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Product Code: 00006955

No of Pages: 57

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This study examined influence of teacher qualification on students’ academic performance in Home Economics Practical in senior secondary schools in Aba Education Zone. The study was a descriptive survey research design. Four research questions and four null hypotheses guided the study. The sample for the study was 402 subjects (16 principals and 386 teachers) selected through simple random sampling techniques from a population of 2010 principals and teachers (80 principals and 1930 teachers). An instrument named “Home Economics Teachers Qualification Influence Students Academic Performance Questionnaire (HETQISAPQ)”, with thirty seven items was used for the study”. The instrument was face-validated by three experts: Two from Agricultural and Home Science Education, one from Measurement and Evaluation, and all from the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The data obtained through the trial testing were used to determine the internal consistency of the items which yielded reliability index of 0.81. The data collected were analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation in order to provide answers to the four research questions, while the null hypotheses were analyzed using t-test statistics at P < 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed the following findings: there was no significant difference between the mean responses of male and female students on the qualifications of teachers teaching Home Economics practical, efficiency in instruction delivery, teacher’s performance in secondary school in Aba Education Zone. Consequently, the study reviews also that level and qualification of teacher influence students’ performance in Home Economics practical in Aba Education Zone. Thus, it was recommended that qualified teachers be posted to all government owned secondary schools and as well be encourage to do their job appropriately, Teachers should strive toward the acquisition of skills and effective implementation of the content of instruction, regular inspection and supervision of schools should be done by the supervisors of education in the local government and the state at large.


TITLE PAGE                                                                                                                         i

DECLARATION                                                                                                                   ii

CERTIFICATION                                                                                                                iii

DEDICATION                                                                                                                       iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                                                   v

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                      vi

LIST OF TABLES                                                                                                                 ix

ABSTRACT                                                                                                                           vi

CHAPTER 1:  INTRODUCTION                                                                              

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                                           1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           5

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                                  7

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                     7

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  8

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                           9

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                                     9

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                 

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              10

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              24

2.3       Empirical Studies                                                                                                       17

2.4       Summary of the Review of Literature                                                                      22


3.1        Design of the Study                                                                                                   24

3.2       Area of Study                                                                                                           24

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                             25

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                             25

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                  25

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                                     26

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                      27

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                                        27

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                          27


4.1       Results Presentation                                                                                                   28

4.2       Summary of Findings                                                                                               36

4.3       Discussion Findings                                                                                                   36


5.1       Summary                                                                                                                    39

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                 40

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                     40

5.4       Educational Implications of the Study                                                                      41

5.5       Limitations of the Study.                                                                                           42

5.6       Suggestions for Further Research                                                                              42

References                                                                                                                43

Appendices                                                                                                               46









Table                                                                                                  pages

Table 4.1 Showing mean responses on the extent qualification of Home Economics teachers in senior secondary schools in Aba Educational Zone                 41

Table 4.2 Showing means responses on the extent teacher’s qualification is efficient in instruction delivery of Home Economics practical                 43

Table 4.3 Showing means responses on the extent teacher’s performance

     influence students’ performance in the teaching and learning of Home Economics practicals                                       44       

Table 4.4 Showing means responses on teacher’s qualification influence students’ performances in Home Economics practicals                              45       

Table 4.5 Showing the summary of the analysis of test retest statistic analysis on teacher’s qualification influence students’ performances in Home Economics practicals secondary school students                         46

Table 5   Showing the population of government secondary school students            65









Education is a practical tool for the socio economic and political development of a nation. It is an instrument for national development and social change. This is the reason the government invests heavily in the education of her citizens (Aguba, 2009). Education is the greatest asset for academic progress, social mobilization, political survival, and national development of a country. It constitutes the single largest enterprise in the country like Nigeria (Akpan, 2012).    

Over the years, schools are becoming increasingly competitive with regards to the sophistication of technology and goal diversification in combination with the nature of teachers’ tasks and patterns of the curriculum. However, Akpan (2012) asserts that roles of school teachers are vital in Nigerian schools. Teachers are the hub of the educational process while the child is the center of education system. In fact, the teacher is indispensable in the education process. The weight of any successful learning programme is the well-informed teacher (Kirk, Patrick & Lash, 2004). Teachers’ educational qualification, training, devotion to duty, efficiency, effectiveness and capacity are essential for the whole process of learning. To support this assertion, Eseh (2005) observed that teachers should be academically and professionally qualified. The author further stated that a teacher should possess a high sense of scholarship, professional training and knowledge of pupils or students. Good educational policies have no meaning unless there are qualified and dedicated teachers. If enough fund is voted and adequate materials provided without adequately trained teachers, teaching – learning will not be effective and successful. Teachers are the main determinant of the quality of education (Lassa, 2000).

Social institutions such as the schools achieve effective teaching and learning situation through the efforts of the teachers. The quality and level of teachers in a school shape its direction and effectiveness. According to Anukam and Anukam (2013:12), “Staff personnel deals with the hiring and utilization of persons intended to facilitate the realization of the objectives of the school system.” It is now a common global adage that no educational system ascends beyond the quality of its teachers; the effectiveness of the schools in achieving its objectives is largely dependent upon the professional quality delivery of the teachers. Teachers play crucial roles in determining the level of achievement of results in educational processes (Lassa, 2000).

            Academic performance is commonly rated via examinations or continuous assessment which is subject and can come in various ways although there is no general concord on how best it is tested. According to Ipem (2012) academic performance is performance of students in various subjects offered in the school over a specific period of time. He also buttresses that the extent to which students have achieved their short or long term educational goals is link to academic performance. It also represents the performance outcome that indicates the extent to which a person has accomplished specific objective in line with the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in schools, colleges and universities. This then means that the performance of individuals in practical and classroom test, in terminal and end of the examination can be classified as academic performance. Individual performances in Junior Secondary School (JSS III), West African Examination Council are instruments of measuring student’s academic performance.

Practical is simply an examination or lesson in which theories and procedures learned are applied to the actually making or doing of something. Qualification in the other hand is the outcome/result of an examination or an official completion of a course of programme taken in schools especially one conferring status as a recognized practitioner of a profession or activity (Wikipedia, 2017).

The qualifications of the Home Economics teachers have influence on the performance of students practical in senior secondary schools. Glanz, Shulman, and Sullivan (2010) defined a teacher as a person charged with the responsibility of helping/instructing and charging others to learn and behave in new and different ways. The teachers impact knowledge and ensure that learners are carried along the path of understanding and learning new ideas/things. Akinshola (2012) posits that a teacher who is committed to his duties demonstrates zeal to work, punctuality to school, have full knowledge of the subject to teach and getting lesson plan ready before teaching. He further explains that a committed teacher is always full of confidence, stimulating and responsible and willing to perform their duties diligently. In the same vein, Isaac, Haastrup and Osalusi (2010) explained the technical and professional qualities of teachers as: Mastery of the subject, interest in the subject and/or course of specialization through research and further studies, adequate preparation of teaching and during teaching, love and duty of commitment to teaching and learning profession.

Also, regardless of an employee pre-service training that may include National Certificate in Education in Home Economics, Higher National Diploma in Home Economics, Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, Master of Science in Home Economics, Doctor of Philosophy in Home Economics, there is need for every teacher to constantly renew, upgrade and update his/her knowledge, skills and capabilities in order to keep pace with the rapid changing societal expectations (Okorie, 2000). The teachers are the most important variable in school effectiveness. To maintain an effective teaching force in Home Economics requires that qualified teachers and practicing teachers are regularly kept abreast of changes in the profession. Teachers develop and improve their skills, pedagogically and technically through high quality professional development programmes.

The greatest task in the teacher’s use of effective learning strategies, and quality of instructional materials is the improvement of a learner’s performance level in the classroom. Academic performance is that measurable behaviour or proficiency attained after a series of standardized test in a chosen subject (Ataabadi, Yusefi & Moradi, 2014). It is the student’s ability to attain successfully the proposed short or long term educational goals (Isukpa 2014, Mkpa 2014). In this study, academic performance will be seen as the ability of the student to reach his or her mastery in studying Home Economics as a vocational subject or the ability of the teacher to reach his or her set objectives for which the educational experience had been planned.

Home Economics and Health teachers are mostly found in some parts of the world. These teachers teach students about food in addition to its nutritional, safety and environmental properties (Kadurumba, 2010). The effects of such teaching might be expected to be reflected in the food knowledge of adults who have undertaken school education in these areas(Uko & Umoh, 2005). Home Economics teacher education is that arm of our educational system charged with the professional training of Home Economics teachers. It equips the Home Economics teachers with competence and insight in the task of producing students with high performance in Home Economics practical in senior secondary schools(Kadurumba 2010). Furthermore, Kadurumbanoted that the most significant factor in proving students achievement in Home Economics is by employing seasoned qualified teachers in all schools. Policy investment on quality of teachers is related to improvement in student’s performance (Kadurumba, 2010). The study of Home Economics has rapidly increased overtime in Nigeria; Home Economics as a subject play a significant role in the life of many in most of the Nigeria societies. Home Economics is seen to have contributed to life in different ways; Home Economics as an aspect of vocational and technical education plays significant roles in the growth and development of the national economy through an improved teaching and learning skills.

Home Economics as an aspect of vocational education is not only a skilled oriented subject which requires the contributions of both human and material resources. According to Uko and Umoh (2005) stated that Home Economics as an entrepreneurial-based and skill-oriented field of study is expected to equip learners with saleable skills that make for self-reliance and paid employment. Home Economics as a field of study is divided into three major groups which are: Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textile and Home management

The above mention groups of Home Economics cannot be properly taught without the provision of both human and materials resources. Even with the contributions of home economics to the growth and development of the national economy there are still some problems associated with home economics which is the problem of teaching the subject “home economics”.

Over the decades, there have been series of challenges faced by most teachers in teaching Home Economics in schools and colleges. According to Arubayi (2010) stated that without funds these material resources cannot be made available and this will lead to poor quality teaching which in turns have a negative effect on learning abilities of the individual, poor motivation and frustration on the part of the students.

It is to this reason that the researcher wishes to carry out a study on the influence of teachers’ qualification on students academic performance in Home Economics practicals in senior secondary schools in Aba Education Zone


The challenges encountered in teaching Home Economics in Nigeria schools and colleges has led to the decline in poor performance of students in Home Economics. These challenges is found mostly in the rural and semi-urban areas of Nigeria; take Aba Education Zone  for example, most of the secondary schools in most area does not have economics laboratory and qualified teachers; this has had significance effect on the teaching and learning of Home Economics especially in the area of clothing and textile and food management; this aspect of home economics requires the use of materials such as sewing machine, cloth materials etc. for demonstration; at times the materials will be available but will not be enough to accommodate the students and this becomes a problem

Teaching and learning of Home Economics depends to a large extent on teacher’s own knowledge of the content and ability to adequately deliver the instruction or knowledge to the students because they are adequately qualified. This in turn enhances students’ performance in Home Economics practical (Lasa, 2005). But this seems not to be what is obtainable in secondary schools this period because most teachers of Home Economics seem not to be adequately qualified. This seems to mar effective performance of students in Home Economics practical as could be seen in their performance in internal and external examination. It is therefore expected that employing adequately qualified teachers will improve students’ performance in Home Economics Education practical, hence this study intend to investigate how qualification of Home Economics teachers influence students performance in Home Economics practical in senior secondary schools in Aba education zone of Abia State.

However, a lot of variables may inhibit or hinder effective dissemination of knowledge in understanding of the content by the students. Such variable may be lack of qualified teachers, lack of experience, inadequate use of instructional materials, inadequate Home Economics practical lessons, lack of equipment for Home Economics practical, among others. This study seeks to examine the influence of qualification of Home Economics teachers on the performance of students practical in Home Economics in senior secondary schools.


The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of qualification of Home Economics teachers on the performance of students practical in senior secondary schools. Specifically, the study seeks to:

1.         examine the qualification of Home Economics teachers in senior secondary schools in Aba Educational Zone

2.         find out if teacher’s qualification is efficient in instruction delivery of Home Economics practical

3.         examine influence of  teacher’s performance on students’ performance in the teaching and learning of Home Economics practical

4.         find out influence of  teacher’s qualification on students’ performances in Home Economics practical


The findings of this study will be beneficial to the following stakeholders: Policy makers, educational administrators, principals and Home Economics teachers, students, government, and the general public.

Firstly, the findings from the study will go a long way to contribute to the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes. It will also help those entrusted with policy formulation and implementation to gain better insight in pursuing forward for capacity building of teachers through training and retraining processes.

Secondly, the findings of this study are expected to provide a basis for educational administrators to develop further strategies to enlighten teachers on their teaching and learning roles. Such strategies include seminars, workshops, conference etc for teachers of secondary schools.

Thirdly, this study will unveil the realities of professionalism (proficient, trained, qualified and skilled) in teaching and learning experiences to principals and teachers and also create room for improvement owing to the fact that the profession supports nation building.

Fourthly, the study will also help officials of the Ministry of Education and curriculum planners to draw suitable curriculum for Home economics in senior secondary schools.

Finally, this study will also help to enhance quality education in the system and a better society for the production of adequate manpower.


            The following research questions were raised and answered for the study.

1.         What are the qualifications of Home Economics teachers in senior secondary schools?

2.         To what extent are teacher qualifications efficient in instruction delivery of Home Economics practical?

3.         What is the influence of teachers’ performance on students’ performance in the teaching and learning of Home Economics practical?

4.         What is the influence of teachers’ qualification on students’ performance in Home Economics practical?

1.6       HYPOTHESES

The following null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance for the study.

Ho1:     There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of teachers and principals on the influence of qualification of Home Economics teachers on the performance of students in practical

Ho2        There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of teachers and principals on teacher qualifications efficiency in instruction delivery of Home Economics practical

Ho3      There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of teachers and principals on the influence of teacher’s performance on students’ performance in the teaching and learning of Home Economics practical

Ho4        There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of teachers and principals on the influence of teacher’s qualification on students’ performance in Home Economics practical



This study is delimited to senior secondary schools in Aba Education Zone in Abia State. It is made of nine (9) Local Government Areas namely; Isiala Ngwa North, Isiala Ngwa South, Osisioma Ngwa, Aba North, Aba South, Ugwunagbo, Ukwa East and Ukwa West Local Government Areas respectively. The content scope includes qualification of teachers, students’ performance during practical and laboratory equipment and tools which students base their practical performance.



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