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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009408

No of Pages: 91

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The prevalence, mean intensity and abundance of fish parasites at Ikpa River in Akwaibom State of Nigeria were carried out in this research. Thirteen (13) species of fish belonging to seven orders and six families were collected. Among the fishes found were, Papyrocranus afer, Tylosorus crocodilus, Parachanna africana, Dalophis boulengeri, Clarias gariepinus, Tilapia zilli, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Oreochromis niloticus, Melapterurus electricus, Tilapia guineensis, Sarotheroron melanotheron, Chrysichthys aluuensis and Clarias anguillaris.  Classes of parasites identified were as follows: Cestoda, Nematoda, Trematoda, Acanthocephalans, Protozoans, Crustaceans and Digeneana trematoda. The parasites were noted to be attacking specific body areas of fish like eyes, intestine and muscles. However, among the parasites found were, in Class Cestoda: Diphyllobothrium latum and Proteocephalus species. In Class Nematoda: Contracaecum, Camallanus, Rhabdochona, Spinitectus, Philometra, Procamallanus and Capillaria species. In Class Trematoda: Clinostomum and Diplostomum species. Class Digenanea trematode: Neascus specie. Class Acanthocephalana: Leptorhynchoides, Corynosoma wegeneri, and Neochinorhynchus species. Class Protozoan: Ichthyophthirus multifiliis and Myxosoma cerebralis species. Class Crustacean: Ergasilus, Argulus, Lernaea cyprinacea and Cymothoa exigua species.  There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between the distribution, mean intensity, abundance and prevalence of parasites (1.419%) of fishes found in the River. There were no specific parasites associated with a particular fish. Some parasites like Diplostomun Species, were specifically found in the eyes of the fish, while others were predominantly found in organs like operculum, scales, eyes and muscles. There were more intestinal parasites found among the fishes than other parasites. Among the intestinal parasites are; Diphyllobothrium latum, Corynosoma wegeneri, Procamallanus, Proteocephalalus, Leptorhynchoides, Neochinorhynchus, Rhabdochona, philometra, Contracaecum, Spinitectus, Capillaria and Camallanus species. Among the parasites associated with flesh were Myxosoma cerebralis, ectoparasites Lernaea cyprinacea, Philometra and Argulus species. The gills were associated with Ichthyophthirus multifiliis, Neascus, Ergasilus and Cymothoa exigua species. While the scales and fins were habouring Argulus, Rhabdochona, Philometra and Clinostomum species. The high prevalence, abundance and mean intensity of parasites of Ikpa River could be due to anthropogenic activities. Moreover, the physicochemical parameters of the River are conducive for proliferation of the parasites in Ikpa River.


Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii                                         

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

List of figures                                                                                                           xii

List of Plates                                                                                                             xiii

Abstract                                                                                                                    xiv


1.0       Introduction                                                                                                    1

1.1       Statement of the problems                                                                              2

1.2       Specific objectives of the study                                                                      3

1.3       Justification                                                                                                    3


2.0       Literature Review                                                                                           4

2.1        Fish Parasites: An overview                                                                          4 

2.2       Types of fish parasites                                                                                    4

2.3        Microparasites and Macroparasites of fish                                                    5

2.3.1     Protozoa                                                                                                         5   Ciliates                                                                                                          6   Flagellates                                                                                                    6    Microsporidia                                                                                              6    Coccidian                                                                                                     7    Myxozoa                                                                                                      7

2.3.2       Trematoda                                                                                                   7

2.3.3       Cestoda                                                                                                        8

2.3.4       Nematoda                                                                                                    8

2.3.5       Acanthocephala                                                                                           9

2.3.6       Crustacea                                                                                                     9

2.3.7        Huridinea                                                                                                    10

2.4           Parasites and their effect on freshwater fish host                                       10

2.5           Factors affecting parasite assemblages on fish host                                   11

2.5.1        Fish size                                                                                                      11

2.5.2        Fish sex                                                                                                       12

2.5.3       Fish immune status                                                                                      13

2.5.4        The condition of the environment                                                              13

2.5.5       Fish Diet                                                                                                      14


3.0       Materials and Methods                                                                                   15

3.1    The study area: Geography of the study area                                                    15

3.2     The collections of fish samples                                                                        20

3.3       Identification of fishes for experiment                                                           20

3.4.      Techniques of sampling fish for presence of parasites                                  20

3.5       Determination of physicochemical parameters                                              21 

3.5.1    pH                                                                                                                   21

3.5.2    Total alkalinity                                                                                               21

3.5.3    Total ammonia                                                                                               22

3.5.4    Temperature                                                                                                   22

3.5. 5   Turbidity                                                                                                         22

3.5. 6     Hardness                                                                                                       22

3.5. 7   Dissolved oxygen                                                                                           22

3.6       Data Analysis                                                                                                  23

3.7.       Statistical Analysis                                                                                        23

3.8.       Experimental Design and Data Collection                                                    23


4.0       Results                                                                                                            24

4.1       Fish diversities of Ikpa River                                                                         26

4.2       Families of fishes found in Ikpa River                                                           26

4.3       Types of Fishes found in Ikpa River                                                              27

4.4       Some Pictures of Fishes Found in Ikpa River, Itu L.G.A. Akwaibom      29

4.5       Parasites of Fishes found in Ikpa River                                                          32

4.6       Classes and species of fish parasites found in Ikpa River                              32

4.7       Fish order and parasites found according to the fish body parts where they

are Prevalent                                                                                                   33


4.8       Some Pictures of Fish Parasites Found in Ikpa River, Itu L.G.A.,

Akwaibom State                                                                                             38


4.9          The Prevalence, Mean Intensity and abundance of Paeasites Harboured in the difference organs of fishes found in Ikpa River, Akwaibom State.      44

4.10     Numbers of Parasites found in different fishes of Ikpa River                        52


4.11     Mean intensity, abundance and prevalence of parasites found in

            different fishes of Ikpa river                                                                           53



5.1       Discussions                                                                                                     57

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      65

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          65











Physicochemical parameters of Ikpa River sampled during the experiment                        25

Parasites of species of fish in order Siluiriformes                                                      33


Parasites of species of fish in order Anguiliformes                                                    34


Parasites of species of fish in order Osteoglossiformes                                             34


Parasites of species of fish in order Anabantiformes                                                 35


Parasites of species of fish in order Beloniformes                                                     35


Parasites of species of fish in order Perciformes                                                        36


Parasites of species of fish in order Cichliformes                                                      37


Gill parasites                                                                                                               44


Operculum Parasite                                                                                                    45


Scales parasites                                                                                                           46


Fin parasites                                                                                                                47


Skin parasites                                                                                                              48


Eye parasites                                                                                                               49


Flesh parasites                                                                                                            50


Intestine parasites                                                                                                       51


Numbers of parasites found in different fishes of ikpa river                                      52


Mean intensity, abundance and prevalence of parasites of T. zilli and

T. guineensis                                                                                                               53


Mean intensity, abundance and prevalence of parasites on C. anguillaris

and C. gariepinus                                                                                                       53



Mean intensity, Abundance and prevalence of parasites on O.

niloticus and C. gariepinus                                                                                         53


Mean intensity, abundance and prevalence of parasites on    S. melanotheron

and M. electricus                                                                                                        54


Mean intensity, Abundance and prevalence of parasites on T. zilli and C.                        54



Mean intensity, Abundance and prevalence of parasites on P. africana

and C.gariepinus                                                                                                        55


Mean intensity, abundance and prevalence of parasites onP. afer and

T.crocodilus                                                                                                                55


Mean intensity, abundance and prevaluence of parasites onP. afer and

O.niloticus                                                                                                                  56


Mean intensity, abundance and prevalence of parasites on P. africana and T. zilli  56









Geography of the study area                                                                                       15

D. boulengeri                                                                                                              29

P.afer                                                                                                                          29

C. gariepinus                                                                                                              28

P. africana                                                                                                                  30

T.crocodilus                                                                                                                30

C. nigrodigitatus                                                                                                         31

T. zilli                                                                                                                          31

Posterior part of Diphyllobothrium latum sp. found in the intestine of P. africana           38

Anterior portion of Diphyllobothrium latum sp. found in the intestine of                         38

P. africana


Proteocephalus sp. Found in the intestine of T. zilli                                                  38

Contracaecum sp. found in the intestine of T.zilli                                                     39

Camallanus sp. found in the intestine O. niloticus                                                    39

Rhabdochona sp. found in the scale of P. afer                                                           39

Spinitectus sp. found in the intestine of T. crocodilus                                               40

Philometriodes sp. found in the operculum of P.africana                                         40

Procamallanus sp. found in the intestine of D. boulengeri                                       40

Capillaria sp. Found in the intestine of C. anguillaris                                              41

Leptorhynchoide sp. found in the intestine of P. africana                                         41

Neoechinorhynchus sp. found in the intestine of M. electricus                                 41

Myxosoma cerebralis sp. found in the skin of P. afer                                                42

Myxosoma cerebralis sp. found in the flesh of O. niloticus                                       42

Argulus sp. found in the fin of P. Africana                                                                42

Lernaea cyprinacea sp. found in the skin of C. gariepinus                                       43

Cymothoa exigua sp. found in the gill of T. zilli                                                        43



Bridges crossing Ikpa river                                                                                         17

Sand dredging area in Ikpa river                                                                                17

Abattoir located around Ikpa river major source of contamination                           18

Effluents from the abattoir into Ikpa river body                                                         18

Abandoned fishing landing area showing weeds overgrowing river                         19

Abandoned Fishing area showing aquatic macrophytes in the river                          19





The Ikpa River is the mainstay of five local government areas in traditional agricultural belt in Akwaibom State. It houses some important commercial and economic fish species for the various communities in the state and its environs which are exploited both at the artisanal and subsistence level of fisheries. Dredging, cassava fermentation, timber transportation etc. are the uses of this river. Moreover, Akwaibom State is fast growing and developing into a big city. This brings along human anthropogenic activities and unrestricted dumping of pollutants into the river.

However, there is subsistence fishing, and it was suspected that, with the abattoir close by, fishes could harbour parasitic infections. Also other anthropogenic activities such as fishing, and dredging, logging and effluents is causing water turbidity and other physicochemical imbalance. With these human activities, the purity of the water is distorted and abundance of fishes were affected. The gradual death of the water is compounded by heavy eutrophication caused due to the sitting of abattoir at the river bank. The depth of the river had drastically reduced and most canoes cannot access the river anymore. The odiok harbor on the Ikpa River is now deserted with very low anthropogenic activities and most commercial activities in the water had ceased.

In this river, there are different species of fish which undoubtedly could be impacted by the deleterious effect of the polluted water. These impacted effects could lead to susceptibility of the fishes to endoparasites and ectoparasites. Endo and ectoparasites occupy a very important sector as one of the hazardous threats to fish health (George, 2002). The increased potential for infecting humans with the fish parasites is more common in endoparasites since tapeworms and roundworms can be passed to human who eat undercooked or raw fish. Unlike ectoparasites, endoparasites can and do infect humans if the fish is not prepared properly (Hoffman, 1998). Examples of both of these groups of parasites are species of trematodes, cestodes, nematodes and protozoans. These parasites attack the fish causing massive destruction to the fish population.

The endoparasites and ectoparasites found in the fish have a strong relationship with the nature of the water. According to Paperna (1980), the nature and quality of water determines the type of parasite inherent in fish. He observed that, endo and ectoparasites are an outcome of the quality of water. Lafferty (2008) also observed that, parasitic infections often give an indication of the quality of water, since parasites generally increase in abundance and diversity in more polluted water. More recently, Enyidi and Orji (2019) noted that ecto and endo parasites of fish reflect the parasitic communities of culture water therefore causing harm to the fish

In this research, the type of fishes in Ikpa River were identified and classified. Endoparasites and ectoparasites attacking fishes in Ikpa River were also identified. Examination of possible relationship between parasites and body parts of fish was done. Also the effect of anthropogenic activities on the distribution of fish and parasites in Ikpa River were observed.


There has been no survey or record of fish parasites in Ikpa River. Knowledge of fish parasite prevalence in Ikpa River is lacking. There are also dearths of knowledge on the examination of possible relationship between parasites and body parts of fish. The anthropogenic activities in the river can portends conducive environment for proliferation of parasites.



To identify species of fishes in Ikpa River.

To identify endoparasites and ectoparasites of fishes in Ikpa River.

To examine possible relationship between parasites and body parts of fish.

To examine the effect of anthropogenic activities on the distribution of fishes and parasites in Ikpa River


The fish stock of Ikpa River has not previously been analyzed for presence of parasites. Anthropogenic activities are increasing daily on the river and its banks. These can possibly create enabling environment for parasitic infection. Hence, there is need to ascertain the parasitic status of fishes and their prevalence in Ikpa River.

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