does not have an exception in Africa. On the increase is this rate of indiscipline despite the various measures successive government has taken by successive especially in Nigeria to curb the ravaging menace among our students to bring about a society that is socially stable.  There are various forms of indiscipline among secondary school students including truancy, lateness to school, cultism, drug abuse, insulting/assaulting, stealing, rioting among other antisocial vices especially in secondary schools as identified by Zubaida (2009). A secondary school provides secondary education, between the ages of 11 and 16 or 11 and 18, after primary school and before higher education.

In Nigeria secondary education is divided into two parts: the junior and senior secondary education (Ngerem, 2016). The objectives of secondary education include to prepare students to make positive contributions to the development of society, and to acquire attitudes of national patriotism, self -respect, and cooperation, adaptability and a sense of purpose and self - discipline (Nwaoku, 2005).

Secondary education is a very important level of education all over the world and no meaningful development can be attained in any sector of a nation's existence without secondary education. It is the gate-way to tertiary education and is essentially providing greater number of lower level manpower needed for proper economic growth and national development. Hence Abraham (2000) describes it as the level of education between primary and tertiary education where the high level manpower produced at the tertiary level is prepared. Therefore, if this important level of education is left to decay or deteriorate due to indiscipline, it may hinder the actualization of secondary school goals (to prepare individual for useful living and higher education (Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), 2014).

A number of these acts of indiscipline were directed against constituted authorities and established rules. Examples of indiscipline are refusal to wear the right school uniforms and going out of bounds without permission (Zubaida, 2009). It is observable that respects which teachers command among students had been seriously worn-off. And some teachers have not done much to help the situation by their actions which have resulted to a national issue. It is therefore important at this juncture to provide therapeutic measures to students' involvement in armed robbery, rape, cultism, examination malpractices and fraud including many other unruly behaviors which makes headlines in the media.

Other crimes may not be so widely reported yet they occur at higher frequencies in schools., several measures were put in place to curtail this trend, during the military rule. On its assumption of office on the 31st December 1983, the government of general Mohammuadu Buhari (Rtd) declared that one of the causes of the problems in Nigeria was indiscipline and as such, he introduced the war against indiscipline (WAI) into all aspects of the life of the nation.

Also our Former-Head of state, late General Sani Abacha (Lt) on assumption of office (1993) launched the War against Indiscipline and Corruption (WAIC), former President Olusegun Obasanjo also launched Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) on 29th September, 2000 and Economic Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) in 2003. The most recent measure to control and curb corruption which is part of indiscipline is whistle- blowing.

Whistle- blowing according to Onyegbulam (2017) is a discipline policy launched on 21st December, 2016 by the Federal government of Nigeria and facilitated through the federal ministry of finance. Onegbulam, explained that whistle- blowing encourages Nigerians to report corruption-related offences and a 2.5% -5% of the recovered amount of the ill-gotten money will be given to the person who reported such cases.  These were aimed at checking the various corrupt practices in our society. Notwithstanding all these commendable efforts of government the youth are still very much undisciplined. The Nigeria youths are yet to come to terms with the principles behind the war against indiscipline and corruption programme even when they are supposed to have great roles to play if the programme is to succeed.

Our past and present leaders were youths before they grew and became presidents of this nation “Nigeria” and their laws and anti-corruption programmes did not or is not having any effect on the nation Nigeria because or probably they were corrupt as youths. Sincethe present add ministration came in to power on 29th May, 2015 a lot of indiscipline act and crime have been going on for example; the incident of the latest cash haul found in an empty apartment in Ikoyi high bungalow at Lagos neighborhood which turned up in bundles of cash in Dollar, Pound Sterling and Naira currencies totaling #43.4 million at current Central Bank of Nigeria rates was discovery through whistle-blowing (kazem, 2017).

Still other forms of indiscipline and corrupt practices rear their ugly heads in Nigeria unchecked. Olusegun Obasanjo former President and Head of state of the Federal Republic of Nigeria lamented over rates of indiscipline in the Nigeria society pointing fingers to many youths and adults, noting that they are going through what he described as social, moral, political and economic indiscipline.

General Ibrahim Babaginda, former head of state, (Onyegbulam, 2017) confirmed the fact that the rate of indiscipline and crime among youths was growing fast, and that the nation is threatened by moral decadence as evidenced by the get rich quick syndrome that have taken over all areas of the society. Crimes of violence in which our young stars are involved in are indication of the malaise which affects most of our communities (Onyegbulam, 2017).

The problem of indiscipline among students is fast becoming a canker worm that is eating deeper and deeper into the fabric of our society and thereby constituting a greater threat to the stability of the nation. It is important to note that the future of any nation depends on the youths who constitute the potential human resources needed for the continuity of the society.

Thus, to achieve sustainable development in a society, the youth population must not only be preserved but also learn disciplined. Indiscipline in schools has been an issue of concern over time for educators, policy makers and public opinion in general, this is owing to the outbreak of aggressiveness among peers, violence within teacher - student relationship and vandalism as well, leading to problem associated with drop out, deviant behaviors, examination malpractice and fraud, lateness and poor academic performance among the students. With all these, discipline is deserved in schools to checkmate acts of indiscipline occasioned by students' misconducts involving violent and criminal acts. If allowed to incubate under current favourable conditions by education providers and consumers, acts of indiscipline could hatch a monster that will be difficult to exterminate (Onyegbulam, 2017).

Irrespective of gender and school type, indiscipline affects all schools though the magnitude and degree may vary from one school to another. It brings about all forms of anti-social behaviors which often come in the form of sexual assault, rioting, stealing and lying, cheating and examination malpractice, drug abuse, secret cults and all deviant activities, aggressive in societal reconstruction and often violently, in order to try and change the societal norms including violence and terrorism. Students' academic performances are very which leads to dropouts causing nuisance in the society (Aneje, 2019). Cases of violence which is however less common, occur more often outside the school premises. In the opinion of Idu & Ojedapo (2011), if the teachers are frustrated and lack motivation in them, they are not likely to motivate others to learn or occupy their time in productive education. Continuing, Ojedapo said that Government contributes to indiscipline by not providing adequate facilities/equipment in the school.

Community/Society influence also contributes to the rate of indiscipline among secondary school students which could be due to economic recession. Also peer-group influence contributes to indiscipline among students in the form of uncomfortable environment where the students are scared of their parents. Therefore the following persons are to attend to the problem of student's indiscipline: parents, teachers/school administrators and all those involved in the upbringing of the students in the country, if lasting solutions are to be found in it. To this end, we all stand to gain in no small measure if students refrain from indisciplinary behaviours. The measures taken to deal with indiscipline such as WAIC, ICPC, EFCC and Whistle blowing as enforced by the government are adequate to control and stop indiscipline but given the fact that there exist no administrative or legal guidelines which could be referred to in various cases of indiscipline. Actions taken are often ad-hoc and uncoordinated both within and across schools. Teachers most prominently feel disempowered to deal with cases of indiscipline because of lack of support from relevant authorities, political interference and an incapacitated school administration especially in secondary schools.

Secondary education in Nigeria therefore is aimed at preparing the individual for useful living within the society and preparation for higher education and for the individual to be able to live a useful life in his society (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2014). In the opinion of Asiya (2012), education is a critical tool for the transformation of the individual and society, hence the need for this study to find out the influence of indiscipline on students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Ikwuano local government of Abia state.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

It is also expected that discipline should be the order of the day for students to undergo their studies under favorable environment for good performance in examinations and reliable human beings in the society after graduation. The various policies made by the government of Nigeria in the establishment of agencies such as WAIC, ICPC, EFCC, and Whistle-blowing to check and enforce discipline are enough to make discipline the order of the day in various organizations in the country including secondary schools, where social studies and Civic education have been made compulsory in the curriculum.

The current condition of affairs in secondary schools seems to show that indiscipline has taken over the lives of students in especially in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia state. It is observable that this has caused a lot of problems including poor performance of students both in internal and external examinations. This may be the fact that some of the measures mentioned above to control indiscipline have been forgotten as a result of time, and for the fact that most of the discipline measures are more of theory than practical, indiscipline continues to abound in the various organizations in Nigeria including secondary schools.

Again, it appears that these strategies or measures are not being implemented effectively which has given rise to these observables problems of indiscipline in the country. This has necessitated the study. If discipline is enforced on students through the help of parents, government, teachers, peer groups and administrators by enforcing discipline and providing the necessary things required for students' education, there will be disciplined environment and students will be disciplined. This will make the students to concentrate on their studies and perform well in the various examinations required of them. Most secondary school students are at this stage which is a volatile stage of human development and this may cause indiscipline (Cheptile, 2011). This has informed the researcher to examine the influence of indiscipline on students' academic performance in public secondary schools. The study put in a question form as 'how does indiscipline influence students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Ikwuano local government area of Abia state.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of indiscipline on students' academic performance in our secondary school system.  This is due to the ever-increasing rate of indiscipline in the schools nationwide. This study specifically sought to:

1.      identify the type of indiscipline in public secondary schools.

2.      find out the causes of indiscipline in public secondary schools.

3.      examine the effects of indiscipline on student's academic performance in public secondary schools.

4.      identify strategies for controlling indiscipline in public secondary schools in in Ikwuano LGA of Abia state.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions were posed to guide the study according to its purpose.

1.      What are the types of indiscipline in public secondary schools in Ikwuano LGA?

2.      What are the causes of indiscipline in public secondary schools Ikwuano LGA?

3.      What are the effects of indiscipline on students' academic performance in public secondary schools Ikwuano LGA?

4.      What are the strategies for controlling students' indiscipline in public secondary schools Ikwuano LGA?

1.5      Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses are formulated to be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

HO1:    There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers and      students on the type of students' indiscipline in public secondary schools in Ikwuano LGA.

HO2:    There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers and students on the effects of indiscipline on students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Ikwuano L.G.A

1.6       Significance of the Study  

It is expected that the result of this study if published will be of immense beneficial to school administrators, teachers, government and policy makers, parents, students and the society at large.

To the school administrators, the findings of this study will reveal the roles that may have affected the management of the school which have lead to indiscipline in school and then looked at the ways to administer their duties to avoid things that will raise act of indiscipline as it affects the system.

The schools administrators will benefit from this study because it will also help them to handle indiscipline in their various schools, change their administrative strategies that stir up indiscipline to promote the image of the school. The teachers will also benefit from this study because the findings will help the teachers to find out how they contribute to students' indiscipline and amend their attitudes. It will also be useful to them because they will know how to control and deal with students for conducive classroom environment for teaching and training.

 Teachers are expected to know from this study how student's indiscipline is being carried out around them and employ means of eradicating the trend. It will help them to be concerned with students' behavior and put away lazier fair attitude towards the behavior of students.

The findings of this study will be significant to the government who should provide adequate facilities required by the schools in order to reduce indiscipline acts of the students. They will also employ security and discipline agents who will help school administrators to enforce indiscipline in secondary schools. Such may help in providing conducive environment for teaching and learning.

The policy makers will also benefit from the findings of this study because they will adjust some of the policies and provide discipline measures that must be observed to reduce indiscipline in secondary schools. These indiscipline acts of students lead to non-implementation of policies thereby causing wastage to the country.

Findings of this study will be significant to student themselves who will find out indiscipline in schools do not help them at all academically and try to avoid them. This will help them to graduate as at when due and avoid being dropouts who cause nuisance in the communities. It will also gives them the power and inner strength to overcome addictions

             Parents will benefit from the findings of this study by avoiding their own attitudes that cause indiscipline and get maximum benefit of the money spent on their children and wards. They will also know that it is good for them to instill discipline in their children and wards from the home. Charity beginnings at home. It will encourage consistent daily action towards the upbringing of their children and wards.

The society at large will benefit from this study because there will be peaceful atmosphere, unemployment will reduce, delinquencies will cease and robbery and cohesion will come to stop. In such an environment, there will be better enhancement of knowledge. It will be ital to overcoming negative habits in the society

1.7       Scope of the Study

     This research is delimited to the percieved influence of indiscipline on students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Ikwuano Local Government Area (LGA) of Abia State.

The content scope of this work include types of indiscipline, causes of indiscipline (family background, and teachers' attitude, environmental influence, societal demands, peer pressure, school management and administration and the students), percieved influence of indiscipline on students' academic performance and strategies to control indiscipline in public secondary schools in Ikwuano LGA, Abia state.


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